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CSEe 13-02-2014 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by wstein
Is this to say that its impossible to 'practice' Buddhism as everything is already actually living it?

Dear sir , in my current view Buddhism is a natural process of all living or non-living back into original condition of nothingness , so for human it is a natural process that we will learn , discover , realize , accept all our emotions leading to freedom of it .......into emptiness back into nothingness . So to me , if we creates desire or emotion "to practice" something , that will be taking longer journey ...is all our choice ... if you are going to New York from Houston , you can take a direct flight or you could go to Australia , to Rusia , to China , to Malaysia and then to New York ...is all your choice .
So in my current view , if we have desire / creates emotion / have expectation of Buddhism , Buddhism will always be our knowledge and limited to our knowledge ...Buddhism will be always something we know and will be something we wish to know ......that will be human suffering and joy .

In my current view , Buddhism is beyond knowledge , is not something we know or something we seek to know or something we will know ......Buddhism is you realizing your emotions , your existence , the cause of your existence .......Buddhism Perhaps is not "impossible" or "possible" to practice Buddhism , the closer words perhaps is being awake ...

The Buddhist 'religion' as found in USA does not present this individual process at least to beginners for several years. Every talk I have been to, each temple I have visited, books I have read, videos I have watched, discussion with practicing Buddhists have all been about the 'lists' and meditation. While the meditations are obviously personal, the process and format for them is from formula. I will note another thread about yoga where people are arguing that without the physical positions, one can not practice yoga. While yoga is not Buddhism, it illustrates the mentality I have encountered and associate with Buddhists.

Follow up question: If its all just a personal process, what role does 'Buddhism' play?

In my current view , Buddhism is never , is not and will never be any form of religion . Buddhism is never here for a purpose or created by a purpose ...Buddhism to me is the only "happening" .....what we see , what we cannot see , what is all there is , is all in Buddhism . All human , dirt , viruses , pen etc is all in own process leading into one universal "destination" of nothingness ......that is Buddhism , not by choice ..is natural ....so all happening , all existence , anything or everything , all action / re-action / intention etc is all part of this process ...nothing escape , nothing is outside Buddhism ......

In my current view ,what we learned from books , from talk as what you descriped is just information ...this is a tiny little part of the process .......talks even from from Dalai Lama or Siddharta himself ,to me is same as the action of Osama , same as the dead leaf outside your window , same as the pen on the table ...is all a great source for own learning process.....and learning is a tiny part of the process of Buddhism......In my current view , in Buddhism there is no right or wrong , no true or false , no good or bad as all is a great source for learning to discover own self ...........Buddhism is all about being awake to aware , aware to realize , realize to accept ,accept to further aware leading to self realization towards freedom from own emotions ..........so what ever we learned is just a knowledge ..and knowledge is just a tiny little part of Buddhism ......Buddhism is much-much more than the words from Siddharta ..............

Perhaps your desire to "learn" Buddhism is your suffering ....and joy .......Buddhism is natural process that you will realize your emotion , not creates more emotion by having desire ...

Dear sir , just for your information , I was banned in more than 7 Buddhism website for my view ....

wstein 13-02-2014 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by CSEe
In my current view , Buddhism is never , is not and will never be any form of religion .
Dear sir , just for your information , I was banned in more than 7 Buddhism website for my view ....

According to wikipedia, Buddhism is “nontheistic religion” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism). Though not totally authoritative, it tends to represent the popular view. In my experience, this is pretty much what I think most Buddhists would say. As such, I can see why they kicked you out.

I humbly submit that you are no longer Buddhist. You have gone beyond the practice and have reached direct experience which no longer needs be filtered by any philosophy, form, religion, or practice. In my view, this is what Siddhartha himself reached and what Buddhism tries to help people towards. At some point in development one no longer needs the technique, they have embodied the principles and can just be/act. I see no point in further antagonizing Buddhists or Buddhism. It’s not benefitting them or you. Let it go. After all Siddhartha was not Buddhist when he reached enlightenment. Time to follow your own path.

I find there is still value in interacting with other also on their own path. It stimulates one’s internal process and helps see things from alternate perspectives.


Originally Posted by CSEe
Perhaps your desire to "learn" Buddhism is your suffering ....and joy .......Buddhism is natural process that you will realize your emotion , not creates more emotion by having desire ...

At one time I looked into many philosophies, religions, spiritual practices, the supernatural, etc. Mostly I was looking for things I may have missed in my own isolated development not to join any of them per se. This was not out of ‘desire’ to learn Buddhism. I long ago understood how attachment leads to suffering. I am not an emotional person and have dealt with ego and mind chatter. As such I think I speak from a reasonably clear view of my own motivations.

CSEe 13-02-2014 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by wstein
According to wikipedia, Buddhism is “nontheistic religion” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism). Though not totally authoritative, it tends to represent the popular view. In my experience, this is pretty much what I think most Buddhists would say. As such, I can see why they kicked you out.

Human always have choices and if one wishes to be what he want to be , stay on as what he is ..that is what he will be and I learned . Is never who is right or wrong , is just choices that we choose and regardless what is the choices , it is a great learning source for all........

I humbly submit that you are no longer Buddhist. You have gone beyond the practice and have reached direct experience which no longer needs be filtered by any philosophy, form, religion, or practice. In my view, this is what Siddhartha himself reached and what Buddhism tries to help people towards. At some point in development one no longer needs the technique, they have embodied the principles and can just be/act. I see no point in further antagonizing Buddhists or Buddhism. It’s not benefitting them or you. Let it go. After all Siddhartha was not Buddhist when he reached enlightenment. Time to follow your own path.

I find there is still value in interacting with other also on their own path. It stimulates one’s internal process and helps see things from alternate perspectives.

At one time I looked into many philosophies, religions, spiritual practices, the supernatural, etc. Mostly I was looking for things I may have missed in my own isolated development not to join any of them per se. This was not out of ‘desire’ to learn Buddhism. I long ago understood how attachment leads to suffering. I am not an emotional person and have dealt with ego and mind chatter. As such I think I speak from a reasonably clear view of my own motivations.

In my current view , Buddhism is not about faith , beliefs but is realization of the emotions leading to creation of such emotions ........and in this regards I no longer have any faith or beliefs on anything including my own views ....Buddhism is a process that constantly progressing and if one try to stop it or change it or even deny it ...that is suffering or even joy .
Awaken to this process , I realized that I am same and equal to all living or non-living , same and equal with rubbish outside your house or the dead leaf in the garden ..........as all are " Buddhist" in own journey into emptiness ........" Letting it go" in my current view of Buddhism is not resulted from a emotion of desire or expectation but it will be the condition as a reflection of realization ........ so I do not have wish to "let go" or "hold on".....but progress without creating any expectation .........not to imagine for the future or hold on to the past as in Buddhism as what I currently understand ...there is no past or future is only now...

BlueSky 14-02-2014 12:10 AM

You have a belief that Buddhism is a journey back to nothingness. That doesn't count as a belief?

CSEe 14-02-2014 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Capacity
You have a belief that Buddhism is a journey back to nothingness. That doesn't count as a belief?

That was never , is not a beliefs or faith just my current view ..........to me currently Buddhism is a process that constantly moving.............is always subject to change that is why I have desire to debate .............

BlueSky 14-02-2014 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by CSEe
That was never , is not a beliefs or faith just my current view ..........to me currently Buddhism is a process that constantly moving.............is always subject to change that is why I have desire to debate .............

How is it not a belief?

running 14-02-2014 02:18 AM

Your idea or the Buddhist idea of being emotionless is a religion in itself. From reading your posts what you have done in my opinion is create a religion out of it. Never met a master whom had no emotions.

On your defense being full of bliss makes emotions come and go like the wind. The real thing based on what I have seen is things don't stick. Trying or thinking being spiritual is not having emotions i would suspect would create conflict from denial.

Living care free is an easy way for emotions to not stick. Not taking things to seriously. Not being overly attached to things. And so on.

The bottom line is in the awakening of ones kundalini. Things happen naturally and unique to the individual from my experience. Emotions can poor through or not and you can't stuffer like you did before. Its impossible. And isn't that the whole point. To be happy! To not be chained down by suffering.

If one is happy one is not suffering. Everything about it being this way or that is a religion. It has to be because its based on an ideology. Again the whole point in it all is what? To be free from suffering. To be happy. Its quite an ego to think that it is based on any ideology. Buddhism is an egoic trap if the ideas of how it is to be are as important or more important than what the goal was initially meant to be. To be happy! To not be held down by suffering

CSEe 14-02-2014 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Capacity
How is it not a belief?

Perhaps is impossible to put it in words .......Buddhism just cant be taught or explain , is not like knowledge.......

Is my condition of realization , it is not my desire to avoid having belief or want to have belief ....... the feeling , the emotion that with me now nothing is in store .........as my realization now is that Buddhism is a process that emotion will be reduced , so if I created emotion for believe or for not to believe , that will cause my emotion increases ...that is taking longer journey ......

In my current view , Buddhism is not like knowledge or human culture , in human culture , we learn to GAIN knowledge and keep that knowledge and even having faith on that knowledge....knowledge will becoming " who" we are ..and we live in that knowledge and becoming the knowledge itself ..........as we progress into this culture , we will confused ourselves of our own knowledge ...we will always in circle of confusion ...just like washing clots with muddy water ...it will never be clean .

In Buddhism , we learn / discover / realize leading to " forget" , free of emotion not to increase more emotion .......so the more we progress , the less our emotion will be as we had progressed ......leading to freedom of emotions .......
So is perhaps opposite concept of human culture.................but still regardless what we do , still is all part of our journey into emptiness , that my current view of Buddhism.

BlueSky 14-02-2014 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by CSEe
Perhaps is impossible to put it in words .......Buddhism just cant be taught or explain , is not like knowledge.......

Is my condition of realization , it is not my desire to avoid having belief or want to have belief ....... the feeling , the emotion that with me now nothing is in store .........as my realization now is that Buddhism is a process that emotion will be reduced , so if I created emotion for believe or for not to believe , that will cause my emotion increases ...that is taking longer journey ......

In my current view , Buddhism is not like knowledge or human culture , in human culture , we learn to GAIN knowledge and keep that knowledge and even having faith on that knowledge....knowledge will becoming " who" we are ..and we live in that knowledge and becoming the knowledge itself ..........as we progress into this culture , we will confused ourselves of our own knowledge ...we will always in circle of confusion ...just like washing clots with muddy water ...it will never be clean .

In Buddhism , we learn / discover / realize leading to " forget" , free of emotion not to increase more emotion .......so the more we progress , the less our emotion will be as we had progressed ......leading to freedom of emotions .......
So is perhaps opposite concept of human culture.................but still regardless what we do , still is all part of our journey into emptiness , that my current view of Buddhism.

That you can be emotionless or return to nothingness is your current view of what you believe. The condition you are in is to believe in this...so you can only learn or hear what you want to hear based on your condition. Basically you are closed minded and this is why debating has failed over and over for you.

wstein 14-02-2014 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by CSEe
That was never , is not a beliefs or faith just my current view ..........to me currently Buddhism is a process that constantly moving.............is always subject to change that is why I have desire to debate .............

Perhaps you should clarify what you mean by debate. So far your answers seem to all boil down to 'it is a process to nothingness'. While that may be true, it's just a moving target which leaves little room for debate. There is not much to debate about your assertion that Buddhism is a process, and there is even less can be said about nothingness. So unless you say something specific about the process itself what is there to debate?

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