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flutterangel 31-05-2011 11:51 PM

Hi Sparrow,
In another thread you had commented about death not being predetermined. I am curious, if we set out our life plans before we reincarnate, do we not set certain ways or times for us to return home, when we are ready? I have read, whether accurate or not, that we determine ahead of time, what the person calls exit points, where we may choose to return or not return home if we are ready. What about the theory someone expressed that people may have chosen to pass on in the Joplin, MO tornado to teach us/bring to attention something such as global warming.
And then, being that we have reincarnated many times, and probably with many different personalities, I am confused as to who we really are on the otherside when we go home. Will I take any of this personality with me? Or be a completely different "soul" there?
Thanks as always for your thoughts!

Tiss 01-06-2011 02:51 AM

Thanks Sparrow for your clear post. I fully agree with you about not to unnecessary open doors that it is far better to keep closed.

I am more focused on understanding what does self-awakening mean, in practical terms. I would really want to advance on it. The matter of awakening that which I already am... Well, I already know that I am an old spirit doing a human experience, and it is not the first one.

Till months ago, I lived exclusively as a human being, I mean, my consciousness only focused on "human" matters. Good deeds, but human ones. I could experience the best of a human life, unconditional love, harmony, development, abundance, a peaceful live full of purpose.

It was when my beloved passed, you know that I changed... We had always an "empirical" way to do good for ourselves and for others, but we never asked ourselves -or at least myself- why. And less... I never asked myself who was I.

After he passed, I began to see everything from a different perspective, and these talks, not always soft, helped me to. Now I feel that my consciousness is progressively expanding but how to measure it. How to acknowledge that I am truly on the right path? Could you help me discover it?

With high appreciation, :hug:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-06-2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Hi Sparrow,
In another thread you had commented about death not being predetermined. I am curious, if we set out our life plans before we reincarnate, do we not set certain ways or times for us to return home, when we are ready? I have read, whether accurate or not, that we determine ahead of time, what the person calls exit points, where we may choose to return or not return home if we are ready. What about the theory someone expressed that people may have chosen to pass on in the Joplin, MO tornado to teach us/bring to attention something such as global warming.
And then, being that we have reincarnated many times, and probably with many different personalities, I am confused as to who we really are on the otherside when we go home. Will I take any of this personality with me? Or be a completely different "soul" there?
Thanks as always for your thoughts!

Warmest richness of love and light Angel of delight! <3

Again you bless us with such wonderful questions to illuminate understanding for all.

I will dissect your questions and address them one at a time so that you may receive my understanding fully.

‘In another thread you had commented about death not being predetermined. I am curious, if we set out our life plans before we reincarnate, do we not set certain ways or times for us to return home, when we are ready?’

I have also stated on this forum that life is a celebration of free will and spontaneous creation in the moment of now. You do not set out with life plans in great detail, certainly not that of your death. The reason for this is because you do not, ahead of time, know the decisions you are going to make, the feelings you are going to experience and the sense of values and purpose you are going to create in your life. The ‘persona’ of the life you are about to create is not apparent to you yet since the persona which is now who you currently are was created by a great many events in your life, which in fact were not planned at all, but are the result of others deeds and actions, and influences of society and species as a whole. You do not know in advance the cause and effects of these others influences on you before you are born into physicality.

To denote that your soul is able to draw up some blueprint and arrange all these fine details for a life which has not even begun yet is somewhat premature. If your soul knew and could arrange everything in that manner which you describe there would actually be no point in coming to Earth, for it denotes you already have the power of foresight of all of your own experiences in advance. The aspect of these blueprints you describe have to do with things which the soul already knows by observation of current circumstance. These are such things as countries, cultures, races, ancestral families, things that are already in place which you can be drawn towards in terms of choice. But I tell you this, there is such a queue of souls wanting and waiting to be born on Earth that most simply attract themselves to an area which resonates to their needs at that time. Some souls do not get such a luxurious choice for if you hesitate the placement will be taken by some other soul who is just as eager to be born as you are.

You do not however, despite what some books may claim, choose in advance to be disfigured, to be blind, to be mentally or physically impaired, to have a premature birth, to die at the hands of some war which has not even occurred yet. Things that, as these books claim, are designed to pay back some ridiculous karma or to teach you some grand lesson. These things as listed have to do with the mechanics of human biology and chemical components within the cellular formation of the child and affects of others actions upon you as a child. This whole ideology about having to endure terrible hardships in order to learn lessons is a very primitive perception of your soul and spirit indeed. In the same light, you cannot therefore chose ‘in advance’ to be rich, to be remarkably attractive, to be famous, or to wield the biggest penis in five states. Such aspects of life are determined by, and are subject to human biology, the cause and effect of other people later in life, as well as planetary events.

Speaking of planetary events, such things as tornados and tsunamis are not known by your soul prior to having a physical life, so how would you choose this exit in advance?
You cannot choose something which has not yet happened. You can only choose something which has already manifested or is in the process of being made manifest; something which is within your interactivity capacity. You must be able to interact with it to choose it.

It is really the human intellectual and analytical mind which theorizes your soul would want to plan and arrange every little detail of its life, like the behaviour of the human instinctual ego. For the soul, death is but an instant, a blink of an eye, it really holds little significance. As you are born and live, the nature of your death, as your soul will understand, will be determined by the proceeding choices in life you make and the cause and effects of those choices. For example, if you choose to take up smoking, expect a high likelihood of a lung or heart related death, or that of cancer. It was not pre-determined you would become a smoker, you see. This is undeniably the result of human habitual behaviour.

‘What about the theory someone expressed that people may have chosen to pass on in the Joplin, MO tornado to teach us/bring to attention something such as global warming.’

My dear friend, do you honestly believe people are not already aware of global warming, and that it needs to call upon the great suffering and trauma of millions to make a point? Furthermore, do you believe such a traumatising event would actually teach everybody the same lesson, or make everybody ‘care’ about their planet more? Would you not suppose there is a far more efficient and subtle means to bring about awareness of such things without death and destruction? In fact there is, and it is happening as we speak. For there are beings in place around the world who are purposely within strategic positions and roles who are steering the future of humanity into progress and maturity. Some of great celestial connection, and some of extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional origin.

As I have spoken on such subjects before, the planetary events that populate the media are the result of certain cycles and structural changes the planet, and solar system is going through at this time. As the solar system expands and interacts with different energies each and every planet will be susceptible to change. This is why, if you have contacts in certain departments of NASA they will tell you that they are monitoring changes in and on all of the planets, including the sun itself.

Of course, human cause also has an effect on the planet as most are already aware. It is mostly negative attitude and energy output which does the most damage, rather than actual physical actions, but so too the inactions and indecisions of countries as a whole.

As someone who has studied humanity quite intricately from a distance I have observed that sacrificing ones life to make a desired point or teach a particular lesson fails in its objective far more than it succeeds. This often leaves souls in the spirit world with a sense of disappointment and resentment. It has been observed it is far more efficient to work patiently, persistently and pervasively at something to wield the best results in terms of raising planetary awareness.

Back to your question then, indeed just a theory it is that thousands, or millions of individuals choose to suffer in agony and trauma to teach others lessons. As I have explained, there are better, more efficient means to present the same message.

‘And then, being that we have reincarnated many times’

Reincarnation is a foregone conclusion, and inaccurate. For some, this is their very first life as a human, for many have come from other planets, and others have never had a physical life in all of their millions of years of spirit existence. Most are just curious about the condition and only come here once, or will choose to return perhaps in another thousand years when great change has occurred. Yes, some choose to return after a few hundred years, but those are a specific majority who are doing specific work for their soul group associated with Earth or the species and its progress. Earth has, if you like, sort of task forces and groups/councils of beings from many origins in the spirit world who oversee the development of planet Earth. These group members tend to be those who return to continue their work or agenda. Most others have agendas elsewhere within other soul groups having nothing to do with Earth or human beings. You would be wise to discard this notion that you keep returning to Earth in this repetitious way, for it is inaccurate.

‘I am confused as to who we really are on the otherside when we go home’

Initially you are exactly the same persona you were prior to your passing. This is because the cellular memory of your physical form and your conscious memory of your personality is transferred and projected into the spirit world. You will initially remain in this form and with this personality until you have accepted the fact that it can be changed like a suit of clothes by your thought processes. It is usually your guides who will illuminate you to this once more.

When you pass my friend, your soul is drawn into a sort of reception where a great many trained beings await you. They will assist in your transition for they are trained facilitators, and are often misinterpreted as religious Angels and Godly figures. Following this your energy state will gravitate back towards your original source. It is important you understand this. Your original source is the state and situation of your soul group which has its own unique and distinct vibration and characteristics. Those in the reception will know which soul group you have come from and will assist you ‘drift’ back to such a place. This is your true home in heaven, but it is an actual physical tangible place like planet Earth. It will have a ground and a sky and buildings of all kinds. Who you truly are, as a being, is found and remembered here. The moment you return here your memories of true Self will return. You will remember why you chose to have a physical life and will come to know each and every being who watched over you.
As you immerse yourself back into your soul group, more and more of your human persona, your human behaviour, will begin to fall away. Before you had your physical life you already had a personality, already had characteristic traits and gifts of spirit which made you unique. It is this personality which will return to you and who you will once again become. The being you have been for millions of years in the spirit world, before you ever considered a physical experience, is your core spirit identity. You will know of this being by the language of your heart in its most pure and loving state. What is the most loving thing you have ever done for someone in this life? This, my friend, is a reflection of who you actually, truly are in the spirit world, all of the time, not just some of the time. For if you can hold that memory in your heart and mind for just a second, you will be reconnecting with Self.

-Sparrow of the Asceleottyi

flutterangel 01-06-2011 02:09 PM

Thank you very much Sparrow. There is quite a bit to take away from your response! I will be reading it a few more times...

Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-06-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by tiss
Thanks Sparrow for your clear post. I fully agree with you about not to unnecessary open doors that it is far better to keep closed.

I am more focused on understanding what does self-awakening mean, in practical terms. I would really want to advance on it. The matter of awakening that which I already am... Well, I already know that I am an old spirit doing a human experience, and it is not the first one.

Till months ago, I lived exclusively as a human being, I mean, my consciousness only focused on "human" matters. Good deeds, but human ones. I could experience the best of a human life, unconditional love, harmony, development, abundance, a peaceful live full of purpose.

It was when my beloved passed, you know that I changed... We had always an "empirical" way to do good for ourselves and for others, but we never asked ourselves -or at least myself- why. And less... I never asked myself who was I.

After he passed, I began to see everything from a different perspective, and these talks, not always soft, helped me to. Now I feel that my consciousness is progressively expanding but how to measure it. How to acknowledge that I am truly on the right path? Could you help me discover it?

With high appreciation, :hug:


Dear friend,

You will know when you are on the right path for ‘you’ when you experience genuine heartfelt joy. You do not need divine signs, angel feathers and other beings to tell you what is your right path, for it is not the role of any guide to dictate your own sense of values and the state of anyone else’s journey. There is no right and wrong journey, there is only ‘the journey of experience’. The question remains, what do you wish to experience?

You can measure your own sense of development by observing changes in your intentions and motivations on a day to day scale. What motivates you to feel as you do? What motivates you to speak? What motivates you to act? Do you feel differently? Do you speak differently? Do you act differently? Are your intentions different? If so, in what way? Are they in accordance with joy and harmony for yourself and all other beings? Do they have your wellbeing in mind, as well as the wellbeing of others? Is what you do in your life create growth for all involved, and does it invite in the energy of love and respect? What are you attracting into your life? Are you attracting it or are others around you actually the ones attracting it?

Self-awakening is the realization of your sovereign and most sacred values personified through intention and experience. Self is that which is intangible, illusive and invisible; it is that which is currently unknown to you, but which you seek to discover about yourself. This seeking comes in the form of intention, for it is your intentions which manifest the experience of this journey called life. If one does not enjoy their life then it is a sign to change their intentions and realize their inherent values.

For many millions of years to come you will still be seeking Self, for there will always be new doors to open that lead to many greater revelations of Self. It is a deliberate design that there will always be new aspects of Self to marvel and experience, for that is the name of the game, the joy of the One. The key to each new door lies within each intention you hold, each value you pursue, each purpose you create. It is not a straight line this destined path, for there are many crossroads, and they all lead to Self. The question is, which are your most sacred values that represent who you truly wish to be? Which doors do you wish to have opened to grander and greater things? What intentions will you align yourself to which embody these same very values in your life? For you are not defined by the clothes you wear, the job you do to earn a living or even the success of your social or professional status. You are defined by your most passionate intentions which give purpose to not only your life, but the lives of hundreds of others on this planet. This is who you are to the world, and who you will be remembered as. This is all you need do, to be true to Self, and to awaken Self within thee.

-The Delightful Sparrow

Spirit Guide Sparrow 01-06-2011 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by flutterangel
Thank you very much Sparrow. There is quite a bit to take away from your response! I will be reading it a few more times...

The information will saturate within you when you step away from the computer.

My blessings.

Cal 03-06-2011 01:00 PM


This is your true home in heaven, but it is an actual physical tangible place like planet Earth. It will have a ground and a sky and buildings of all kinds.

Sparrow, I really appreciate your wisdom and insights. Thanks so much for all the time and energy you put into your posts.:hug2:

If our true home in heaven is an actual physical tangible place like planet Earth then what is the benefit to the spirit or soul for coming to Earth or any other "phyisical" place? What can be acomplished here that could not be accomplished in the spirit world?


Adrienne 03-06-2011 01:04 PM

hi Cal,

aren't we here to experience things ?

I always heard that heaven is whatever you choose it to be, if you love gardens then heaven to you would be to be in the most beautiful of gardens. If you like beaches, then heaven to you would be a beach paradise ?

Dream Angel xx

Cal 03-06-2011 01:50 PM

Hi Dream Angel,

Nice to hear from you.

I'm not sure anymore. I've found my beliefs are constantly changing, so much lately that is hard to hold on to as such, becoming more of opinion or perception at the moment rather than belief. My last opinion didn't have heaven or spirit world as a physical tangible place. So now I'm wondering....

If you right about about heaven being whatever I choose it to be then I should find myself in a paradise surrounded with animals and guitars. :tongue:

But then is that just my ego's perception, built in this current human life, or my true self and/or soul group's reality?

Much to comtemplate these days, eh? :smile:

Happy Friday,

Adrienne 03-06-2011 04:12 PM

hi Cal,

Nice to hear from you too ! :smile:

I am not sure on the heaven or spirit world idea of being a tangible place. I suppose if it were so that heaven is what you want it to be, it would have to be tangible, in a way. The spirit world, I imagine to be different, more otherworldly... like a dream drifting thru your mind, if I had to describe it.

What a noisy paradise, animals and guitars, lol ! :tongue: Just kidding, a nice combination. I am guessing you play guitar, do you sing, write songs ?

some days there is just way tooooo much to contemplate ! :tongue:

Enjoy the coming weekend !
Dream Angel xx

Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-06-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, I really appreciate your wisdom and insights. Thanks so much for all the time and energy you put into your posts.:hug2:

If our true home in heaven is an actual physical tangible place like planet Earth then what is the benefit to the spirit or soul for coming to Earth or any other "phyisical" place? What can be acomplished here that could not be accomplished in the spirit world?


You make a very valid point my friend. A point I feel so many of our new age and spiritual companions neglect to understand. As you yourself may observe, there are many who claim that you must repetitiously return back to the physical Earth in order to ‘progress’ and either earn some ascension title or learn some lesson which obviously the spirit world must therefore be ‘lacking’ to provide for you.

The home of your sacred spirit lacks nothing, it is the place from where all things come, and to which all things must go. It is a place where all questions are first born, and from where all answers may come. It is a place where all that is, all that exists does so to serve all else in the name of love.

What can be accomplished in the physical realm is this very same act of service to all else. While the tools and props are different, as are the costumes we wear, the needs are one and the same. That need is the need for love. Love is what brings things together. Love is what reveals true nature. Love reveals true Self in all things. This is your purpose.

While suffering and fear remain in the hearts and minds of men, souls will continue to migrate from the heavens to fulfil the balance and need for love. So shall the need for love continue in physical state, so shall those with a will to provide it continue to flock and flourish there.

When the day comes when Heaven is a place on Earth, and the veil of separation between two kingdoms ceases to exist, will be the day human beings accept their true inheritance. Each day you remember more of your true Self, and each day you act True in the name of love, the physical domain becomes closer to Self-realization. You are part of that process. Not only are you the process, but you are the beginning and the end.

It matters not what side of the veil you choose to walk, the original intention remains the same. All that exists is within a state to Self-becoming. You are upon the Earth to take part in the becoming of that which now is. The tapestry of the moment of now.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-06-2011 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cal

If you right about about heaven being whatever I choose it to be then I should find myself in a paradise surrounded with animals and guitars. :tongue:


If animals and guitars you wish, then in astounding abundance you will have them.

Guitars in the spirit world are a little different to those upon the Earth. Their designs are modified to allow the music itself to be triggered via thought instruction and memory recall. That is to say, your memory of different sounds will be fed to the guitar itself and it will amplify the sound in any way, shape or form you instruct it. They do not have the same limitations as string guitars found on Earth. The music then, will actually take on a life of its own and, in a very real and visual way, dance in front of your very eyes. The material that makes the guitars are actually also alive and will respond to your touch. In fact, every material you will encounter in the spirit world is alive with its own consciousness. Nothing stays still, all moves and interacts with your presence.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-06-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
My last opinion didn't have heaven or spirit world as a physical tangible place. So now I'm wondering....


The spirit world can be just as physical and real, if not more so than the world you now inhabit. This is because, if you choose something to be ‘solid’ then so shall it become so. If you choose to see something different and interact with it on another level, it will begin to alter its dimensions. Just in the same way as you can either choose to ‘walk’ with legs, using your cellular memory of the sensation of walking on ground, or you can do away with legs altogether and float around. Or you can simply transport yourself to your next desired location without needing any of it. You will very rarely remain in one shape or form, and in fact that would be impractical anyway, since not everything works the same way as it does on Earth.
For example, you might find whilst visiting another species soul group that their front door is the size of planet Earth itself, and so it would become apparent to you to ‘think’ yourself bigger in order that you would interact with this door in an appropriate manner and size for your surroundings. In which case you would suddenly find yourself the size of a planet, but you would not know that for you would simply appear normal size next to this front door. Or, for example, if you were to visit the homes of some animals, such as rabbits, you would actually shrink yourself an appropriate size in order to enter their habitats as a guest. You may, as many do, simply change form into a rabbit yourself. Obviously this is easier said than done, but ambassadors for that group will assist you transform with their permission.

You are right to question your beliefs constantly, because the spirit world always shows you the truth in new and exciting ways. It is best to stick with what you know, and leave an open mind and heart for that which you do not.


Cal 04-06-2011 01:04 AM


hi Cal,

Nice to hear from you too ! :smile:

I am not sure on the heaven or spirit world idea of being a tangible place. I suppose if it were so that heaven is what you want it to be, it would have to be tangible, in a way. The spirit world, I imagine to be different, more otherworldly... like a dream drifting thru your mind, if I had to describe it.

What a noisy paradise, animals and guitars, lol ! :tongue: Just kidding, a nice combination. I am guessing you play guitar, do you sing, write songs ?

some days there is just way tooooo much to contemplate ! :tongue:

Enjoy the coming weekend !
Dream Angel xx

Dream Angel, I guess that would be pretty noisy...lol. I have birds, cats and dogs and guitars and amps now, so already it can get pretty noisy regularly. The animals really seem to like music, particulary the birds.

I've played guitar since the age of 10. I have written a few songs and played in a band (small time) in the past but now I just play to play and have fun learning new things. I don't sing too well though. I just love to play guitar. I can get lost for hours at a time when playing music.

Have a nice weekend

Cal 04-06-2011 01:16 AM

Sparrow, I really and truly appreciate your support and insights.

I need to digest all I've just read a bit more carefully and deeply but I can say it seems like what you are describing as the spirit would is very similar to my dream world, especially my lucid and semi lucid dreams. Even how you described guitars...it's just amazing!

Thank you so much for all the insights, support and encouragment you have provided me and our friends in these forums. It has been quite an influence in my life.


Adrienne 04-06-2011 02:50 AM

hi Cal,

It makes sense then if you have all those animals and guitars now and enjoy them, you would want them with you in heaven. I am getting a visual of your birds, swaying to the music as you play guitar :D

I could get lost for hours just listening to someone playing guitar, with them either singing with it or just the guitar music.

and I second your comment to Sparrow ~

Thank you so much for all the insights, support and encouragment you have provided me and our friends in these forums.

:hug3: Dream Angel xx

Cal 06-06-2011 01:36 PM

"When the day comes when Heaven is aplace on Earth, and the veil of separation between two kingdoms ceases to exist, will be the day human beings accept their true inheritance. Each day you remember more of your true Self, and each day you act True in the name of love,the physical domain becomes closer to Self-realization. You are part of that process. Not only are you the process, but you are the beginning and the end."

Sparrow thanks so much for the insights. I’ve had a chance to digest and I have a few questions. This process you speak of, am I to understand this is not really me as an individual but me as part of the whole –as collective conscience or whatever is the best description? I’m wondering because for thousands of years (or longer) humans might have been in this process, while my life on earth is just a tiny spec of time. Or is it they each individual human entity, as they get older and wiser (more spiritual?) come closer to self realization – making the process more of a bit by bit over a large period oftime until a majority becomes closer to Self-realization?

"It matters not what side of the veil you choose to walk, the original intention remains the same. All that exists is within a state to Self-becoming. You are upon the Earth to take part in the becoming of that which now is. The tapestry of the moment of now."

This seems to synchronize well with some insights I received this weekend – a spontaneous message to me in my inner ears. I was told that in order to be at peace with myself I need to be at peace with the world, and in order to be at peace with the world I need to be at peace with myself.

The last of the brief insights were that the beginning and the end, and everything in between, exist only in the present not the past or future. Our thoughts and actions in the present are key.

Do you have any advice on how to best maintain present moment awareness and not get caught up in the minds reactions and storybuilding from reactions to events of the past and fear of things that could happen in the future?

Lastly, you have spoke in other posts about when we cross over in death that we carry the same persona that we aquired/built during our last soul journey on Earth, until we eventually learn to remember who we truly are and are reunited with our soul groups and our true spriritual being. How much of an influence is our current state of mind at the time of passing? Some days, or even hours of the day, I am in a better state of mind than others. If I pass suddenly and have a state of mind that is angry or fearful (something not loving and at peace with my self and the world) does that state become the state of consciousness I have to deal with in the transition? or is it a more of an average of my state of self becoming up to the point of death?

Thanks again for all your insights and support!

flutterangel 07-06-2011 12:17 AM

Well said, Cal! Ditto to that...:smile: flutter


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, I really and truly appreciate your support and insights.

I need to digest all I've just read a bit more carefully and deeply but I can say it seems like what you are describing as the spirit would is very similar to my dream world, especially my lucid and semi lucid dreams. Even how you described guitars...it's just amazing!

Thank you so much for all the insights, support and encouragment you have provided me and our friends in these forums. It has been quite an influence in my life.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-06-2011 08:55 PM


This process you speak of, am I to understand this is not really me as an individual but me as part of the whole –as collective conscience or whatever is the best description?

I speak of Self-realization in terms of human beings as an interstellar multi-dimensional species. This is their intention, their True identity and purpose. The original genetics of human biology were designed to last forever, to allow the soul counterpart to come and go consciously at will, and to alter their vibration in order to access many different realities. Much in the same way as their genetic brethren, the sasquatch, who presently do so. This is to say, they were originally intended to be immortal. It is only through corruption, abuse and neglect that this is no longer evident.
As a spiritual being, and a soul counterpart to this intention, called Human being, it is in service that you are here to influence the direction of the species, and those of others. With the many spiritual gifts you possess it is the hope of your soul group that you apply these to facilitate growth and direction upon the planet. For the events on planet Earth have significance and consequence to millions of other planets and species beyond its own sola system. Events upon the Earth also have significance and consequence within the spirit world, as it is that all things are connected, unperceivable to the many.
An evolution upon the Earth triggers an evolution in the spirit world, and also an evolution of the universe itself. All is part of a much larger ‘body’. When one limb evolves, the whole body evolves.

The work you facilitate here on Earth as an individual will be amplified a hundred times in the spirit world, allowing much in the spirit world to evolve and expand. Not because the spirit lacks a thing, but because spirit is infinite in expansion. In order to be infinite it must forever expand and forever evolve continuously without end. This is why you should never underestimate your true worth, and that one person can, and always does make a difference, in this world, or the other. It is by far more difficult to make a difference in the physical world, simply because there is by far much more resistance against you. However, no effort or progress ever goes to waste.

I’m wondering because for thousands of years (or longer) humans might have been in this process, while my life on earth is just a tiny spec of time.

Humans have been present on Earth for 5 million years, albeit in a variation of genetic form. The different races and skin tones seen today are the result of modified genetic characteristics by visiting foreign species. The human race has been observed to have progressed in some areas, but regressed in others, such as their diminished emphasis on spiritual values. The process of Self-realization, as a species, is not a straight line of progress, but more of a fluctuation of events and influences. While you may think yourself to be a tiny spec within this process, the process itself is meaningless and has no true purpose or function should you yourself, as an individual hold no true value for it. For it is the values you yourself place upon this process of Self-realization that give purpose to the whole journey. It is not the end result that is significant, but the experience of the journey you yourself took to reach that end result. Do not then bewilder yourself with the unfathomable plan of prime creator, for in doing so you miss the point of it all, and that is to experience the actual process itself, your Self.

Or is it they each individual human entity, as they get older and wiser (more spiritual?) come closer to self realization

Before we speak of the human entity, know that your spirit cannot get ‘more spiritual’, that is a false truth. This is also why spiritual ascension is also a false truth. There is no up or down, higher or lower in the spirit world, as you perceive reality to be, there is only expansion in every direction. That which is perfect and complete lacks nothing, and does not need more of something else to be its True Self. Your spirit is a mirror image of prime creator. When you are Self-realized, that is, when your spirit is made real within reality, you become God personified. When you realize the potential of your spirit is infinite, you understand that all that remains is for you to choose something from that infinity to experience joyfully. As you choose more, as you choose differently, you expand and grow outward into infinity. This is not a process of ascension, but a process of self-choosing. Accept the moment of the creation of now. Your purpose is choice, to choose. To choose here and now, accept it and experience it joy-fully. As the human race evolves joyfully along the path of love and wisdom, spirit, or Self, becomes another step closer, which enables growth between both worlds.

This is the state of Self-becoming. That is, you continuously strive to discover and fulfil your most loving potential within each moment of now. Only love can unlock the doors to the true potential of humanities original purpose and design. However, it takes wisdom and acceptance in knowing that perfection can never truly be reached in physical state, since potential is infinite, the process itself becomes your ultimate joy. So it can be said, joy is your ultimate purpose. There is no higher joy than the joy of Self made manifest. You understand the simple pleasures of this joyful journey become your grandest fulfilment and achievement. It is not the big things you presume to be of great importance, but the little things, for these are what define you as a being. You will never, ever, lose this individual identity you know as ‘I’, even if you return to source.

Do you have any advice on how to best maintain present moment awareness and not get caught up in the minds reactions and storybuilding from reactions to events of the past and fear of things that could happen in the future?

Learn and understand The key to a joyful life:

The Now moment
Freedom from the past and expectations for the future. You are not choosing life if you are not living in the present. Life is the present. Be everpresent.

Accept the imperfections of yourself, the world and everyone in it. Accept all things as a process, not as an end result. There is no end result, for there is no end to the present.

Find love for that which you have come to accept. This must always begin with yourself. For if you are not open to receive love, then you are not in abundance to share it. Love is the highest conduit for information there is; the more love you hold, more information and energy you connect to.

Wisdom is that which you already know as a sentient being, and cannot be given or taught.
Creates purpose, perspective and perception. Wisdom comes from the connection to spirit.

Determines direction, destiny and deed. If intentions are both wise and loving, true Self is realized and made manifest. Growth is attained through loving intention. The end result of intention is insignificant, for there is no end, only the process.

Experiences come from the seeds of intention, both of yours, and others. Facilitates growth. Experiences reflect the intentions of all beings. Learn to observe the connection to facilitate peace, joy and wellbeing.

Knowledge is that which is learnt, taught or created.
Creates belief, outlook and values.

Understanding and applying these keys will facilitate joy.
Joy will always be found in the now moment, hence, a process, not an end result.

You might also remind yourself on my words on procrastination:
http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...on#p ost35244

Lastly, you have spoke in other posts about when we cross over in death that we carry the same persona that we acquired/built during our last soul journey on Earth, until we eventually learn to remember who we truly are and are reunited with our soul groups and our true spriritual being. How much of an influence is our current state of mind at the time of passing? Some days, or even hours of the day, I am in a better state of mind than others. If I pass suddenly and have a state of mind that is angry or fearful (something not loving and at peace with my self and the world) does that state become the state of consciousness I have to deal with in the transition? or is it a more of an average of my state of self becoming up to the point of death?

It is the state of ones beliefs and state of intentions, of thought and of feeling we speak of. It is these things which cause the amnesia of your spirit identity. As your beliefs, intentions, thoughts and feelings begin to lose their attachment to your physical body and the physical life you left behind, you no longer become infected by their dense hypnotic persuasion.

If your state of mind is one of intense anger, fear, shock or some other negative state upon your passing, this can certainly have an effect on your transition. What your experience shall be like in handling these states during your transition will differ to everyone else’s depending on your actual character and self-awareness. Someone with a strong character and good awareness of their spirituality will recover very quickly from these negative influences and will brush them off quite easily. However, someone who perceives themselves to be a simple body of flesh, and nothing more, will often struggle for long periods of time after their passing to overcome these negative feelings. It is a matter of acceptance. Some individuals, in their proud human persona will simply not accept they are immortal and/or have a divine spirit and will not be able to perceive their deceased loved ones, even if these loved ones wanted to be seen.

For many on this forum, it will be the case that what their personality is, and what their character is like, as well as their habits and stubbornness, will be what they perceive themselves as upon their passing.


Tiss 11-06-2011 03:03 PM


I write this post taking risks, for example that you tell me that I misunderstood your message! :smile:

The tree is very beautiful. A jewel. Its message is not so easy to carry out, depending on personal circumstances and experience. In my case, bonds with the past are difficult to cut, and it is reasonable as I had a bright past, full of happiness and joy. Even so, I agree that we only have an everpresent. I also agree that we should try to live the "now" with joy.

In my view the concept of end result always exists. When you set an intention you necessarily think of an end result. In my view there is no intention-setting without a representation of an end result, and of its achievement, even though it may be incremental. It implies acceptance of our imperfections, and it is a true relief. I fully share that self-development should be seen as an incremental process.

It is interesting to consider how everyday life could affect the pace of our self-development. Depending on your circumstances you may be very conscious about what to do, and what do you want, but you need to survive in the jungle and such survival demands you to put the energy on other places. It distracts you from things you would like to do. I do not mind to become a dark and unloving being because you have an intention, but maybe to experience an undesired leak of your energy.

Concerning procrastination, well... I can less than agree all what you wrote.

One last thought about people's stubbornness. From a semantic point of view we are talking of those who know what they should do and even so persist without doing it, right? I think that it does not related to knowledge as you define it.

I am not sure about the concept, WYWWYG [what you want is what you get], there could be inner difficulties very hard to be overcome, related to wisdom, which make people stubborn. Many times is not a matter of knowing what to do, rather, it is a matter of how to make changes and how walk the path to go from one state to another. Maybe a matter of wisdom, and it could be hard to be changed. I am afraid of seeming fatalist with this specific elaboration.

I appreciate very much your post as a food of mind and of loving feelings, and not less, the time and efforts you devote to write and draw.

When you read this post, it will be in my past but at the same time it will be your present, but my loving intention with this exchange of ideas and feelings will be still present. :hug3:


LightFilledHeart 11-06-2011 03:46 PM


That was a beautiful, honest, and well-thought-out post. Thank you for sharing from the heart! I am in accord with all you said :smile: May blessings find you, today and always....

Cal 11-06-2011 03:56 PM

Sparrow, I’ve sat with this for a couple days now and have absorbed everything openly and honestly without trying to over rationalize. Your information and insights and unique method of presenting them have been monumental in helping me piece together understanding, purpose and process –all of which seem timed perfectly. It’s wonderful how synchronicity works. :smile:

I really appreciate you spending your valuable time and energy laying out such meaningful insights and processes for us. I printed out your self-development process and put it in a place where I can read it and remind myself often.

Although I must have missed it the first time around I really enjoyed your post on procrastination. It resonated well and helped round out the discussion.

Thanks so much. What a wonderful blessing!

Tiss 11-06-2011 03:58 PM

Thanks dear LightFilled,

Love and blessings to you. :hug:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 11-06-2011 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by tiss

I write this post taking risks, for example that you tell me that I misunderstood your message! :smile:

The tree is very beautiful. A jewel. Its message is not so easy to carry out, depending on personal circumstances and experience. In my case, bonds with the past are difficult to cut, and it is reasonable as I had a bright past, full of happiness and joy. Even so, I agree that we only have an everpresent. I also agree that we should try to live the "now" with joy.

In my view the concept of end result always exists. When you set an intention you necessarily think of an end result. In my view there is no intention-setting without a representation of an end result, and of its achievement, even though it may be incremental. It implies acceptance of our imperfections, and it is a true relief. I fully share that self-development should be seen as an incremental process.

It is interesting to consider how everyday life could affect the pace of our self-development. Depending on your circumstances you may be very conscious about what to do, and what do you want, but you need to survive in the jungle and such survival demands you to put the energy on other places. It distracts you from things you would like to do. I do not mind to become a dark and unloving being because you have an intention, but maybe to experience an undesired leak of your energy.

Concerning procrastination, well... I can less than agree all what you wrote.

One last thought about people's stubbornness. From a semantic point of view we are talking of those who know what they should do and even so persist without doing it, right? I think that it does not related to knowledge as you define it.

I am not sure about the concept, WYWWYG [what you want is what you get], there could be inner difficulties very hard to be overcome, related to wisdom, which make people stubborn. Many times is not a matter of knowing what to do, rather, it is a matter of how to make changes and how walk the path to go from one state to another. Maybe a matter of wisdom, and it could be hard to be changed. I am afraid of seeming fatalist with this specific elaboration.

I appreciate very much your post as a food of mind and of loving feelings, and not less, the time and efforts you devote to write and draw.

When you read this post, it will be in my past but at the same time it will be your present, but my loving intention with this exchange of ideas and feelings will be still present. :hug3:


Namaste, indeed.

Your concept of the importance and emphasis of end result will always equal and mirror your own concept of the importance and emphasis of your desire to receive.

My message places emphasis on releasing, expanding, and of course, on giving. Intention is the vehicle with which to give, for it is a statement and expression of who you are to the world. All end results are the vehicle with which you hope and desire to receive. My message is to live your life with the intention only to give of your Self, and let go of your attachment and need to receive. For one who is wise knows that which is given, so shall they have in return. This is unconditional love; unconditional giving, unconditional living.

You have stated correctly and accurately. It is both a concept and indeed it is your own view to which you experience your world through your eyes. You have stated there is no intention setting without representation of an end result, yet this is because you live at the whim of expectations, both of yourself and of others.

If your intention is aligned with simply illuminating who you are to the world, being true to your Self, without expectation, then the end result no longer concerns you. For you exist within such a loving state of ever-presence that matters of anything else outside this now moment are simply released. This is the art of trusting ones Self unquestionably and knowing you will attract precisely what you give out. The mentality of expecting a specific result is not a state of which you are simply self-giving in pure love, but it is a state of wanting to receive something in return. You are stating to the universe, in return for my apparent efforts of intention I expect this or that in return. Should this not turn out as intended or desired, feelings are hurt and thoughts fall upon doubt, trust wavers, fear rises, and hopes falter. If you adopt the mentality that you expect to receive an end result from your intentions then it is clear your mentality lies in the past or in some distant future, and you observe lack within yourself, for you do not acknowledge your True Self which has everything you ever need. In acknowledging the Self within, you acknowledge you are but a light upon the night, and this light needs nothing externally to be precisely what it is. You need not an end result to define your Self-worth, for this worth is found within the deeds themselves which define your passion of heart, your integrity of soul and gift of spirit. If aligned with the intention of love and joy, you will facilitate love and joy as an end result.

When I tell my beloved ‘I love you’, it concerns me not what result it attracts, for this is an act of unconditional giving. It is a statement to the universe of that which I am in this now moment. The intention is to give, not to receive. This is the emphasis of my current message.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 12-06-2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, I’ve sat with this for a couple days now and have absorbed everything openly and honestly without trying to over rationalize. Your information and insights and unique method of presenting them have been monumental in helping me piece together understanding, purpose and process –all of which seem timed perfectly. It’s wonderful how synchronicity works. :smile:

I really appreciate you spending your valuable time and energy laying out such meaningful insights and processes for us. I printed out your self-development process and put it in a place where I can read it and remind myself often.

Although I must have missed it the first time around I really enjoyed your post on procrastination. It resonated well and helped round out the discussion.

Thanks so much. What a wonderful blessing!

With blessings from on high.

Synchronicity is the intimate dance of two worlds, and the sunshine of your ever-present spirit.
May your thoughts elevate you to heavens gate, and your heart guide you to a peaceful state.


Dragonfly1 12-06-2011 12:29 AM

If your state of mind is one of intense anger, fear, shock or some other negative state upon your passing, this can certainly have an effect on your transition. What your experience shall be like in handling these states during your transition will differ to everyone else’s depending on your actual character and self-awareness. Someone with a strong character and good awareness of their spirituality will recover very quickly from these negative influences and will brush them off quite easily. However, someone who perceives themselves to be a simple body of flesh, and nothing more, will often struggle for long periods of time after their passing to overcome these negative feelings. It is a matter of acceptance. Some individuals, in their proud human persona will simply not accept they are immortal and/or have a divine spirit and will not be able to perceive their deceased loved ones, even if these loved ones wanted to be seen.

For many on this forum, it will be the case that what their personality is, and what their character is like, as well as their habits and stubbornness, will be what they perceive themselves as upon their passing.


I felt an intense feeling of saddness when I read this part sparrow. Surely the Divine isn't this callous? If we are truly beings of pure love how can this be so? if human persona is just a vehicle for that which is already perfect how can that pefection not come to pass on returning home? I have 'knowings' and yet I struggle everyday with life in general, with negative emotion coupled with feelings of love and hope and then feelings of being out of my depth, yet I have an unwavering feeling that 'God' is there even if I state out loud or on paper that maybe 'its' not....how hypercritical of me....... my point is, I have human emotion because I am here to live a human life and to try and be perfect so I am accepted back home in a good light seems also an hypocrisy?...... am I making any sense here????

Medium_Laura 12-06-2011 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
If at first we look upon the process of death for other animals, we see that their transition is swift and natural. They let go very quickly and easily (they do not hold onto the ego). Often you will find their consciousness vacates the physical instrument some time prior before the biological functions have become inactive. This is especially so if there is any physical suffering which takes place. It should comfort you to know that in such circumstances most animals are already attuned to be able to leave their bodies at will, almost on command. What is seen thereafter is purely the biological functions firing away, causing it to jerk, twitch and so on. Other animals have a very low pain threshold and so leave far more quickly than most human beings. This ability, in a sense, comes from the fact that many animals eat each other out of necessity and have adapted their consciousness to free themselves of any unnecessary suffering.

When it comes to human beings, their nature of passing is often experienced in a much broader way. Because of the many circumstances humans have created in their environment they seem to have invented far more many ways to end their physical life. From car crashes, addictions, gun shot wounds, contaminations, suicide, domestic fires, electric shock and all kinds of hazardous scenarios. The nature in which a human being passes will be entirely relative to the means in which it is triggered, and the state at which that being is currently at within their consciousness. So if they are a spiritual person who has prepared themselves years in advance for the time of their death, then they are going to have a very swift exit and transition. Those who have no belief in a soul, spirit or any sort of afterlife, and who live a life purely within a materialistic perspective, they will find their passing and transition very confusing and disorientating. The latter are more inclined to grasp firm hold of their physical body during and even after their body has ceased to function.

When a human being realises they are going to die their whole state of consciousness and vibrational frequency changes. On a physical level the body reserves all its energy and functionality to major organs of its biology to enable homeostasis. Once breathing becomes compromised and the lungs begin to fail, the liver, kidneys and gut are shut down. This is often why you may see incontinence, loss of appetite and so on. The body will go through a process of shutting down none essential organs until eventually the heart stops and the brain is left firing its remaining biochemical functions. The cells are the last to cease function as they work somewhat independent of the brain. The brain merely connects them together and forms pathways of communication.
All the cellular frequency information, that is, the biorhythmic memory imprints are ejected into a specific cycle per second frequency which animates what you call the soul. The frequency you resonate at and within while reading this is likely between 200-900 cps. At your time of death this will increase to such an extent that you will ‘slip’ out of your physical awareness into another frequency of awareness you call the soul state, or an OBE. Other people will not be able to see you within this state simply because your cps rate is beyond their receptivity of human perception and senses.
As your cps rate has expanded to occupy a broader spectrum of light and sound frequency, you become aware of other aspects or dimensions of reality. Such a reality will be relative to your state of consciousness at that time, and thus the nature of what you will experience as your ‘passing’. Whether you remain behind to observe your human body or perhaps simply transport yourself to new surroundings within higher frequencies. So it is within your understanding, you can see heaven is not some far away place, but occupies the same physical space, just within a different energy/light cycle per second frequency.

The significance of being buried or cremated is an entirely belief orientated one. For those in physical life who deem it insignificant will therefore continue that opinion after their passing. It will not effect them whatsoever in their new state. For those similarly who, whilst in physical life, deem their state of physical burial to be something of great importance and ceremony to them will hold true to their beliefs in the afterlife. So for those who don’t get their way, as it were, after their soul has left, may actually get a little cheesed off if their wishes are not met. This is an entirely personal thing, which should be decided beforehand.

Again, with matters of donating organs to science. It will depend entirely on the belief system held by the individual whether or not such circumstances are in alignment to their wishes. It is the attachments in belief which hold the soul back from a smooth transition, not the actual physical ‘stuff’ itself. The cellular memory which is duplicated in every way no longer has any necessity to keep the carbon copy of it in physical state, and so completely detaches from it. It is the thoughts that person has and the values they regard their physical state in which determines their process of deliverance, so to speak.

In a general view, would it not be efficient as a human race to recycle and re-use organs in this way rather than see them simply become food for bacteria? I would think so.

Interesting line of questioning, Cal. I hope this perspective delivers some value. -Sparrow

Though I've only quoted one amazing post from you, I'd like to say that each and every one of them resonates with my understanding of guides, death, and so much more. Very few people have reached your level of awareness and I find it refreshing as I read and nod along with your answers. I only wish I could write as eloquently, my words never seems to flow as nicely. Thanks for sharing. I will continue in my back-woods kinda way as well. :) Blessings.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 12-06-2011 11:10 PM


I felt an intense feeling of saddness when I read this part sparrow. Surely the Divine isn't this callous? If we are truly beings of pure love how can this be so? if human persona is just a vehicle for that which is already perfect how can that pefection not come to pass on returning home? I have 'knowings' and yet I struggle everyday with life in general, with negative emotion coupled with feelings of love and hope and then feelings of being out of my depth, yet I have an unwavering feeling that 'God' is there even if I state out loud or on paper that maybe 'its' not....how hypercritical of me....... my point is, I have human emotion because I am here to live a human life and to try and be perfect so I am accepted back home in a good light seems also an hypocrisy?...... am I making any sense here????
If at any time within your understanding of the spirit world you encounter feelings of sadness or fear, know that it is the result of a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation or simply an absence of information you have not considered.

Let me first state clearly that you may understand that which few upon planet Earth do not. These things you experience and define as emotion, derivatives of love and fear, these are by-products of the human condition, and the human species. Should you have joined with the genetic cells of a completely different species, on another planet, you would not experience these exact sensations, feelings, and emotional states which you are so quick to disown as some sort of disease. In truth, the unpleasant sensations you call negative emotion are only so because you do not understand them, and thus you alienate them and battle against them, allowing yourself to alter your vibration. It is not the emotion itself which lowers your vibration, but your thought and judgement upon it, you see. That, my dear friend, is why it matters not what emotions you created in life, but how you have come to value them and understand them which determines your transition in the afterlife.

The emotions you currently take for granted, which you often encounter on a daily basis are actually, in truth, a rare occurrence within this particular universe. Many other species in the universe do not have this capacity and broad array of emotion humanity is gifted with. Despite this rare gift which exists on this tiny planet, so many human beings choose to disregard them and put them down, and themselves down for having experienced them. If you knew what I knew about human emotion you would never again see yourself as anything less than divine and magnificently blessed within this incredible opportunity of now. There are so many potentials for humanity to develop this gift of emotion in ways that will propel the race dramatically forward in evolution, I cannot emphasise enough.

Spare no waking moment of a life so precious perceiving yourself as a victim of something so beautiful. Spare no concern for your apparent imperfections, for you have none but those expectations you wield like a knife in your own heart. What you see as an imperfection is simply that which remains to be understood and perceived in its truest form.

When upon your passing, and release of human state, these conditions which have captivated your soul so intimately are carried forth into your etheric abode.
Understand this truth. Your spirit rejects nothing, for it fears no-thing. The human condition and its influences which you wear as a garment of consciousness is not rejected, judged or feared by your spirit. For this reason alone it will not seek to disrobe you from it the moment you return. Instead your beautiful fearless, and perfect spirit will allow you to continue to experience that which you have, upon your journey, chosen for yourself. It matters not if you call one aspect good, or one aspect bad. It matters not what you thought to be a failure, or that which you deemed a success. It matters not what limits, difficulties or imperfections you perceived yourself to have. Not one of such things will ever taint or tarnish that which is your eternal spirit. This is why your spirit fears not, and repels not a thing. Deem it good or evil, nothing is beyond the acceptance of divine love in the spirit world.

Know then that there is nothing to call ‘callous’ except the judgements of your own mind upon your own journey. You are not a victim of human persona, for such is a gift rare in the universe, more than you know. It is for you to become wise to the knowledge that you are, if anything, a victim of your own thoughts, for it is these which alter your vibration, not the actual human experience itself. Should you perceive value and beauty within all you behold, your passing and transition into the spirit world will be a blessed one beyond words.


Dragonfly1 13-06-2011 12:19 AM

Thank you so much sparrow......... I as always am blessed with your wisdom xx

Tiss 13-06-2011 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Namaste, indeed.

Your concept of the importance and emphasis of end result will always equal and mirror your own concept of the importance and emphasis of your desire to receive.

My message places emphasis on releasing, expanding, and of course, on giving. Intention is the vehicle with which to give, for it is a statement and expression of who you are to the world. All end results are the vehicle with which you hope and desire to receive. My message is to live your life with the intention only to give of your Self, and let go of your attachment and need to receive. For one who is wise knows that which is given, so shall they have in return. This is unconditional love; unconditional giving, unconditional living.

You have stated correctly and accurately. It is both a concept and indeed it is your own view to which you experience your world through your eyes. You have stated there is no intention setting without representation of an end result, yet this is because you live at the whim of expectations, both of yourself and of others.

If your intention is aligned with simply illuminating who you are to the world, being true to your Self, without expectation, then the end result no longer concerns you. For you exist within such a loving state of ever-presence that matters of anything else outside this now moment are simply released. This is the art of trusting ones Self unquestionably and knowing you will attract precisely what you give out. The mentality of expecting a specific result is not a state of which you are simply self-giving in pure love, but it is a state of wanting to receive something in return. You are stating to the universe, in return for my apparent efforts of intention I expect this or that in return. Should this not turn out as intended or desired, feelings are hurt and thoughts fall upon doubt, trust wavers, fear rises, and hopes falter. If you adopt the mentality that you expect to receive an end result from your intentions then it is clear your mentality lies in the past or in some distant future, and you observe lack within yourself, for you do not acknowledge your True Self which has everything you ever need. In acknowledging the Self within, you acknowledge you are but a light upon the night, and this light needs nothing externally to be precisely what it is. You need not an end result to define your Self-worth, for this worth is found within the deeds themselves which define your passion of heart, your integrity of soul and gift of spirit. If aligned with the intention of love and joy, you will facilitate love and joy as an end result.

When I tell my beloved ‘I love you’, it concerns me not what result it attracts, for this is an act of unconditional giving. It is a statement to the universe of that which I am in this now moment. The intention is to give, not to receive. This is the emphasis of my current message.



Please let me come back for a while to the point of everyday life and his challenges to give. Unfortunately I live in an unmerciful society where values like honesty, integrity, and love for others have almost disappeared and replaced by violence, corruption and selfishness. I referred it in my former post as the "jungle" but it is indeed even worse because the jungle is noble, in the jungle animals do what they do only to survive, but in no case to damage or abuse other beings.

That is one of the reasons I miss so much my beloved, the wings of his protection, and our neverending mutual trust, which were not dependency. Well... don't kick me, I am doing my best to live now my everpresent, and it is a great learning that I must thank to you.

Well, please teach me how to give without being ravaged by such violence and lack of reciprocity? How to live the loving life I want to. Sometimes, if unconditional love is not reciprocal, it can be confused with weakness, and you know what could happen.

By the way, I understood very well and I like your last paragraph above, but I am looking how to put such idea in practice, to make it live, beyond the statement.

TISS :hug:

Spirit Guide Sparrow 16-06-2011 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by tiss

Please let me come back for a while to the point of everyday life and his challenges to give. Unfortunately I live in an unmerciful society where values like honesty, integrity, and love for others have almost disappeared and replaced by violence, corruption and selfishness. I referred it in my former post as the "jungle" but it is indeed even worse because the jungle is noble, in the jungle animals do what they do only to survive, but in no case to damage or abuse other beings.

That is one of the reasons I miss so much my beloved, the wings of his protection, and our neverending mutual trust, which were not dependency. Well... don't kick me, I am doing my best to live now my everpresent, and it is a great learning that I must thank to you.

Well, please teach me how to give without being ravaged by such violence and lack of reciprocity? How to live the loving life I want to. Sometimes, if unconditional love is not reciprocal, it can be confused with weakness, and you know what could happen.

By the way, I understood very well and I like your last paragraph above, but I am looking how to put such idea in practice, to make it live, beyond the statement.

TISS :hug:

Firstly, in this ‘jungle’ you describe, if your intention and choice is not to leave this place and choose an abode more suited to your peace of heart, know that you are going to need help, for this jungle you cannot win against alone. It is only when you have reached a state of adequate self-worth and Self-empowerment can you take on such overbearing odds. For it is alone your chances of making a difference on a greater scale is miniscule without the support and aid of friendships, singular motivated groups and voices of reason.

In my former dialogue I illuminated a very strong message. This message asked you to identify and acknowledge the process within all things, for all that exists is a process. A process to something more aligned to the bigger picture of who you truly are.

Viewing yourself as a victim of anything, it matters not what it is, is not identifying the event as a process. What you are actually doing is identifying the event as an end result, thus you are labelling it as ‘bad’ and ‘done to me’, and ‘I am victim to it’. If this is what you are teaching yourself to do, then this is what you are learning to receive. So shall your receive it as your experience. The end result will be your unhappiness.

Should your society suffer from dishonesty or other such trait, then teach yourself to become observant and aware of the seeds of dishonesty. Learn to protect yourself by empowering yourself with perception. Go with what you know, and rely not on what you do not. Yet seek knowledge in areas of things which you require to protect yourself. Yet do not get caught up in an endless pursuit of fearful protection, but focus on your own personal purpose in life. Whatever your purpose is you choose for yourself, do all, seek to know all, and seek to give all which you need to fulfil that purpose, safely and joyfully.

Understand while in physical state nobody expects you to be perfectly spiritual and divine in all you do. Not even the most noble spiritual leaders wield untarnished hearts or minds. You are susceptible to the conditions of physical state, allow and permit this as part of your journey here. Find tolerance within your evolving heart to overcome these challenges in an internal and intimate way, where their effect gradually decreases through your maturity. Know you cannot change the society you live in single handedly, so it remains for you to change yourself, and teach yourself to respond proactively and persist in life, forever within the everpresence of joy. Without something to focus on, a bigger picture for yourself, a purpose in life that acts as energy momentum, the wills of others will always walk over you and control your destiny, your thoughts and your beliefs.

I see you utilize the term unconditional love, yet I would ask of you to first practice simply to love, before you undertake unconditional living. Unconditional love is something which simply happens to you, it is not something which you can train to do, or something which can be taught. Use my tree diagram and its principles to learn to create a process within yourself. Stop looking for an immediate result, for you will never find one. Look only for the process through changes you perceive. Find your joy here, not within your disappointment of an end result that never comes. Begin, as always, as it is shown in my diagram, in the now moment, then follow the guidance I have left you, and apply it each day of your life. Work first on the now moment and acceptance. This includes tolerance and compassion, understanding and forgiveness. This will lead to love, and eventually to wisdom in knowing what to do next, forming your new intention.

You asked for a picture recently to help you with your development. I have provided you that picture, yet it comes in a way you did not expect.


Tiss 17-06-2011 04:20 AM


I bow to your wisdom. :hug3:

You have given me more than I could have ever asked you for. You gave me the beautiful tree first, and also the treasure of your words above, which touched me very deep.

My heart is full of joy, and of gratitude toward you. I have nothing to argue this time, I need to focus on the process and that's it.


Understand while in physical state nobody expects you to be perfectly spiritual and divine in all you do. Not even the most noble spiritual leaders wield untarnished hearts or minds. You are susceptible to the conditions of physical state, allow and permit this as part of your journey here.
Believe me, this specific part brought me a big relief. I think I was over demanding myself on it.

Love and light to you,


Tiss 17-06-2011 12:34 PM

About unconditional love


Originally Posted by Sparrow
I see you utilize the term unconditional love, yet I would ask of you to first practice simply to love, before you undertake unconditional living. Unconditional love is something which simply happens to you, it is not something which you can train to do, or something which can be taught.

fter my elaborations while sleeping I also want to highlight this beautiful part, which was omitted on my previous post. It also brought me a big relief and peace.

I do know unconditional love and it is exactly how you describe it. I will need to focus on practicing simply to love, till anything different happens. :smile:



Cal 17-06-2011 01:52 PM


I bow to your wisdom. :hug3:

You have given me more than I could have ever asked you for. You gave me the beautiful tree first, and also the treasure of your words above, which touched me very deep.

Hi Tiss, I feel the same way. Your writings, questions and Sparrows responses have been very meaningful to me. Thank you for being here and sharing the experience.

"Learn and understand The key to a joyful life"

I have been working with the tree process for about a week now. I will write more about my experience with it soon but for now I can say it has indeed been a blessing from heaven.


Sarian 17-06-2011 05:12 PM

Thank you for posting this very interesting and informative thread. I have read through the first few pages, but need to get back to work (did this during my lunch hour), but I am curious and forgive me if it's already been asked, but where do you get all this information?

Tiss 17-06-2011 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Cal

Hi Tiss, I feel the same way. Your writings, questions and Sparrows responses have been very meaningful to me. Thank you for being here and sharing the experience. ....


Hi Cal,

Absolutely. His clarity is exceptional plus his writings are amazingly good. He touches many souls with them.

He must use The Eye of Clarity very often.* :smile:

It is very good to enjoy his messages here at SF.

* More references about the Eye of Clarity can be found here: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=4070


TISS :hug:

Spirit Guide Sparrow 17-06-2011 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sarian
Thank you for posting this very interesting and informative thread. I have read through the first few pages, but need to get back to work (did this during my lunch hour), but I am curious and forgive me if it's already been asked, but where do you get all this information?

I am pleased such information spreads through more hearts each day, as does a rising sun illuminate what lies beyond the veil of night.

It is not an inconvenience to ask your question.
The information comes from a spirit guide who now walks among you. That spirit guide is me.
As a representative of the Asceleottyi, which is the name of the soul group I represent, we work to facilitate information and understanding in a way you can understand. I am here to endure the same challenges you face, the same sorrows, the same falls and mistakes, in order that I may know how best to show you how to overcome them. Understanding the spirit world is but one way to facilitate your understanding of your current world, because it illuminates the process, the connection and the love which permeates and binds the two worlds within a sacred marriage. Through this marriage you will come to understand your true purpose, your true value and your true Self, beyond anything you have before believed.

Hope your day at work was a joy-full one. Pay close attention to what occurs today.

Tiss 18-06-2011 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
I am pleased such information spreads through more hearts each day, as does a rising sun illuminate what lies beyond the veil of night.

It is not an inconvenience to ask your question.
The information comes from a spirit guide who now walks among you. That spirit guide is me.
As a representative of the Asceleottyi, which is the name of the soul group I represent, we work to facilitate information and understanding in a way you can understand. I am here to endure the same challenges you face, the same sorrows, the same falls and mistakes, in order that I may know how best to show you how to overcome them. Understanding the spirit world is but one way to facilitate your understanding of your current world, because it illuminates the process, the connection and the love which permeates and binds the two worlds within a sacred marriage. Through this marriage you will come to understand your true purpose, your true value and your true Self, beyond anything you have before believed.

Hope your day at work was a joy-full one. Pay close attention to what occurs today.

Hello Sparrow,

I have two more questions for you:

Are there more Spirit Guides from your soul group, the Asceleottyi, here on Earth doing the same kind of work as you?

Which other means, besides the Spiritual Forums, do you use to carry out such noble work?

Thanks! :hug:


Cal 20-06-2011 01:07 PM


Hi Cal,

Absolutely. His clarity is exceptional plus his writings are amazingly good. He touches many souls with them.

He must use The Eye of Clarity very often.* :smile:

It is very good to enjoy his messages here at SF.

* More references about the Eye of Clarity can be found here: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=4070


TISS :hug:

Tiss, thank you for reminding me about Sparrow’s Meditation Compendium. Much wonderful information is there. :smile:


Tiss 20-06-2011 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Tiss, thank you for reminding me about Sparrow’s Meditation Compendium. Much wonderful information is there. :smile:


Dear Cal,

Yes, I found several lovely meditations there, but I am not sure if it is finished product, or it has reached an impasse. It contains, so far:

- The Eye of Clarity

- Meditational Writing

- Healing Meditation

- Meditation for Those who Choose not to Visualize

- Meditation to Meet your Spirit Guide

- Meditation to Meet the Asceleott Presence

- Meditation for Global Healing and Transformation

It is a good compendium, but I would like to have something more specific on expanding my awareness and capacity of love .

Maybe what I look for is there and I have not recognized it yet...


TISS :hug:

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