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Khalli 15-04-2017 06:37 AM

to the Op:

Yes Archangels do incarnate.


Originally Posted by Britt
No angels will ever be born from women. Its know that they can produce offspring Genesis ch6 v2 among other various texts through out the old testament. First, they are real beings and be wise not to talk to them. Either they are of the devil or of God. In either case don't seek after them. Seek only the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:3, "Don't you know that we shall judge angels?" This is in reference to the fallen angels. If you have questions ask me I've been around demon spirits for a long time so I know their MO. Seek God through the bible my friend.

First off unless a walk in is agreed to the only way for an angel to incarnate is through the same way as other souls and subject to the same rules. Just how it is.

And the only true way to seek the Creator is within. The bible is only a piece of the truth, not completely all of it.

Rozie 27-04-2017 07:57 PM

I read a little bit of Doreen Virtue just to see what it was.

As with all teachings, it is mostly a bedtime story with a tiny bit of truth for the purpose of understanding. There is some good technique.

I always found the Angel number meanings to be pretty accurate. They are honored by the message senders because that is something that has become popular and we can look up angel numbers and get a translation. It is useful.

I just read a little bit and thought it was mostly silly and not exactly fact.

There could be some truth to a teeny tiny bit of it.

I personally don't even believe in Angels in the same way that a lot of people do. I believe in Earth Angels, people with a special mission. What we were before we were born is a mystery. What we will be when we die is a mystery as well. We are human beings now, but some of us have a mission or a calling and that is probably the feeling one might have if they feel they are doing "God's" work.

Personal experiences can be anything. You can see heaven, you can see hell. You can see Angels and Devils and Lightening and Thunder and St. Peter, who is very sexist I think, so I am not interested in his opinion.

One persons truth is not another person's truth necessarily, but there can be common ground. That is what you look for. If someone has a belief that is different from mine, I respect them and let them do their thing.

I don't think anybody is wrong for thinking they are in incarnated Angel because I don't know what an Angel is, or what a human is for that matter. Maybe we are little cotton balls when we are not in human form.

How can someone really know? I am told all kinds of stories for the purposes my understanding but they are lessons. I don't believe that things are so simple and clear cut and easy to define as people seem to think. I don't know, and I really don't think Doreen knows either.

TeamEffort 04-06-2017 03:51 AM

Hey, I'm not a big fan of "only X is possible" because I've seen a lot of different things that don't fit into what people are saying here and elsewhere in this forum.

I guess I'm a walk in? I showed up about 9 years ago and share time in a physical body with the original occupant. I'm from the Gregori watcher group, from what we've pieced together. A piece of Remiel probably. So that partially answers your archangel question. I don't think a full Seraph would incarnate in a human container, it's just too small and limited.

The always blonde thing, which I hadn't heard of before now, is nonsense. Most cultures that angels and angel type beings come from are populated by people with dark hair. Since angels usually show up in a way people can understand and feel comfortable about, which is humans with wings basically... well, do the math.

Anyway... hi. You had questions, those are my answers for now.

SaturninePluto 05-06-2017 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by TeamEffort
Hey, I'm not a big fan of "only X is possible" because I've seen a lot of different things that don't fit into what people are saying here and elsewhere in this forum.

I guess I'm a walk in? I showed up about 9 years ago and share time in a physical body with the original occupant. I'm from the Gregori watcher group, from what we've pieced together. A piece of Remiel probably. So that partially answers your archangel question. I don't think a full Seraph would incarnate in a human container, it's just too small and limited.

The always blonde thing, which I hadn't heard of before now, is nonsense. Most cultures that angels and angel type beings come from are populated by people with dark hair. Since angels usually show up in a way people can understand and feel comfortable about, which is humans with wings basically... well, do the math.

Anyway... hi. You had questions, those are my answers for now.

Hi, and welcome to SF.

Would it be possible if you could explain your walk in experience a bit maybe in private message to me?

I have had experiences where I felt the same way.. like a walk in, at first I didn't know what it even meant, and then I happened into the forum for it in the past life forum section... and read about it and then looked for more information on it and it sounded so right, so familiar like in a sense coming home. I have had experiences where for some reason I feel this may be the case with me. It explains a lot of what has happened throughout my years, but I really do not understand anything about it.

I am interested in hearing more about it if you don't mind.

icebluefaerie 11-06-2017 12:43 AM

1. I do not believe they incarnate. I believe they live in the spiritual realm though, and that people can definitely still have visions, dreams, and communicate with angels.

2. Yes, I do believe this. A lot of incarnated angels literally feel the "weight of the world" at times. When you experience intense/or deep emotions, often times you find yourself putting on weight.

This may not be true for everyone who feels they are an IA, but it makes sense to me why they would struggle with it. I know I have my entire life.

People gain for different reasons, and find emotional comfort through food.
Sometimes a lot of IAs depend on food to help them deal with their emotions because they are feeling other peoples, which can be difficult for others to understand until they go through it themselves.

I read a book on this subject called "Weight Loss for people who feel too much" by Colette Barron Reid all about this subject.

*And as far as the part with looks go, I find this article with statistics on redheads pretty interesting which was also mentioned from her book about Earth Angels. I fit the the description of a mer angel.

Through personal life experiences I feel I have received confirmation through prayer and meditation on this. This may sound goofy to some, and it's not something I like to share usually because I don't think people would understand. It's just something I resonate with from my heart. That's the most simple and clearest way I could ever explain it.

So although it may sound like folly, I see nothing wrong with it in my personal beliefs because its an encouraging and empowering thing to believe in. I have felt different and weird my whole from other people, and once I discovered that there was a gift in my sensitivity and strong emotions, only then did I find peace after years of torment in believing I some how need to be different.

So this whole earth angel thing may sound far out to some, in the end if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. At least it made me happy and gave me hope. People are so set on knowing the truth not fooling themselves. In my experience sometimes mystical things are indeed filled with more truth than people will ever realize. What's the harm in believing something if it makes you happy and fills your life with healing and meaning? If that doesn't quality as real truth than I don't know what does. That's just my take on it anyway.

3. I define an incarnated angel as someone with deep sensitivity and a connection to the spiritual world. You find them in such professions as: nurses, charity workers, clairvoyants, pastors, life coaches, spiritual healers. Not everyone may fit into these professions, nor may everyone of these professions be IAs. I feel its just something you know it your heart, something a person discovers for themselves.

icebluefaerie 11-06-2017 12:55 AM

I forgot to post that article:


Rozie 26-06-2017 09:52 PM

There is truth to what Saturnine Pluto is asking about. She has a reason to question the connection. It is there and it means something.

I was thinking about it this morning before I found this thread.

One thing I have learned is we are not all the same. An appropriate lesson or truth that one person has been shown does not apply to everybody.

Doreen isn't my Guru but her teachings might be appropriate for some people to gain understanding and apply it.

Some of us have personal experiences where we are taught certain things. We have been taught from within and worked with that and studied what we are guided to study and sometimes we meet people who can help us gain understanding. This is a personal path.

A person who has a calling, has their own path. Another person on a different path cannot tell them what is so and what is not so. What is so for one person may not be so for another.

That is why we have to respect each other and our different experiences and beliefs. There could be common ground but there are differences also. I can't say "I am right and you are wrong" because nobody knows the absolute truth. If we are lucky, we might find our own truth that works for us.

Once you step onto your path it is a neverending journey. You will meet others along the way who might have a message for you, or a job for you to do. The journey is the thing you are supposed to do.

I was taught that everybody has their own way and I am to respect that. If someone is way different and I can't talk to them, then I can't talk to them because there will be no middle ground. I respect their right to believe whatever they want. If someone forces their beliefs on me, I would be busy also.

I had Jehovahs Witnesses come to my door. They invited me to an event and gave me a pamphlet. I have my ways, but they simply let me know that I was invited. That was nice and it was done in a way that was respectful. I respect them for having faith. I do also but in a different way. I appreciate the invitation but I wouldn't be able to attend.

dream jo 15-08-2017 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by SaturninePluto

I have a few questions for those who hold the belief in incarnated angels.

Keep in mind I do not ask out of any disrespect, I am just seriously wondering and researching and have not found the answers I am looking for on any website, so thought I would try and ask actual people capable of responding.

1. Do IA's believe Arch-Angels, Seraphim, and Cherub can incarnate?

2. Do any believe what Doreen Virtue states about weight issues and certain looks IA's are supposed to have? Personally I find this kind of thinking on that exact issue pure folly. Inconceivable really- and box-like and like people are being fit into the author's molds.

3. What exactly is an Incarnated Angel, and in our own words please? I do not want to hear what author's on the subject think. I want to hear what you kind folk here think.

I suppose that is the information and thoughts I am interested in hearing, but if anyone can think of anything else to add feel free.

I would really like to read and hear some responses to this please.
And let us all try please to be respectful of others, and their views.

Thank you all for your time.

1 sean on t cards i ahv still tryn2 lern thm

2 i luv her stuff i do

3 im stuk on ths 1 2 i am

oookiritokunooo 02-01-2018 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by SaturninePluto

I have a few questions for those who hold the belief in incarnated angels.

Keep in mind I do not ask out of any disrespect, I am just seriously wondering and researching and have not found the answers I am looking for on any website, so thought I would try and ask actual people capable of responding.

1. Do IA's believe Arch-Angels, Seraphim, and Cherub can incarnate?

2. Do any believe what Doreen Virtue states about weight issues and certain looks IA's are supposed to have? Personally I find this kind of thinking on that exact issue pure folly. Inconceivable really- and box-like and like people are being fit into the author's molds.

3. What exactly is an Incarnated Angel, and in our own words please? I do not want to hear what author's on the subject think. I want to hear what you kind folk here think.

I suppose that is the information and thoughts I am interested in hearing, but if anyone can think of anything else to add feel free.

I would really like to read and hear some responses to this please.
And let us all try please to be respectful of others, and their views.

Thank you all for your time.

1. Yes im an incarnated archangel. We use this method as to test loyalty to god.

2. No, we are just like any other normal person we can change our weight by working out and on diets.

3. An Incarnated Angel is an angel who is birthed here on earth and instead of being channelled we speak with our own bodies.

mindanalyzer 02-01-2018 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by TeamEffort

The always blonde thing, which I hadn't heard of before now, is nonsense. Most cultures that angels and angel type beings come from are populated by people with dark hair. Since angels usually show up in a way people can understand and feel comfortable about, which is humans with wings basically... well, do the math.

Hi, @TeamEffort
Blond thing? This is the first time I read about this, but ... I am a white skinned Cuban with dark hair, and I have had several dreams [through the years] in which I see myself as a warrior angel with jet black feathery wings.
But, It is very curious that in these dreams I would see myself with blond hair :confused: , I have wondered the reason for this and even find it funny.

I do not believe much in reincarnation but maybe it could be related to this; I have also had a few dreams in which I would see vikings warriors and the such, so maybe there is something to it

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