View Full Version : types of energetic healing

16-01-2011, 08:57 PM
The only energetic healing I'm aware of is pranic, reiki and shamanic, most of these address emotional/energetic flow issues.

I was wondering if anyone was aware of any techniques that deal with psychical damage mainly reveresing the effects of long term illness on the body's organs, skin or accidents etc?

thank you very much

16-01-2011, 09:42 PM
Telekinesis coupled with remote viewing and energy manipulation via a very low and slow vibration works for internal injuries by setting bones back in place, clotting blood flows, untwisting muscles and knitting ligaments back together.

The downsides of this kind of healing is that it takes a lot of energy and skill to accomplish, it does not promote physical healing of injuries (meaning it won't enable you to grow a limb back or knit skin over open wounds in seconds,) anything hereditary is more than difficult to reverse and hormonal issues take more than one session to alter.

I don't have a name for those techniques and I have yet to ascertain the long term consequences a healer is prone to face once they have practiced this kind of healing for a long time.

16-01-2011, 09:59 PM
i see thank you

17-01-2011, 02:54 AM
The only energetic healing I'm aware of is pranic, reiki and shamanic, most of these address emotional/energetic flow issues.

I was wondering if anyone was aware of any techniques that deal with psychical damage mainly reveresing the effects of long term illness on the body's organs, skin or accidents etc?
IMO this is a gross misunderstanding of healing principles. Everything is interconnected and related. If that is true any emotional/energetic healing must by necessity have an effect on the body.

When people are taught EFT they are frequently told "It doesn't resolve the problem but it relieves the anxiety around the problem." IMO this is the major lie around EFT and maybe some other healing techniques as well.
When it relieves the anxiety and because of that one becomes more effective and this in turn brings healing of a physical illness, how is that not resolving the illness itself?

Example: A person thinks they may have skin cancer but are afraid to go and have it checked out. By doing EFT they reduce the fear about what they will discover and make an appointment with the doctor. The doctor finds that it is indeed a cancerous growth, removes it, and further tests reveal that everything is OK. What has really healed this person? EFT or the doctor?

Or after doing EFT a person finds that they can now do something they could not before, e.g getting into an elevator because anxiety levels rise to such a degree that it becomes impossible. How is that not healing something physical, the body and its reactions?

There are anecdotal stories of Chinese people who according to doctors had terminal cancer and were given months to live. A rigorous Qigong practice regime (4 times 2 hours every day) eliminated all traces of the cancer within months.

Low frequency vibrations can accelerate bone healing, and a purring cat is the ideal frequency generator for healing broken bones, doubling the rate of bone regeneration.

The main problem with energy healing techniques is that we do not have the patience to let it work.
Dr Zhi Gang Sha refers to this when demonstrating his fingerholds. He says: "You have taken medicine for 30, maybe 50 years, and it has not relieved the problem. You do the fingerholds twice and then say 'It doesn't work'."

17-01-2011, 03:02 AM
Dawn - I'm not talking not about illness or the underlying issue, let me give you an expample if someone had insomnia for several years, they would begin to suffer from the side effects minor memory loss, over all muscle weakness etc.. Healing the disease and balanacing the energetic body can heal the problem, but will it heal the damage that's been done to the muslces etc? in the past?

17-01-2011, 03:16 AM
There are things which can be reversed and others which can't. E.g. one cannot reverse the ageing process although one may be able to slow it down.
What may be irreversible, e.g. memory loss may be compensated for by techniques or behavior. If one compensates effectively can one still say there is memory loss? Muscle strength can be rebuilt.

The point I am really making is that if there is physical action to be taken to achieve a desired result then this action must be taken in addition to the healing practice one uses. Healing then becomes the catalyst for action, in itself it may not do much, if anything at all, but without it the whole process of physical healing may not even start.

It may not be the cause of healing but it is the enabler of healing. At no point in the healing chain may one be able to say "this is what healed me."

17-01-2011, 03:35 PM
all energetic therapy should be done inconjunction with the action outside ofcourse, my point was is there a specific type of energetic healing that is designated for those dealing with damage such as this. i.e if it weakens the overall immune system you can do restorative techniques but if it's been comprimised for a long time and can only reverse so much by herbs diet, meds etc is there a type of energy healing that can reverse this

17-01-2011, 04:05 PM
all energetic therapy should be inconjunction with the action outside ofcourse, my point was is there a specific type of energetic healing that is designated for those dealing with damage such as this. i.e if it weakens the overall immune system you can do restorative techniques but if it's been comprimised for a long time and can only reverse so much by herbs diet, meds etc is there a type of energy healing that can reverse this

Hi Rose :smile:

Just my humble opinion of course, but I would think any healing capable of removing sickness from the body would be equally able to deal with all necessary elements in restoring said body to balance, health, and wholenss. It seems to me the main concern with ALL methods of healing (from allopathic to holistic!) is whether or not the person is ready and willing to give up their condition in exchange for health and wellbeing. After all, many folks need their sickness to get love and attention... others need it to give those things. In virtually all cases, a person with a prolonged illness of some kind is getting something from it... something they either feel they need or want. It's not up to us to judge. If someone consciously feels the desire to be made well and comes to me seeking Reiki healing, I administer it, releasing all expectation to specific results and just allowing the Reiki go go in and administer what it knows is needed. The recipient always has the choice (often at deep subconscious levels) to accept or reject the healing. Either way, I just bless them and go about my way. It's hard to keep desire and expectations out of the healing quotient, but I feel it is required that we who practice the healing arts do so.

As I said... just my thoughts.

17-01-2011, 04:13 PM
thank you light! i hope reiki can reverse a lot of the damage i've had