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lovetruth 05-06-2017 06:02 PM

Much love Miss Hepburn.
Sorry for the delay in this post, we have been having internet problems.

Dear ones, your divine rainment is light, truly all of life, all bodies, everything is light, yet it remains unseen until the third eye is fully awakened. In duality one

sees both dark and light, because there is division in thought. The awakened heart and mind manifest wholly without division. Much that is seen by the

collective mind is seen only in division. When the mind and heart are whole, love constructs wholly and the old divisions fall away. Each helps to create the

whole vision by staying in love and acceptance of all being as perfect, though playing a part in the illusion of division. Nothing is in truth divided as creation is

perfect, yet the mind and heart accepted division as reality, it cannot be. Sweep all division from your mind and heart and behold life as it truly is; whole and

divine. Refuse to feed the illusion, dear ones, and it will soon vanish from even your physical eyes when completely released. Knowing that all is whole, thus

connected, brings joy and happiness, because one is then living in truth, and the soul recognizes truth. When you feel yourselves falling into separation, go into

your heart and forgive every false thought that you believed was your reality; forgive yourself and those who you believed put you there. No one and nothing

but your own belief can separate. Always one is responsible for its own projections, or creations. Now fill your heart with love and let those thoughts and

images of lesser melt away; give them your inner love until they are transformed and remade in perfection. Be willing then, to raise yourselves into perfection,

your true home, then release the lesson. Every moment is a new opportunity to be who you are in body mind and heart, every moment waits for your choice to

return to your home of perfection and light. Then have confidence in your journey. When you are in recognition of God within you, you will be led to all the

experiences that will continually open your heart and mind to an enlarged understanding; and you will grow as you are meant to grow, a progression that ever

expands. Nothing can stay in stasis, movement of life demands progression, even if there are hundreds of delays enacted by the ego, one eventually will turn

again to the inner light and remember their true nature. If you should stumble, stand again and with surety step forward with the confidence of the inner

divine, which is unlimited. Dear ones, you are the very essence of Gods love and the purity of that love. Remember who you are as doubt crumbles beneath

your feet. Let the knowing and confidence of eternity lead you. Babaji

Miss Hepburn 07-06-2017 10:29 PM

I liked this a lot...:)
"Every moment is a new opportunity to be who you are in body mind and heart,
every moment waits for your choice to
return to your home of perfection and light.
Then have confidence in your journey.
When you are in recognition of God within you,
you will be led to all the experiences that
will continually open your heart and mind to an enlarged understanding;
and you will grow as you are meant to grow...''

edit: But, why I like it is it's TRUE! :smile:

lovetruth 15-06-2017 10:54 PM

Hugs Miss Hepburn...:hug2:

Dear ones, your gifts to the world are your loving creations; those things that encourage the spirit of love in all our activities and thoughts. These are gifts

because each attitude of love raises all to greater awareness of truth. It is a giving of the self to the all. Everything grows in the attitude of love simply

because your essence is love. You may 'seem' to share illusions, but in truth, illusion cannot be shared because it is not actual reality, it is but a shadow that

mimics reality; it is based in falsity. As you begin to feel love expand in your own being, the shadows will lose all power over you as you seek only what is

inspired by love. One becomes immune to deceptions as one turns their back on dreams of illusion. As each soul awakens, it makes it easier for the many who

still slumber, to awaken also to love. Let your purpose then, be exceeded by living love in all that you encounter. The spirit soars in such an environment that

expresses love, and all will benefit by growing in loves embrace. It takes but a moment to lift the consciousness above the mundane to a place of peace and

contentment; it is a simple exercise in being true to the self every moment, and all lack and doubt will melt away in loves wake. All that you see is a sacred

part of the whole, yet you see only the image; in its purity all is light and purity is of the awakened mind and heart that sees beyond the image into the light.

The essence within never changes, it is ever supplying sustenance to all that exists, while allowing free will to experience every avenue of expression. Accept

peace rather than distortion; peace dwells in the heart where peace can grow, while encouraging peace to also grow around you by its positive influence. As

you begin to penetrate the layers of illusion, light is revealed in every part of life; wisdom and joy are awakened in the heart and all expression is infused in

love. This is how you are meant to live, ever mindful of you true being and that of all around you. Here is the depth of oneness revealed, and lived; no longer

hidden from the world but rather shared in glory and goodness is shared when one lives in joy and remembrance of the eternal self. Babaji

CrystalSong 16-06-2017 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Let your purpose then, be exceeded by living love in all that you encounter. Babaji

Amen :) Be it so always.

lovetruth 22-06-2017 10:35 PM

:hug3: Many blessings CrystalSong

Dear ones, It is your heart that transcends the limited concepts that have seemingly restricted your expansion. On one level you have believed that you are

limited, yet the heart transcends all limitation, or those beliefs that have held you as no more then a limited identity. Spirit can only express fully when the

limited beliefs are released and the spirit is fully embraced. It is a complete shedding of every belief that is lesser than the whole; wholeness is the sum of the

parts or the whole realization rather than a fragment; indeed the fragment still holds the whole within it so truly there is no place for limitation; the parts being

also inclusive of the whole. Can you see then that separation is but an illusion and nothing more? Perfection is in every speck of creation simply because, that

which has created, created in perfection. Each of you then are that very perfection; each is a unified aspect of the whole. All of these aspects are fully capable

of reflecting the whole by fully embracing the whole. You see dear ones, nothing at all is excluded, exclusion is only in the illusive thoughts of separation or a

misguided attempt to be something that is separate from the whole. This alone induces fear, fear is directly a symptom of the belief in separation. If you look

closely at all of your fears you will understand the truth of this statement. Fear only arises when one chooses to believe in being separate from the whole.

Divine mind sees only unity, for truth is a constant. Look closely and you will understand that everything works as a whole. Distortion is learned, then

accepted, but it can never be true. Though one has chosen to see deception, unity is still all pervasive, one has only become blind to it through ignorance. One

is only susceptible to distortion if unity is disregarded, yet distortion, being limited, cannot abide but for a short time. All will return to truth as all dreams are

temporary. Love is ever showing its face if one is willing to share in its continuous unfolding. Love is the trees awakening in Spring, it is the sweet perfume of

every blossom; it is the soft trill of the songbird, all reminders of loves' unfolding. Dear ones, every projection of anything other than love needs to be released,

then dear ones and only then will one see truly. Babaji

Deepsoul 30-06-2017 07:02 AM

Thankyou Beautys for making my soma chakra flash and my third eye buzz with your Loving post! I let go and let Love, Oh now Heart chakra lol

lovetruth 07-07-2017 05:29 PM

Much love Deepsoul::hug2:

Dear ones, you each carry within divine perfection and it is always by choice that you express that perfection; here indeed is your will given. As each being

expresses the highest good, every lesser desire falls away, for all is given fully and one has only to choose what is of the most loving desire when one truly has

everything; it is then the thought of lack falls away, it is discarded as it no longer fits the highest perspective that lacks nothing. The hearts desire then serves

the highest good with knowledge and understanding, for the highest good dwells within all being and waits only to be recognized. This is the true vision that

heals every distortion, for distortion is only a long held belief that one is separated from their highest good (or God). Dwell in the divine fullness and experience

the sweetness that is shared with all being. Lack is simply a refusal to accept your true nature which is pure light and love that is forever shared with

everything, for there is no deviation from the whole when one lives in divine knowledge. Dear ones, are you not tired of the games that pull you away from your

inner light? Have you not experienced enough suffering, which is created by a divided mind and heart? Here within, right now is the solution to every problem,

every question, always, the answer has been within. You need not wait, you are all divine creations made in perfection and that can never be taken from you.

A dream remains a dream until one shakes away the sleep of ages, and accepts the ever present truth that has always been. No one can convince you; each

must delve into the inner source and experience truth first hand and then the walls of deception crumble away, for indeed you ever have stood in the light.

Seeming fortune comes and goes but your true wealth has ever been within, nothing is divided from the whole, the whole is ever giving and receiving both, ever

a balance ever a harmony, ever a gift. Dear ones, freedom has always been within, for true freedom is recognizing your own connection to the whole and all

that it entails. Darkness only holds the power you give to it in delusion, but you are made of light and light is your true home where shadows have no

existence. Babaji

CrystalSong 07-07-2017 08:13 PM

Thank you Babaji - Many Blessings and much gratitude to you!

blossomingtree 07-07-2017 08:15 PM

:hug: Wow :hug:

Deepsoul 08-07-2017 07:47 AM

Yeah ,its hard when people have ****ed you off for eternity ,,even though you see well its a full moon ,im not perfect ,,bla bla,, dont f with me im too stressed, husband ,,yes of course you are too ,,so go away for now until you realise that respect is so important ,because i gave you all my light and i was destroyed ,, oh i have more ,,but i will protect it ,,it is not my job to die for you, hold you up ,,youve got to learn your own lessons ,even though i love you ,,you can not have all of my light anymore, i need it too, thanks Lovetruth <Babiji ,,Beautiful as usual! Your bed will be waiting for you, and I send you Love and protection from my light and a speedy return Husband!

lovetruth 27-07-2017 05:24 PM

Much love Crystal Song, blossomingtree and Deepsoul.:hug2:

Dear ones, because your lives reflect what is uppermost in your mind, sometimes there is balance, sometimes hardship and sometimes joy. Mind can be trained

to accept peace and harmony as your true state of being, so that these lesser choices are seen only as choices, when one accepts division over unity. One must

continually examine what is being accepted as reality. Pain is only a reminder that one is off track; it is an indication that one has chosen a dream over reality.

Peace is your acceptance of wholeness, for the door to peace is ever opened to you. Love is equally abundant, equally presented as the ultimate choice; even

as you choose an outfit to wear each day, you are also quite capable of choosing an attitude of love or an attitude of kindness. These are always available to

you; always yours to choose, thus love can become as strong a habit as can any lesser emotion. So you see dear ones, your power always lies in choice, in

making the decision to choose wisely in every moment. Your actions are directed by that choice and you day follows each choice. It takes little energy to smile,

it takes greater energy to frown, therefore be aware always of those triggers that (seem) to bring unhappiness

and quickly shift them to a higher awareness. Wisdom comes of right choice, happiness then follows. Do you see dear ones your choices will also effect

everything around you and it is truly how we effect our outcomes in each moment. Dissatisfaction and unhappiness are only choices made in ignorance of your

greater power. One who allows perfection to unfold willingly will let go of the need to be right and offers instead the highest choice, which is always based in

love for each other over domination over another. So simple and so satisfying is this method of living, that is rewrites your habits so that one offers kindness

over rejection. This is the true meaning of loving others as yourself. when you love yourself truly, you offer love to every situation as a gift to yourself and in

turn to each other. Such happiness is ever available to you when you choose love you are flowing with the energy of the universe and the universe is receptive

to love just as you are receptive to love. Dear ones, life is a beautiful unfolding of every good thing when you hold this most perfect understanding. What can

be held back from you when you offer only love. Stagnation is simply the result of refusing to let love rise and flow from your being. This acts like a dam that

restricts the natural flow of life. Make your life an example of divine love and life will return that love to you. Babaji

EgoIsSatan 17-01-2019 05:27 AM

where'd you go, lovetruth?

Miss Hepburn 17-01-2019 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by EgoIsSatan
where'd you go, lovetruth?

HEY! You're right!!!!
Where'd she GO!!!!
:icon_frown: :tweety:

janielee 03-02-2019 05:26 AM

Is there any reason so many amazing posters have quit over the last year? And many others not allowed to return?

These messages are quite amazing! Thank you lovetruth!

janielee 10-02-2019 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Dear ones, as you finally realize you can take none of your material gains where you are heading-there is no repository for the finite in the infinite, you will gain a better

understanding of your true nature. The material nature only understands the material, and guards possessions as if they were real and meaningful. The spiritually

aware, live life with wisdom and regard the material as a mere phase in the process of illumination. If one is resistant in learning this truth, the material existence will

bring trials to steer that being back to the seat of truth. For many this is a hard lesson. One becomes attached to the material world if there is no deeper

understanding of their divine nature. Thousands of lives can be wasted in illusion, before gaining wisdom. In your present world, you are bombarded with information,

all of this must be sifted through the heart center to gain clarity of what is useful and what is not. If your mind is cluttered with fearful scenarios, it would be hard to

put that aside and concentrate on your inner vastness. The concept of simplicity has become overwhelmed in this world of mindless busyness. However you are able to

take time for reflection, will become of more importance as your world shifts into an even higher vibration, at some point, it will become a necessity to keep in balance.

Carry God in your every action and you will not become forgetful of your true nature. Gratefulness will pierce through the veil, because it puts you in a place of

remembrance. We are ever mindful of your busy schedules, yet we also see that many of your lives are readjusting, which is forcing you to become cognizant of the

greater truth. This dear ones is mandated by your own spirit, so you do not miss the point of existence. Complications appear, to make one realize the ego is not the

self. the ego will reveal its many limitations until one surrenders to the unlimited being. Suffering is but a wake up call to the soul to look deeper, beyond the material

dream. Look around you dear ones, do you not recognize the chaos of a world gone mad with greed. Do not let your needs dictate your life, rather let your life dictate

you needs. pursue the hearts greatest desire and you will begin to lose interest in the fruitless material dream. In divine truth, Babaji.

Thanks lovetruth, wherever you are.. peace be with you and joy in your heart

janielee 12-02-2019 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Because you are cosmic beings, dear ones, each of you are attuned to the earth, solar system, galaxy and universe. These are healed then, as you heal

yourselves. It is important to remember that no one stands alone in any part of existence, because your cosmic connection, is who you are. All beings have a

mission to complete that is of cosmic significance. Every being who comes into the flesh also carries challenges that are to be realized and resolved. These are the

steps that move you beyond your belief and in a sense, force each of you to look for alternatives other than what is presented as truth to your senses. It is this

movement that creates your dramas, yet it also opens your heart to greater possibility, because you then see beyond the obvious and eventually face all your

fears. Subtle clues are ever before you, to encourage you to move deeper into those areas that may have seemed off limits to you before. In other words, you are

moving beyond the programmed mind that you inherited when taking on the flesh. It is only when one is curious enough to move beyond what feels safe, that

growth takes a leap. Every fear is just another step to overcome, so that eventually there is no fear left, only that peaceful knowing that love is all encompassing.

This takes courage and commitment to free yourself of all false belief. Whenever one of you are successful in making a step toward freedom through inner search,

this translates to the whole. Be open and aware of your purpose as seeming individuals, knowing fully all are one and therefore the whole is in your power to heal.

Remember, dear ones, you do nothing of yourself, always you are surrounded with the ones who have overcome, before you. In due time mass consciousness will

change to the pole of love, and negativity will become the exception. It is this back and forth movement between duality that has kept you trapped in illusion, yet

you carry the spark always, and have known on a deep level that the balance would shift and come back into unity. It is important, dear ones to hold perfection

even as your eyes may show otherwise. In this way you are creating what you know as truth rather than trusting your perception, which is limited while you are in

the flesh. Project out what you feel within, peace beauty and love are the true powers that bring all back into balance. Your presence here, in this moment is what

moves energy upon the earth. You are the creators of change in your world. The more that you can feel expansiveness, the happier you will be, and also those

around you. Your every feeling of empowerment is felt throughout the cosmos and is returned to you. Let this simple explanation be your guide. We honor each of

you and encourage you to expand those loving thoughts to cosmic proportions. Babaji

Treasure trove.

vijay mehra 15-02-2019 11:49 AM

Love this message. It resonates with me as i also have been told the same.
Tks a lot

TheTruth 23-03-2019 07:22 PM

lovetruth and Babaji exist everywhere and are always with us.
I'm forever grateful for the timeless messages.
Love and light to all

Miss Hepburn 30-09-2019 01:13 PM

Best wishes to lovetruth.

I think I'm going to start at the beginning and re-read these messages!
Look at just a few sentences from her first message! :)

'Dear ones, to raise your consciousness, it is helpful to align and then merge your energies with that of the masters.
This is accomplished by visualizing an ascended master and
keeping in your awareness all the obstacles that have been overcome.
Align yourself with a master that best fits your own method of attainment, for
example Jesus would be unconditional love.
By merging yourselves with a master, you are taking on some of the qualities that have
been attained by careful adherence
of the law. Feel the masters protection and aspects as your own.'

Miss Hepburn 09-07-2020 12:20 PM

A friend of a friend contacts Maha Avatar Babaji.
This was something told to me last night that was communicated.:smile:

His advice to all is to know the Self by merging self with Self.
All else is meaningless.

Miss Hepburn 10-07-2023 03:56 PM

Many have no idea this thread exists.
Enjoy!! We can have a celebration when 'Views' reach 100,000!! LOL


Unseeking Seeker 20-06-2024 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Many have no idea this thread exists.
Enjoy!! We can have a celebration when 'Views' reach 100,000!! LOL


True. Much wisdom on this thread. It deserves to be pinned actually, in my opinion..

Miss Hepburn 20-06-2024 09:35 AM

And have you seen!!?
lovetruth is BACK!!!

Unseeking Seeker 20-06-2024 11:37 AM

@ Miss H ~ yes, good news. Let’s hope she continues the thread.

lovetruth 20-06-2024 08:35 PM

Hello beautiful people, I am back and will be sharing some channellings of Jesus and Babaji. I have to wait 13 more days to post. :hug2:

kralaro 21-06-2024 07:19 AM

Welcome back lovetruth _/\_

You were gone for 7 years and now saying you have to wait 13 more days, so what's the mystery? :happy8:

lovetruth 22-06-2024 10:39 PM

:hug3: Hi Kralaro, it was not my rule . Unless I misunderstood, I had the message on the forum that I could not start a new thread for 14 days after I signed back in. It has been a long time for many reasons. Perhaps I can just continue on the original thread. I was not sure about that. Please don't be upset.

lovetruth 22-06-2024 11:07 PM

:hug2: Hello all, I do intend to continue channelling Babaji as long as he continues to share his messages with me. I have been spending the last several years working on myself as I shed the old and learn to stay in my heart. As always, that commitment, brings up every aspect of the ego and lots of challenges and tests. Every bit is worth doing, even though it is not always pleasant. I know you are all also going through the same spiritual challenges ...all good and necessary. I will be posting soon. I did not realize I could continue posting on this original page. I am a little rusty returning to the forum so be patient with me. lol. love to all. I also will be posting some channelling of Jesus on a new thread. lovetruth

kralaro 23-06-2024 01:53 AM

I don't know how it got conveyed that i'm upset, sorry for the miscommunication, happy to have your presence back on the forum :) and curious to see how Jesus Christ communicates through you.

Miss Hepburn 23-06-2024 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
I have to wait 13 more days to post.

That is so funny. I have never heard of that before.
I'm all for you continuing on this Thread...this way it won't be lost!!:hug3:

lovetruth 23-06-2024 05:54 PM

Dear ones, exercise your right to evolve. No matter what the outer presents, you hold the divine power of the universe within you. This cannot be

dismissed, as it influences your every decision. Be grateful and always in a place of peace so that you do not miss the signs that are ever presented to you

by your inner light. Each of you have hundreds of beings as helpers if you simply ask. As you progress in your spiritual growth, you can call on these who

are ever ready to reach out to you and your next step in spiritual growth. One must only be willing to continue to grow in knowledge and love. All are

given this opportunity in every life; be wise, then and take the challenge to expand your inner horizons by acknowledging that perfection within all being.

You are all capable of moving into greater wisdom and understanding, it is the reason you are here. Even the small steps are significant when done with full

realization. There is ever guidance and help that is presented in ideas dreams and synchronistic connections. All are the universe speaking to you through

different conduits. So stay awake and aware each moment so that you do not miss the beauty and kindness, along with the challenges. Your thoughts are

powerful and they create, so always be aware of your thoughts and actions; with practice it will become easier to watch yourself. Always forgive yourself if

you make a mistake, it is the action of watchfulness that will carry you to greater understanding of yourself and thus others. For every so called other is

truly the one playing out in every imaginable guise. Respect that in all being. As you advance in understanding, you will attract to yourself others who are

on the same or similar path; all carry a purpose in their heart, for you each came with a specific aspect of the divine to be unfolded and recognized. Be

then a part of the play, without getting so involved that you forget your true purpose to explore and reveal your inner perfection. You are all blessed and

loved more than you can comprehend. The path is ever sacred and unfolds, as you open to greater wisdom and understanding. We all heal together and as

one makes this discovery it will help everyone around them to also evolve. So you are each a catalyst for change as you pursue your spiritual paths.

Always in remembrance of your true, eternal being. Babaji

kralaro 25-06-2024 11:02 AM

> Dear ones, exercise your right to evolve.

Thanks for the channeling _/\_ I bow down to your Babaji through you.

AnotherBob 25-06-2024 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
When one makes this discovery it will help everyone around them to also evolve. So you are each a catalyst for change. . .



lovetruth 29-06-2024 05:02 PM

Thank you for your comments Kralaro and Another Bob.

lovetruth 29-06-2024 05:54 PM

Dear ones, there is but one thing that overcomes everything. One thing that

purifies and heals and that is love. Though you cannot always see beyond

your present situations; if you were to look deeper in every situation, you

would find love. Truly, love is the power of everything, without love you

could not live, nor could you create. Loves power is in each of you and in

everything. Nothing exists without love. Now, take a moment and realize

that everything good that has occurred in your lives was ultimately based in

love. All that is creation is love. The next step for humanity is to embrace

and live in love. Love waits in every turn of your life, it simply needs

recognition; it surrounds every aspect of your being and your life. Find first

the innate perfection in your own heart, in doing so your life will begin to

move toward your divine purpose and all that was perplexing and difficult will

resolve. It is a matter of choosing your true nature and then living it in every

moment. Life is not meant to be a struggle, it is meant to be a miracle

moment to moment and it will loosen the dream that seems to hold you in

bondage. When you are love, everything takes notice, because you are

connected with the true nature of everything. Every obstacle you face is but

a reminder that you have stepped out of love. Once one learns this, life

becomes filled, with purpose. The universe simply reflects back to you what

you believe. As your heart opens and reflects your true nature, the universe

reflects that love back to you. Truly, life was never meant to be a struggle.

You have created struggle. You have created struggle to bring yourselves

back to love. Would it not have been easier to have understood this from the

beginning? This is the paradox, in order to break the spell of the dream, one

travels many roads and experiences to bring remembrance back to the heart,

so that it can open and embrace life as it is meant to. That, dear ones is why

one must never judge another or the self. All are indeed infinite love, yet in

different stages of awakening. Some will take longer, some will easily soar

but eventually all will return to their true nature and embrace the infinite all.

So, release the struggle and remember, your true purpose waits to be

discovered and recognized. It has always been with you, for in truth you are

timeless, infinite perfection. The greatest joy is this ultimate discovery and

opening. Your lives are much like a flower that starts from a seed, grows a

stem and leaves, but its greatest achievement is as the bud appears and in

the embrace of the sun and rain, begins to unfold and express its unique

beauty and fragrance to the world. Then beloveds, it is not hidden, it pours

forth its beauty and essence for all to enjoy. For what was once hidden in the

deep soil as a seed now expresses its true divine nature as it awakens to its

eternal essence and perfection. All take notice of the awakened heart, it

cannot be hidden any longer and your true work begins in that opening. You

are love, you have always been love, the world awaits your unfolding. Babaji

lovetruth 29-06-2024 05:58 PM

I promise the next post will be formatted better...lol

Unseeking Seeker 29-06-2024 06:20 PM

Thanks for sharing, lovetruth, God bless

kralaro 30-06-2024 02:39 PM

This is amazing lovetruth. Thank you. Formatting is perfect for me personally as i viewed this post in mobile phone.

My obeisance to both you and Babaji.

Here's an image based on your username:

I don't want to crowd this thread so please consider my appreciation implicit for the rest of your posts _/\_

lovetruth 06-07-2024 07:34 PM

For whatever reason. the last post formatted this way, when I created space between the lines to make it easier to read. It happened on the Jeshua post also. I am guessing most people are reading from their phones so it seems it is a good thing. :hug3:

lovetruth 09-07-2024 06:32 PM

Dear ones, lift up every concern to the infinite. You need not hold onto the

burdens you believe are yours, these are a temporary phenomenon on the

road to enlightenment. One begins to believe the burdens are real when in

truth these are temporary beliefs held as one navigates upon the earth. It

takes but surrender to loosen these burdens you hold. See beyond the

temporary and realize you are all infinite and have ever been. You cannot

carry these burdens into the infinite, they are but signposts along the way to

bring learning and wisdom back to the heart. Examine every part of your

lives and learn from what seems to persist, be it anger fear or sorrow; these

in truth are not yours. Let the lesson be integrated then let go of what seems

to hold you back from your true infinite state of being. Life is given as a gift

to expand your consciousness; you were never meant to hold onto what you

determine is yours to carry. Allow yourselves to see every situation in a

different light and your struggles will loosen and fall away. If you can hold

love in your hearts in every part of life, things will unfold in a different way

and instead of being a burden they will be seen for what they are, another

lesson to embrace and learn from, so it can then be released with love and

gratitude. When you see everything from a place of love, wisdom and

understanding these things that seem so heavy become light and if you stay

in that understanding you can even see the humor of your lives that have

made you so serious. Walk lightly and with a loving, kind heart. Let go of

what no longer serves you, but let it go with love wisdom and

understanding; then you will not attract the same lessons over and over

again. Learn from your experiences, then release them to the infinite within

and life will become a joyous experience. This dear ones, will bring peace

and understanding to the heart, then you can carry those into the world

instead of anger and sorrow. Your inner wisdom is already deep so tap into it

and let it walk with you through life as a companion, for this is your inner

light that is ever with you. See then, everything that comes your way as an

opportunity for expansion, for when you experience fully without judgement

of the situation, persons etc. you will be able to move with grace and ease

through life. Let life unfold like a dance, each step just another move toward

your eternal goal of enlightenment. Move lightly through life, ever forgiving

yourself and all those around you; you are indeed, all in this together and

every person you encounter is for a reason, nothing is happenstance in life;

you each attract exactly what you need to learn throughout life. Once love

enters your heart and you are able to hold that love in every circumstance,

you will see everything in a new light and you can easily understand what the

lesson is, embrace it with love and move on. This life is like a game, you

hold all the pieces and it is how you lay them on the board that matters.

Make something beautiful with what you are given, it is your game to share

with all those around you and if done with love your interactions will all fit

together with perfection. Babaji

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