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Unseeking Seeker 05-04-2024 02:36 AM

Sage speak
we have heard
that you have seen,
that which is unseen,
namely the face of God
and that too in broad daylight,
so with folded hands, we request
you to please teach us all the practice,
following which, we too may see the light.

Dear soul, the path to follow is pathless,
appearing on its own when we seek
with a pure heart, in childlike trust,
making mindful every touch,
seeing God’s light in all
for that is the truth,
so recognised
in the cave
of our


Unseeking Seeker 10-04-2024 10:23 AM

The tenth door
Liken the fontanel as the tenth door,
which soon after birth, slowly becomes closed,
whence blinded from truth, we feel not our core,
immersed in hypnotic trance self-imposed,
floundering about through life indisposed.
Freedom’s enabled when we pierce the crown,
which occurs when our turbid thoughts calm down
and heart purified, ego is decried,
that love entwined, in stream of bliss we drown,
in the vast void glide, amazed and wide eyed.


Unseeking Seeker 16-04-2024 11:34 AM

Have we seen God
Is not God a concept, till we see Him?
How will memorising scriptures assist?
Conditioned beliefs make our soul’s light dim.
Love alone is real and that’s life’s gist.
A Hindu believes God takes many forms,
whilst for a Christian, Jesus is the all,
Muslims adore Allah, Buddhists bliss storms;
myriad paths, that drive us up the wall.
First things first, let us find out who we are
because it’s clear, we’re more than body-mind.
God’s omnipresent, so he can’t be far.
Sages who saw Him, were with love aligned.
Is not attachment, the cause of sorrow;
regrets of past and fear of the morrow?

Regrets of past and fear of the morrow,
deflects attention from the here and now;
heart contracts as ego spawned fears burrow
deep in our core, since such thoughts we allow.
Back to the basics, we ask, who am I?
It’s said we are soul but we’ve not seen it,
yet whenever we err, we feel heart sigh,
so the lamp of love in heart must be lit.
We look to nature to set doubts to rest.
Doing nothing, we see a rose blossom,
so it’s sure we too will rise to the crest
and the secret lies, deep in our bosom.
The clue is simple as to how to start;
to introduce ourself, hand goes to heart.

To introduce ourself, hand goes to heart,
a move instinctive, because our soul knows,
that once head and heart do not stand apart,
the tree of love within us slowly grows.
So choosing to bend, that we may ascend,
we pause the cause of flow of turbid thought
and past relationship with ego end,
that in tranquil silence, we be self-taught.
The shift is easy and yet difficult,
since it does require taking back control,
surrendering membership of each cult,
including religions elders extol.
In timeless time, silence does enable,
our presence in the void, always stable.

Our presence in the void, always stable,
looks back at life led, knowing it’s a dream,
for sans identity, what’s the label
that may describe a beautiful moonbeam?
Layer by layer, concepts we held fade
and though we seek nothing, light within dawns,
felt as magnetism that assigns no grade,
imbibed without effort, as our soul yawns.
This current divine penetrates our form,
bringing with it deep wisdom from heaven
and we’re swept away in this benign storm,
that cascades within, through chakras seven.
Pathless is the path which we walk upon;
with each breath we take, we’re here now reborn.

With each breath we take, we’re here now reborn,
with our void-centric stance, bereft of thought,
bliss energising this form we adorn,
past fears and desires, are reduced to naught.
Life as impulsed, continues to unfold
but free from want we become nonchalant,
our aura inked with love, in hues of gold,
as God Himself becomes our confidant.
We see our true Self, resplendent with light,
as God, our Father, erases erst sin,
bestowing on us wisdom and clear sight
and having seen, we know, He dwells within.
Myriad are beliefs, to feed every whim;
is not God a concept, till we see Him?

Crown of Sonnets

Unseeking Seeker 20-04-2024 05:28 AM

Dilemma of the Dalai Lama
holding within heart, omnipotent force
we can, if we choose, alter the dream
but if love and light be our sole resource
should we not allow desire forms to stream

as we witness all as but a flicker in time
where through laboured breathing souls climb
the will of God and ours now being one
behold motionless is space, steadfast the sun

and yet within our heart soul stirrings create
a ripple of love manifesting cause and effect
an innate impulse that chooses not to wait
lending a hand to those who are shipwrecked

Unseeking Seeker 25-04-2024 03:58 AM

Emptying heart of seeking and desire,
no thoughts arise and therefore ego dies,
whence presence, now an ethereal fire,
in the void of no-thingness, wingless flies.

The primal celestial music within,
reverberates with omnipotent force
deep in cave of heart, so we go therein,
becoming the flame, changing our life course.

Time and space dissolved, as we vaporise,
transformed as that, we had set out to seek,
feeling breath by breath, rapture within rise,
soul imbibes grace of which we may not speak.

The pathless path we have thus set upon,
finds us in each moment of time reborn.


Unseeking Seeker 01-05-2024 09:49 AM

Light of a thousand suns
Thousands of bliss bubbles vibrate in our head,
capping, as it were, our presence in a mist,
wherein then thus by divine magnetism led,
heart sings on being by Divine Mother kissed.
Nodes within form, independent yet entwined,
all sing love’s song, being with bliss beats aligned
and the rapture we feel, with joy we exclaim,
effusing love and light, as our claim to fame.


Unseeking Seeker 05-05-2024 04:33 PM

The Self
or what
is the Self,
of which sages
speak in metaphors,
pointing but not showing,
pointing out that we are that
but know not, since we’re deluded,
thinking that we’re but this feeble form,
which will perish, unlike our consciousness?

The truth cannot be known till we become
the light which we have set out to seek,
for which discarding erst beliefs,
freezing in time, all movement,
the outer world recedes
and in staid silence,
without mirrors
we behold
truth of

Unseeking Seeker 10-05-2024 04:04 AM

Magic of love
Our stance is drooped and eyes downcast;
desires we cling to, do not last.
Thought forms appear and disappear;
let our life course, scent of love steer.

Life lived thus far seems like a dream,
conjured by thought forms we did stream.
Which attachment do we hold dear?
Let our life course, scent of love steer.

Objects we clung to, seem like smoke,
so it is high time we awoke.
Why fear, when there is no one here?
Let our life course, scent of love steer.

We wish to reclaim, heart childlike,
when with each breath, bliss used to spike.
With mind of heart, see, touch and hear;
let our life course, scent of love steer.

There’s nothing out there, all’s within,
in cave of heart, let’s go therein.
If we call to Him, God draws near;
let our life course, scent of love steer.


Unseeking Seeker 18-05-2024 04:02 PM

Show me God
Beginning with body-mind we ensoul,
our heart tells us our true form’s love and light
and so do ancient scriptures we extol,
but what is the path that bestows clear sight?

Concepts serve no purpose, so we must see
directly with our eyes, sans thought flow crutch,
for it’s God’s grace alone that sets us free,
transmuting our form, that we learn by touch.

When we are still, awareness self-aware,
reconnects our core essence with the source,
setting love aflame, as head and heart pair,
drawing in bliss mists, without use of force.

In timeless time our false self falls away,
upon which we see God’s light, clear as day.


Unseeking Seeker 20-05-2024 04:40 AM

Rainbow body
Our rainbow body, in heart is concealed,
covered by layers of fear, hate and lust
but when we’re by love healed, truth is revealed,
here and now within this form made of dust,
whence we walk mindfully, upon earth’s crust.
Befriending silence, dwelling in the void,
delusion of lower mind is destroyed,
paving way for our form to be transformed,
revealing soul’s light, pure and unalloyed;
rainbow in full view, as scriptures informed.

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