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AncestralEchoes 21-04-2023 02:11 PM

Thanks for the "Good on ya's", I’m just grateful that an awareness of Spirit has been there through the worst of the trauma and recovery. There is always a sense that no matter how dark it gets, a light will shine through to lead me out. It sounds as if thecatsmeow has walked a similar path, as the description of leaving the body and things being revealed in layers resonates.


Originally Posted by thecatsmeow
As a soul I removed myself from my body.
I am not my body. I possess a body in order to experience physicality.
Everything that I’ve experienced happens in layers.

On another thread there was a discussion of possessing a body in order to experience physicality and a reference to a video interview with Christian Sundberg (author of "A Walk in the Physical: Understanding the Human Experience Within the Larger Spiritual Context"), who describes pre-birth experiences leading up to incarnation in a fascinating and detailed way. He talks about being inspired to enter the physical realm because of the essence of another being he met. That soul attributed the development of intense joy and power to having brought a specific intention to an incarnation that included a lot of suffering.

So maybe it’s the intention we bring to this life, even when we haven’t peeled the layer on that awareness yet, that determines how trauma unfolds and is transmuted? It’s a little hard to accept that I “chose” a life filled with this much pain, but on the other side of that pain there is a quality of experience I don’t believe I would be having otherwise. Perhaps I chose or agreed to this physical life as a path to something much greater. I keep saying to myself “don’t stop now, you don’t want to carry this into the next life.” I don’t exactly know what that means, but given the range of negative experiences and emotions that have been piled on and shed throughout this lifetime, I have to wonder if, for me, the experience of physicality has been to learn how to raise vibration even when plunged into a very dark place.

thecatsmeow 21-04-2023 07:58 PM

Yes, thanks for the "Good on ya's".
Thankyou Ancestral for the reference to Christian Sundberg.
He's a fascinating character and I've just enjoyed watching him on this video.

He's generous too. There's a free copy of his book here...

I'm in a very dark place ATM so am not inclined to say very much

because of medication that sap's my alertness and intellectual ability.
I appreciate all that you're saying though.

AncestralEchoes 25-04-2023 02:13 PM

I am certainly no stranger to dark places. Hang in there TCM - thanks again for the topic. It stirred some excellent recognitions for me!

thecatsmeow 25-04-2023 10:57 PM

Brilliant! I've just found an organisation that may be able to help me.

For anybody else in this position, check out this link. :smile:


AncestralEchoes 27-04-2023 01:35 PM

Exciting to see an organization that "gets" the sometimes unmanageable aspects of spiritual awakening, particularly when there is a psychological component. Having worked with psychology and shamanism to navigate my own, sometimes terrifying, journey I know that a hybrid approach is the only way to get through it. Practitioners of both modalities have their blindspots and it often takes a more integrated approach to break through.

entenmanns 27-04-2023 02:42 PM

I am not downplaying any of this but if it was trauma alone than most of the population would be physic because of wars,disasters of every kind.

entenmanns 27-04-2023 02:49 PM

i am a true believer but there is something else that sparks this ability, So this is a story i can watch over and over because with all my heart and soul i believe this story.

entenmanns 27-04-2023 02:52 PM

And if you don't Listen to Jeffrey Mishlove of New Thinking Allowed who has had his show forever than you are truly missing out!

AncestralEchoes 28-04-2023 02:40 PM

No doubt there are as many paths to the awakening of psychic abilities as there are variations of the human experience! I think "trauma" is the latest way to describe significantly impactful events in life that can create ongoing ripples. The operative word is “can.” Not everyone that goes through abuse or violence has ongoing effects. What causes some people to view the ripple effect as a spiritual awakening and some to view it as a mental aberration (or to simply deny it) is what I find most interesting. Gabor Mate describes trauma not as the thing that happens to people, but as what their internal mechanisms do with it. My sense is that is where development, intention, ego, and beliefs come into play. No one wants to think of suffering as a possible pathway to remembering who we are, but there are tons of examples of how that can sometimes be the case.

Entenmanns - really fascinating how the woman in the interview you linked associates leaving her body during traumatic experience as "rehearsing" for an NDE. I had never thought about it quite that way, but in retrospect, my own experiences were probably preparing me for what was and is to come. The woman’s description of the struggle to manage the precognition nightmares as a sense of “not doing what she was supposed to do,” and of fumbling around trying to find a way to work with the heightened perceptions hit home with me. It also struck me that in many of these types of stories, a willingness to endure pain to come into or return to human existence is expressed. This woman describes being warned it would be “bone-crushing” to return, but she chose to do it anyway. Christian Sundberg also touches on the role of discomfort, pain, and suffering in the awakening process, as well as the ways in which fear kept him from completing an incarnation he initially chose.

If one believes we choose physical life as a tool of spiritual development (or to come back to aid others in their development), are the struggles inherent in these stories just illustrations of a kind of spiritual training we have willingly subjected ourselves to? Unlike the individuals in these stories, I don’t have an awareness of prebirth or near-death choices, but I do know the most difficult experiences in this life have poked holes in tightly held notions and revealed layers of knowledge and existence that go beyond consensus reality. Don’t most spiritual traditions have similar stories of tribulation and awakening to truths beyond self? Is that a human rationalization to try and explain the unexplainable and overcome tragedy or difficulty? Or is the physical experience closer to what these stories reveal? Dunno, I'm just following the breadcrumbs at this point of my journey. Sorry for rambling!

entenmanns 28-04-2023 04:07 PM

Gabor Mate is an amazing man to listen to i watch older lectures at SANDS conferance's but what really tore me up was his interview with Russel brand on palestein. And your not rambling Ancestral i agree with you totally adding that its not important to know the answer to everything but agree that there are forces at work here and some things we can only speculate on. I will say this its so sad that we are still living in a sort of Dark Ages where the scientist we follow are treated like Galileo or heretics!

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