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Jeremy Bong 29-06-2016 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Serrao
On the long term all life always travel back to nothingness?

Buddhist believes emptiness is actually said in our mind or body. But other religions none is focused on emptiness so it's not a universal truth but is only true for Buddhist's astral world/playground.

All life go back to/unit with emptiness is the consciousness shrinking to the astral playground and no more.

When a person died he either left in the grave or brought back to universe by his ancestor. That's the universal truth that everyone can believe.

RyanWind 29-06-2016 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Bong
Buddhist believes emptiness is actually said in our mind or body. But other religions none is focused on emptiness so it's not a universal truth ...

I think it is a universal truth. Realizing you are not the stuff in your mind. Letting go of all of that. But yes all of the religions and cultural IDEAS about that belong to whatever group or person made them up. You can walk around with Buddhist ideas about that or Tolle's ideas about that or Krishnamurti's ideas about that or Christian ideas about that or Alcoholics Anonymous ideas about that. The only thing that is different in people is the ideas in their heads....but that makes us all the same actually. Don't matter what our stories are, what we believe, what we are conditioned to think of ourselves as being, we all focus on whatever appears in our minds that we deem important. We also can learn to be in silence. There is only one truth and a million ways to describe or talk about it.

CSEe 30-06-2016 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Serrao
On the long term all life always travel back to nothingness?

Each moment , every moment all existent regardless living or non-living , regardless human or Coca-Cola can is all naturally travelling in a natural process back into own original state before existence ..... into the state of nothingness . This natural process in my current mind is Buddhism.

Still_Waters 30-06-2016 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by RyanWind
I think it is a universal truth. Realizing you are not the stuff in your mind. Letting go of all of that. But yes all of the religions and cultural IDEAS about that belong to whatever group or person made them up. You can walk around with Buddhist ideas about that or Tolle's ideas about that or Krishnamurti's ideas about that or Christian ideas about that or Alcoholics Anonymous ideas about that. The only thing that is different in people is the ideas in their heads....but that makes us all the same actually. Don't matter what our stories are, what we believe, what we are conditioned to think of ourselves as being, we all focus on whatever appears in our minds that we deem important. We also can learn to be in silence. There is only one truth and a million ways to describe or talk about it.

Well put, especially "The only thing that is different in people is the ideas in their heads".

There is a Zen saying:

When you are thinking, your mind is different from my mind. When you cut off thought, your mind is the same as my mind ---- God's mind, Buddha nature, Christ consciousness, or whatever one chooses to call it.

Well put.

P.S. There are lots of "ideas" here; hence, there are differences.

RyanWind 30-06-2016 05:41 AM

I would say we are all the same. The only thing that makes us appear different are the things we focus on and identify with. But none of those things are actually us. It's stuff we carry. It's stuff we have picked up and accumulated. We have a body, but we are not the body. We have thoughts, but we are not thoughts. We have a memory, but we are not our memory.

If you can stop identifying with all the things you have or own or carry, then you experience yourself as you really are. Free and unconditioned perception.

Jeremy Bong 30-06-2016 08:59 AM

Whatever we think there's a source of our thinking that's our mind and it always base on our mind to get info that analysis a reason to let us to come to that conclusion/inspiration.

So when we think of the teaching of Buddha it is always right and it is based on his part of teaching of (to be as) Buddha.

The meditation is Buddhism teaching and it seems/seeks for emptiness but it never states inside our mind or outside our mind/body.

Is it not a simple question for every Buddhist should at least get a common/right answer? Or continue to think of emptiness as outside world. I don't compell any Buddhist should believe emptiness is always outside or inside our mind/astral playground/dreamland.

Still_Waters 30-06-2016 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by RyanWind
I would say we are all the same. The only thing that makes us appear different are the things we focus on and identify with. But none of those things are actually us. It's stuff we carry. It's stuff we have picked up and accumulated. We have a body, but we are not the body. We have thoughts, but we are not thoughts. We have a memory, but we are not our memory.

If you can stop identifying with all the things you have or own or carry, then you experience yourself as you really are. Free and unconditioned perception.

Regarding "I would say we are all the same", there is another Zen saying: "Equality without differentiation is poor equality; but differentiation without equality is poor differentiation." :smile:

One must be able to shift attention between different levels of consciousness and beyond.

For the traditional Buddhists, it should be clear that a sign of the second jhana is the subsiding of conceptual thought and discursive thought.

Jeremy Bong 30-06-2016 02:13 PM

I think to learn Buddhism at least one should have a good Guru/Master to teach the followers the right meaning of emptiness, meditation, thought, perception, consciousness, awareness, mind,oneness, astral world.....and then to process to practice meditation. And different level of emptiness/practices inside our brain.

The problem is everything is emptiness which give others a delusion that nothing in this world is real. That's what I knew from my early age till now but after I thought for quite a long time then I really know the real meaning of emptiness and where is emptiness and what Buddha referred to/of.

Emptiness should be the imagination/creation of our mind inside our body/brain that's the delusion of our mind. So a beginner should at least know this things first. It's because I am a beginner and I am a Buddha.

Serrao 30-06-2016 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Bong
Buddhist believes emptiness is actually said in our mind or body. But other religions none is focused on emptiness so it's not a universal truth but is only true for Buddhist's astral world/playground.

All life go back to/unit with emptiness is the consciousness shrinking to the astral playground and no more.

When a person died he either left in the grave or brought back to universe by his ancestor. That's the universal truth that everyone can believe.

Do you think there exists a path which cannot be influenced by anyone and which eventually leads to the "ultimate destination" for everyone?

Or does one have to strive to attain the "ultimate destination"?

Jeremy Bong 30-06-2016 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Serrao
Do you think there exists a path which cannot be influenced by anyone and which eventually leads to the "ultimate destination" for everyone?

Or does one have to strive to attain the "ultimate destination"?

Do you mean it should have some mystery so that others/the bad guys can't follow the path? But how are those who wanted to learn Buddhism by their own? Is it possible for them to learn Buddhism by themselves?

Meditation is the most method of practice easily be influenced by the bad gods. That's why I was never taught by Buddha about meditation. He only taught how me to think correctly and not influenced by others.

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