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kumarjitghoshal 09-06-2012 05:10 PM

Babaji .... be with us ...as you are always.

Thanks lovetruth,
i was shocked to see this thread , i never imagined i will see such a thread with my Sad Gurudev .... Thank you.

lovetruth 10-06-2012 03:17 PM

You are most welcome, kumarjitghoshal

lovetruth 11-06-2012 03:39 PM

Dear ones, your hearts have carried such a heavy burden for such a long time, it is most necessary that you now heal this heaviness by healing those burdens. All the

energy of that nature which is not yours, is in need of purification and this is done in each heart as a purposeful act of cleansing the whole. Pull light into your hearts

and ask for your inner light to heal on all levels the old energy, and restore your hearts to that purity that is your divine nature. Offer this healing to all beings upon

your planet as a gift from your inner most being. You are surrounded with energy dear ones, and it is yours to share with intent. The time of misused energy is over, it

will no longer be tolerated on this planet, and it is important that you each learn how to properly handle and the implement energy in a new way. In remembering, and

letting go of your misused energy, you are creating a new and inspired vision. Each of you are now healing your own old vision and reestablishing a vision that is whole,

thus all inclusive. You are capable of sending this energy to any part of creation and healing or rebuilding with intent based in love. Keep the whole always in your

visions of healing, but even in healing yourself, you also heal the whole. The importance, is in remembering you are all connected and working together, your power lies

in this unity and connection to the earth and every aspect of the universe you live in. The more that you can do toward letting go of the lie of limitation, the more you

will gain in insight of your vast possibilities in healing. Every expansion in awareness will bring you closer to the whole, revealing your perfect blueprint of your original

creation. We see you in this purified vision, stripped of the many cloudy layers. As you move through acceleration and are acceptable to releasing more and more of

the old, your being lightens because the old patterns no longer trap you in endless revolving programs of the past. You are staying current by allowing more and more

energy to enter your body, while releasing the old. Do not be afraid to ask for assistance in this dear ones. Your guides and the masters are ever willing to assist in

this process but you must give the okay for us to proceed. Be honest with your feelings, let them bubble up, it is a part of letting go and if you feel a roller coaster of

emotions in the span of one day, realize that in one day you are moving much energy from a state of stasis back into resonance. Always be ready to laugh dear ones,

ready to see the obstacles as just another chance to find release from those obstacles forever. Your movement at this time is something to behold, so let your

movement from the old unto the new, be a dance of freedom, a final letting go of an old and tarnished age so that your divine beauty can again shine. Babaji

Kali 11-06-2012 06:44 PM

Thank you so much for your inspirational love Babaji, may my heart be pure and bask in your glory, thank you Babaji and lovetruth

lovetruth 11-06-2012 07:13 PM

Blessings to you Kali

lovetruth 13-06-2012 03:29 PM

Dear ones, the cosmic flame originates from the first order and its purpose is to cleanse fully the overlay of flaw in an otherwise flawless creation. It is the fire that

cleanses the deepest wounds of humanity and it is yours to call forth for your own healing and for that of each other. You are all born of this cosmic fire, the original

energy that brings movement to creation. The fire is represented in your creation as one of your elements, it also creates the heat in your physical bodies, the suns

and galaxies. It can be used to purify the body and mind when willed to restore the manifest dream back to fullness. Each of you are most worthy of this fire, it is

yours to re-create your lives and the life of the planet. Channel this energy into your body and wash away the accumulated sorrows of the planet, because as you do

so, you are washing your own pain away. You are asked to work now in the full realization of your unity with all, the selfless state of your original blueprint. See

yourselves, and all, as the perfection of this blueprint, looking beyond the flesh into the very heart of creation. This simply means you are seeing what is truth in each

other beyond the dream. When you encounter appearances that pull you back onto a place of judgement or fear, wash that appearance in this cosmic fire. until you

are able to again perceive truth. The cosmic fire is a powerful transformer of old energies, yet it must be called upon and visualized as a part of yourself because dear

ones this is truth. Let it wash over you when you awaken in the morning, use as needed during the day then again at night, so that your body and mind is cleansed of

all energy that fools the mind into believing the dream. This conscious effort will have a positive affect on your body and mind. Use it when you experience difficulty, it

heals on all levels, the spiritual emotional and physical bodies. Remember dear ones, these tools have always been at your disposal, you have only forgotten how simple

and powerful these are in restoring your balance. Violet and golden are the commonly used colors when imagining the cosmic fire, but you are not limited to these. Use

your intuition. This is simply an exercise in acknowledging your own inner power to shift energy and as you use the cosmic fire you will begin to understand your own

strength and abilities as sovereign beings. The time of feeling helpless is over dear ones, you are all of such beauty and wisdom and it is time to remember that your

healing is within and has always been from within. When you heal yourselves, dear ones heal also the universe within. Visualize this inner universe as given in the

recent meditation. Truly, you hold all this and much more within you, and as you heal all aspects of yourselves, you will feel an immense power of this intent for healing

all. Remember, dear ones, you do nothing alone, all in connection is receiving, but it is the intent and awareness of this all inclusive vision that is of such power and

portent, that you will feel the results within your bodies as a beautiful loving energy. All that you give to the whole, returns to you 100 fold and this is the gift of your

remembrance of who you are. Bliss visits upon those who share their beauty and love with one another, because love then multiplies in an endless outpouring. As you

begin to feel the truth in this, you will gladly share this love and goodwill because your lives will shift into a higher frequency and the overall effect will be contentment

and happiness. The cosmic fire is given to create and experience for yourselves and for the greater good, and I assure you dear ones, when utilized with intent, peace

will again greet you. Babaji

lovetruth 16-06-2012 03:22 PM

Dear ones, in manifesting your new dreams, you are given an opportunity to create a world of simplicity that fulfills your spiritual nature and evokes love and honor

for every being. The world as it stands, has become a vast complication and it has lost its core values due to greed and disregard for one another. What I am

suggesting, dear ones, is a creation that does not negate any part of the whole. Use your imaginations to seek out your most beautiful ideal. Has the material

world given you solace and peace, or has it been a burden of making choices that are not always your own? Every being is called upon to wake the deepest inner

desire so that the earth can live with your choices. What do you think the earth wants for you? She desires your greatest good and she desires a peaceful and

loving existence that again unifies and speaks wisdom in sharing life with all its parts. Will you build again with a material mind, or will you build with light from your

inner frontier, that is just being discovered as your true firmament? It would be wise to meditate on what is important to you, what you would create if all the

tools for creation are set before you. Would you create a plan that involves the whole? Remember, dear ones, what you create touches all and as your awakening

unfolds, you will realize that you are your own brother and sister, mother and father, the illusion of separation will no longer rule you and in every choice you will see

the whole. This is the very element of your true nature that has been hidden from you. Your humanity is based in that beautiful unity of all, and your hearts will

soar with that realization. Pure thought, pure motive, and pure action will color your world and every movement will be one of harmony, indeed every heart will beat

as one, honoring the beauty each holds. Take time in your meditations to see clearly those innermost visions that have been locked up. The ancient dreams of

domination are no more and you are free to reinterpret your world with the eye of the artist. If your vision is based in truth and wisdom, it will anchor with the

divine and you will build, this time with wisdom and care. You are creators dear ones, and I can assure you that your visions will be of a similar nature if drawn from

you core, because your learning has set you all on a path that is beyond destruction and fear. So dream dear ones, dream a new world that brings tears of joy to

your eyes, let it move you and fill your consciousness with hope. Babaji

Natalia 16-06-2012 10:19 PM

Thank you for your messages :smile:

lovetruth 17-06-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tinks

Thank you for your messages :smile:

Love from Babaji, and lovetruth :hug2:

lovetruth 18-06-2012 03:32 PM

Dear ones, do not hesitate to ask for assistance at this time. It is a time of great change and shifting of the old to the new. Your bodies are transforming by

allowing the light of cosmic intelligence infiltrate every cell, every layer of your being and remaking the patterns in harmony. When you are open and ready to take

on this energy, there will be a feeling of gratefulness and and acceptance for what is transpiring, and the bodily symptoms will be minimal. Yet, if you resist change

and choose to hold onto the old beliefs, you are setting up an interference pattern and this will cause suffering. Dear ones you chose to live now so that you can

transform and take in the energies of transformation and it is a disservice to yourself and others to resist what is manifesting as increased light within the body of

each of you. The ego, is that resistance, and it can be stubborn, unreasonable and childish in its reluctance to shift to a new perspective. One who holds tightly

to the old perceptions is struggling on every level, because the body in resisting change, blocks the flow and energy becomes stuck, which can cause illness or

mental distress. Dear ones, I assure you the change of energy is exactly what is needed to move you forward with grace and love, it cannot be any other way and

to be embodied at this time is indeed a gift that many have awaited with open hearts and deep gratitude. Let your cares be seen as the truth of what they are,

these are a lack of trust in the process. If you can loosen your grip, you will find the solutions come quickly to your so called problems. Distress only heightens the

pain. It is a habit of seeing differently what you label as problems. Adjust your point of view and your dilemmas will shift too. Put those so called problems in

perspective for there is always a way around these challenges. Often these are removed when you let go of the charge that you attach to it. You are learning to

trust, dear ones, and realize, sometimes for the first time, that your spirit is truly in charge and the sovereign being within does not fret, yet looks on in

compassionate love at what you experience. It is taking in all this information and it always has the solution, therefore, look within for the answers where all

answers dwell, for you to re-discover. You have all had such practice in believing that the ego is your self, now you will learn by default, that your true essence

within is the gentle and loving master that will never lead you astray. It is a total 180 degree viewpoint shift and dear ones, it is to your advantage to understand

this and stop fighting your own inner wisdom. Do not be so attached to your worries, they will only try to dominate you, see them as those things that are being

healed so they can longer steal your energy. You are learning to gently flow, to let go, trust and live in a manner that is respectful, loving and peaceful. You are

learning to respect yourselves and others, and you are realizing what is truly important in a world expanding beyond the limits of purely material concerns. You are

growing wings, dear ones, that will raise you from your lowly perspective to the dizzying heights of possibility and to do so, requires an energy of curiosity and deep

trust. Be courageous, fearless, and expansive in your viewpoint. do not be so eager to judge, just observe as your true powers emerge in every scene of your life,

as you learn to let go and create again with your inner divine. Babaji

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