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Ciqala 01-01-2011 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by in progress
Ciqala, I just read somewhere that raja yoga was the only type worth doing after an awakening. Is this what you found? I really don't know anything about yoga but wanted to try something easy.

Yeah, i've been told by a teacher i just met today by magical chance, it is the practice of achieving the highest awareness, Raj or Raja Yoga is to do it the royal way, and is more based on the mind, like meditation, it is the practice of highest awareness, in hopes to lead up to liberation, which is like immortality, finally completing the cycles of reincarnation.
I am just getting into all of this myself, i will be learning more about yogas for spiritual awareness in the near future.

supernova 01-01-2011 01:26 AM

There are different practices and when one reaches that state, that is a yogic state one does not have to use bodily or physical practices of yoga and one gets liberated.

Raja yoga is the last stage and with that one will be in a state of complete awareness

NightSpirit 01-01-2011 01:41 AM

I experienced a kundalini awakening in the early 2000's. It would take a journal to record its intricate affects, so is not something I tend to talk about.

I didn't know this thread existed till just now, and being so long I just scanned through the first few pages. I spotted a post that went ~Bing!~ ..the poster mentioned the kundalini going back to sleep. I feel I have allowed this to mostly happen to me for good reasons. I can still easily access the 'knowledge awakening' part, but I had to tuck the physical side of it away. It would be nice to keep it alive if one had the kind of life to accommodate it, but practically speaking...most of us don't.

supernova 01-01-2011 01:50 AM

Kundalini is basically used to awaken one's latent energies and since it lies in the bottom of the spinal cord it is closer to our reproductive organs and that is why some of the persons practicing it go astray. The heightening the power of Kundlaini at times is a physical activity and less of a spiritual one and that is why if it does not go with deep meditation it may lead one to perversion too. That is why we have some priests pedophile.

Meditation is a higher stage of spiritual practice and is therefore must be done together with the awakening of Kudalini

Xan 01-01-2011 04:00 AM

NightSpirit... It may not be that your kundalini has gone back to sleep, but has become integrated into your overall energy system to the degree that it is not noticeable like it was in the dramatic days of its awakening.

My hunch is, if you were to practice Microcosmic Orbit or simply visualize the flow of light energy in your central channel in the spinal cord you might be surprised at what you find... and I'd like to hear about it. :-)


Xan 01-01-2011 04:03 AM

supernova: Raja yoga is the last stage and with that one will be in a state of complete awareness

Well as I see it, "complete awareness" isn't something we can really aim for in this world, but we just keep going... expanding and deepening in consciousness, energy and love.


Uma 01-01-2011 06:14 AM

Just to add to the discussion about yogas... The way of divine energy (Kundalini) is the way of all yogas. When Kundalini is awakened in the sushumna, She prompts and facilitates the yoga, or combination of yogas, that is most appropriate for the soul. When She is prompting, they become effortless - doesn't matter which yoga it is. It's a very individual thing.

Ciqala 01-01-2011 09:33 AM

Yeah... i did some more learning on yogas. Am starting to take Kundalini yoga because i personally like it better, all forms of yoga lead to higher awareness, and complete awakening, they just have different paths of getting there, and depends all on where a person is at in their journey, and what a person feels more inclined towards.

Kundalini Yoga: is not just about kundalini rising, it is the absolute involved conscious way, ever expanding awareness, and has the same principles as all yogas. Kundalini Yoga is the divine union of your higher self and higher consciousness, it also deals specifically with the most powerful thing in the universe, life energy, Prana, Kundalini Yoga can teach one to discover this, but it also teaches one how to harness this, use it, and gain ultimate consciousness, and also liberation. Thus, it is also great for people who have awakened kundalini already.

Raj yoga: it is traditionally called "Raj" is called royal, because it means King, as in, the mind is King, over all. The practices mainly include ways to deepen your awareness towards the ultimate awareness, source, higher self, ect, ways to achieve power over the mind. Chances are, most people do this already, when they meditate. This is a great yoga for those who want to strengthen their relationship with "god" as they know it, or to silent the mind. It is a good yoga for those who wish to obtain Samhadi, (complete awakening = so rare, in fact, only two people in history have accomplished.) But all yogas lead to this, not just one. This basically means, those two famous people, no longer have to live again. Yoga belief is based around reincarnation. Being serious here, no one should expect to obtain that immortality, it takes lifetimes, of practice in order to achieve. This yoga is therefore good, for that practice, but so is any yoga, and so is meditation.

Gyan Yoga: is the path of intellect, path of knowledge, a great path for those analytical minds, this path is significant as any other. This is the path of ultimate freedom. It is also, one of the practices, that can help obtain ultimate liberation, same as the other forms of yoga.

Bhakti Yoga: is path of ultimate devotion, to whatever your higher power is, path of worship in a more personalized form, path of love, also leads to higher awareness.

Karma Yoga: Path of karma, path of liberation, path of freedom, path of actions that submit to higher source, and non attachment.

Mantra Yoga: the path of chanting the meditating, the sacred syllables, raising one's vibration through sound current.

Anyway, all yogas are equally important to what they offer spiritually, and they all lead to higher awareness, and of course the end goal is liberation, good luck with that if you seek it, they all teach amazing steps in the journey. The only order that should be followed, is where a person is at, because awakening, is different for everybody.
There are many yogas to choose from! Whatever floats your boat, and whatever path you wish to take.

NightSpirit 01-01-2011 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
NightSpirit... It may not be that your kundalini has gone back to sleep, but has become integrated into your overall energy system to the degree that it is not noticeable like it was in the dramatic days of its awakening.

My hunch is, if you were to practice Microcosmic Orbit or simply visualize the flow of light energy in your central channel in the spinal cord you might be surprised at what you find... and I'd like to hear about it. :-)


hmmm...I never thought of this as possible, yet I can relate to what your saying as feeling somehow right, now that I go back over my years since, in my mind.

I'm not sure what Microcosmic Orbit is, but I can research it..thanks. Also I can try the visualisation you suggested.

You say "you'd like to hear about it"....do you mean the results of trying your suggestions? :smile:

supernova 01-01-2011 10:35 AM

Yoga means to be at one with God or some power that crated the universe. And when we speak of Raja yoga it is the ultimate phase and people will be fully aware of their real natures. There will be worldly desires and there will be only consciousness in those who attain this stage.

Of course at the lower end when the starter practices yoga he will have sexual desires since it stimulate physical organs and that is why often awakening Kunldalini is linked to sexual energies

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