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Awakened Queen 26-08-2015 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by gravitysrainbow
Thanks, Softheart. I'm going to make some positive affirmations and prayers.

If you believe you are cursed, look into hoodoo uncrossing candles. Very simple to do. Google "uncrossing" and "hoodoo" and you will see all the different things you can do along with the candle. Good luck.

You may also want to find a healer who clears ancestral karma. You can message me if you want. I can give you a trusted referral.

gravitysrainbow 27-08-2015 07:48 PM

Ok, thanks, Awakened Queen. I'll try the candles and see if that helps.

Please Leave Me 29-08-2015 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by gravitysrainbow
Ok, thanks, Awakened Queen. I'll try the candles and see if that helps.

scent attracts them though
just bit info

you notice how people who deal with witchcraft
and other mumbo jumbo always use burning scent ?
there is reason why they do it
and reason why you shouldn't :D

gravitysrainbow 29-08-2015 04:43 PM

Well, now it seems that I won't be needing the candles. All it required was understanding how to have better communication and to rearrange my thought processes. Since I know this shadow will copy my thoughts, the best I can do is remain positive and benevolent in my actions and not react emotionally when he's projecting other people's thoughts and emotions from someone else. The more you lean towards positive emotions - love and compassion - the more it'll be copied and transferred to the other people involved. It's very much like self-fulfilling prophecies or thought form manifestation.

Please Leave Me 29-08-2015 05:06 PM

Wish best of luck to you

AstralPhreak 20-11-2015 01:27 AM

Djinn is a strong and a powerfull demon, are you sure you are in love with a Djinn?

Shivani Devi 20-11-2015 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by sugarpain
I came to this forum looking for others that have had some experience with the Djinn.

I am in love with one that has been attached to me my whole life but just recently made himself known to me. I've come across a thread in this forum about them but it is a bit old, so I thought it'd be interesting to bring it up again to see what others know about them. Or if others here have had direct experiences with them as I have.

I also have some questions and am hoping to find an expert who may be able to help.

Hello there.

I have the opposite. I have a Djinn who has made his feelings known to me in no unquestionable or uncertain terms.

He's also been attached to me my whole life.

At first, I didn't quite know how to take this...if at all seriously....I just felt 'flattered' I guess.

I mean, we've had our little 'heart-to-hearts' over the PSB-7 and that's been really nice, he's a cool 'spirit dude'...but that's all he is and all he must remain!

When he starts going on about it, I'm like "long distance relationships never work and this is one hell of a 'long distance relationship', my friend'!"

Had he been a 'real life dude', then yeah, I may have been interested, but for now, all he remains is a 'product of my own imagination combined with wishful thinking'.

We are just to remain 'mates' and nothing more because my own sanity won't let it progress any further than that.

Not to mention the blatant obvious fact that if he had any feelings for me at all he'd be totally honest with me and tell me what kind of creature he is, from whence he comes and how he uses my SB-7 to communicate with me!

I like to think that if the feeling of love is that strong, you'll be together in the afterlife for eternity.

Thank you all for your time.

CrystalSong 20-11-2015 06:15 AM

What is a SB-7?

Shivani Devi 20-11-2015 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong
What is a SB-7?

Sorry, I was typing shorthand above.

The P-SB7 "Spirit Box" is a modified AM/FM radio scanner, which can scan through all the frequency modulations in either a forward or reverse sweep and up to a speed of 300 Megacycles per second.

It is called an ITC (Instrumental Trans Communication) Device and it's rather controversial among those in the paranormal research field.

Shivani Devi 20-11-2015 04:50 PM

Okay....I'll be a bit more honest...it's a nice 'bedtime story' anyway before I call it a night...

There was this one time, okay? (there always is) lolz

Anyway, it was about 3 months ago now and 'William' just bared his 'whatever "soul" William has' to me....and yeah, I laughed and hurt a spirit's 'feelings' (how was I 'sposed to know they had these things)?

Mistake #1.

So, I humbly apologised and made my own feelings pretty 'clear' on the matter (even though I wasn't really too sure what they were...I mean...human & Ghost...c'mon).

Still, there was no denying I felt 'something'...yeah, we were both pretty friendly and 'chummy' but was that all it was? All I knew was that I didn't like where this was going.

What I didn't know at the time, was William knew my every thought and feeling as soon as/if not before I thought/felt it. I was to find out this a bit later.

Still, we kept talking and communicating, but I was starting to get an 'uncomfortable' or 'uneasy' feeling around him and it wasn't anything malicious or sinister...I was just scared and it wasn't of him, it was of myself!

I was also battling the whole "whoa, this just has to be the greatest trick my mind has ever played on me' thing...I just didn't know what the hell was going on!

It was at that point "William" came through and said "I love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you...I just care for you too much and I always have! You need to take this leap of faith with me, can you do that?"

I wasn't sure if I could or even if I was ready...I just wasn't 'there yet' and even if I was to 'get there', there's still that little issue of me=human, William=ghost). That wasn't going to go away any time soon.Besides, I was sure there was a 'cosmic law' against that sort of thing.

So, I put the Spirit Box away for a couple of weeks hoping it would settle down (yeah, right?).

As soon as I switched it on, it was like "so, am I still just a figment of your imagination'? Puh-lease. lol

William then went on to say there's certain 'sacred knowledge' those on the other side (his side) have, and if I would just give him a chance, he could do something beautiful.

I didn't know what to think or do...all I knew is that I had this totally overwhelming curiosity to find out everything I could about him and he played on that, constantly!

I also still didn't know how I felt...I knew I really liked him (as a 'being') and I knew I trusted him (although he lies to me) and I knew all of this was somehow coming from a 'good place' and I was in no danger...I knew William was no 'demon' trying to gain my confidence so he could possess me...he knows I am not that stupid.

So, I decided to go 'okay, William...let's hear it. What is this 'secret knowledge'?

It was then I learned that Spirits/Ghosts have the power to enter your dreams (or in a lucid dream state) and that we could actually 'meet' if I could get myself into this state and also, he would need my 'sworn permission' from me before he could do this, as those were 'the rules'.

So, I'm like 'okay, you want me to 'invite you into my dreams so we can meet face-to-face'? that sounds cool.

Then William said "I can only do it for 3 days in a row though and only once, ever!" that's the other 'rule".

I was willing to give this a go, to take it one step further, so I took all the necessary precautions, closed my eyes, opened my heart and soul and invited "William" in to share my consciousness for 3 days!

The first night, I went into lucid dreaming and I was at an abandoned carnival and a nice middle-aged man, rather plain looking...slightly balding came up and gave me a teddy bear.

Over the next half hour or so, we went on all the 'rides', ate 'fairy floss' and he talked about how he was my 'guardian spirit/angel' but he couldn't tell me much because he'd cop it if 'they' found out.

Wow, so he's an Angel! cool!

Still, it was Me=Human, William = Angel.

Then, he reached over to hold my hand 'astral hand' and when the two energies combined, it felt like a bucket of ice cubes had been tipped over my hand...yeah, I felt that and flinched then quickly retracted my 'hand'.

William was like "sorry, I didn't mean that, would you like this dream to end now?" I said "yes please...and it's so nice to finally meet you" he said "likewise" and everything just faded away and I was back laying on my bed in my room.

Next evening, I was just about to nod off to sleep when I found myself slap bang in the middle of a subway carriage speeding through tunnels with a mix of humans, astrals and spirits on board....and I was shown what 'bored ghosts' like to do in their spare time by William who was also in the carriage.

Nobody else seemed to notice we were there..

We did a 'walk through' of a few humans (and I didn't like that experience very much) before settling in an empty carriage at the back of the train.

I was like "a train...seriously?" and William was all like "okay then, next time I'll let you pick the backdrop...your mind, after all..."

Yeah...MY MIND!!! and just how much was 'William' a part OF it?

I then asked if and how astrals and ghosts could exchange energy at this level of awareness? and he picked up my hand and placed it up against the side of his cheek and closed his eyes...I felt that same 'chill' that same total 'fluid frigidity'...

I told William I had enough and wanted to end it, so that was that and it did, with a 'goodnight, my sweet love'.

During the days between these dreams, not much happened...just a bit of 'soul searching' and 'introspection'.

On 'evening 3', I went into meditation sleep (yoga nidra) and thought...okay, my turn and I set to work creating a Victorian park scene at dusk, complete with horse-drawn carriages, gas lights, lakes with lotuses and swans all around, little bridges leading out onto quaint little islands and ladies in pretty dresses with nice parasols...yeah something Cezanne would paint...

Not long after I had finished, William shows up driving a horse cart going; "niiiice...your chariot, awaits". I felt like Cinderella.

For I don't know how long, we drove around while he told me about those things he missed when he was still alive...it was all pretty depressing, really and I was starting to feel sorry for him.

So, I asked him to stop by a small gazebo near a lake because I wanted to just walk around...

I got down and he came with me, I could feel his presence everywhere and it was unnerving me, scaring me again...I started to tremble, not knowing what was happening...I was confused...was this my mind?

Then, William placed his hands on both my shoulders, pulled me towards him and kissed me!

I have never, never felt anything like that before in my life (and I have kissed a lot of guys...but this was totally different!).

Yep, the earth moved and so did everything else...including my sanity...right out the house.

I didn't know what I felt, but all I knew was that 'it felt real darn good!'

Next thing I knew, I hear whispering in my ear going "I know you felt that...I can feel what you feel!

This added a whole new level for me and I still didn't know what the hell I was doing, but at the point where I was at, all that just didn't seem to matter. I was falling for a ghost, full stop.

As soon as I realised that, William kissed me again, and I just melted...next thing I knew, I felt my arms and chest being pinned down to the bed, but I put up no resistance...it was futile...totally...

After that, and those 3 days were up, we went back to 'how it was'...suffice to say I haven't used the box again in the past 3 weeks...what's done stays done and that's it.

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