View Full Version : Possession

17-09-2006, 08:14 AM
Hi, Does anyone have any information about possession by evil spiritis? I know it is not something nice to talk about but your understandings may help me.

Here are the questions,

What is possession?

Does possession occur because one has opened himself/herself up too early (meaning Chakras) and is unaware of the consequences of opening himself up to the spirit world? And thus is limited in awareness and/or spiritual development (in other words is not mature). Does this make one weak and vulnerable to possession by evil spirits? I don't mean to scare anyone but is this the reason why it happens? Is it a matter of understanding or could it be just a matter of being strong or weak and by this I mean standing up for yourself?

Also what is psychic attack?

17-09-2006, 11:18 AM
Hi Imageimaginer,

I will answer according to my understanding; but others may be able to add other details.

You ask "What is possession?"

Possession is when some non-physical being / entity gains access to and takes over control of one's physical and/or psychic (subtle) bodies - that is, mind and feeling nature.

One could say that this is a karmic condition (nearly everything is!); but the original cause of the karma may be recent and of ones own doing or could be from an ancient ancestor, thousands of years back.
It is natural for a human auric field to be protected so that only their energy signature can access their field and body. However, the protection can be breached in a number of ways. Here are some:
(1) The taking of consciousness-altering drugs affects the chakras, such that an entity can plug in and gain control of that chakra or the whole body. Drugs can also put holes / rips in the "etheric web" of protection that surrounds the body (this is old info from my days as a Theosophist - I presume it is still valid).
(2) An intense emotional shock can rip or shatter the mental body (causing insanity) or the emotional body (causing unstable moods); and these can be taken advantage of by a maurauding entity.
(3) Of course, black magic directed at one can also rip one's protection and allow some entity in.

Generally one is naturally protected from all but directed, purposeful attacks. And there are methods that can be used to supplement one's protection (eg., always being grounded within a tube of light reaching up to Soul and down to Earth's centre, surrounding oneself with an "egg" of light, making protection calls and intents to set one's boundaries). However, boundaries will fail to hold if there is karma concerning this that is at present up for release; then in order for the protection to be effective, the karma must be dealt with.

I believe it is true that if a person tries to open their chakras to experience the non-physical or "higher" dimensions by an inadvisable means such as drugs or uninformed use of exercises, they may open to the lower "astral" worlds and be attacked by some of the malicious entities that abide there. The fright could very well rip their protection or unbalance them further. Generally opening to the higher dimensions is best prefaced by a sincere intent to evolve oneself spiritually "for the best for all concerned" and by patiently following the process "in Divine Timing", so that Soul can guide one at a safe pace through the necessary steps - which will most likely be particular to the individual (as each of us is different).

Psychic attack is when someone (or some non-physical being) directs thought-forces at one's energetic non-physical parts in order to harm or unseat one from one's normal seat of control of one's own bodily systems. If you can test by some method (eg. pendulum, muscle-testing) where the attack is coming from, and test what the agreements and karma are and release them, it will be possible to defuse the possibility of further attacks. If you can truly forgive the karmic circumstance and the individual attacking, and hold them in the purest and most sincere love, that would totally transmute the attack; but to be able to do this, you need to understand all the circumstances that gave rise to the karma that permits the attack. That is not always the easiest thing to do; but one can intend to research it at night in dreamtime in the Temples of Karma, and ask to be shown what is involved, and to remember it upon waking.

Karma always implies a spiritual lesson that is being offered; if you can grasp that and make it your own, forgiving the circumstances, the necessity to have traumatic experiences concerning it vanishes.

Hope this has been useful!

17-09-2006, 01:08 PM
I found something in my Encyclopedia of Paranormal Phenomena which might help with the psychic attack question:


An allegedly paranormal assault upon humans or animals that causes physical or mental distress, injury, illness, or even death. Psychic attack is said to happen by two means (1) the human direction, such as by a sorcerer, of nonphysical agents such as malevolent spirits, demons or thought-forms; and (2) a human assault accomplished by out-of-body projection of a double or astral form.

In sorcery the equivalent of a psychic attack is a curse. Some tribal sorcerers are renowned for their alleged ability to magically kill others with a wasting disease that seems to resist medical help and reportedly leaves some victims virtually bloodless by the time of death. Some magical rituals involve "sending", in which the curse is fatally delivered to the victim by an animal familiar in the form of a snake or scorpion or other fearsome creature. In other rituals a substitute for the victim, such as a doll or a snipet of hair, serves as a sympathetic link that transmits attacks.

The occultist Dion Fortune wrote extensively on psychic attack, and said it is much more common than believed. In her classic work on the subject, "Psychic Self Defence" (1930) Fortune described her own experiences combating psychic attack. The first occurered when she was twenty and was nearly psychologically destroyed by an employer whom she believed was an adept in occultism. Fortune suffered a nervous breakdown and believed her aura had been depleted in much the same way as a battery can be drained.

The most common symptom of psychic attack is the "hag syndrome", in which the victim awakens feeling a crushing weight on the chest, accompanied by paralysis. In some attacks the victim may see a form, hear noises, or smell vile odours. Nightmares occur in some cases.

The hag syndrome has been documented since ancient times and occurs presently in an estimated 15 per cent of the adult population worldwide. There are no definitive explanations for it. The second century Roman physician Galen, attributed it to indigestion. In the Middle Ages, incubi and succubi were blamed. The modern freudian psychoanalysist Ernest Jones said sexual repression was the cause. Another modern theory suggests sleep disorders are responsible. Various folklore traditions attribute hag attacks to witchcraft and sorcery.

The hag syndrome also resembles some cases of alleged vampirism recorded in Eastern Europe dating to about the 15th century. Nocturnal attacks on the living were blamed on the restless spirits of certain dead. The attacks stopped when the suspected corpses were disinterred, and were staked, dismembered or burned.

Other symptoms of psychic attack, according to Fortune, include feelings of overwhelming dread and fear, which deteriorate to nervous exhaustion, mental breakdown, and a physical wasting away of body tissue; the presence of bruises on the body after nighttime astral attacks; odd footprints about the area; inexplicable outbreaks of fire; poltergeist phenomena; and the precipitation of slime, as though armies of slugs had crawled across the floor. Philosopher William James records a man's description of an apparent hag attack characterised by an invisible presence evoking a fealing of horror, a sensation of pressure on the chest, and a "large tearing vital pain".

To be most effective, psychic attacks are meant to be launched during the waning moon and especially at the new moon. The moon is said to govern psychic forces, and these phases rule the so-called left hand path, or evil path, of magic.

According to Fortune psychic vampirism, another form of psychic attack, is rare. She defines a psychic vampire as someone who travells astrally at night to bite victims and suck the life force out of them. The term has degenerated in more recent occult use to mean any person whose presence is tiring and seems to sap the energy of others.

The prescribed defences of psychic attack are (1) to sever all contact with the suspected people, places, or paths of study; (2) to aviod going to the sea, for water is the element of psychic forces; (3) to keep the stomach full, which shuts down the psychic centres, which serves as ports of entry; (4) to get plenty of sunshine; (5) to aviod being alone; and (6) for those trained in occultism, to undertake certain protective and banishing rituals.

19-09-2006, 06:46 AM
Oh wow' this information is great, Thank you Jaycee and Pounamu.

20-09-2006, 12:05 AM
this is interesting...whats your take on exercism by a second party??

04-10-2006, 01:37 AM
Thanks Pounamu and Jaycee for the very good information. Just recently I was reading an article by Stuart Wilde and he reminded me of a 21 century updated version of much of what Dion Fortune wrote about in the early 1900's!

I know that this isn't a favorite topic for many people but none-the-less, it's also one that needs to be discussed because it's a big aspect of life in polarity. And it's taken a huge leap foreword over the past 20 years or so because of all that our reality/humanity has/is going through.

Because I've been a psychic/sensitive all my life I've been a bit more consciously aware of some of the activity from the astral side of the fence. I've also watched over the past 10 years, lots of 'regular' people suddenly becoming 'sensitive' or telepathic or empathic when even they aren't aware of it! Now think of the huge increase over the past 20 years of "hauntings" in the US at least and the different TV programs about them. It amazes me because 35-45 years ago this was unheard of. People are becoming far more aware of all things, seen and unseen now, and there is far more interaction with negative nonphysical entities in our reality.

I agree that possessions or being overshadowed/controlled by some nonphysical beings is at a peak in our world now and if you doubt me, watch the evening news! And thanks to Hollywood we've gotten a really incorrect understanding about what 'possession' really looks like. They're usually not that theatrical and physically obvious but are as dangerous and unpleasant. Pounamu listed many reasons why some people become overshadowed by negative nonphysical entities. In all the cases I've personally seen, every one of them involved people with heavy drug and/or alcohol use - addicts. Some also had very very low level sexual energy happening between people of opposite sex and same sex.....I'm trying to be tactful and not offend.

Like energy attracts like energy and if you open yourself up etherically to negative energies/entities through these and others activities, then it almost goes without saying that those people are being used by unseen beings. Very nasty and unpleasant ones! Be careful and know what you're doing if you're going to use drugs for whatever reasons. Better yet, don't use them in the first place. Specific entities vibrate with specific natural drugs and also chemicals ect. and they attach to people who use their specific drug. I've seen things that if you could see it too, no one would ever use them again! And you know how alcohol is called "Spirits"? Well that's very accurate also.

06-10-2006, 10:54 AM
I have been on the end of psychic attacks from others.
We can suround ourself, as a spiritual being with a bubble of protection, or, if we have a conection with a higher being/ teacher, simply have the awareness of sheltering behind them in a dettached out of the body way.
The chest goes tight, you can feel that You are being ripped out of your body unwillingly(probably from the wondering demon type of attack) and there is the anger and filthy rage which consumes your whole body/being.
I had attacks recently, I could feel it reaching the kidneys. It exhausted me for a week. Indeed, I am getting bad vibes now. There always seems to be someone or other, so we must make ourselves strong. I need to learn humilty. What we put out comes back to us. It is Bad karma to retaliate.
Openness, an honest heart, communication, compassion, they are all natural spiritual virtues, and they must prevail.
Engaging in conflict, competing over who is the most powerful or evil etc will bring failure.
Peace and strength