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kosmonaut 30-07-2017 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
Next reading for tealily
That was a good question, I'll do the same -

Q: What does the next month hold for me in terms of career?

Reading for tealily
I would like to attempt this reading!

I used my Rider-Waite Tarot cards.

The Hanged Man (R), 5 of Cups, 7 of Wands

Overall, I believe you may be coming into this month feeling as though you have invested a lot of energy into your career but you may not be seeing the results you expected - perhaps there is a feeling of being at a standstill. You may be inclined to blame others or yourself for this.

With the 5 of Cups I think the cards may be indicating this period may present challenges or losses that are more emotionally than material. Especially in conjunction with 7 of Wands, there may be feelings of being challenged needlessly or having to defend your way of doing or dealing with something.

I also think there may be a general message of taking the time to reflect and take a look at how you are perceiving things with your career - are you looking at this half full, or half empty? And perhaps this is a time to think more clearly about what you want out of your career, and how to achieve that.

This is my first attempt at reading online.. I hope it was somewhat accurate. I am still trying to learn how to read cards together as a full reading. I welcome any criticism! Thank you.

Next reading for Kosmonaut

Q: What do I need to know to further myself in my spiritual journey?

Thank you!

55Degrees 31-07-2017 11:29 AM

Reading for Kosmonaut

Q: What do I need to know to further myself in my spiritual journey?

Page of Cups, High Priestess, 10 of Wands.

Stay receptive to things that, at present, feel beyond the realms of reality, although I sense that you may have already started to experience this.
Keep in mind, seeking knowledge is a solitary thing, nobody can tell you. You can only seek truth and knowledge your own way. It can be a lonely and exhausting journey, but if you want to truly experience 'coming home' to your true essence, then you need to keep going, no matter how difficult the journey becomes

Next reading for Pisces
Q - What is currently taking form?

tealily 06-08-2017 09:01 AM

Feedback for kosmonaut


Originally Posted by kosmonaut
The Hanged Man (R), 5 of Cups, 7 of Wands

Overall, I believe you may be coming into this month feeling as though you have invested a lot of energy into your career but you may not be seeing the results you expected - perhaps there is a feeling of being at a standstill. You may be inclined to blame others or yourself for this.

Very this; my boss didn't even want to discuss promoting me to commission and I've just had an extremely brief holiday planned with family shortened even further because he wants to ensure more business coverage.

I'm doing extremely well at work (recently returned from a 2 week break and in that time not only regained original caseload but have started overtaking other more established employees in terms of bookings) so am very disappointed.


With the 5 of Cups I think the cards may be indicating this period may present challenges or losses that are more emotionally than material. Especially in conjunction with 7 of Wands, there may be feelings of being challenged needlessly or having to defend your way of doing or dealing with something.
Definitely challenged needlessly, I've demonstrated that I can do extremely well outside of the rigid hours/days he feels we need to work. The losses are also emotional - as in, I'm unable to spend time with family.


I also think there may be a general message of taking the time to reflect and take a look at how you are perceiving things with your career - are you looking at this half full, or half empty? And perhaps this is a time to think more clearly about what you want out of your career, and how to achieve that.
Haha, I'm evidently looking at this half-empty... but you're right, it may be a time to think more strategically about when is the right time to leave this job, and what I'm looking for in the next one.

Next reading for Pisces Moon
Q: What is currently taking form?

tealily 06-08-2017 10:41 AM

Reading for Pisces Moon
What is currently taking form?

10 of Cups, Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups

This is still screaming out family/community to me. "Reconnections" is coming to mind - potentially lots of catchups or seeing loved ones you haven't seen in a while. 3 of Cups can also be a "graduation" card of sorts, so perhaps there is a work promotion party or some other achievement-related gathering on your near horizon :)

Ace of Cups can also indicate a flood of inspiration and ideas - so the alternative situation here might be something like a monthly writer's meeting/tarot meeting, and this giving you some amazing ideas you can pursue further in the near future.

Next reading for tealily
Q: What is currently taking form for me in terms of love relationships?

55Degrees 06-08-2017 11:02 AM

Feedback for tealily


Originally Posted by tealily
Reading for Pisces Moon
What is currently taking form?

10 of Cups, Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups

This is still screaming out family/community to me. "Reconnections" is coming to mind - potentially lots of catchups or seeing loved ones you haven't seen in a while. 3 of Cups can also be a "graduation" card of sorts, so perhaps there is a work promotion party or some other achievement-related gathering on your near horizon :)

Ace of Cups can also indicate a flood of inspiration and ideas - so the alternative situation here might be something like a monthly writer's meeting/tarot meeting, and this giving you some amazing ideas you can pursue further in the near future.

Yay, long time, no see.
10 of Cups - yes, my youngest is coming home for a long weekend so plenty of catching up to do.
3 of Cups - I'm taking over as acting manager for the next month (minimum). Yet to see if it will be permanent.
Ace of Cups - In this past week I've been brainstorming on how to resurrect my blog (it's been fairly neglected due to creative blocks) and now have a plan (I think).

Next reading for tealily
Q: What is currently taking form for me in terms of love relationships?

Spotted&HerbaceousSmall 08-08-2017 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Feedback for Spotted&HerbaceousSmall
Comments are in blue :smile:

Thank you for this, you are not giving yourself enough credit here. You picked up on things that you couldn't have known. Trust that 'feeling'. You got this.:smile:

Aw thanks Pisces!

Ok, reading for tealily
Q: What is currently taking form for me in terms of love relationships?

I've asked this twice, once to a tarot deck and once to my favourite pack of playing cards as I'm trying to get better with them!

Playing Cards
I'm still very much a beginner with this branch of divination and I've been told that while it's extremely accurate to a skilled reader, that's because the cards change their meanings depending on what they're sat next to and what else has been drawn. I'm not a skilled reader so I might well be completely misfiring :rolleyes:

King of Spades
A man with sable hair. A figure of authority, driven and ambitious
9 of Diamonds
Restlessness, a financial surprise, business opportunity
5 of Diamonds
Unexpected news (in conjunction with other cards, a pregnancy??)
5 of Spades
Interference at home
Ace of Hearts
A new romance. In conjunction with the rest of the spread, misunderstandings and news of distant friends

Reading it as a whole:
There's a new or rekindled romance on the horizon, probably with the man described (dark hair, ambitious. Quite high up in his chosen field. Possibly someone to do with your work or someone you already know). This may come about after there are misunderstandings and disagreements at home (someone sticking their oar in?) and you find yourself looking for a friend.

Ordinary cards

Ace of Cups
The beginning of a new relationship or the rekindling of an old one
The Fool
A new beginning, trust yourself
Letting go of the past, an ending bringing new opportunities
Three of Pentacles
Being the best at what you do, working with others
Wheel of Fortune
Sudden good luck, travel, end of delays, change

Reading it as a whole:
There's a new or rekindled relationship just around the corner, but to get there you have to let go of the past and trust that there's a new beginning for you. There is change afoot, don't be afraid of it! There is something or (someone) connected to your work that is important to this chain of events

On the whole I'd reckon there's a bit of a change approaching you and although it's going to look scary, you're going to need to roll with it in the assurance that it's all going to turn out rosy in the end because it's good change :)

Next reading for Spotted&HerbaceousSmall

I've got a 'feeling' something good is about to happen to me; anyone got any idea what it is?

Hugmenots 11-08-2017 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by tealily

Reading for Hugmenots
Since I'm starting a new career tentatively next month (Mid or Late Aug), I would really like to know how my first month there would be like.
So the question will be:
What do I need to know about my career next month?

* Happy tarot

4 of Wands, High Priestess rev, Ace of Wands

I feel like on the whole, it's going to be a successful period, however it's not going to be an entirely smooth ride - I feel like there are moments where you might grit your teeth together and go "grrr, what's the way to resolve this issue" (as all the ideal situations are moot for various reasons) but with some creativity and gusto, you should be able to pull them off. Take the initiative where necessary.

Hope that helps!

Hi Tealily,

Sorry for the late feedback! :tongue:

Thank you for the reading. :) Well... I haven't really started on my career yet, but I will take the advice given in mind. :smile:

It's not the first time I've had a reading for my career, but it's really great to know that the readings are similar in that it will be a rather smooth ride :)


Originally Posted by Spotted&HerbaceousSmall
Next reading for Spotted&HerbaceousSmall
I've got a 'feeling' something good is about to happen to me; anyone got any idea what it is?

55Degrees 11-08-2017 10:41 PM

Reading for Spotted&HerbaceousSmall
I've got a 'feeling' something good is about to happen to me; anyone got any idea what it is?

Death, The Sun, 2 of Cups.
These cards indicate that you are finally able to close the door on something (past relationship?) and move on. Finding a fresh, new outlook on life has positive implications by drawing new people in to your life. Be prepared for meeting someone special who is attracted to your positive energy.

Reading for Pisces
What does next week have in store?

Aglaya 12-08-2017 10:26 AM

Reading for Pisces_Moon
What does next week have in store?
2 of pentacles, 3 of cups, the Emperor

First of all, there is a possibility for you to get into a slightly indifferent emotional and mental state, and it will let you to achieve your goals in an easy and healthy way. All sorts of synchronicities will happen during this period, and it will be easy for you to see how the Universe is supporting you. Just follow the signs.

My reading:
The same question: what does the next week have in store?

tealily 18-08-2017 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Spotted&HerbaceousSmall
On the whole I'd reckon there's a bit of a change approaching you and although it's going to look scary, you're going to need to roll with it in the assurance that it's all going to turn out rosy in the end because it's good change :)

Haha unexpected change is right, I got hit with a medical issue and now life is a whole ball of "chaos is upon you" :)


Ok, reading for tealily
Q: What is currently taking form for me in terms of love relationships?

I've asked this twice, once to a tarot deck and once to my favourite pack of playing cards as I'm trying to get better with them!

Playing Cards
I'm still very much a beginner with this branch of divination and I've been told that while it's extremely accurate to a skilled reader, that's because the cards change their meanings depending on what they're sat next to and what else has been drawn. I'm not a skilled reader so I might well be completely misfiring :rolleyes:

King of Spades
A man with sable hair. A figure of authority, driven and ambitious
9 of Diamonds
Restlessness, a financial surprise, business opportunity
5 of Diamonds
Unexpected news (in conjunction with other cards, a pregnancy??)
5 of Spades
Interference at home
Ace of Hearts
A new romance. In conjunction with the rest of the spread, misunderstandings and news of distant friends

Reading it as a whole:
There's a new or rekindled romance on the horizon, probably with the man described (dark hair, ambitious. Quite high up in his chosen field. Possibly someone to do with your work or someone you already know). This may come about after there are misunderstandings and disagreements at home (someone sticking their oar in?) and you find yourself looking for a friend.
This sounds like one of the guys at work (we're all ambitious++), I'd felt some chemistry earlier in the year but it faded. There are LOTS of misunderstandings and disagreements generally at work, it's quite an intense place and both this guy and another guy can historically be a bit unexpectedly volatile. This dark-haired guy has been more even-tempered and considerate since I came back from an interstate trip though.

So if anything happens, then yes - it would be both new because nothing started before, but also rekindled because the sparks have been on/off for a while :)


Ordinary cards
Ace of Cups
The beginning of a new relationship or the rekindling of an old one
The Fool
A new beginning, trust yourself
Letting go of the past, an ending bringing new opportunities
Three of Pentacles
Being the best at what you do, working with others
Wheel of Fortune
Sudden good luck, travel, end of delays, change

Reading it as a whole:
There's a new or rekindled relationship just around the corner, but to get there you have to let go of the past and trust that there's a new beginning for you. There is change afoot, don't be afraid of it! There is something or (someone) connected to your work that is important to this chain of events

Heh, so much change afoot. The letting go of the past, if it's to do with the guy at work I'm thinking of, would have to be me taking a leap of faith and trusting that the issues between us in the past (some big communications style differences) would be successfully overcome. Both of us are also the type of people who wouldn't want to mix personal and professional lives, so that's something that would have to be overcome too.

A very good read, in my opinion - keep up the good work! Loved the summaries at the end where you linked the cards to give a concise, clear answer :)

Next reading for aglaya
The same question: what does the next week have in store?

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