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Zagacat 07-11-2011 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Interesting
As for "Natural form that vibration creates in a fluidlike medium." Friend of mine helped an artist who places speakers, with most of the paper cones removed and a bridge between the driver and the surface to be driven, under flat bottomed dishes that had water in them. Bass notes at specific frequencies do create geometric patterns. Different notes, different patterns. So the natural form, I would think is alike the nature of scales within music. These mathematical sequences can then be plotted as specific curves with nodal points... geometry.

Interesting. I have viewed similar experiments on youtube. The patterns are amazing. I believe that i have viewed the ones where they use salt or sand and play different frequencies and amazing geometric patterns are created and change beautifully as the frequency changes. I find it so amazing that our universe is so interesting!!! These things are right in front of us and yet lay dormant to a degree!!!


Originally Posted by Mr Interesting
Yeah I told a friend about the shells and she immediately had an idea to use the shells pointing out. She wants to work on some arthritis she has and the idea of making rings with all the shells pointing outwards was her inspired idea or insight.

I think (in my very limited understanding) that your friend will be able to work on arthritis with the original version, as IsleWalker mentioned:


Originally Posted by IsleWalker
IDK Mr Interesting--I think Zagacat's son got the message right--it has to be small side near the hair to pick up all the vibes and direct and concentrate them. But if Kosol is right about all the things this can do, she can just direct her "protocol" toward healing. It's in the link too.

But not even having a regular one, what do I know? Interesting ideas it brings, though~!


I (like I said, thinking makes my brain ache, and I have a limited understanding) figure that the image my son saw shows that the energy would be scattered and unfocused making it hard to muster up the appropriate amount for healing, if made opposite. That is what I got from the image he saw. Perhaps though it has more uses that are not tapped into. As IW mentioned, if you follow the protocol, you can actually focus the torsion to heal.

Zagacat 07-11-2011 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by IsleWalker

I keep remembering something in Seth Speaks where he says there was a whole civilzation who used light and vibration as sources of energy--much more than we do. It was a civilization that came and went---was not recorded by our history. I wonder how many times that has happened where a civilzation was built, the whole land mass where they were was subsumed under another tectonic plate and now we have no archaelogical or other proof they ever existed. In 250 million years, quite a few I would think.

Sorry to ramble but this whole idea for me seems to bring in a lot of other ideas that have been floating around.

No need to respond (especially if you have to do it on your phone!). Thanks again for bringing our attention to this.

IsleWalker - Lora

First off, I am excited to engage in a sane conversation about the device! My husband takes one look at them and wonders if I am the same woman that he married. Lol. He just is not at a point in his life where he is ready to accept that there is more plus he is not interested. I silently wonder and sneak in a question here and there with my boys. :icon_wink:

As for the phone thing, we are down a computer. My husband is a programmer and so I utilize the phone a lot. I make many typos as it is, but the phone enhances them. :D

I am not familiar with Seth Speaks, however, I know that we had civilizations out there much more advanced than our own. Infact, as I have mentioned, you can actually look back with the device if you choose to. I think that the secret is to harness the energies around us and mimic nature rather than create with destruction. Or that seems to be the case of those civilizations that had any long term success from my grasp.

Originally Posted by IsleWalker
I wonder how many times that has happened where a civilzation was built, the whole land mass where they were was subsumed under another tectonic plate and now we have no archaelogical or other proof they ever existed. In 250 million years, quite a few I would think. IsleWalker - Lora

I often wonder this as well. I am confident that it is far more than we are aware. We have been pointed in the wrong direction for decades and decades. Pointed away from finding such things. Not all evidence has been swallowed up by the earth though. There are still many findings.

Last night I had a powerful session. I could not sleep afterwards. I had too much energy flowing through. I can't wait until I can interact.

dragon charms 07-11-2011 01:30 AM

Well, I've come back to this thread. :) And I'm trying to load the youtube little bit at a time. But as I read this thread, I wonder about instead of plastic glue,...could it be done with paper mache? Held together by paper mache? And for some reason,...I am seeing one that I've made in my mind's eye. lol And I have no shells or have a real clear idea how these are made and from what kind of shells exactly either. :) It may be days before I get a full download of the youtube. Also, noticing symbols,...what are those? Do they come from the youtube? Are they symbols found elsewhere?

And one more question,...lol,....does this all smack of "alien" devises to anyone else?

Zagacat 07-11-2011 01:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by dragon charms
But as I read this thread, I wonder about instead of plastic glue,...could it be done with paper mache?

I asked Kosol if it could be done with resin because somebody asked in this thread. His response was short. He said "Try it." Why not? The glue is just for stability. I wondered at one point if it was used because of the conductivity of the silicone. Kosol dismissed the idea and insisted on stability. Then when I read the link that IW provided, it talked about mud wasps nests having the same effect. When recreated with a different medium, the effect was still there. I bet that sea shells just already have golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence and so it is just fine tuning the torsion. I dunno.


Originally Posted by dragon charms
And for some reason,...I am seeing one that I've made in my mind's eye. lol And I have no shells or have a real clear idea how these are made and from what kind of shells exactly either.

Nice. If you are already seeing one, it makes me wonder if there is a reason you are making one. I really hope that someone has success with it and it is used for great good.
I will try to post another picture of a device so that you can see what it looks like.

Originally Posted by dragon charms
Also, noticing symbols,...what are those? Do they come from the youtube? Are they symbols found elsewhere?

read about the symbols on baramay.com under "what is baramay". I have also discussed the symbols earlier in this thread. :)

IsleWalker 07-11-2011 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Zagacat
Last night I had a powerful session. I could not sleep afterwards. I had too much energy flowing through. I can't wait until I can interact.


Was this a session with the ..um, device? (What do you call it?) Reiki? I admire people who do that work too. I seem to have blockages in the arms/hands/neck (all one chakra I think). This "device" relies on hands too, right?

Someone did an auric reading tho where she saw my arms extended (which meant healing to her) but yellow tall circles in front of my arms, as if I drawn them. I still haven't figured that one out. I associate yellow with emotion, intellect, optimism. I can't figure out what kind of healing that might be.

Regarding past civilizations, etc., it makes me feel like all sciences--physics, astronomy, archaeology, geology, medicine--are so far off the mark that it's kind of pointless to follow. I used to enjoy hearing about them but it seems that they're missing the boat--IMO. But then, they didn't ask me. :smile:

I can hardly wait to make this thing. Woke me up last night so I went out on ebay to find more shells.

Keep filling us in with any experiences you or your kids have had. They're very interesting.


P.S.--You may not think your kids are "psychic" but I think this is great teaching for your kids. For them it is a game, much more interesting than any Wii, and it introduces all the important lessons--intention, protection, Universal intelligence, connection. Your husband can be a skeptic (so is mine) but the kids are getting a great gift! Wish I had understood more when my kids were young.

Mr Interesting 07-11-2011 10:14 PM

Zagacat, Go Girl!!!

Back in the 90's I ended up on TV quite a bit for my adventures in Art. In an earlier post you said "mimic nature rather..." and I used those exact words when I was interviewed!!!

And I was talking 'bought the same thing. Then I checked your profile and wondered what your age was... 32 popped into my head... sure enough!!!

Xan 08-11-2011 12:41 AM

I'm just browsing the thread out of curiosity, but this from Lora caught my eye:

I keep remembering something in Seth Speaks where he says there was a whole civilization who used light and vibration as sources of energy--much more than we do

I'm been getting to know directly the light and sound vibrations that constitute our energy bodies. Through increased awareness in these subtle energies within and around ourselves, beyond thought, they can be brought out for any creative or healing or transforming intention.


hopeful65 08-11-2011 01:57 AM

Still waiting
I thought I would have my device done by now, but the cones ones still have not arrived and are stuck at a sorting post office 15 miles from my house! So frustrating. I cannot find the cone shells locally. Does anyone have any suggestions on where they bought their shells. The ones I ordered were also from eBay. Hopefully I will get them this week. Have put in an inquiry with the post office. I so want to make this device. I plan on taking pictures at each stage.

Silver 08-11-2011 02:03 AM

Hi hopeful. Are they being held for any special reason or you tracked them and they're there? Just be patient, I'm sure they'll come to you very soon. I was thinking today I might try using wooden cones or something instead of shells. Maybe you could try that.

Zagacat 08-11-2011 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by IsleWalker

Was this a session with the ..um, device? (What do you call it?) Reiki? I admire people who do that work too. I seem to have blockages in the arms/hands/neck (all one chakra I think). This "device" relies on hands too, right?

Someone did an auric reading tho where she saw my arms extended (which meant healing to her) but yellow tall circles in front of my arms, as if I drawn them. I still haven't figured that one out. I associate yellow with emotion, intellect, optimism. I can't figure out what kind of healing that might be.

Regarding past civilizations, etc., it makes me feel like all sciences--physics, astronomy, archaeology, geology, medicine--are so far off the mark that it's kind of pointless to follow. I used to enjoy hearing about them but it seems that they're missing the boat--IMO. But then, they didn't ask me. :smile:

I can hardly wait to make this thing. Woke me up last night so I went out on ebay to find more shells.

Keep filling us in with any experiences you or your kids have had. They're very interesting.


P.S.--You may not think your kids are "psychic" but I think this is great teaching for your kids. For them it is a game, much more interesting than any Wii, and it introduces all the important lessons--intention, protection, Universal intelligence, connection. Your husband can be a skeptic (so is mine) but the kids are getting a great gift! Wish I had understood more when my kids were young.

The intense session was a meditation with the device. (I don't know what else to call it. My kids have named some of them for fun but I just stick to "Device" so far.) By an intense session, I mean, as I meditated with it, the surge of energy was very strong. Almost reminds me of an adrenaline rush sometimes. Even after use the rush lasts for awhile so don't do it if you are nervous about getting to sleep. Yet other times, I fall asleep with it easily. I don't know what makes the difference. It can make you a lil dizzy too. Not uncomfortably, but mildly dizzy. Reading your article helped me understand its function a bit better. Though I can not see the pictures and hear the things that my sons can, I feel like my intentions work, even in the absence of sight, if that makes sense.

I do love reiki. I give self treatments at least once a day and then to those around me that wish to have a session. I am not especially intuitive. However, when I scan, I get different sensations in my hands. I just have to find out what they mean. I run a hectic schedule and so finding time to research all of my curiosities can be a challenge. :)

Originally Posted by IsleWalker
Regarding past civilizations, etc., it makes me feel like all sciences--physics, astronomy, archaeology, geology, medicine--are so far off the mark that it's kind of pointless to follow. I used to enjoy hearing about them but it seems that they're missing the boat--IMO. But then, they didn't ask me. :smile:

I started waking up to this as well almost 2 years ago. It turned my world in a totally different direction. Lol. I am grateful. On youtube there I am a subscriber to gridkeeper's channel. There are a lot of videos here but here is the first of 27 if you ever get a minute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acMubLteWXI Very awakening and a good confirmation.

Originally Posted by IsleWalker
P.S.--You may not think your kids are "psychic" but I think this is great teaching for your kids. For them it is a game, much more interesting than any Wii, and it introduces all the important lessons--intention, protection, Universal intelligence, connection. Your husband can be a skeptic (so is mine) but the kids are getting a great gift! Wish I had understood more when my kids were young.

Speaking of games-you can play games on the device. Two people or more can link into one game somehow as well.

I realize this sounds made up.

You can go into "game mode" or entertainment mode. From my observation, it must just be like peering into the universal consciousness. I think every idea must be out there. All that was, is, and ever will be. Anyway, the games are cool. You can ask it to simulate any situation that you want. Kosol mentioned it, I didn't buy in to it, but my kids tried it just because they could.

For example, one of my sons asked it to simulate a game where he is an invader on an alien space craft. The detail is amazing. He felt like he was really there. They can talk and interact at the same time. They can smell smells etc. He felt like there was not enough aliens and so he asked it to "increase difficulty" and it did! My other son joined him. They both had the same descriptions. It is amazing to watch because of their surprise reactions to different situations. It is just too much to synchronize on your own. My third son wanted to join the game. The first to were not at a stopping point and he got upset. (He is 6) He started whining. They let him join but he was still very upset. My first two sons could see him in the game, but he was like me, could not see anything. The first two sons described where he was standing in relation to them, but he just could not join and go more frustrated. I had one of them ask why my youngest was present in the game, unyet could not interact. The device showed him a picture of my youngest being very upset and sad. I have assumed from that that you can not use it if you are upset.

If you are a game developer and can use a device, I am sure that it could inspire some creativity as my sons have played some pretty cool stuff.

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