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mac 30-12-2010 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Westleigh
I have yet to read all of this thread, but I did want to drop in with a resounding YES. For most of my life I had no connection with the psychic or spiritual whatsoever - no belief or interest in it, and certainly no ability. When my mother developed an interest in reiki and crystal healing, I teased her about it. :redface:

Then... a series of events in my life led me rather suddenly into spirituality and I went on to have some very powerful experiences. At the start I had no ability at all, but now I chat away with people in the spirit world over breakfast, and indeed most of the rest of the day; it's a good thing my guides are so patient given that I ask them endless questions. It's taken a couple of years of concerted effort to be able to do it, but I was very much NOT "born" with the ability. I have been very moved by the work I have seen mediums do, and I hope to do similar work in the future in some capacity.

I don't know about development circles or spiritual churches. I've never been to one and am not sure I would be comfortable doing so (the only places I have seen locally seem to be inhabited only by elderly ladies - not that there is anything wrong with elderly ladies, but being a young man, I cannot see myself fitting in!). Thus far, my only teachers are my guides and they've been doing a stellar job. I will see where their guidance takes me in the future. :smile:

I'm sure you will respond to whatever takes your fancy but perhaps the following may appeal as a fundamental issue for you...."As a contributor to this discussion thread would you mind sharing what 'medium' or 'mediumship' means to you?"

Lynn 30-12-2010 11:16 PM


What is " true " Mediumship good question really. Might be one that the ages never truly understands.

If I am to tell people of what I do as a Medium. I say that I communicate with the dead on what ever level they need me to.

That can be having the Spirit enter me in the physical way, so that I can relay orally or physicall in some way a message.

I can go with a Spirit on the Astral Plane to their time and event of death and I do at times fully feel and see what they did. This is done with missing persons at times. Or to maybe find evidence on what happened.

I automatice write where at times I am not aware of what I am putting forth ot paper or computer it is Spirit writting. Said that I go into a light trance state of looks.

I can channell where I seek out the Spirit that one wants to contact. ( not a huge fan here ).

That is some of what I do. Now the lines do cross in me personally being a Medium and Psychic in that I too can do readings on the living and work on the levels of intutions and reading emotions and at times thoughts.

NOT something I go around doing but too that took a long time to get a good handle on.

When one's say Oh how cool it must be to be like you, I am one to say be careful what one asks for. It is a blessing and a curse. To see the wosrt of what man does is very unsettling. Be it adult or child. Its very hard at times to know of. Too it is rewarding in that at times can bring closure to someone.

There was a time when I prayed to have them taken from me, there was a time they almost had me take me very life. Too it is a drain on me mate as he wakes to me sceaming or crying at times, or running for the computer or tv to look for something I have seen.

It too can take an emotional tol on one if ye let it control ye, or if one takes on too much. I do not use mine for a living so I have maybe more of that balance with me.

Too that is just how it is for me. I so feel no two Mediums like no two people are ever the same.


Darkest-Messiah 30-12-2010 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by mac
I tried to encourage folks to give their personal take on this - I'm not looking for an empirical definition, not seeking right or wrong interpretations.....

Could you simply say what 'medium' or 'mediumship' means to you?

Mac...simply, in my view of reality, it is the gift to hear or see, feel or write, etc, events or past/present/future facts, and the gift of knowledge of self in determining to share it or not...can anyone be one...yeah, if they learn thier tools (which most wont)

mac 30-12-2010 11:31 PM

Isn't it somewhat elitist to imply there is "true mediumship" when there isn't an agreed definition of mediumship in the first place?

And if there actually is "true mediumship" then it suggests there is something which is false mediumship.....

mac 30-12-2010 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Darkest-Messiah
Mac...simply, in my view of reality, it is the gift to hear or see, feel or write, etc, events or past/present/future facts, and the gift of knowledge of self in determining to share it or not...can anyone be one...yeah, if they learn thier tools (which most wont)

that's nice and simple - a personal take on the situation - thank you :smile:

Darkest-Messiah 30-12-2010 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by mac
Isn't it somewhat elitist to imply there is "true mediumship" when there isn't an agreed definition of mediumship in the first place?

And if there actually is "true mediumship" then it suggests there is something which is false mediumship.....

Possibly so...some of the elete have the right to See other than everyone can and does...so possibly it is eletist of them or myself that there is true mediumship versus players at it....or beginners who might one day become one of the ancients.............but no more so than the grade school football player, versus those in high school, college, and finally pros.........look at Sylvia Brown...there are def false mediums who abound with but only tiny insight into true mediumship - they can write a good book, search the audiance for a joe or jane or mr smith...BUT! (no appology for my realistic view on the charlatins of the world or their sad believers)

Enya 30-12-2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by mac
"As a contributor to this discussion thread would you mind sharing what 'medium' or 'mediumship' means to you?"

Wow, some discussions on this site are like trying to pin down a barrel of monkeys... :D

in my view - medium: a person who, through communication and co-operation with the spirit world, provides a bridge for service to those in spirit and in physical.

Mediumship: the work and practice which is undertaken by the medium to hone their abilities and make them a better medium. (eg - to practice your healing/communication/trance/teaching etc mediumship). Mediumship is something which will continue throughout a medium's life, both before and after physical form, imho.

shaya48 31-12-2010 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Lynn

What is " true " Mediumship good question really. Might be one that the ages never truly understands.

If I am to tell people of what I do as a Medium. I say that I communicate with the dead on what ever level they need me to.

That can be having the Spirit enter me in the physical way, so that I can relay orally or physicall in some way a message.

I can go with a Spirit on the Astral Plane to their time and event of death and I do at times fully feel and see what they did. This is done with missing persons at times. Or to maybe find evidence on what happened.

I automatice write where at times I am not aware of what I am putting forth ot paper or computer it is Spirit writting. Said that I go into a light trance state of looks.

I can channell where I seek out the Spirit that one wants to contact. ( not a huge fan here ).

That is some of what I do. Now the lines do cross in me personally being a Medium and Psychic in that I too can do readings on the living and work on the levels of intutions and reading emotions and at times thoughts.

NOT something I go around doing but too that took a long time to get a good handle on.

When one's say Oh how cool it must be to be like you, I am one to say be careful what one asks for. It is a blessing and a curse. To see the wosrt of what man does is very unsettling. Be it adult or child. Its very hard at times to know of. Too it is rewarding in that at times can bring closure to someone.

There was a time when I prayed to have them taken from me, there was a time they almost had me take me very life. Too it is a drain on me mate as he wakes to me sceaming or crying at times, or running for the computer or tv to look for something I have seen.

It too can take an emotional tol on one if ye let it control ye, or if one takes on too much. I do not use mine for a living so I have maybe more of that balance with me.

Too that is just how it is for me. I so feel no two Mediums like no two people are ever the same.


Hi Lynn:smile:

Your last sentence said it all we are all different, yet the genuine work for the same purpose to help those in pain, we offer comfort, reasurrance, guidance,messages from our loved ones in spirit to let their loved ones know they are happy and well, living on in the spirit world.

I was always very interested in Doris Stokes and Doris Collins, i have read their books and i think they are great, some years ago now, when i was on my learning journey for my spiritual purpose here, i was pretty down, not believing in myself and having all sorts of doubts,i asked for Doris stokes to come forward with any help for me to give me the faith or courage to go on with my work, i had pen and paper ready, and i was so blessed to have received a lovely message from her it gave me so much comfort and i knew she had been through alot in her life too,she lost a baby son, i lost my son when he was 19 years old, i will post it one day when i find it, it is like gold to me her words were so cherished.

To me it only matters to use my gifts in the right way to help those in need of comfort and hope in their lives, i dont live to read for money , if an occasional reading comes along that offers me the help i need to pay my bills and support my charities in return for my help then that is a blessings, and is meant to be , i never turn any one away who is in need but like me is doing it tough on a very small disability pension, i do light house work for my daughter when i dont have any other income coming in and i certainly dont rely on readings i dont advertise or put my self; out there i trust that god will send me some one who is in need of my energy who can contribute with money or not it is an energy exchange with or without money.

I said in a previous post i am probably the poorest medium on the planet lol,but in a way that i meant from helping others that havent had money i have always been looked after something always comes along for me, i have had 20cents to my name at times, and the phone will ring and it will be someone who wants a reading and can pay for that reading,so i can buy food and what i need to survive, spirit works in wonderful ways, what you give freely to those in need comes back tenfold to you, and thats how it has been for me, money is an energy exchange, if i have what i need to survive i am blessed beyond that doesnt matter.

I dont need to make a heap of money from my gifts l i never have thought of using my gift in that way, if i did over the years i have been helping others i would own my own house by now i would be driving a car that isnt 22 years old and a little shaky(like me lol) no fuel gage so i have to keep writting down where i go so i dont run out of feul in the middle of nowhere lol, no air conditioning,:icon_eek:

, I am abundant in so many other ways that money cant buy, where i rent behind a beach and have all the beauty of the ocean, my backyard where i sit and meditate each morning and give thanks for the day, all the beafutiful birds that come around to have a feed,( my bossy 14 year old cat lol) i have a loving family, great grankids a beautiful new little baby boy great grandson (that i am baby sitting tonite got him all to myself) loving and caring friends, i still have my mum who is battling with cancer and very weak but still with us bless her heart, i give thanks that i can help people, because i do feel and understand what real pain is, from what i have had to experience myself, there is nothing more humble than to be trusted with anothers pain, and i have in my time cried buckets for what some souls have been through, that i have done a sitting with.

Having any gift to help others is a blessing it doesnt matter what we can do or not we all have something to offer another soul in the way we were meant to that brings comfort to that soul, what you offer from your heart and from the love of your soul, heals another and yourself, just reaching out to a soul in need with or without certain spiritual gifts is an act of human kindness. (the same for animals and all living things that need our help)

God bless you all and a very Happy and safe New Year to you all.

Love and light Shaya:hug3:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

earthprowler 31-12-2010 12:51 AM

Mac I love your interest in mediumship and the debates you seem to love to begin. You certainly keep people on their toes and aren't afraid to ask "why", "how", "tell me more in depth". :angel12:

I'd be curious to ask you what being a medium or what mediumship means to you in just a few sentences. :tongue:

I also found a link that I would imagine numerous people have found in their readings that sets apart the differences between people and how they handle their skills.


oh yeah and by the way......I do do this for people that want to contact the other side.....not just nay sayers. :wink:

Lynn 31-12-2010 01:20 AM

Hello Shaya

When I was 21 I had to change to go and study with a top rated Medium. He thought me the fool for not takeing that course of study. I have never looked back on that choice I made.

I have never charged for the work I do. I have traded services for readings, or have had the payment donated to an organization.

I too totally rescect one's that do make a living from it or part of a living if they are doing it from the heart and soul there are some like in all things that sadly do not.

I so feel I never asked to be me....I know even this from coming into this life I was some upset to be female. I felt wronged. I have settled that part now but too I feel I came in with abilities and too never fully undrerstood them til in me 40's . Much time thinking I was even maybe in the wrong family .

Anyone can be a Medium.....but maybe not all should be. Too maybe not all
should try to be.....


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