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Juanita 15-01-2012 10:49 PM

I know your pain my dear.....I have lost my husband, daughter and Mother is a realatively short space of years and am amazed that I am still on this earth is a reasonable facsimile of a person......a new person, a different person to be sure, but still here....I consider myself as a survivor, but I also firmly believe that my loved ones remain close to me always, helping, guiding and doing their very best to comfort me....I receive many ADCs (after-death-
communications) from them.....They are not gone, they have just transitioned to a higher spiritual dimension and still love us just as much, if not more than they always have and we will be reunited with them one day....

Xan 15-01-2012 11:00 PM

How do you 'move on'? By being more and more present with yourself, little by little. Accepting whatever you feel right now... then accepting more deeply... then accepting and letting go more yet.

Conscious belly breathing with it all helps a lot.


mphysics9_81 16-01-2012 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by plymgal
my son died 10 years ago very suddenly , and i am still stuck the world has moved on10 years and im still there stuck in the past if i allow my self to stop and think of him i can get overwhelmed and panicky, so i try not to ,i wish i could enjoy my life more, i never sit in silence i have to have tv radio or computer on from morning to night i find the quiet uncomfortable i dont know why .

I am so sorry to hear about your loss..I can understand how it must be feeling- since it happened so suddenly..

declan 16-01-2012 08:25 AM

Hello Plymgal.

If you do not move on the grief will be with you until the day you die and will be with you in your afterlife and also in your rebirth.Death is apart of life.We will all die, everyone we love will die.Come to terms with your sons death , Love him and let him go.Death is also a beginning.Whatever happened to your son it happened because it had to, there is not guilt no blame, events unfolded and he died.You are still alive, but you have to come to terms with fact that your son is never coming back it cannot be changed.I wish you peace of mind. I can hardly imagine a worse fate. yours declan

Blondie 17-01-2012 01:07 PM

A wife who loses a husband is called a widow. A husband who loses a wife is called a widower. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. But...there is no word for a parent who loses a child, that's how awful the loss is! - Neugeboren 1976, 154

My teenage daughter has a terminal illness and I will lose her one day.I can only imagine what you have gone through at present.I will walk your shoes one day and it does scare me when I read how parents never move one with their lives,you are not the first I have read of.I hope you find some comfort on here and I think counselling maybe a good idea for you.Good luck hun xx

PanBaccha 17-01-2012 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by plymgal
my son died 10 years ago very suddenly , and i am still stuck the world has moved on10 years and im still there stuck in the past if i allow my self to stop and think of him i can get overwhelmed and panicky, so i try not to ,i wish i could enjoy my life more, i never sit in silence i have to have tv radio or computer on from morning to night i find the quiet uncomfortable i dont know why .

I know your predicament only too well. I had lost a four-year old son ~the apple of my eye; years later, I had lost another son at the age of 17, a true genius who baffled everyone;
and lastly, lost my older son who looks like Tom Cruise to a motorcycle accident. So, I know your pain, the lost, the indescribable emptiness, that deep depression draping the soul.
But at the same time I was visited by each, with each telling me how wonderful the world is and how beautiful the energies and people are. And how important it is for me to know that.
It is a balm, a healing effect of the greatest sort, and with that I had to pick myself up and continue my life, because I know it would be a matter of time before we'll be together again.

Occultist 18-01-2012 03:58 AM

I will light a white candle for him. If you want a reading I will do that also.
I do feel peace.. "Blessed be and Merry Meet"

breath 18-01-2012 03:49 PM

I don't want to preach all my crazy stuff so I just want you to trust me when I say nothing is gone - at all, just the way in which he communicated with you. The essense and being remain, in a state of what we could only describe as bliss and perfection - and you'll be there too. Whatever there is after death, you know you're going to the same place. So for now live life in his memory, look at how beautiful life actually is, it's just a short experience we get - a few fractions of all the time in existence. You'll be spending most of that in a realm of non-detatchment with him.

So smile at life, because death is what makes life so valuable. We only get it for a moment - and your son would hate to think that what he had to do is making you live in a unhappy and unhealthy way.

Tribute him with your smile, forgive yourself with rest. Just enjoy the next few minutes with him in mind and lets make it positive.

Memories are going to hurt you, until you learn that memories are him, his effect in you and you get to keep it until you become one again.

I know it's impossible, but try and practice and you can master your feelings.

Some ideas that might help you: join a forum for people who've lost children, connect and meet with other parents because communities based around tragedy are extremely supportive and valuable. There will be someone who'll be going through the same as you and be able to relate.

Take it as an affirmation, life is precious. It ends whenever and so fill it with smiles, freedom, clarity - my advice is buddhist meditation on the heart sutra and talking to others in similar situations.

Emmalevine 18-01-2012 07:52 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine anything worse than losing a precious baby, no matter what age. My heart goes out to you.

Teal 19-01-2012 04:37 PM

Sorry for your loss. Alow yourself to grieve. You will see the way.

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