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E.V.P researcher 03-03-2014 07:16 AM

Spirit Seeker has hit the nail on the head so to speak, in the twenty five years or so attending physical seances I have herd that there rules about what can be said to us and I believe this maybe so we do not leave our pathway. We have to live our own lives down here. Also I have asked the many questions about the other side and its true sometimes they themselves do not know the answers. Hard to believe I know. Again I think if you are a seeker of knowledge then you can go and find it there as you can here. With every question asked there seems to be three more questions as an answer

Joe51563 04-03-2014 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Seeker
I have no idea about the rules from their side, I think it might vary to some spirits about talking to the living. Many people have said they have asked about heaven / hell or what is it like to die and been totally ignored or told they are not allowed or cannot answer that question. Some will answer and tell you amazing things. Then you have to figure out if they are telling you the truth or lying to you on purpose!

True indeed, you have good spirits and bad spirits.

Thats true. Its hard to tell if they are telling the truth.

TwilightSparkle 21-03-2014 02:04 AM

Just like people - there are good and bad.

Most of my EVP's are super profane - it's like talking to the bathroom wall of the spirit world.

Shivani Devi 14-11-2015 05:28 AM

Have I been 'lied to' by the spirits? Oh geez YES! to such an extent, that I know they are there for sure, but I don't know what they are because I keep on getting fed all these 'red herrings' which had me doubting their very existence for a while there.

The main spirit I get through my Spirit Box is called "William"..."William" comes through the loudest, clearest and most annoying of them all, so one day I decided to do a session and focus entirely on "William".

I asked for his full name, date of birth/death, how he died and where he died.

I got "Willam Jessop"... "I died a year ago" ..."I was 49 years old"..."I died in Australia"..."I fell off a roof"..."I died in hospital"...

So, armed with this information, I made my way to the public library (I had no internet then) and went on the Australian Government's Births, Deaths and Marriages register and looked for media reports for 'roof falls' in the past 5 years.

After 2 hours of searching, I turned up nothing to prove "William" was even alive at one stage.

So, I went back home, turned on my Spirit Box and went "You are a big liar, William so how about we cut the bull now and you can tell me what you really are!"

The response I got was "You can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there". (I have this whole session recorded on Youtube).

I called rubbish on that, but then nothing happened and I am still none the wiser, because I cannot get a straight answer.

After trying for weeks to get one, all I heard was "how 'bout we make this all about YOU".

Yeah, nice cop out. lolz

captainamerica 07-05-2018 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Have I been 'lied to' by the spirits? Oh geez YES! to such an extent, that I know they are there for sure, but I don't know what they are because I keep on getting fed all these 'red herrings' which had me doubting their very existence for a while there.

The main spirit I get through my Spirit Box is called "William"..."William" comes through the loudest, clearest and most annoying of them all, so one day I decided to do a session and focus entirely on "William".

I asked for his full name, date of birth/death, how he died and where he died.

I got "Willam Jessop"... "I died a year ago" ..."I was 49 years old"..."I died in Australia"..."I fell off a roof"..."I died in hospital"...

So, armed with this information, I made my way to the public library (I had no internet then) and went on the Australian Government's Births, Deaths and Marriages register and looked for media reports for 'roof falls' in the past 5 years.

After 2 hours of searching, I turned up nothing to prove "William" was even alive at one stage.

So, I went back home, turned on my Spirit Box and went "You are a big liar, William so how about we cut the bull now and you can tell me what you really are!"

The response I got was "You can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there". (I have this whole session recorded on Youtube).

I called rubbish on that, but then nothing happened and I am still none the wiser, because I cannot get a straight answer.

After trying for weeks to get one, all I heard was "how 'bout we make this all about YOU".

Yeah, nice cop out. lolz

Would it be possible for you to give me a link to your youtube recording ?

I would love to see it.

Btw,how are you doing ?

My health is better than before ,after regularly taking the medicines for vomiting I have stopped throwing up in the morning.

dowsingdoer 16-05-2018 09:37 AM

Some people in life can't seem to tell the truth so I suppose the fact that they have passed doesn't change this.

I always ask to speak with Spirits who are "in the Light" hoping that if this works, I will only make contact with good ones. Seems to seriously limit the takers though!

Tedmil 28-05-2018 05:45 PM

Several years ago, I had mono for over a month. I lost 30 lbs. I was fairly skinny so a good deal of the weight loss was muscle atrophy. I finally got well enough to lift weights. I finished up and recorded and I got an e.v.p. that said muscles

paperw1ngs 01-06-2018 05:02 PM

I personally have NOT been lied to by spirits...though I've only met a few or several including guides and angels, a spirit of a little boy who died of brain cancer, confirmed with the mother who owned that house, and a demon, and many other entities that had no communication with me whatsoever...but even the demon did not lie to me...my ego lies to me all the time though; people with their egos lie all the time...the spirits do not say much rather they show me things but say little; no lies; all just factual experience. The spirits don't mess with me thankfully. Personal demons will attach and do whatever they want to provoke people I hear and I believe that..just have no experience with that. After the demon encounter with playing with a ouija board I wanted nothing to do with forces of nature that are inspired by fear...if I had continued messing around with that realm I don't think I would have been able to say hat.

Do know that the spirits you encounter through evp seem to be human conciousness and some humans lie some don't, don't take anyones word for it and don't put them on a pedastal...not to be rude but there's a reason their etheric bodies are still tied down to this earth to "play" with living humans through evp or otherwise while others have passed onto higher realms; it's usually gripping fear, or tie to their family or possessions, lack of understanding, or something else, but either way take what you hear with a grain of salt if they are giving predictions; especially predictions that inspire fear; this never comes from higher knowing beings of light, and that sort of energy and trusting in a prediction, is exactly what can cause it to manifest.

Personally I think some evp (like those phone evp simulators) works as tarot cards do through the collective unified unconcious mind or force that is within all; but when it comes to spirits they come in all forms; you attract what you put out there...if you're looking for a game you'll get a game, if you don't put intention into it and go diving in this will attract spirits that seek to mess with people for whatever reason; always use the intention of love and light and your higher good; beings of benevolence, or however you wish to word that.

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