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ROM 14-11-2010 12:04 PM

Hello again,

Throughout history we have had various helpers or truth bringers from the Light to assist mankind and lead them on to the right path (Jesus, Buddha, Lao-tse, Zoroaster, etc). Was our world the only one that was given help or were there other worlds as well?

I would also like to know with all these recent natural disasters whether they are the effects of mankind's wrongdoings and if so what can we as a society do to improve ourselves and this planet?

Thank you.

Shen Mashel 14-11-2010 01:55 PM

When i think about the afterlife i think of this question:
"What do you want to happen in the afterlife?" this was also given to me in a subtle form while a mental communion with a spirit guide.
Also consider this proverb while at it:"You sleep as you lay your bed'' I am sure you get the connection between the question and proverb...
My theory considering the afterlife is that every action, feeling and thought we create and experience might build the world in our afterlife.

LightFilledHeart 14-11-2010 03:05 PM

I think the movie "What Dreams May Come" (and the book on which it was based!) is the best illustration of what the afterlife is actually like. A lighter and more amusing look at the subject (but which also makes some lucid points!) is the commedy starring Meryl Streep called "Defending Your Life".

ROM 15-11-2010 02:08 AM

I suppose every experience would be different for all depending on their convictions and levels of vibrations. But perhaps thoughts accompany actions and deeds, not like it is here. Most of us think of something, but few of us actually apply it. "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak".

eraser 15-11-2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Hello again,

Throughout history we have had various helpers or truth bringers from the Light to assist mankind and lead them on to the right path (Jesus, Buddha, Lao-tse, Zoroaster, etc). Was our world the only one that was given help or were there other worlds as well?

I would also like to know with all these recent natural disasters whether they are the effects of mankind's wrongdoings and if so what can we as a society do to improve ourselves and this planet?

Thank you.

You bring up a couple of interesting questions, rom2014.

I agree that we have had various helpers, as you have described. (And more: Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Bhudda, Einstein and many others.) As to your question, I find it hard to believe that we are the only planet with sentient life in the Universe. And I believe thatall life is connected. It's not a stretch for me to think that other sentient beings on other planetary systems are being helped along in their development by similar geniuses/angels/guides/what/whom/ever.

I feel less certain about responding to your second question. It's hard for me to imagine that all the injuries we are inflicting on Mother Earth can have no rebound-type effect. I think it quite possible that the Earth has sentience and a degree of control over her geological systems. If she feels too hot -- she can find ways to cool down. And vice versa.

But what if she feels wounded? And angry? How might she react?

It gives one pause for thought.

As to what we might be able to do to help heal our planet, I think we're on the right track in many respects: reduce, re-use, recycle is a mantra the world needs to take to heart. We are learning to find greener alternatives to fossil fuels.

But quite simply, we need to exercise good stewardship. We need to take better care of the land and have more respect for its inhabitants. We need to learn the lessons of the aboriginal peoples: take only what we need and use all that we take, after having giving thanks.

Nature doesn't just prefer, or appreciate, or would really rather have, balance.

It demands it.

It WILL have it.

As mentioned, if it is too hot, it will cool off.

If it shivers, it will heat up.

If all it does is give - it will begin to take back.

If it feels unappreciated, it will find ways to express its dissatisfaction.

My answer is to honour the Earth. Save trees when you can. Plant new ones when you can't. Give deep, heartfelt thanks on both occasions.

The Earth is female. She creates, and she gives, and she blossoms when blessed with the simple gift of appreciation.

Be kind to the earth and its creatures. Be appreciative of its gifts. Find ways to gift back. There are many.

If we do all this and more, I think we'll be all right. It seems to me that more and more folks are becoming concerned about the right things. When enough minds and spirits are bent towards solving a problem, a solution is only a matter of time.

rom2014, seekers like yourself are the main reason for my optimism. :)

Spirit Guide Sparrow 15-11-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
This reminds me of the mirror in the Harry Potter movie, where Harry could go back in time, just by stepping into the mirror. What a cool adventure and learning experience this could be !

Do you think, Sparrow, it is possible to travel thru one of these portals, gateways in a meditation ? Or is this what happens when we are in meditation and our vibrations are raised to higher levels of consciousness ?

ohh the possibilities !

Dreamy xx

@};- Dream

You do not need to hold knowledge of the portals around the globe to create gateways of consciousness within meditation. Thoughts are like little threads that you weave into the fabric of consciousness. They are very much alive, like living organisms. When you have a thought about something, or connect with potentials through imagination, your thoughts are connecting with different sockets of vibrational directory within feelings, emotions and other sensory sources linked to multi-dimensional states. The content, speed and efficiency of the information, and how it is filtered into your awareness depends on the properties that make up that individual.

The portals around the globe actually alter the vibrational density of matter, and so your physical body will disappear and appear elsewhere. This can be extremely dangerous if you do not know what you are doing.
This is possible also in meditation but exceedingly difficult for even the most proficient practitioner. Other species elsewhere have mastered travel via light-form projection in such a similar way, some able to literally transport their entire physical state to another location projected by their consciousness. Yet humans have a long way to go before attaining this level of mastery.
It may be possible for you to experience glimpses through corridors of consciousness and gateways to other vibrational states through meditation. I have provided such a meditation.
Once you let go of the mindset of the rigid material world you assume you are in, and disassociate yourself with your attachment to your environment as it appears, you can adopt a sensitivity to alternate layers of reality within the same space. You can attune your physical and intuitive senses to different vibrational frequencies.

When you meditate you are really setting your intention by removing unwanted thought processes and allowing your energy state to become distilled. Through this distilment your intention then becomes the focal alignment of your energy state. In forming such an energy state on a regular basis you begin to forge new threads of energy connectivity, much like nerve fibres in the brain, which create pathways for you to access other realities of awareness. The more you practice forging these energy states, the more pathways you create for your consciousness to expand.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 15-11-2010 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Stormweaver
Yo Sparrow.

Its like to become a teacher in human life, is a little bit similar to being a helper / guide in the spirit world.

I have always wanted to be a teacher. An educator, a mentor, a guide, a shoulder to cry on.

Maybe it can happen in the spirit world for me. As everyones intelligence would not be effected by biological means, or time that prevents one from pursuing their dreams.

Cheers _/\_

I have reservations in using the term teacher to describe a spirit guide. The term teacher often attaches hierarchical connotations. Guides are not really there to teach you something, but to illuminate a path forward in relation to whatever potential it is you yourself aspire to pursue. They are there also to bring into your awareness new directions of thought which help you escape repetitive cycles of experience. I would prefer the term facilitator. Whether it is - a facilitator of healing, of creativity, of information or whatever. I particularly like the term facilitator of direction.

If this is something you aspire to direct your energy creativity into within the spirit world, or even in the physical one, then you have my best wishes and support. -Sparrow

Adrienne 15-11-2010 04:48 PM

Greetings of love & light Sparrow,


Thoughts are like little threads that you weave into the fabric of consciousness. They are very much alive, like living organisms. When you have a thought about something, or connect with potentials through imagination, your thoughts are connecting with different sockets of vibrational directory within feelings, emotions and other sensory sources linked to multi-dimensional states
I like the way you express this , you weave your words so creatively when sharing your thoughts and your wisdom.

Good to hear that I don't have to travel the world to visit those portals and gateways. And now that you have explained more about them, and the possibility of people disappearing :icon_eek: .. thanks for the warnings of those dangers. I will just stay where I am and let the imagination, feelings and emotions lead me to these multi dimensional states.

I like this idea

The more you practice forging these energy states, the more pathways you create for your consciousness to expand.

encourages me to practice :wink: and to explore unlimited possibilities ! I like the idea of more pathways to create for my consciousness to expand.

Thank you for the lovely rose !
:hug2: Dreamy xx

Stormweaver 16-11-2010 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
I have reservations in using the term teacher to describe a spirit guide. The term teacher often attaches hierarchical connotations. Guides are not really there to teach you something, but to illuminate a path forward in relation to whatever potential it is you yourself aspire to pursue. They are there also to bring into your awareness new directions of thought which help you escape repetitive cycles of experience. I would prefer the term facilitator. Whether it is - a facilitator of healing, of creativity, of information or whatever. I particularly like the term facilitator of direction.

If this is something you aspire to direct your energy creativity into within the spirit world, or even in the physical one, then you have my best wishes and support. -Sparrow

Hi Sparrow !

I have learnt 3 new words from you. " Hierarchy, connotations, and facilitating. " I didnt unerstand these words, so I had to use the online dictionary and now I know it... Cheers
I have seen those words before, but never had the urge to find its meanings.

I had a nightmarish dream just two nights ago. And what happened was that there was some kind of humanoid creature that was chasing me. Then when I heard some cars passing by while I was half awake, half asleep, I realised that I was dreaming and remembered Xan's ways of what he would do if he were to be chased as he always had mentioned in posts to dreamers who dreamt something like this.

And so I turned around and asked that big humanoid creature " Why are you chasing me ? " with no fear. Then out of nowhere I was reading a nice big glowing book with weird looking symbols in cyan colours. And its like that being was communicating to me through the book. The being disappeared into that book I believe. Or became it, I dont know really.

But after that, I woke up and forgot everything that was mentioned in that book.

However... it was pretty nice of a dream. Confronting that being was the best thing. If only I can remember what was being told from reading that book would be interesting. Or what that dream meant.

Thanks heaps Sparrow.


By the way, as you mentioned that as a Spirit Guide, facilitating is the style, it sounds pretty cool to me.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 17-11-2010 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by rom2014
Hello again,

Throughout history we have had various helpers or truth bringers from the Light to assist mankind and lead them on to the right path (Jesus, Buddha, Lao-tse, Zoroaster, etc). Was our world the only one that was given help or were there other worlds as well?

I would also like to know with all these recent natural disasters whether they are the effects of mankind's wrongdoings and if so what can we as a society do to improve ourselves and this planet?

Thank you.

Some of the names you mention have expanded their influence elsewhere in the expanse of the multi-verse. Just not in the same form.
Just as there are teachers, prophets, healers, facilitators upon the Earth there are likewise on other worlds. Where there is potential to be sown and nurtured into new frontiers there will always be way showers, light bearers, truth harbourers and other leaders in the field of progress. Species on every single planet in existence are always under observation, both from beings within the spirit world and by beings in the material one. Emissaries of light, of encouragement and companionship are often sent across the expanse of space to many different life scenarios in order to promote the best potential within that scenario.

There is no such thing as a natural disaster. If it is a disaster, then it cannot then be considered natural in any way.
It is true that the Earth itself goes through many periodic shifts and cycles. The structure of the Earths inner core is constantly moving and changing from its own dynamic momentum. The Earth also has cycles in relationship to its sun. It is, at this current time, once again tilting its axis in a sort of wobbling motion. The weather conditions are the combination of different regional conditions which are colliding together in Earths atmosphere, which causes dramatic local conditions within different regions of its surface.

At the same time you have the alarming multiplication of human beings upon the Earth which are absorbing much of the Earths natural resources to accommodate the growing population. You have human beings decapitating the harmonic resource of the forests which Earth relies upon to maintain life support upon its surface, and within its core. You have human beings which hunt and slaughter life forms for profit and pleasure, which upsets the food chain and creates massive chain reactions on a global scale. You have biochemical pollutants being allowed to freely contaminate and kill the inherent living cells within seas and oceans which changes the very vibrational consistency of water, rain and cloud - not to mention the protective atmosphere. You have human beings drilling into the Earths crust which creates cracks and underground crevasses many hundreds of miles away. You have state wide, country sized haze of consciousness which hover above and around cities, towns and villages like a mushroom cloud of toxic gas.
The list goes on.

There is little humanity can do in terms of changing the natural cycles of Earth. However they can better predict and prevent the loss of many lives by investing in technology which detects and familiarizes itself with such cycles and movements. How one event elsewhere on the planet invokes an event elsewhere on the other side of the planet. How severe weather conditions manifest as a result of mutating/clashing smaller weather conditions from different global regions.
Humanity can better protect itself in many respects by planting billions of more trees and other plantations. The existence of which would allow the bio-structure and eco-structure of Earth to absorb most of the harmful effects of different events.
Humanity also needs, urgently, to save and rescue its water purification levels, as it is the oceans which has the utmost influence on the majority of factors. Both for the atmospheric defence system of the Earth, and for the sustainability of life upon its surface, and within the oceans itself. Also noting that the many chemicals being pumped into the oceans are being harvested into very toxic gasses in the atmosphere via heat from the sun. Such toxins are then being freely distributed over cities and towns around the world, breathed in through the skin, lungs and within food resources. This ultimately leading to cell mutation and disease.

People have a voice, yet they bow down to their regional governments and simply accept what they are given and told is best for them. It is up to each individual to step forward, unite as a civilization, within cities, towns and villages and form a voice to be reckoned with. A voice that no government dare repress. A voice that no greedy corporation can hide under the rug or manipulate with wealth. Such inhuman atrocities are taking place around the world simply because communities are not banding together and creating a voice for themselves to not only invoke, but demand change. Do not let wealthy corporations lead your country, lead your country by the foundation of love and respect and the power of communication. Communication and information circulation is your most powerful tool at the moment. Through this awareness is raised. When enough people become so intolerant to the atrocities of ignorance and selfishness a new voice will form and lead humanity into a new era. -Sparrow

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