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tealily 20-10-2017 10:50 AM

Queen of Pentacles reversed

GIFT: Ehh, well I guess the gift of seeing this card reversed is an indication that some 'me' time is due. Bubble baths, often walks in nature etc. It's a great card that says "it's time to love yourself a bit more". On the flip side, I guess this card could also indicate when someone is in HARDCORE love-myself mode. I've arguably been in this mode all day, refusing to even leave my house, ordering UberEats and reading from underneath my quilts haha.

CHALLENGE: Reversed, this Queen usually has low self-esteem from pushing herself too hard, or neglecting her self-care. This can manifest as depression, anxiety...potentially some impulse purchasing but more likely scrimping hard, potentially as a perceived punishment for wrongdoing. She may also have a tendency to overwork or have "blinker vision" (in any area of her life).

55Degrees 20-10-2017 11:08 AM

Page of Swords

GIFT - their observation skills make them excellent problem solvers. They take time to look around and make decisions based on priority. They are flexible due to ;
1) having observed a situation and getting a 'feel' for what is going on.
2) being creative in their approach

CHALLENGE - they can be insensitive to the needs of others (as opposed to the king who is calculating in his harsh words). They can be very stubborn once they have their mind made up and they can be a tad reckless as they can be impatient.

tealily 20-10-2017 11:18 AM

Page of Wands reversed

GIFT: These people have lots of energy! It can also indicate "keeping it in reserve" - the page here is kind of like a pre-packed Girl Scout, but actually hiking off just yet.

CHALLENGE: Oh my gosh, I've had several of these in the workplace setting. These are big "talk the talk" but not "walk the walk" type people - they talk big (and can have big mouths/loud voices!) but rarely actually get things done.

Clover 20-10-2017 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Haha yep, my first husband was a Libra. At his best we had fantastic debates (ahem....arguments) and discussions about all sorts. He could hold a room with his conversation, and had a rapid fire wit. He was a petro-chemical engineer and was great for finding working solutions to almost any problem (analytical and logical Air traits).

When his shadow side came out tho, boy oh boy, could he use your own words against you. I've seen him callously annhilate someone's character, simply because they got caught out on a lie, not a huge one, they just exaggerated some aspect of themself. His favourite 'threat' was "If I find out you're lying.......".

Wow, amazing the similarities LOL. I totally miscalculated the King of Swords. This king looks so quite and cold on the deck. I was thinking my ex was anything but reserved, however, yes, when he was upset the language was erratic and intended to dice and chop you up. No need to get physical when you got a sharp tongue. Lucky, we get along now, and are better 'friends'.... that is of course, separated, different households and out of town :laugh:

I still dig intellectuals though, I get charmed easy by the smarts but playing it safe for the journey ahead.

Clover 20-10-2017 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
King of Cups
GIFT: I'm blessed to have several of these in my life as old work colleagues, work contacts etc. As men, they are gifted with high EQ and usually make excellent bosses. They're usually very kind to animals, get on well with female work colleagues, and make the very best of husbands and fathers. They're usually great cooks and the first to offer other people a taste of their recent dish, or ask them around for dinner/lunch etc (actually, they really enjoy food in general - the best meetings are ones done over lunch!).

CHALLENGE: The challenges... is there a challenge?! (I'm very partial to King of Cups, as you can see) They're prone to putting on weight (because of all the food love) and are likely to struggle to get calendar-body ready. Sometimes they may not be as decisive as the other Kings because they're processing their feelings and also spending a second to think about what other people are going through.

This is my dad! In fact, he made a big pot of soup last night while drinking his beer and hearing music. Such a lush he was last night :laugh: But he is a super kind man, very loving and sociable person.

I did a reading for him last week, he got 3 of cups, King of Cups and the Moon. :D

Challenges I would say over indulging. Too much of a good thing. Eating, drinking, whatever...

angelic star 20-10-2017 12:54 PM

Knight of swords

I hardly ever work with this card, but here I picked it right away.

Gift. Reminds me of the aggressive masculine, that is practical, of element air, takes inventory and helps get the job done. It goes after what it wants. Refined in intellect and reason. Here the sword might mean his intentions, clearly able to pierce the veil. An expert.
Remind me of the poem Lochinvar by Sir Walter Scott.

"O young Lochinvar is come out of the west,
Through all the wide Border his steed was the best;
And save his good broadsword he weapons had none,
He rode all unarm'd, and he rode all alone.
So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar "

Challenges. Sensible, unlike the cups that it isn't emotional, it does not feel overwhelm. It's too much for an expert for that. No nonsense, sensibility. Clear projection and clear intention. It can have the fire and aggression but not without reason. However to me this could mean too much of intellect and reason, like too much action happening . I think it's more like action out of habit or inherent nature, whose intensity is in it's action. Someone who fights for a cause, with detachment. The cause unlike the poem Lochinvar does not always hold a romantic connotation or attachment/ passion to relationships always.
Despite any action it takes good or bad, it remains neutral to what it does. It just does what needs to be done, regardless of consequences.

https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.q...& w=300&h=300

55Degrees 12-11-2017 01:06 PM

Knight of Pentacles

GIFT - Steadfast and loyal, this is the guy who you can depend on to do your bidding. He's methodical and likes to plan out his next move but is discerning in what he will tackle. If it seems foolhardy, count him out.
Career wise he's the quiet ambitious dude who plods on and believes reward comes from hard work. He doesn't partake in office politics or high jinks, he is there to do a job and do it he will.
Financially he considers how to make his money work for him, he invests, he saves up, he looks for the biggest bang for his buck.
In love, he's often friend zoned, he's not the type to romance you or wine and dine you (unless you split the bill). But underneath his office suit he has a physique you don't expect, he looks after himself (no excesses in his life). He's a surprising physical guy and has a hidden sensual side that belies his quiet demeanour.

CHALLENGES - Yawn!!!!! He can be sooooo boring. He needs a stick of dynamite just to blow his nose. He hesitates, dillies and dallies, dithers about and ends up doing nothing. He never gets the joke, always pulling apart the story
Financially he can be very tight with his money, terrified of spending a penny he doesn't need to.
Love, he doesn't do public displays of affection and rarely does private ones either. His belief is that he's with you isn't he? he doesn't need to but you flowers, hold your hand or kiss you goodnight to show he loves you.
On the other hand, he is driven by physical pleasure and can't keep it in his pants, because its a physical urge and ' it's only sex, she didn't mean anything'.

moonincancer 12-11-2017 04:39 PM

I love love this thread. Thanks to all of you this is a learning experience particularly because I find pages very difficult to read. Also, Knights.
Pisces Moon you are so right about Knight of pentacles. They are very sensual indeed, dream guy in that aspect:)

moonincancer 12-11-2017 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
I enjoy the company of King of Swords type (but I'm oooooooooold and argumentative :D).

GIFT - He's intelligent and articulate, he knows exactly how to verbalise his ideas. He can make the impossible sound possible. He's the guy who balances your cheque book, makes sure the car insurance is re-newed. He's definitely 'the man of the house'.
He's also the least likely to have an affair, he has a life plan and for that, he needs focus. Distractions are not welcomed.
He's the guy who brings work home with him for fun :icon_eek:. He is well read and has little time for deliberate stupidity. He dislikes shallow people, 'yes men' and people who cannot debate or express an opinion. He's firm but fair he will tell you what he's thinking, he's honest, has integrity and a strong moral code.

CHALLENGE - This guy can be ruthless in love and business. He will shut you down if he doesn't like what he's hearing. He can be cold, calculating and cruel in a verbal sense. He speaks before thinking. He spends so much time working on his ideas, those close to him can cease to exist.
He can be pedantic, argumentative and testy. He makes fun of those less 'successful' than him. He scoffs at those who can't express themselves or who seem less intelligent than him, yet he hates to be upstaged by someone who is better informed than he is. He believes if he can do/understands something then everybody should be able to and is impatient with those who find it difficult.

I used to know someone who was just like this. and always this card would come up for them. They broke my heart but then I used to get Queen cups for myself those days:) :)

moonincancer 12-11-2017 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
I like the things that come up!

King of Pentacles:

GIFT: Kind and warm, generous. Willing to share, but he's down to earth enough to not give away/spend more than he can afford. There won't be shortage though, because he has plenty to give.

CHALLENGE: being indolent. Someone who can't be bothered to make much an effort anymore. I sense a selfish streak in this --> "I got my things sussed, I'm content, and whatever it is you need, your problem, not mine."

Agree with your reading. Would like to add to challenge aspect. Too controlling, opinionated, over protective, bossy but then also usually right due to his experience. Caring but constricting. Not as sexually potent as one would expect him to be, unlike the Knight pentacles. More a provider.

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