View Full Version : Ordeals

19-01-2016, 10:59 AM
Many of us go through ordeals in life.

Some of them very unpleasant, some of them very difficult and extremly harsh.

They can challenge us in everyway of ourselves.

They can also make us go down to the deepest part of ourselves to retrieve and return to us some measure of peace and acceptance, beyond the ordeal.

Of course how we manage our own ordeals in life is our own way of dealing.

There is no one way.

We only have to listen to ourselves through our own process to know how to be and how to enter into the ordeal, the way we want too. Its our process, its our ordeal. We make the deals with it, in how we deal.

There is always support somewhere for us through this process as I found out in my own ordeals.

This is important when we cannot cope and manage.

Within the ordeal is the deal we are dealt with.

Life deals out ordeals in so many ways.

We can see it as an ordeal or deal.

It makes no difference really.

Its ours in everyway of itself.

19-01-2016, 12:33 PM
Hear what you say.... I mean, see.

As you say it makes no difference - a deal when it's an ordeal except that
someone might imagine it's their lot to go through ordeals and thereby
go attract more ordeals.

There are so many people going through ordeals of one size or another
across the world. Sometimes small ordealettes like "I can get to the food bank
but how can I afford to cook what they give me", right up to the big ones
like some refugees are suffering. It must be difficult for them
to think of their plight as their deal but it is, all the same.


19-01-2016, 02:19 PM
Life is full of trials and tribulations, to a lesser or greater extent.

Most of the great souls went 'through the mill' and emerged the other side, not with hate and bitterness, but with forgiveness (where applicable) , compassion, empathy and understanding - and that's what made them great!

I won't quote it in full, but I've always found the words of the second verse of Sir Henry Newbolt's 'Vitai Lampada' hugely inspirational
'The sand of the desert is sodden red, red with the wreck of a square that broke
The Gatling's jammed and the Colonel dead, and the regiment blind with dust and smoke ...'

Don't give in. Even the darkness night will pass.
In everything there is a lesson, something from which we can grow in character and wisdom.

One day we'll understand the what and the why ...

I've had my share of trials and tribulations. I certainly didn't enjoy the experience! I certainly wouldn't like to repeat them! But I learned from them and for that I am profoundly grateful.

Mr Interesting
19-01-2016, 07:28 PM
Indeed... is kinda the same as in we are in the deed.

I used to have this thing years ago where a possibly deep and meaningful or shallow and flippant bunch of words would somehow lend themselves to being repeated over and over to the extent that I would have no idea what was initially full of meaning would be rendered empty and nonsensical and I always kind of felt that it was a little bit scary to do this but at the same time I quite liked how it sort of gave me a quiet space.

And it seems to have grown somehow because I seem to be able to do such things with words quite easily as in what I'm looking at you doing, at least from my perspective, of the putting a u 'You' back into ordeal and making it our-deal.

So it's as if way back at the beginnings of language and even the idea of having one lies in co-operative gestures simply because if there's no need to co-operate then there's no need for language and so language was built for that and even though it's become almost a laziness akin to just being able to move an arm without thinking it's also able, just like Tai Chi say, to be used consciously... though of more import possibly, is that language retains a consciousness, not necessarily of it's own, but as a bank vault, as it were, of this co-operative gesture and so within it, at some level or many levels, there is an opening for us to revolve ourselves around it being more open.

Deal with it? Or deal with it. I'm actually already lost with that. But deal with what?

I often get to that point where, nah, don't know, let it go, beyond me and can't be bothered. That's the above little bit so I've rendered myself obsolete to my own observations. Anyways, and that's not a word, but it is because I use it as one therefore it is and I suppose I should learn to write any ways but I say anyways like it's one word anyways so then when I write it it kinda plays back to an allowance that any and way don't have to be apart but I can put them together... that's my deal I suppose, my deal with me... my ideal.