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Humm 21-05-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by sound
I would like to let it go ... it is upsetting me, and is probably getting tiresome for others ... I have not tried to take charge over anyone here ... I will leave you to shout at yourself ...

I don't mean to upset you Sound, but the simple fact that you have in so many words told me to butt out of this discussion while I have said no such thing to you simply seems to bounce off of you no matter how much I shout.

I spelled it out to you from your own post, and while you didn't disagree, only said it was meant to be 'light-hearted', you will not take responsibility for it.

Okay, I shout my posts are my posts, while you light-heartedly say my posts aren't wanted.

I hear you. Have you heard me yet?

sound 21-05-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Charliemcsnarly
Hello, I'm new to this forum, but it's amazing.

I was wondering people's thoughts on this. Over the last couple of years I've been waking up to so much, and when you do then there becomes a strong intent to wake up more, hence you open your mind and discover a vast depth to the world that not many can see.

It's funny because you spend your whole egoic life wanting to know more or thinking you know more than everyone else, but when you start actually seeing more, not only does your ego start to fall away, but also it becomes painfully frustrating that hardly anyone else can see it too. Not only that but they tend to have a naive arrogance about knowing so much more than you etc.

It's a tough one.

Apologies for derailing your thread Charlie ... getting back to the topic at hand, how do you know so few see what you can now see? How does one know that?

sound 21-05-2012 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Humm
I don't mean to upset you Sound, but the simple fact that you have in so many words told me to butt out of this discussion while I have said no such thing to you simply seems to bounce off of you no matter how much I shout.

I spelled it out to you from your own post, and while you didn't disagree, only said it was meant to be 'light-hearted', you will not take responsibility for it.

Okay, I shout my posts are my posts, while you light-heartedly say my posts aren't wanted.

I hear you. Have you heard me yet?

Yes Humm i have heard you ... I am responsible for my own words ... i have not told you to butt out of this discussion. I know thats not my place to do that.

Silver 21-05-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by sound
All of us, or none of us ... to self ...

Good answer~*

Charliemcsnarly 21-05-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by sound
Apologies for derailing your thread Charlie ... getting back to the topic at hand, how do you know so few see what you can now see? How does one know that?

Hehe, no problem. Well to be fair it is an assumption, I don't know for sure. However in my perception, having traveled from town to town for the last couple of years, I see the same thing in the vast majority of people I come across.

They play roles in society, one could almost assume they are like actors on a world stage acting so well you could never believe they'd possible take it all so seriously. They sell their souls away so they can buy designer clothes, expensive cars etc all to boost their sense of self, even if they are poor. They suck up to the system so they can buy a plasma TV that they can watch in all their spare time to be conditioned by propaganda. They are lured in by useless **** in shop windows when all it is in essence is a useless piece of plastic **** that will break with a few months and go into landfill to take 100s of years to decompose. All so they can get a very temporary ego boost.

Who knows how many fast food stores there are around the globe? If people had any idea of just how bad for your system that food is they wouldn't go near it. The supermarkets are lined with processed junk and it is near impossible to buy anything healthy from them. Even the organic veg is plastic wrapped and it absorbs lots of nasties from that.

And I'm not just talking about the 'system'. A very large percentage of people around the globe choose a religion, or even worse, have it chosen for them. They then close their mind to the truth by believing a fix doctrine, excluding all other information as wrong. (I know not all religious people do this but it seems most do).

Politicians play ego wars and it's not who is right, it's who can argue the best gets the highest ranks. Then the masses believe all the **** they are arguing about and choose a side, without realizing it's all a game to cloud the truth and it doesn't make a blind bit of difference who's in charge, we'll still get the same old ****.

I could go on as the list is endless, but the external world is a manifestation of where our minds are at collectively. The human race is destroying itself in a mad frenzy, stepping on each other and, as a collective whole, has very little care for each other. At the same time consuming the earths resources as fast as possible. The wealth divide is so ridiculous that masses of people are living in poverty, yet still they refuse to accept they are being conned.

Please don't assume I'm trying to say I'm all wise and awakened. I'm certainly not, I'm just trying my best to overcome my mind and still largely overcome by it. I'm still learning, if I was fully awakened I would not even have felt the need to start this thread. But it only takes a bit of stepping back to see all of this, not just to believe it, but to SEE it. Most just downright refuse to, for the sake of the few illusory comforts they have in life.

If the majority of people didn't play along with this game, the external world would not be the way it is.

Silver 21-05-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by TzuJanLi

Some seekers only seek clarity and truth, and therefore avoid gurus..

Be well..

Well said - or any who resemble said guru(s).

Btw, sound ~ I don't believe you've come across as trying to dictate how certain people express themselves. I'm certain that isn't the gist of this issue.

Humm 21-05-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl

Btw, sound ~ I don't believe you've come across as trying to dictate how certain people express themselves. I'm certain that isn't the gist of this issue.

I find that very interesting.

It seems there is no proof offerable that a straight faced denial can't negate.

Ah well - ciest la vie.

hybrid 21-05-2012 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by TzuJanLi

Some seekers only seek clarity and truth, and therefore avoid gurus..

Be well..

it's probably in the later stage of seeking that these are realized.

Silver 21-05-2012 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by hybrid
it's probably in the later stage of seeking that these are realized.

Actually ~ I think all depends on the relative intelligence of said seeker.

hybrid 21-05-2012 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl
Well said - or any who resemble said guru(s).

well isn't that the issue here?

some people are not comfortable with guru-like personality here.

but for the seekers of truth and clarity , does "avoiding the guru" the same as invalidating them?

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