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lovetruth 15-08-2012 03:16 PM

Dear ones, do you realize that all conflict arises from a stance of separation? If you are relating to the world in a state of separation, this will cause conflict in your

life. Study your emotional life and it will be a clue to where your heart resides. Fear is present when one has lost their center, and therefore will feel alone or

separate. Once aligned back into the inner source, fears will naturally dissipate. Stability comes of understanding that a state of separation is belief in the dream.

reality stems from a stance of knowing, and an assurance that order is beyond the dream. A simple chart will help you to quickly ascertain what is defining your

present reality.


Inner Awareness
Knowing/ Wisdom
Unlimited Being


Outer Awareness

The dream will pull you into a dual state of awareness and all the functions of the dream state apply. This is a state of the chaotic mind. Notice, dear ones, that

this state keeps one off balance and in a state of uncertainty. One is in the illusion that outer control is needed to bring balance, but the opposite is true. the

state of reality is based in unity with all and it reflects the inner state that is ordered and trusting of all outcomes. It holds no tension about the present, because

it is in a state of knowing, it instills reflection and stillness, it has no enemy because it is steeped in oneness. You are encouraged to copy this chart and carry it

with you as a from of remembrance throughout your day. Are you willing to acknowledge that the dream is an image and it does not present the truth, because it is

purely an outer awareness? You are living in the dream but your reality resides within and it is in achieving this inner balance of living that lets you live in the world

but not be of it. This balance will keep your heart steady with the innate knowing that lives within. Only one state of mind is true, dear ones, the other will keep

you in a state of distraction, and fear. The secret to a fulfilled and happy life, is realizing the nature of life is a dream and to become lucid/knowing, so that the

dream does not fool you. Be a player in the cosmic dream with this wisdom. Trust dear ones, hold your vision in that place that goes beyond the temporary dream

state. Boldly state to the cosmos that you are a child of infinite possibility and unlimited joy, and this will surely unfold, as you are each divine. Babaji

Just a quick note, the chart should be side by side, but I was unable to put in in this way, lovetruth

silent energy 15-08-2012 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Dear ones, do you realize that all conflict arises from a stance of separation? If you are relating to the world in a state of separation, this will cause conflict in your

life. Study your emotional life and it will be a clue to where your heart resides. Fear is present when one has lost their center, and therefore will feel alone or

separate. Once aligned back into the inner source, fears will naturally dissipate. Stability comes of understanding that a state of separation is belief in the dream.

reality stems from a stance of knowing, and an assurance that order is beyond the dream. A simple chart will help you to quickly ascertain what is defining your

present reality.


Inner Awareness
Knowing/ Wisdom
Unlimited Being


Outer Awareness

The dream will pull you into a dual state of awareness and all the functions of the dream state apply. This is a state of the chaotic mind. Notice, dear ones, that

this state keeps one off balance and in a state of uncertainty. One is in the illusion that outer control is needed to bring balance, but the opposite is true. the

state of reality is based in unity with all and it reflects the inner state that is ordered and trusting of all outcomes. It holds no tension about the present, because

it is in a state of knowing, it instills reflection and stillness, it has no enemy because it is steeped in oneness. You are encouraged to copy this chart and carry it

with you as a from of remembrance throughout your day. Are you willing to acknowledge that the dream is an image and it does not present the truth, because it is

purely an outer awareness? You are living in the dream but your reality resides within and it is in achieving this inner balance of living that lets you live in the world

but not be of it. This balance will keep your heart steady with the innate knowing that lives within. Only one state of mind is true, dear ones, the other will keep

you in a state of distraction, and fear. The secret to a fulfilled and happy life, is realizing the nature of life is a dream and to become lucid/knowing, so that the

dream does not fool you. Be a player in the cosmic dream with this wisdom. Trust dear ones, hold your vision in that place that goes beyond the temporary dream

state. Boldly state to the cosmos that you are a child of infinite possibility and unlimited joy, and this will surely unfold, as you are each divine. Babaji

Just a quick note, the chart should be side by side, but I was unable to put in in this way, lovetruth

What a great message. These were the words that I needed to hear, thanks:smile:

lovetruth 16-08-2012 04:23 PM

I am so glad these words helped you MindOverMatter. Thank the sweet Master Babaji. blessings, lovetruth

lovetruth 18-08-2012 03:46 PM

Dear ones, get in the habit of seeing the world and its peoples in an image of perfection. Envision brotherhood amongst all beings. when you hold this peaceful

thought in your heart as truth, peace will begin to manifest around you. Surrender doubt, you are using your imagination as creative force , which instigates

change. This is why it is so important to let go of belief about any group of beings. Let the entire scope of belief shift so that what you image is in peaceful

relationship between all. You are each conquering your own deep prejudice that extends from an idea that has been instilled as belief. You each determine what is

true for you, do you not? Why not then hold the purest form of thought that is inclusive of all. This is a full release of learned attitudes and mental programming.

Determine to let go of these now, and give each being your highest regard as a fellow expression in time. When you do this, you may realize hidden agendas exist in

your thoughts that have escaped examination. See every being relating to one another as brothers and sisters, fully realized and in recognition of their true nature.

Every thought toward unity helps to unite, every thought toward separation adds to separation. It is being cognizant of your power to determine outcome. As you

each become aware, remember your responsibility to self and each other. Perhaps at first, you will catch yourself in judgement of another or a group, simply

acknowledge this then shift your thought to one that holds all unique and integral to the whole, then take it a step further and see each being as light. The

next step will merge the light into oneness, then see the individual walk out of the light as a ball of light, once again displaying their own uniqueness. If you practice

this exercise, oneness becomes apparent and also the unique aspect of each being is revealed. Many fear that to merge is to lose self, but in truth dear ones, you

are extending and participating in the unique aspects of the whole while retaining your own unique understanding. Think rather of touching into all knowing, all

being, while still holding your own uniqueness. In this your fears of losing self will disappear. You are all in truth eternal, everlasting and without end. Babaji

Vasudev 18-08-2012 07:45 PM


lovetruth 21-08-2012 04:03 PM

Dear ones, it is desire that has moved you toward progress in each life. In the beginning desire is used to bring to yourselves whatever it is that you feel is

necessary; as you progress, desire changes also. Desire in itself will not hold you back, it is in fulfillment of that part of your physical makeup, yet when desire is for

the self only and does not take into consideration another, desire abandons sense and moves to control and domination, or it can become a form of greed. Desire

without attachment comes after many lifetimes of acquiring and learning to integrate compassion and gratitude in ones life. At some point, desire is for the greater

good, and although one may still strive to achieve, there is greater awareness of how each desire effects others. In other words, if the object desired is not easily

integrated back into the earth after use, it becomes a burden to the earth and also to future generations. As more become aware and take all these truths into

consideration, it will effect the way one lives, consciously or unconsciously. It is a matter of intent how one relates to a world that has become wasteful and

uncaring of the whole. You each hold great power of choice and if enough of you choose to live in an integrated manner, aware of how your choices affect the

whole, change will occur rapidly. Want and need are quite different when one considers that many wish only to have enough to meet their basic needs. There is no

reason that so many suffer in the name of progress. Progress in a state of consciousness does not negate whole countries, so that a few can prosper. You are all

well aware of this upside down approach to life and living, but it is up to each of you to undo and remake your world from a stance of consciousness. When enough

of you have made this leap, then help will be made available to restructure your world in a more conscientious manner. First, be grateful for what you have been

given, then acknowledge that all are deserving of a free and abundant existence, but no longer based in gain for the sake of gain, but in a conscious state of

balance that does not take from another to serve the few, and a letting go those things that only add harm to the earth and atmosphere. Dear ones, it has gotten

so out of balance, that most products are unwelcome to the earth and it is here that you as conscious beings must choose wisely what you consider necessary.

Yes, society will change, but focused intent will become a necessity if the earth is to be honored and respected, and as all beings choose to love, mighty shifts will

be made. It is awareness, dear ones, that moves you forward. Be aware on a universal scale, for no longer are you the lone planet of your misguided beliefs. You

are indeed children of the universe and you are graduating to full participants in a universe of divine purpose. Let then, your own purpose explore all possibility.


lovetruth 24-08-2012 03:20 PM

Dear ones, think of all the events of your past that have come to your attention to be healed. Every one cycles into awareness or as a challenge so that it can

finally be fully realized, healed and released. This is also happening on a larger scale in your world. These cycles persist until the problem resurfaces and is brought

forward to be healed. These cycles also involve your solar system, galaxy and universe because all are connected. There is no way to separate even one planet

from the whole of the universe, the planet in question is the earth. The earth has now moved into a cycle of healing, all the parts of her must be made aware of

this connection which resolves down to every being upon her. You are all healing a part of the grand illusion, you are all facing every part of life that has been

denied, hidden, or feared. This is a healing of the collective, which means no part of the collective is less than the whole. Can you see the importance of claiming

your own need to reckon with your individual and collective healing? Just as your body, in its wisdom, seeks out whatever imbalance is within, then sets

to heal it, so it does not overtake the body, so too, dear ones is the larger picture, with the earth as a part of a larger system. The healing is for the health of the

collective, the universe is healed as each part is cleared and released. You are healing/ releasing the collective dream, which is a just a denial of who you truly are.

It is a fallacy to believe you are small and ineffective in such a vast creation, creation has no limit, it is all inclusive, all of great importance and this is so, because

source is the sum of the parts. Value yourselves and everything, these are just extensions of your own divine being. Every part of the whole serves a purpose and

is bound to every other part. It is important to heal any part of the self that is unbalanced so that the larger systems also come into balance. This is the reason

you are all present on the earth at this time as participants in restoring balance. Each part of your life that you examine and heal, directly influences the whole.

You believe you are creatures of habit, but dear ones the truth is you have come as emissaries to shift the old habits of dissension and fear. Here then, is the

power of your presence on earth, to shift the balance back to beauty, honor, and peace for all beings. Believe that your efforts are of great importance and that

each new awareness is another step to freedom and joy. It is truth dear ones, your are your own healers, your own sweet expression of the divine. Babaji

lovetruth 27-08-2012 03:03 PM

Dear ones, I remind you there is but one security, and it is of the divine. Fear can only make an appearance if one has a belief in the illusion of outer security which

is of the mind that believes the physical as the only reality. Many suffer because of this belief, having mistakenly put trust in something that is intangible. Test the

illusion against truth, does it stand of its own power? All that seems tangible is intangible and all which seems intangible (unseen, of the spirit) is truth. The dream

of illusion alters the truth by its very nature. It distorts and rearranges according to whatever masks truth and keeps the dream as the only awareness. Just as a

magician holds its audience in a state of illusion by simple effects, so too does illusion keep one in a trance that steals truth to replace it with a lie. As the dual

states play out keep your inner eye open and attuned to what appears as reality. At times one is caught up in the illusion and is swayed by it, but dear ones, keep

alert to the game always and depend on your inner guidance to lead you rather than the dramas that are ever spun around you. So much is playing out as all

distortions are being unraveled and revealed. Hold that inner security, the sweet knowing of your strength, for this is your inner source of power. Remember, dear

ones, nothing will be swept under the rug, all will be exposed for what it is. You are between two worlds, the one of true life and the one that plays out dualistic

dramas. The sooner you wake up to this imagined struggle, the sooner the dream will fade so that all can awaken to full wisdom and knowing. View the movie

with this in mind and you will flow effortlessly along as the observer, sweetly unmoved by what unfolds. This is a great step toward rising above the scenes, one is

held in the dream by the quality of belief in its ability to hold one in this outer awareness. Be wise dear ones, view the dream movies with understanding, keep your

inner light always bright so you are not distracted unduly, and know that we walk ever with you. Babaji

lovetruth 31-08-2012 03:16 PM

Dear ones, you are each constructing by your own vision, your new life. Whatever it is that stimulates your curiosity will also lead you to your wisdom. When you

are open to life as a partner, and are ready to experience as a partner with the divine, life will lead you to those experiences that bring you joy and greater freedom.

You have all been blinded by the idea that you are less than the whole, or by the illusion that you could find answers from the outer appearances that are ever

unfolding a new drama to keep you mesmerized. Now dear ones you have come full circle and having participated in the dream, you find you are no longer content

with these images. Is this not true? The outer denies truth by keeping one in confusion. Do you see how the play continues to entertain as long as you participate

without understanding? So many are now awakening to this process of questioning. The dramas only have purpose to lead you back to the seed of truth that is

ever present within. Can you not feel the old facade begging to fall away as you awaken? One need not totally lose balance and fall before learning to trust the

true master within, but many choose this illusion of suffering yet all paths are equal in importance, awakening, being the goal. As you each add your own vision to

the whole,you are integrating all life and purpose for the sake of growth for the all, and eventually dear ones all will arise in perfect understanding of the game.


lovetruth 03-09-2012 03:43 PM

Dear ones, giving your hearts and minds to the divine, is the key that allows self surrender which is necessary to override illusion. One has only to choose infinite

being, as one cannot serve two masters thus the ego must be released or surrendered as you full identity. It is this alone, that keeps so many in a state of illusion

because the identity has been falsely accepted as the self. This, then, is the final surrender that undoes illusion, but one also must be ready to recognize

responsibility in every situation you have created and therefore ultimately undoing your karmas. It is this recognition that allows one to conquer the false self and

still retain spiritual identity, which is fully present in oneness, yet unique in its experiences of life in the physical. Here then is the fine balance of living as spirit in a

physical body which is experiencing the body in illusion. Confusion arises when one trusts the senses as its full experience, not realizing that the spirit, while

experiencing the physical as observer it is truly experiencing in its full state of awareness, that which cannot be understood or realized by the brain. It is when one

trusts implicitly spirit and with the element of faith of your being existing beyond the physical senses that one invites true spiritual growth. Be aware that the

process can take thousands of lifetimes, yet in each of these lives one comes closer to this realization, even if it is not apparent in those lives. Life, as a

succession, must experience the full range of emotional and physical sensation as a participant with mass consciousness to finally achieve this state of mind. It

cannot be forced yet it can be accelerated at certain times, and this is one of those times. Many choose to live in this cycle to gain awareness by being in the

presence of those who are ready and willing to take a grand leap in consciousness. This is why it seems there are so many levels of understanding and yet so many

still apparently sleep. on another level these are truly shifting to a greater understanding but it is not yet apparent to those on a physical level. This is why it is so

important to support each individual in whatever way they may believe, simply by living at your highest frequency of love. Many may not understand you, but it

does not matter because on another level these beings are shifting by your very presence in realizing you are cosmic beings. There are all levels of souls on the

planet at this time, because all matter up-shifts at the end of a cycle. For now, it is important to to release the idea of duality and see all as divine, which is truth.

Look beyond the body, mind and appearances projected, see your brothers and sisters as perfect and let this idea reflect, instead of mirrors of separation. See

these free of fear and fully conscious, you are sharing this ideal as your own reality, which then impacts the whole. All came for this grand opportunity, many of

you have reached this cycle with the full intent to make a leap in consciousness, while helping your brothers and sisters, and we assist you in this beautiful

endeavor. Remember, dear ones, all are in perfection, all are deserving of love, in this we unify in purpose. Babaji

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