View Full Version : Reflections near the edge

18-03-2016, 08:17 PM
I have no questions here, because I need not to ask questions. This text below is not a proclaiming, because it does not point to something that is thought to exist in the regular sense. This text is something between questioning and proclaiming. It is expression and it lives by the eyes of its reader, and has no other form. This text arose spontaneously, and its initial form was kept while improving it and clarifying its structure.

I segmented my text into numbered paragraphs. 1 and 2 "just is". 3 is the reflections by the "I", and ultimately not necessary. 4 again "just is". 5 is the true direction and the true reflection leading beyond the "I".

1. I feel limitless grandeur. I am fantastic and amazing all the time. It is not sparking new-age energies around my head, and spinning rainbow chakras all over my body. But ... it is a sensation of grandeur beyond doubt.

2. The magnitude of my confidence and self-love is so great that any past misery has been pushed far out from my memory. I have to almost exert myself to remember. My past is as real and serious as a cartoon show. Everything now is perfect, and I do not even care to ponder what imperfect must be like, or what it felt like. Just being; I am perfect.

3. I am not evil. I am not egoistic. I have compassion, and almost no - if any - wishes, dreams or demands. Somehow society has it that a person with perfect self-love must be abnormal, evil and egoistic. The few who dare to love themselves, must face the induced fear of being seen as abnormal, mentally ill etc. All fears are swept away by my sensation of being complete and perfect. How can a person who loves him or herself, and is fully content with that, be a threat to anyone? Perfect self-love is the natural state of a free person, and it gives harmony in relationships. Any other feeling of being inadequate must be something brought on by a society of subtle and obvious oppression.

4. Everything I do is perfect. Even when I do "wrong", I still feel my doing is perfect. (It is not the "I can do whatever I desire"-mindset. The desire-part is not there. It is that whatever happens happens, and it is perfect because it happens without the conjuring "I" who has an idea of it being this or that - perfect or imperfect, good or bad, etc. I am not free to follow any desire, but I am free because I have no (strong) desire; free in allowing anything to happen.)

5. It is the "I" who is feeling all this. My "I" has died in many things, and now it advances by releasing its sweetest energies. It is starting to open up the flood gates releasing the full steady stream of self-love and grandeur. Something want to catch "me" with this pleasant stream of grandeur. Something wants "me" to be bound, and all this is meant to attract the "me" to be bound; to be sustained and fueled. The "me" creates the sensations, for the "me" itself to be fueled, again, by attaching and desiring. Creation of experiences, and attaching to the experiences is made by the same entity - the "me". My sensations does not come from something external to a "me" who then experiences it. It all is created by the "me" in its ignorance, and clung to, in its ignorance. Creating and desiring - it is a circle. It is the circle of Samara and endless life and death. The setup is so simple, and still it gives rise to all of this world. The small things fail to bind my "I", and now my "I" releases the heavier things, but my "I" will vanish also in front of them, sooner or later. There is nothing I need to do; there is nothing "I" can do.

18-03-2016, 10:23 PM
So very interesting, pretty much identical to my own frame of mind and relationship to life this past decade or so. I wonder if age is a factor, it wasn't until my late 40's that it all fell into place for me. Loved this: "My past is as real and serious as a cartoon show." So true and such a burden lifted, my regrets played a big role in dragging me down when I was younger.