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Lolly 13-10-2017 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by blackraven
Crows and ravens are messenger birds (symbolically) and often when they make their appearance in ones life, in my experience anyway, it's to communicate that one is about to go through a transition of some type. That transition could be a spiritual discovery or awakening. When the raven(s) made their appearance repeatedly in my life, I went through some major life changes. I see them kind of like the Tarot 'Death' card, which really isn't about a physical death, but a life path death and the upcoming rebirth of a new self on a different path.

I'm going through some changes, one or two could end up major life changes so that would make sense :smile:

Lolly 13-10-2017 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dude
I see a lot of crows, I didn’t pay them much attention until one day one was kind of circling me and being rather chatty when I was waiting for a bus, now I spot them everywhere and I very much see them as positive! They do give the beady eye a lot but I think they are just inquisitive... I’m sure if they could give you a smile and a wink they would :)

I didn't see any yesterday and I have to say I felt a little disappointed, I seem to have become instantly fascinated with them. I've seen 3 again today, 2 of which followed me quite blatantly which made me smile. I seem to see them in roughly the same place every time so I guess they're nesting nearby. They're stunning birds.

Astro 13-10-2017 09:00 PM

If you feel that the crow is trying to convey a message to you then go with that because the spirit world can speak to us through animals if needed.
They do seem to have sparked a great interest in you, which I would say is a good indication that they want your attention.

I agree that crows & ravens are carriers of messages or a sign of transformation.

Lolly 14-10-2017 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Astro
If you feel that the crow is trying to convey a message to you then go with that because the spirit world can speak to us through animals if needed.
They do seem to have sparked a great interest in you, which I would say is a good indication that they want your attention.

I agree that crows & ravens are carriers of messages or a sign of transformation.

Thanks Astro, at first I thought it may have been about conveying a message but I'm now wondering if its possibly just that they're nesting there at the moment and I have to walk past to get to where I'm going. I've read how intelligent they are and that they recognise faces very well so it may just be that they've followed me so far up and down the road (it's a long road though) more because I pay attention to them too! If it's a message hopefully it'll become apparent so I'll wait to see, there's no rush, I'm really enjoying them.

Berry 15-10-2017 11:22 AM

If you pay attention, like them, they can sense that and will stick around.

My mom believes them to be messengers. She said that for her, when they caw 3 times, it's conveying terrible news. I can't remember cawing how many times for good news. It's just for her because no one else in the family felt the same way. I'm thinking crows may be her totem animal.

There were crows in our yard. They love to hunt the smaller birds. It's not a pretty sight and no different from how our cats hunt. There was a robin nestling by our house and a pair of crows got them. One also devoured a rather chatty male robin.

Lolly 15-10-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Berry
If you pay attention, like them, they can sense that and will stick around.

My mom believes them to be messengers. She said that for her, when they caw 3 times, it's conveying terrible news. I can't remember cawing how many times for good news. It's just for her because no one else in the family felt the same way. I'm thinking crows may be her totem animal.

There were crows in our yard. They love to hunt the smaller birds. It's not a pretty sight and no different from how our cats hunt. There was a robin nestling by our house and a pair of crows got them. One also devoured a rather chatty male robin.

Oh wow, I didn't know they hunted other birds, I thought they just ate dead things as well as dead birds :icon_eek:

I think it must be a message, I've just seen 2 of them outside the front of my house in someone else's garden. I stood at the window for a moment (only saw them because I was opening the window) and they both flew up towards me and over my house. I've never seen any round my street or home area before so I've taken notice since I feel that's what they want. No sound from either of them initially but whilst I've been sat on my computer in the last 30 mins only 1 caw and that was it. They seem to have gone now.

How do you tell if they're your totem animal?

Lolly 15-10-2017 04:15 PM

Ok no, they haven't gone I just can't see them, just heard another caw.

Azmond 15-10-2017 05:37 PM

There is a beautiful documentary about crows on youtube, which shows them being incredibly smart, capable of solving many layered puzzles. I recommend watching it, if you find them just incredibly beautiful and mysterious like I do =)

Here is the link The Secret Life of Crows

A really common species of crow here is Corvus frugilegus, which I was able to capture with my dslr this summer. it was so beautiful circling around me, probably telling me to move somewhere else hehe.

sentient 16-10-2017 12:19 AM

The symbolic meanings of Crows/Ravens can differ greatly in various cultures/traditions.
So it is best to stick to your own tradition/folklore.

One day an “other-dimensional” Crow/Raven came to my energy-field and sang three times.
This, according to my tradition is an “ill omen” heralding the death of someone.

But I didn’t feel any ill feelings/sensations about it whatsoever, instead it was a Glorious Awakening to the Spiritual Source Essence on the level of realizing “Interconnectedness”.
All I felt was a kinship with the Crow/Raven, remembering long time associations as this Crow/Raven was so familiar and besides, - on one side of the family, we do have age old totemic associations with it.

Two weeks later my uncle passed away.
The Crow was his “Soulbird”.
Soulbirds carry the souls back to the “World Pole”, the World Tree.

The Raven/Crow is said to be the Sky-God Eagle’s helper.

My uncle was a son of that old mythological worldview, the worldview closest to my heart.

Tobi 16-10-2017 12:48 AM

Yes sometimes Crows take what they can to eat. It seems very sad that sometimes they will take small birds or fledglings, or eat other birds' eggs.
But then....many humans also eat birds' eggs. And buy chicken wrapped in plastic in shops.

My Crow has been eating roadkill recently. A poor Squirrel who didn't make it back from foraging in the orchard, but was hit by a car.

He came down for his sandwich this morning. He is not scared at all of me, which I find charming....but he is scared of laundry hanging on the washing-line! He seems to accept that I wear different colours on different days and sometimes stripes.... I imagined that might freak him out but it doesn't.

He follows me when I go out sometimes, stopping only at the boundaries of his territory and waiting for me to return! Today we came across each other when I took a last walk in the orchard. I sat in the grass, and he walked up towards me making beak-clicks. When I laughed, he flew into an apple tree and broke off tiny sticks almost....I think? ...playfully?
Then our ways parted -his to eat snails.
Mine to go home and cook dinner.

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