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DayLight1555 17-03-2014 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Azurisan
Various cultures have different ideas and representations of heaven.

Christians say it is the clouds, sky and light.

Some say, the galaxies, stars and outer space are.

Some down-to-earth ideas include night club, dungeon, house, tree house, living in the jungle and so on.

Some are specific and worldly, such as world peace, social harmony and utopia.

Eastern religions say we all are part of the One, and therefore it is our duty to look after it, clean it, protect it, preserve it and fulfil it.

Sometimes, I imagine my heaven as an arcane sanctuary, where from the exterior, it is a diminutive house or temple, but as you enter, it is an infinite plane. Sometimes, I prefer ultimate solitude and would like to own my own universe metaphysically entirely different and in parallel with the current one. It could be where everything is computerised.

Sometimes, it is a sacred library. Sometimes, it is no civilisation but fully natural beauty and primitive world.

Sometimes, it is an immortal astronaut living in a space capsule travelling in hyperspace.

Values change and so are perceptions of heaven.

Anyone who reads this, please do share your perceptions, values and ideas of heaven.

Living on a highly advanced cool planet

jordank 03-04-2014 11:50 PM

I think that Heaven is different for everyone.

aduff 04-04-2014 01:00 AM

I agree with many of you as to Heaven being the place that you have imagined it all along. You see your "own type of heaven" what ever will make you happy, you'll get to see there..this will help with the after death transition. No hurt nor pain, noting but happiness..But what ever Heaven we will be walking into will be nothing but perfect, and THAT, i'm certain about!

Clover 04-04-2014 01:12 AM

The first time I ever felt as close to heaven,was at the shores of the Ocean. The waves crashing,and the light of the sun glowing in my face. Talk about perfection....

livingkarma 04-04-2014 02:40 AM

I get your meaning ...
It would be a nice peaceful mountain area w/a cool crisp clean waterfall ...
No fleas or anything that pollenates ...
I don't want my family to suffer from allergies or pets to be bothered w/bugs ... :wink: :laughing11:

Lauriesheri 04-04-2014 02:54 AM

My experience with Heaven
:smile: what is my idea of Heaven?
Well...let me begin by saying that my journey leading up to answering this in my own mind has been the most beautiful, yet the most agonizing one could face.

At 19 years of age...my first born...only son...my pride and joy...wanted to know "what does it mean if you have a lot bruises and you didnt bump yourself"? To make a very long and sad story short...he died 27 days before turning 25.

I was devastated. But throughout this difficult period...I prayed harder than I ever had...and came to know that there is a 'Higher Power'.. A God of Love...that loves a zillion times more than I can.

And he had shown himself in many different ways to me when trying to deal with the most awfullest time of my life.

3 months after our son died...our only grandchild was born.

Just after 2 years of age...he began talking about another lifetime...that he died in our house. Over the last 3 years he has talked about being big before...about telling God he wanted to come back and see Gramma and Grampa...about heaven and what is there...about loving others...so many things too countless to type.

He is the most loving...and wise..and sensitive soul I have ever encountered. I know he knows what Heaven is like...but he has made it clear that he cannot really tell me or talk about it. I just accept what he says because I know he knows more than I do!

My idea of Heaven is a place...or experience that is meant only for our 'good' that is totally Love...that is fearfully awesome...and I dont believe anyone should fear death...other than the physical pain.

My idea of heaven has changed some. Coming from a Christian perspective...it took a while to embrace the knowledge of reincarnation...having to return here instead of fly around with heavenly angels making glorious music...but like Elijah said "you dont have to come back Gramma...you can stay....

I told him Id come back if I could be with him..and he was really happy about that :)

Visitor 26-03-2015 04:14 AM

I imagine it to be the releasing point of uncreated light.
Where creation springs forth of truth, love, and innocence.
Where all is an expression of purity.

Kiran65 01-04-2015 10:30 PM

I had a professor at NYU, where I went to college, who taught the majority of classes I took on Hinduism and Indian studies. I loved his interpretation (although I can't say it is exactly mine).

He said basically God is a big pool, and each time you die, you are like a drop of water, rejoining the pool; when you are reborn, you are drop of water leaving that pool, mostly the same drop, but not quite the same as when you rejoined it, which is why you are a bit different in each life. When you are finally rejoined with God permanently (in Moksha, or Heaven), you are permanently a part of that pool, and one with God.

I see Heaven, or, as I am Hindu, we call it Moksha, as the eternal peace, where you are rejoined with your loved ones, and a happily ever sort of thing. I can't say I picture it as a place, more of a state of being, just peace with the souls of the ones you love.

Native spirit 01-04-2015 11:07 PM

I don't do Heaven As a lot of other people do I believe in the Spirit World we never die we all have Eternal life.i have had three NDE I am a medium and I communicate with spirit, what I saw was a beautiful place full of color. a color you could not hope to replicate,
its full of peace and love.


Spiritrebel 02-04-2015 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
I don't do Heaven As a lot of other people do I believe in the Spirit World we never die we all have Eternal life.i have had three NDE I am a medium and I communicate with spirit, what I saw was a beautiful place full of color. a color you could not hope to replicate,
its full of peace and love.


As a Spiritualist, I believe the Astral Plane is very similar to the Earth Plane except we have astral bodies instead of physical bodies. And whether it's heavenly, hellish, or anywhere in between the two depends partly on our own thoughts, words, and deeds and partly on sheer chance, just as it does "down here".

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