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running 08-09-2018 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by God-Like
The thing is running if you were not attached you would not be bothered about being paid .

I hear you in regards to your attitude towards things from your current point of bliss ness or whatever word suits .

You don't understand that non attachment holds no preferences to being paid or not .

You said your blissfulness is no dual but you still acknowledge the duality of being paid or not and what that would mean to you .

Non dual is the awareness where trucks and wages don't exist .

So when you speak of non dual blissness when knowing that being paid will have consequences that you would rather not entertain illustrates to me that your attached for the need to be paid, just like I am ..

x daz x

not sure how more direct i can be about this. im not a part or have anything to do with the religion of non attachment.

bliss has to do with the human nervous system. not what i think or want. it is a causeless experince. like if you drank a beer as you mentioned earlier. that buzz doesn't require anything from you. it is just there. which is why people call it nondual.

again why some call it a paradox.

running 08-09-2018 08:28 PM


the practice of non attachment is a tool to open one to the divine. a common practice. a tool like shakti pat. meditation. pranayama. yoga and so on. for me i use it. not as a religion but as a tool. i am a truck driver for a reason. because in doing so i give up most conveniences.

muffin 09-09-2018 12:43 AM

Good afternoon Daz and Running :smile:

I see them both as going in hand in hand.

As for bliss and silence, I see as a safe haven, not the end product.

As for non attachment, in the most part you grow out of them, letting nature take it's own course.

Shivani Devi 09-09-2018 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by jonesboy
Open your eyes and see what they have in common rather than just one box or what people tell you.

Your example of Shiva being the devil or the church saying energy practices leads to possession should be clues.

Clues of what?

I became a Hindu and a Shaivite because it answered all my questions...I could find nothing outside of it that I could not find within it. It contained everything that I could ever want or need to know...I had to 'look no further' etc.

Maybe I am just way too orthodox in my beliefs, but basically...why should a Hindu be interested in Jesus? The times were different...the place was different...the crowds were different...the message was different...and I don't understand how one can be 'many religions' when they each contradict.

Aum Namah Shivaya

Shivani Devi 09-09-2018 03:27 AM

It's Nice When It Happens

Here is a little story...

A couple of years ago, I was heavily addicted to smoking weed (cannabis)....all day...every day...going through about half an ounce a week.

My brother also was...and still is, a heavy stoner.

In January, 2017, I gave it up because all my suppliers started going under one by one and I was left with nowhere I could get it....I thought the universe was giving me a message/hint, so on the 6th January 2017, I quit cold turkey...I had no choice.

Of course I could go to my brother's place to get it, but the round trip is about 200 miles and laziness wins out over addiction most of the time....except for the rare occasion that I really need to go to my brother's place for a few days...and that happens 2-3 times a year.

On those occasions, I won't say "no" to a billie or two...or three...and a few bottles of Budweiser. lol

...and so it was last night and today...however, last night, my brother and I got totally wasted and discussed child prodigies...and he managed to get beyond all his 'concepts' of God and just sat there for over one hour...totally stupefied going "The Christian God...the Hindu Gods...the Buddhist God...the Muslim God...are all the SAME God...God is God....there is only ONE God....God IS God...He just IS...there is nothing that God isn't...God is everywhere...God is in everything..." and I sorta said "yep...and welcome to my world now".

After that, I played him some Yiddish (Jewish) folk music (Freylakhs) and his jaw dropped...he is a music teacher...and a musician...and I see him going "WHAT?...they are playing Harmonic scales I have not even heard of before...from D Major back to C Sharp...and it WORKS!" and then he picked up his electric guitar and started playing Jewish scales and he was in heaven...totally! I went "now, here's the connection to Romanian music that Franz Liszt discovered, and also how those musical scales which originated in Egypt, spread across Europe with nothing more than a key change...resulting in the various changes of major scales into sharp scales and yet combining the two..".

He was like "OMG!!!....I have been looking for this for ages...it is the key!" and I said "yep...you are still in my world now". lol

Then I taught him how to see the 5th dimension...opened up his pineal gland right then and there...I gave my own brother "Shaktapat"....lol

My mother is doing okay...they found out it was a large tumor and NOT a stroke...and the tumor is not cancerous and operable. It makes the odds of her surviving MUCH better...but there's still a 50/50 chance...which is better odds than she previously had anyway.

Meanwhile...I am trashed and scattered so I need coffee...I spent all yesterday at the hospital with mum and all last night in a drug-induced "coma" myself. lol

Aum Namah Shivaya

ajay00 09-09-2018 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by jonesboy

I would agree, but someone addicted to smoking and drinking is proof they are not beyond vasanas. Per your own definition.

You are just interpreting this as per your definitions and vilifying Hindu enlightened sages such as Nisargadatta in the Hinduism forum.


Originally Posted by jonesboy

The fact that he never stopped smoking and died of throat cancer should tell you something.

He was a cigarette smoker by profession and died at an old age of throat cancer. Even ramakrishna died of throat cancer though he was not a smoker himself.


Originally Posted by jonesboy

You may be the only person on the planet that thinks smoking is a harmless activity. Are you serious?

Smoking was not considered a very harmful activity back then as it is now. I considering drinking a more harmful activity.


Originally Posted by jonesboy
What you provided was proof that as a result of his realization he had powers. Your posts also states that the desire for them is not to be encouraged which I agree with. You have been saying powers are not a part of enlightenment, but your links prove otherwise.

You seem to have shallow knowledge of hinduism in general. I have already stated that it is an enlightened one who can use psychic powers harmlessly due to egolesness.

ajay00 09-09-2018 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
Smoking is an addiction to nicotine or the chemicals contained in cigarettes , enjoying sweets is a different thing altogether.

People obviously do stop smoking but some even after many years still miss the nicotine fix which is extremely addictive....

I would appreciated if people stop commenting on Hindu enlightened masters in the Hinduism forum.

No Hindu has ever vilified Jesus for eating meat and drinking wine in the christianity forum.

As explained earlier, Nisargadatta was a cigarette maker and businessman by profession, and he smoked cigarettes which he made himself. Even now millions of people smoke cigarettes all over the world, even in the west.

Have no idea why the Hindu enlightened sage Nisargadatta is being targetted to a vilification campaign because he smoked .

sky 09-09-2018 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by ajay00
I would appreciated if people stop commenting on Hindu enlightened masters in the Hinduism forum.

No Hindu has ever vilified Jesus for eating meat and drinking wine in the christianity forum.

As explained earlier, Nisargadatta was a cigarette maker and businessman by profession, and he smoked cigarettes which he made himself. Even now millions of people smoke cigarettes all over the world, even in the west.

Have no idea why the Hindu enlightened sage Nisargadatta is being targetted to a vilification campaign because he smoked .

Pointing out that someone is addicted to Nicotine is hardly ' Vilification '

abusively disparaging speech or writing.
"the vilification of minority groupings"
synonyms: condemnation, criticism, censure, castigation, denunciation, vituperation, abuse, flak, defamation, denigration, disparagement, obloquy, opprobrium, derogation, slander, revilement, reviling, calumny, calumniation, execration, excoriation, lambasting, upbraiding, a bad press, character assassination, attack, invective, libel, insults, aspersions

ajay00 09-09-2018 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by sky123
Pointing out that someone is addicted to Nicotine is hardly ' Vilification '

And I have stated that he was not addicted to nicotine, just a smoker .

It is you and jonesboy who added the term 'addict' to him, when he was not one.

I don't understand your agenda, but it is foolishness to attempt it in the hinduism forum.

God-Like 09-09-2018 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by running
not sure how more direct i can be about this. im not a part or have anything to do with the religion of non attachment.

bliss has to do with the human nervous system. not what i think or want. it is a causeless experince. like if you drank a beer as you mentioned earlier. that buzz doesn't require anything from you. it is just there. which is why people call it nondual.

again why some call it a paradox.

I appreciate the chat but I haven’t heard any explanation as to why one who is blissed out and enlightened would claim to be non attached while continuing the same pattern of behaviour day in day out . A type of behaviour that reflects upon desires / pleasures of the flesh .

You haven’t explained as far as I can see how one can not be attached while continuing the same ritual .

Bliss is likened to liberation . When a peep is liberated there is no preference to working or not, getting paid or not, having a roof over their head or not .

There are plenty of guru types that speak about non attachment while having millions in their bank accounts, one had a collection of rolls royces .

It doesn’t add up why one would have so much money and have 90 odd rolls royces and preach about non attachment .

I have a feeling that the bliss that you have been speaking about isn’t the bliss I am talking about .

The bliss I am talking about is a state where you would not have a mindful of thought pertaining to working and earning a living .

x daz x

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