View Full Version : The forbearance of self

Mr Interesting
22-01-2016, 09:41 PM
This seems a rather astute view from what might be the sidelines. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y***8oawRF4)

Now I have to go and look at exactly what forbearance means.

The use of it as a noun goes a little way but is somehow stagnant.
"patient self-control; restraint and tolerance."
But in Law... Oh Yeah!
"the action of refraining from exercising a legal right, especially enforcing the payment of a debt."

That seems to get to it... whatever it is.

Maybe it is that the suspension of belief can never be entirely suspended but that the 'flexibility' allowed therein is the point.

22-01-2016, 09:57 PM
This seems a rather astute view from what might be the sidelines. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y***8oawRF4)

Now I have to go and look at exactly what forbearance means.

The use of it as a noun goes a little way but is somehow stagnant.
"patient self-control; restraint and tolerance."
But in Law... Oh Yeah!
"the action of refraining from exercising a legal right, especially enforcing the payment of a debt."

That seems to get to it... whatever it is.

Maybe it is that the suspension of belief can never be entirely suspended but that the 'flexibility' allowed therein is the point.

What sparked your interest in that word so much that you decided to post this ?

22-01-2016, 10:13 PM
What sparked your interest in that word so much that you decided to post this ?

Yes that is what I was wondering also.

If its intuition it leads itself somewhere. And anywhere others lead that.

22-01-2016, 10:15 PM
Seems to me it pertains to mindfulness so maybe all the sharing over in the other thread has sparked something. Not sure.

The video aint showing for me so I am winging it. Mr I obviously has his own connections.

We shall see if he returns. :)

Mr Interesting
23-01-2016, 12:51 AM
Yup, mindfulness.

I'd gone outside to relieve myself and as I came back in that "forbearance of self" came fully formed though I had seen the attached video just before leaving.

I don't know what the question is but the flexibility as almost the last word in the video felt somehow to be connective to forbearance.

Too might be that if we all look back towards how we come here with questions that there is maybe an acclimatisation process as we develop what the question is which somehow leads to how might that take us away from the inspiration which may have been at the root of the question becoming a question.

So this video seemed to have something, not an answer, and that brought 'forbearance of self' and I haven't done anything more, haven't decided where it might go or even what it is, so maybe each person who comes here must find in themselves what it might be... maybe.

23-01-2016, 09:04 AM
Yup, mindfulness.

I'd gone outside to relieve myself and as I came back in that "forbearance of self" came fully formed though I had seen the attached video just before leaving.

I don't know what the question is but the flexibility as almost the last word in the video felt somehow to be connective to forbearance.

Too might be that if we all look back towards how we come here with questions that there is maybe an acclimatisation process as we develop what the question is which somehow leads to how might that take us away from the inspiration which may have been at the root of the question becoming a question.

So this video seemed to have something, not an answer, and that brought 'forbearance of self' and I haven't done anything more, haven't decided where it might go or even what it is, so maybe each person who comes here must find in themselves what it might be... maybe.

Oh goody I was right..haha..(my inner child feeling the joyful fun of hitting the target. You know bit like pin the tail on the donkey when your blindfolded and you get it right where every one is trying to get it on that spot and you get it right on the spot!! So yeah a giddy goody, I best add )

I will be patient and see what transpires. :)

23-01-2016, 08:00 PM

Hmm, I still don't know what particularly "mindfulness" means.
It seems a piece of jargon drawn from the adverb mindful.
Really it seems to be awareness but the New Spiritual Industry won't make a lot of money trying
to sell "awareness" as a new spiritual /sykological practice (although it should be).
"Mindfulness" can be marketed, wrapped up in a suave plastic case with
tv ads....Buy now while prices are still down!
At the bottom it says "terms and conditions apply" Wow! We're on the make!

I've heard "mindful" being used (obviously) as a verb in the imperative mood - "mind out!"
and adverb, "be mindful of..." which always meant be aware of, or take account of....

My mind's usually full but what of?
Forbearance would be appreciated.


Mr Interesting
23-01-2016, 10:26 PM
One of our guys, 80 he was, in the arts and crafts just died and he'd done this miraculous thing out on a kinda wild peninsula where he built this railway which initially was, 'cause he was a potter. only really to go get the clay from a dig further up on his property and that was coincidental in a sense 'cause on a trip back home they were ripping up some railway stuff and it seemed the obvious choice... build a railway in the bush to do clay work.

But within this supposed serendipity he kinda realised his love of steam and coil and suchlike as a dominant underpinning in his childhood with the gasworks up the road slowly and patiently a coal fired steamworks chuffing out the gas so long story short this totally zen dude builds this whole amazing thing out in the bush and mostly by hand which is railways through the replanted native bush, he was into conservation to, and this pottery works where aficionado’s come from all over the world to appreciate and bath in this majestic self work.
So I'm seeing this sadness people are kinda getting into and it kinda hints at the enshrining of the what of him and completely bypasses the how and meanwhile I'm doing my own thing, I mean really as in I'm out there steaming and chuffing making my own sense of the land speak and will stories into existence.

One of the things, and it's like that's where it's problematic as once we're kinda in tricksville theres just so much interconnecting it's really hard to pull bit's out and make them straight so we either like to be at the beginning or the end, so anyways, it's like this man is a natural man and he worked to make it comfortable for us but not that we sit back and enjoy the comforts created but that we get in the swing of it too and in the hard work create further comforts further along... and I'm seeing, as these ideas about how to throw rocks into the clam waters of this man's death, those naturalnesses in what I'm doing and finding this totally dried out rat carcase and it's beautiful... and theres his nest of old snail shells.

And the rat got caught out... some bit of wood or steel got thrown into the pile I'd made and crushed him subsequent to him finding a place to nest, oh well, but I think, know, realise, whatever you wanna moniker it, that I gotta build for those guys too. And the spiders and the lizards and the birds, we're all in this together and I'm cutting into the landscape and killing things and wrecking livelihoods. Drat and damn it all, it's hard work.

I suppose it's a forbearance in nature that I'm feeling. It's a co-existent thing and it's pests and weeds and all manner of defined wrongs but they're not wrong at all.

I don't know but then again I do know 'cause I'm doing.
This photo appeared on facebook a few days ago and without knowing it this is exactly where I've ended up working but I couldn't figure out which cat it was, 1 or 2, and this morning when I realised the significance of the photo I still couldn't see what cat it was and so I blew it up and it's their mum. Of course I haven't got the certificates to prove it. She'd gone over, she was wild but she'd come here to rest and N01 and NO2 didn't mind her at all so a connection was obvious. I couldn't even get near her except at the end when she'd been in an accident and all her teeth were all broken and all round super sad.
This wasn't the film I was after but it's somehow right 'cause it's towards the beginning as in way back but he'd, even then, done heaps. (http://www.nzonscreen.com/title/barry-brickell-potter-1970)
And, of course, I just very recently saw a great film with this totally Zen man Barry Brickell and thought he's kinda gettin' old so I better go see him, as I hadn't yet, and then he goes and dies and, of course, the actual film is alluding me and doesn't want to be found and it really is a very brilliant kind of lifes work goin' right back to his appreciation of his beginnings right through to the building of a dream and almost how it was already there... except prophets never come out and actually say that do they?
Not what I wanted but he's old here and allowed to speak (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bf1qM8XkN8)

Mr Interesting
24-01-2016, 12:56 AM
This is the one though but will it work? (https://video.fakl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtp1/v/t42.1790-2/12577007_421608798043719_1134898741_n.mp4?efg=eyJy bHIiOjE5NDQsInJsYSI6NDA5NiwidmVuY29kZV90YWciOiJ2M1 80MjZfY3JmXzIzX21haW5fMy4wX3NkIn0%3D&rl=1944&vabr=1080&oh=2761423a0e8d17c172baaa761e20dd56&oe=56A45719)

Seems to.

A human Being
24-01-2016, 01:44 AM
Not sure on the meaning of forbearance (it's not a term with which I'm particularly familiar), but just on the subject of the meaning of mindfulness, for me the term is synonymous with conscious presence. And for me, the key thing is remembrance of self, and not becoming fixated on the world (ie objects of perception), one of the results of which being that the self, the one that is perceiving, is overlooked. So yeah, I think it relates to awareness, and more specifically, to the recognition of that which is aware.

Mr Interesting
25-01-2016, 07:56 PM
Myself, I'm kinda getting to know this idea of what forbearance might be and it's stretching mindfulness quite taut.

It's somewhat like that boring old soul Krishnamurti saying that meditation isn't at all about being told this is meditation but meditation is the question what is meditation... but you'd have to go see him about that. Boring? Indeed. He didn't necessarily make it simple for us to be bored into... his boring into us was our choice. His sense of mining the ore of which we might bring to the surface of self wasn't of the proverbial dynamite and if anything pick and shovel and a sore back... boring.