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charly233 08-01-2023 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by JustBe
Thanks charly for your input.

One of my new awareness’s is using the sun as my healing bath .

You're welcome.

That sounds very good.

Redchic12 08-01-2023 09:57 AM

Re Justbe #5

Hey thanks for that article re Tsimtsum. Never heard of that before.

It’s funny that I chose to read that just at this time as I was sitting here feeling totally bored!!!!!!

I really really wish I could do what you do. The Void sounds wonderful.

I am able to control my thoughts, or rather I’ve learnt to just watch them come and go but I have never entered this state. How I envy you.

Any tips lol

lostsoul13 08-01-2023 04:28 PM

I think knowing who I am lessened the void… I just have the void or amnesia… being pushed into existence rather than coming in to existence on my own terms..

Wether it’s a straight line to being that risen monster- and taking the person that’s responsible for creating me to his/her tether..

But my dreams came to regardless of being created.. I was created again in a chance that saw me having everything I asked at deaths door given to me as a token of this life’s facts.. while my dreams were facts - I still experienced twin flames, soulmates and it would be a long time before reunion would occur,I know just had the void of pain&death : it could be overcome but it would cost me greatly—- I had to think like I was(in hindsight it was a fact) I was spending money on new body’s to live through reincarnation and it was very expensive- manifesting images and living a new life just to die and be in a days work(which was the hardest part of reincarnation,the hard work and patience that death took)

But throughout meditation and belonging in a way I couldn’t lose anything: I came to the conclusion that : that void of pain hardwork and patience… I would be gaining self control and control of the situation, at least a muster of its strength…

Reincarnation is the hardest part about living.. you must die , death follows you until it’s time.. but it’s all existing in this void.. I mean you could use a algorithm to determine how your going to die but be prepared for the majority of deaths and stand in unison with the soul..

The utter hardwork and ignorance of that compared to death it’s self- is evident that a reward or silver lining will be achieved..

So I’m thankful for the void. In it is victory’s.. one’s I could never determine without it’s clutch in my life..

JustBe 09-01-2023 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
Re Justbe #5

Hey thanks for that article re Tsimtsum.

I am able to control.. How I envy you.

Any tips lol

Lol to the tips.

Here’s ten dollars, is that enough? Hehe

All jokes aside.

What’s your biggest issue with going deeper into the mind body?

Redchic12 09-01-2023 05:03 AM

Don’t know. Will have to think about that one.

Molearner 09-01-2023 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by JustBe

The void becomes your friend.

.. ❤️


This is an excellent departure place for us. I return to the concept of tzimtzum. That postulates that in order to create the world that we know, in which we move and have our being, that God created a void WITHIN himself to allow this creation because nothing can exist outside of God. The proof of this is that we have been given free will. The fact that it is within God means that it has definite boundaries….it is finite. Finite in both resources and life….finite life means death. Our tool for survival in this world is the ego….our pursuit of resources to live guarantees the death of both resources and fellow human beings. The ego can be understood as the thing that separates from God.

In order to reconnect with our Creator reverse engineering is required on our part. This is where the void truly becomes our friend. In essence we must create a void within ourselves to escape this void that we live in. It is a paradox…..the ego is our friend in this void that we live in(allowing us to survive) but is our enemy in escaping this finite world. There are remedies that allow us to escape this seemingly Catch 22 situation. Meditation is a means for us to create this void of escape. It is the being ‘still’ that allows us to both know God and even more importantly be known by God. In other words it allows and invites God to work on us. Think ‘born again’……being born of the Spirit. In my own experience I consider a meditation successful whenever I have lost all sense of time…..this absence of time makes you realize that you had an experience of eternity…..where time no longer exists.

JustBe 09-01-2023 09:21 PM

Thank you molearner, that’s very interesting to read and makes perfect sense.

It reminds me of those differences of expression where some say, god works through them. Spontaneous nudges and prompts, not coming from you, but through you.

Molearner 09-01-2023 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by JustBe
Thank you molearner, that’s very interesting to read and makes perfect sense.

It reminds me of those differences of expression where some say, god works through them. Spontaneous nudges and prompts, not coming from you, but through you.


Thanks for your words of affirmation…..I think of our spontaneous tears of love which come most unexpectedly. Our spirits are touched and the tears flow unbidden. As I have said elsewhere we are but conduits for love whose original source is God. Other things that give life have their source in God…..namely the air that we breathe….the blood that flows thru our veins….the rain that brings life…and ultimately the Spirit. Yes, God works through us in ways that we fail to acknowledge at times……

Molearner 10-01-2023 03:25 PM

Hearing the lyrics…..Knocking on Heaven’s Door by Bob Dylan…..my memory is basically the chorus. But the opening verse has spiritual meaning for me:

Mama, take this badge off of me
I can’t use it any more
It’s gettin’ dark, too dark to see
I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door

The ‘badge’ can be the ego ? All that we have sensed or been distracted by ?
The ‘dark’=the void we were speaking about ?
Heaven’s door….our introduction to enlightenment, etc ?
Everyone can fill in the blanks….interpret it as you will….:)

Molearner 10-01-2023 03:39 PM

The impetus for what I just shared was from the website that JustMe shared about tsimtsum where it spoke of creating a parable for the student…..it is worth going back to read that again……:)

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