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r6r6 15-07-2018 04:30 PM

Tetrahedron Is Its Own Dual

Originally Posted by Gem
I reckon it can be defined using three aspects of 'the real', 'the symbolic' and 'the imaginary'.

Real can be transposed as meaning occupied space.

1} An occupied space surface as represented by curved line ( of events is inherently two aspects that have real affects on energy ---ex photons-- the interact with the surface i.e. shape convex-concave{ ergo positioning } affect reality.

.......Shape/pattern is an inherent complement to occupied space. ...Occupied space cannot exist with out having a shape/pattern.

2} Symbol comes in various degrees and is really just language irrespective or written or numerical all language/symbology stems from access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts

3} Imaginary is metaphysiscal-1, mind/intellect/concepts and humans only has access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts via experience{ occupied space }.

...Images are based on EMradiation{ occupied space } that enters our eyes{ occupied space } and procesed by brain{ occupied space }.

Occupied space is complemented by metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts and that includes geometry of shape/pattern and the metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts are not space.

The first subcatagory of Space is as follows and Ive made clear in Cosmic Outline:

1} macro-infinite non-occupied space,

2} occupied space aka God/Universe/Uni-V-erse

None have ever invalidated the above and none ever will.

The tetrahedron \Y/ is its own dual. However, its position as dual is relative to other tetrahedron. Again all is relative{ related }.

This is best observed as two equal sized dual tetrahedra that define 8 corners of a cube and 12 surface diagonals stabilizing cube.

See this link. http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synerg...igs/f6200.html

One shape is its own dual. Ergo duality exist via relativity of position/location.

r6r6 24-07-2018 01:50 PM

One Sphere = 4 Dualities

One Sphere{ O } = 4 kinds of duality. See link

..."Spin twoness is additive.

...Duality twoness (concave-convex) is multiplicative.

..The spin twoness and duality twoness together comprise a third relationship twoness.

..The fourth twoness is comprised of the macro-micro (insideness and outsideness) twoness."....


Originally Posted by r6r6r
Real can be transposed as meaning occupied space.
1} An occupied space surface as represented by curved line ( of events is inherently two aspects that have real affects on energy ---ex photons-- the interact with the surface i.e. shape convex-concave{ ergo positioning } affect reality.

.......Shape/pattern is an inherent complement to occupied space. ...Occupied space cannot exist with out having a shape/pattern.

2} Symbol comes in various degrees and is really just language irrespective or written or numerical all language/symbology stems from access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts

3} Imaginary is metaphysiscal-1, mind/intellect/concepts and humans only has access to metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts via experience{ occupied space }.
...Images are based on EMradiation{ occupied space } that enters our eyes{ occupied space } and procesed by brain{ occupied space }.
Occupied space is complemented by metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts and that includes geometry of shape/pattern and the metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts are not space.

The first subcatagory of Space is as follows and Ive made clear in Cosmic Outline:

1} macro-infinite non-occupied space,
2} occupied space aka God/Universe/Uni-V-erse
None have ever invalidated the above and none ever will.

The tetrahedron \Y/ is its own dual. However, its position as dual is relative to other tetrahedron. Again all is relative{ related }.

This is best observed as two equal sized dual tetrahedra that define 8 corners of a cube and 12 surface diagonals stabilizing cube.

See this link. http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/synerg...igs/f6200.html

One shape is its own dual. Ergo duality exist via relativity of position/location.

r6r6 26-07-2018 01:01 PM

^v^v Observer - ( )( ) Observed
^v^v = observer

( )( ) = observed { ? }

? = line-of-relationship

environment or non-occupied space = background which above takes place


Originally Posted by r6r6r

One Sphere{ O } = 4 kinds of duality. See link

..."Spin twoness is additive.

...Duality twoness (concave-convex) is multiplicative.

..The spin twoness and duality twoness together comprise a third relationship twoness.

..The fourth twoness is comprised of the macro-micro (insideness and outsideness) twoness."....

r6r6 28-07-2018 03:14 PM

We Go OUT First in Order to Comprenhend IN
For the most part the human only looks/sees OUTward of our bilateral * * nervous system to take IN occupied space information.

(> * <) i (> * <)

To see INward we must first go OUTward to take in occupied space information and metaphysical-1 information.

Metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts are beyond{ meta } occupied space and also are not a space. They are concepts of Space, Time God Universe, etc.


Originally Posted by r6r6r
^v^v = observer

( )( ) = observed { ? }

? = line-of-relationship

environment or non-occupied space = background which above takes place

r6r6 02-08-2018 03:35 PM

Two Sexes Are Better Than One
There is ole saying that two heads { minds } are better than one.

Are two eyes, arms, legs and two observers better than one?

1} occupied,
2} non-occupied.

1} absolute truth,
2} relative truths ergo the inherent allowance for non-truth.

1} sex A
2} sex B


Originally Posted by r6r6r
For the most part the human only looks/sees OUTward of our bilateral * * nervous system to take IN occupied space information.
(> * <) i (> * <)
To see INward we must first go OUTward to take in occupied space information and metaphysical-1 information.

Metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts are beyond{ meta } occupied space and also are not a space. They are concepts of Space, Time God Universe, etc.

ajay00 17-09-2018 04:48 PM

An insightful article by Jiddu Krishnamurti on nonduality and dualistic labelling/categorising...


Now, why do we name anything? Why do we give a label to a flower, to a person, to a feeling? Either to communicate one's feeling, to describe the flower, and so on, and so on; or, to identify oneself with that feeling. Isn't it? I name something, a feeling, to communicate it. `I am angry'. Or, I identify myself with that feeling in order to strengthen it, to dissolve it, or to do something about it. That is, we give a name to something, to a rose, to communicate it to others; or, by giving it a name, we think we have understood it. We say, `That is a rose', rapidly look at it, and go on. By giving it a name, we think we have understood it; we have classified it, and think that thereby we have understood the whole content and the beauty of that flower.

Now, when not merely to communicate, what happens when we give a name to a flower, to anything? please follow it, think it out with me. Though I may talk aloud, you also are participating in the talking. By giving a name to something, we have merely put it into a category, and we think we have understood it; we don't look at it more closely. But, if we do not give it a name, we are forced to look at it. That is, we approach the flower, or whatever it is, with a newness, with a new quality of examination; we look at it as though we had never looked at it before. Naming is a very convenient way of disposing of people - by saying they are Germans, they are Japanese, they are Americans, they are Hindus, you know; give them a label, and destroy the label. But if you do not give a label to people, you are forced to look at them, and then it is much more difficult to kill somebody. You can destroy the label with a bomb, and feel righteous. But if you do not give a label, and must therefore look at the individual thing - whether it is a man, or a flower, or an incident, or an emotion - then you are forced to consider your relationship with it, and the action following. So, terming, or giving a label, is a very convenient way of disposing of anything, of denying, condemning, or justifying it. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Labelling has its practical importance, but it would be ludicrous to keep on with the habit of labelling this or that incessantly, and this is what most of us are doing , instead of experiencing life directly as it is.

Nonduality is nothing but experiencing life directly, to see a rose directly, instead of getting into the labelling habit and categorising the rose , dissecting it as pistil, stigma, stamen and so on....

Getting out of the labelling and categorising habit and seeing things as they are without thought is what nonduality is all about.

FallingLeaves 17-09-2018 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by ajay00
An insightful article by Jiddu Krishnamurti on nonduality and dualistic labelling/categorising...

Labelling has its practical importance, but it would be ludicrous to keep on with the habit of labelling this or that incessantly, and this is what most of us are doing , instead of experiencing life directly as it is.

Nonduality is nothing but experiencing life directly, to see a rose directly, instead of getting into the labelling habit and categorising the rose , dissecting it as pistil, stigma, stamen and so on....

Getting out of the labelling and categorising habit and seeing things as they are without thought is what nonduality is all about.

good for seeing past the boxes we put things in, not so good because you get lonely if you don't converse with others. But there is this...

“The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?”
― Zhuangzi, Chuang Tsu: Inner Chapters

eputkonen 17-09-2018 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by r6r6r
Duality is everywhere around us. We are embedded in duality.

1} macro-infinite non-occupied space vs occupied space Universe/God
2} concave negative )( shape vs convex positive shape ( ),
3} left handed amino-acids{ building blocks of biological life } vs right handed amino-acids ergo homo-chirality protein builders,
4} Gravity{ attractive } vs Dark Energy{ repulsive },
5} front of body vs back of body,
6} bottom side vs top side,
7} foreground vs background
8) inside vs outside structure-system,
9) vertical vs horizontal,

Those divisions are of the mind. Duality is an illusion of the mind.
All there is is nonduality.

r6r6 20-09-2018 03:50 PM

Contradiction and Denial of Truth Patways For Attention?

Originally Posted by eputkonen
Those divisions are of the mind. Duality is an illusion of the mind. All there is is nonduality.

Duality is certainly not as much as and illusion and denial of truth, as your above is.

Basically your answer/reply/response all is an illusion of mind. That means your nonduality also is also an illusion of mind.

Why you would deny that, based on your pathways of illusional mind, is not clear.

You need to go back and address each my givens as stated. When you find one the does not exist as our observed reality, please share some rational, logical common sense to invalidate them.

I presume you have mind/concept of what observed reality is exactly/specifically. Maybe you deny our commonally held, by most of humanity, observations of reality.

I'm suspicious of any humans intentions that deny observations of reality. You dont understand why most would be suspicious of your intentions beyond being contradictory as a pathway to get attention.

ajay00 20-09-2018 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by r6r6r
Duality is certainly not as much as and illusion and denial of truth, as your above is.

Basically your answer/reply/response all is an illusion of mind. That means your nonduality also is also an illusion of mind.

Why you would deny that, based on your pathways of illusional mind, is not clear.

You need to go back and address each my givens as stated. When you find one the does not exist as our observed reality, please share some rational, logical common sense to invalidate them.

I presume you have mind/concept of what observed reality is exactly/specifically. Maybe you deny our commonally held, by most of humanity, observations of reality.

I'm suspicious of any humans intentions that deny observations of reality. You dont understand why most would be suspicious of your intentions beyond being contradictory as a pathway to get attention.

The duality mentioned here is that created by words and labels.

Since for most people , the thinking and emoting process works non-stop, the world is seen incessantly in dualistic terms.

This is something unnecessary, and seeing things without the thought process is what nonduality is all about. There is nothing more to it.

If you need to label and categorise somethings for practical purposes you do so employing thought. But after the task is done, you ought to switch it off, or else you will keep on being stuck in your thought process divorced from existential reality, and fail to enjoy the beauty of the full moon, sunset and flowers.

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