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Clover 28-10-2016 01:58 PM

Divine Guidance for 6-28-16
Isis Oracle,
Your message of the day, Sf.

Pillar of Light

"Pillar of light burning bright
Earth star below soul star above
Burn away all that is not light
Transform all into unconditional love"

With the new moon coming into Scorpio this weekend, energies will be riding high. This is a call to start protecting your energy field by allowing more Divine Light in. The pillar of light is the energy tube of pure white light that connects the Soul star chakra above your head and the Earth star soul chakra beneath your feet. Know that there are higher frequencies waiting to connect more consciously with your spiritual enlightenment, healing and guidance but you need to prepare your energy field for the connection so the energy can flow without undue stress .During these trialing times, It is suggested that you build and strengthen your natural pillar of light within..

For this new moon cycle,remember to release, let go, and if you are having trouble with this idea than... accept circumstances as they are and just Let It Be https://youtu.be/SL-AVZ0TGKQ

Solarian 01-11-2016 07:07 AM

Divine Guidance 11-01-2016

When I ask for divine guidance for the day, I always SPECIFICALLY read for everyone who view THIS thread particularly.

SO...I wasn't going to post this, but it seems to correspond with the effects of the new moon. Some times we have to let go of relationships that are no longer working for us, just let it be, accept that people change and move on. I happened to use reversals in this reading, just a call from my intuition. I was gonna redo the reading, but decided against it and pulled two more cards instead, one from the very bottom and one from the very top. Seems very adamant on getting the message across. Good luck, everyone!

Temperance Reversed: disharmony and/or frustration; people are working at cross-purposes.

- - -

Bottom Card: Death Reversed: someone refuses to budge even for their own good. Possible loss of friendship(s)..beware of accidents

Top Card: 7 of Swords: secrecy/self interest; some one near you is dispensing bad advice--or could you be the one who talks to much?

Clover 01-11-2016 01:04 PM

Beautiful cards Soli. I read for the forum as a whole, I actually put my hand on the screen and ask, 'what does the forum need to know' ( I can feel a lot of static energy!) Intersting about your card summury though. I too am noticing a great deal of rifts or 'boomerang' affect between friendships & relationships; miscommunications and conflicting energies, I think the saying 'Be responsible for the energy you bring into a room' can be applied to many of these circumstances, espeically to those who feel vicitimized. As the law of psychics says; For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. One needs to ask themselves, are you being responsible for the energy or intent you are putting out to the Universe that are causing these imbalances and rifts via interpersonal communications. As you stated, the best advice right now is to.... let it go..

Fascinating cards! Love the foxy ;p. Scorpio energy is no joke! Lol

faithy 01-11-2016 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Clover

For this new moon cycle,remember to release, let go, and if you are having trouble with this idea than... accept circumstances as they are and just Let It Be https://youtu.be/SL-AVZ0TGKQ

Well that was really a nice song to hear right now, it made me feel at peace :) love it thank you Clover :)

Clover 01-11-2016 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by faithy
Originally posted by Clover

Well that was really a nice song to hear right now, it made me feel at peace :) love it thank you Clover :)

Hi faithy, it is very comforting isn't? I had a Catholic upbringing,so I resonate and love this song <3

Clover 01-11-2016 01:52 PM

Divine Guidence 11/01/2016

The Dissolving Light

I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal, and I became human.
Why should I fear anything?
When was I ever less by dying?


There is a light so intense, so powerful, that nothing other than itself, its own truth, can exist in its presence.So here is your guidance: Give it up – the smallness, the conditions, fears and doubts. The lack of reverence for yourself and life, the belief that somehow thing are not okay or aren’t going to work out. That is all a paltry attempt at truth! You are coming into a truth now that is far more worthy of you – a truth with a capital “T; the big Truth. Love. Trust. Surrender. Don’t hold onto what you once believed or thought to be true. Allow yourself to be shown another version of events, another way of perceiving. Don’t focus on what is not working in your current estimation of things, for that is nothing more than passing opinion. You are being given an opportunity to see and know yourself, others and particular life circumstances very differently. Embrace it

Anne 01-11-2016 02:17 PM

Solarian ~ Outstanding read on today's energies, thank you!

I'm hard pressed to recall a new moon phase with so much releasing going on.
I thought it was going to be a respite from the super moons, but noooo...
It's been equally intense if not more so...

I do agree with Clover.., trying very hard to 'let it be', with a caution toward being responsible for my own energy.

Solarian 01-11-2016 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
Beautiful cards Soli. I read for the forum as a whole, I actually put my hand on the screen and ask, 'what does the forum need to know' ( I can feel a lot of static energy!) Intersting about your card summury though. I too am noticing a great deal of rifts or 'boomerang' affect between friendships & relationships; miscommunications and conflicting energies, I think the saying 'Be responsible for the energy you bring into a room' can be applied to many of these circumstances, espeically to those who feel vicitimized. As the law of psychics says; For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. One needs to ask themselves, are you being responsible for the energy or intent you are putting out to the Universe that are causing these imbalances and rifts via interpersonal communications. As you stated, the best advice right now is to.... let it go..

Fascinating cards! Love the foxy ;p. Scorpio energy is no joke! Lol

HAha, seriously, ever since Mercury in Retrograde, the super moon, and now the new moon with shift in Scorp, just keeps on comin' right? I always thought that it was about standing my ground, going against the grain so to speak...but it's not bad to go with the flow I found, long as it takes ya forward :) IT's really interesting how you put your hand on the screen! That's totally cool!


Originally Posted by Clover
Divine Guidence 11/01/2016

The Dissolving Light

I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal, and I became human.
Why should I fear anything?
When was I ever less by dying?


There is a light so intense, so powerful, that nothing other than itself, its own truth, can exist in its presence.So here is your guidance: Give it up – the smallness, the conditions, fears and doubts. The lack of reverence for yourself and life, the belief that somehow thing are not okay or aren’t going to work out. That is all a paltry attempt at truth! You are coming into a truth now that is far more worthy of you – a truth with a capital “T; the big Truth. Love. Trust. Surrender. Don’t hold onto what you once believed or thought to be true. Allow yourself to be shown another version of events, another way of perceiving. Don’t focus on what is not working in your current estimation of things, for that is nothing more than passing opinion. You are being given an opportunity to see and know yourself, others and particular life circumstances very differently. Embrace it

As you say, accounted for our own actions. The end of this year as been full of self reflecting, full of re inventing the self. Thank you for this :)

Solarian 01-11-2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Anne
Solarian ~ Outstanding read on today's energies, thank you!

I'm hard pressed to recall a new moon phase with so much releasing going on.
I thought it was going to be a respite from the super moons, but noooo...
It's been equally intense if not more so...

I do agree with Clover.., trying very hard to 'let it be', with a caution toward being responsible for my own energy.

Glad this resonates with you! I agree with you both about the intensity. As Clover said, letting it be should lessen the intensity. Too bad we have to jump right back into Mercury in Retro next month and through the beginning of Jan. Hope for smooth sailing after that!:wink:

Solarian 04-11-2016 05:03 PM

Divine Guidance 11-04-2016

Three of Wands: self reliance/future visions

Alright fam, things are looking up. Acknowledge your progress and feel successful. Even if you still face challenges, negotiate from a position of strength. Look beyond your obstacles and beyond the mundane world. Don't be afraid to explore and experience! Embrace your visions and bring them to reality. You mold and shape your own reality; create your own experience. Others see your efforts, too :]

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