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Medium_Laura 22-06-2011 02:39 AM

I don't care how popular you are $700.00 for a 30 minute phone reading is insane. She needs to recheck her ego. I realize though with that popularity, she charges so astronomically for a reason. It keeps would be "testers" from calling up and it also brings to her those who obviously believe in her abilities as a medium.

I don't agree with it, but I can see her point. Can you imagine her client list if she charged $50.00 for 30 minutes? She'd not have a life at all.

LightFilledHeart 22-06-2011 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
I don't care how popular you are $700.00 for a 30 minute phone reading is insane. She needs to recheck her ego. I realize though with that popularity, she charges so astronomically for a reason. It keeps would be "testers" from calling up and it also brings to her those who obviously believe in her abilities as a medium.

I don't agree with it, but I can see her point. Can you imagine her client list if she charged $50.00 for 30 minutes? She'd not have a life at all.

Her fee was higher than $700 last time I checked, and her readings are more like fifteen to twenty minutes, not thirty!

I don't care how famous she is, if she were in true service she would charge a fair fee and keep a waiting list. It's absurd to say she'd "have no life"... she has someone who books appointments for her, and she can control how many readings she performs in a given week. No one said she has to charge $50, but for the length and quality of the readings she dispenses, she should be charging no more than $150. Personally I wouldn't give her fifty cents...!!

ivy71983 22-06-2011 02:59 AM

When one lets their ego take over the gifts they arte given are slowly taken away. Ive never trusted to "popular" psychics or mediums because why do you need to be famous or charge ridiculous prices to share your gifts with the world? And to be honest i dont believe any psychic is always right. It would just be too perfect dont you think? It is why i avoid those who say they are 99% accurate - there is always a margin of error (more than 1% lol)

Medium_Laura 22-06-2011 12:36 PM

Oh I do agree, but I was giving her the benefit of doubt Light! :) I'm in noooo way defending her! ;)

Yes Ivy, I too agree with that. No one is 100%, heck no one is 90%! and how do you put a % on a reading?? that's daft!

Her books however are written very well and I've read a few. Sad to see she got sucked into the fame and fortune end of it.

victoria 22-06-2011 01:27 PM

i completely agree with most of the comments regarding sylvia...

however, i wondered in particular about her book "mystical life of jesus"

it seems to me that id found the answer when i read this book. how jesus wasn't killed on the cross and it was all a conspiracy....i do love a guid conspiracy theory :D

having read most of brownes books, and they are lovely...marble staircases and council meetings....all very nice, whether true is a matter of opinion or faith. i find it hard to lay all my faith on a book that one woman has written but she does have some nice ideas.

i believe that there are other books which agree or complement her belief about jesus. i never did buy the whole "jesus was resurrected" theory.

it is more likely that jesus was married to mary magdalene, that he didn't die on the cross and lived to a grand old age in france....

Tricia 22-06-2011 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by nightowl
I have seen this happen with many spiritual teachers. They receive an insight, they share it, they build a reputation on it, they merchandise it, than prostitute it for personal gain and than lose their abilities. I believe there is a lesson in there somewhere...


Well said Nightowl, my thoughts exactly. Some start out with all good intentions, however greed sets in and what should have been on a spiritual wave length, gets pushed aside. There are no end of people like SB, as I said, many start out well, but the material takes over and it's all about fame and money. Gradually any genuine abilities these people had are taken away from them and in my mind they don't deserve them.

LightFilledHeart 22-06-2011 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
Oh I do agree, but I was giving her the benefit of doubt Light! :) I'm in noooo way defending her! ;)

Yes Ivy, I too agree with that. No one is 100%, heck no one is 90%! and how do you put a % on a reading?? that's daft!

Her books however are written very well and I've read a few. Sad to see she got sucked into the fame and fortune end of it.

Hi Laura!

Her books are indeed well-written and presented in a very commercial and appealing format, but as I said in my original post about her, there is nothing original or new in any of them. Everything she presents has been presented by someone (or MANY someones!) else, and is simply re-packaged. I have yet to find a single original thought presented by her. Now granted, much of what we accept as spiriutal knowledge IS ancient and eternal and the expression there is nothing new under the sun is a somewhat of a trueism on that score! But Sylvia packages this stuff up and presents it as her own, and that's just not true. Her followers hang on every word and she rakes in beaucoup bucks each year in book sales.

I agree with you that it's sad when someone becomes over-taken by ego to the detriment of their gifts in spirit. I don't think it happens to all those who achieve celebrity status, but it definitely is a challenge. That's why they say the two greatest lessons of the soul are abject poverty and great wealth, with great wealth being the more difficult of the two...!

And I think too that people in those positions serve the rest of us by showing us what NOT to be and teaching us how to not be fooled by packaging but rather to use our God-given discernment to determine what is real and true and what is hype.

Just my thoughts on the matter! :smile:

iolite 22-06-2011 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by LightFilledHeart
Her fee was higher than $700 last time I checked, and her readings are more like fifteen to twenty minutes, not thirty!

I don't care how famous she is, if she were in true service she would charge a fair fee and keep a waiting list. It's absurd to say she'd "have no life"... she has someone who books appointments for her, and she can control how many readings she performs in a given week. No one said she has to charge $50, but for the length and quality of the readings she dispenses, she should be charging no more than $150. Personally I wouldn't give her fifty cents...!!


You have voiced my feelings quite succinctly!! :wink:

Spiritlite 23-06-2011 02:19 AM

LFH yeah I've read all her books and everytime I'm thinking as I'm reading her book "wait someone else has said this" I think she is very good at just taking things she has researched from other very gifted psychis/intuitives and twisted it to her own way. By the way didn't she just have a heart attack? Does anyone know how she is doing? Even though I don't like what she does, I still don't wish that on anyone.

Miss Hepburn 23-06-2011 02:27 AM

PS Her best book is "The Other Side and Back", wow ---purple with gold on the cover.
I mean, imo.

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