View Full Version : Awakening - dealing with the change

15-01-2011, 08:02 AM
I have been in the process of becoming more and more aware for years but only now has it really started to take flight.

Since this feeling has started I have been trying to accept it and go with the flow of it and it has been working very well, things started to change in my life incredibly and that in itself was quite overwhelming. However, the ups and downs of life have seem to taken hold again. This is normal I know, but I have been upset that I fallen off the path a little. Its all a big learning experience.

I know that what I feel is fantastic and a gift but how has everyone dealt with this in their lives? Has it been easy?

I feel a bit overwhelmed by this feeling of change from my old self into this new one. I am completely aware of things too much, like other peoples energy, I cant seem to watch TV as much, I seem to be helping others a great deal more with their lives also without knowing it sometimes until afterwards. Which is ironic because I'm on this journey myself. I think helping others seems to be an outlet for all these feelings that I'm having.

I cant seem to even fathom a relationship right now. I feel I cant be with someone until I get to know whats going on with myself. I also wonder how on earth I'm going to be with someone who isn't open to this.

I feel very confused. I want to talk and talk about this to friends but I know they would not understand because they are not in this stage. I know that things will work out fine in the end, I think I needed to just get this off my chest.

15-01-2011, 08:45 AM
What does this mean to you,, "rule of thumb?"

Try not gauge your experience by the experience of others, for we all awaken and handle it in different ways. Some go in with both feet, while others run the other direction.

As for me personally how I have dealt with things...For me I try to remind myself everyday of living for each moment. Don't just live for each day, but live for each moment. If you can do that, the things that happen on a daily basis that seemingly take us away from "this" don't seem as overwhelming. We're all still very human. We can still get angry. We can still be jealous. We can do things we all regret....but understanding how we come to those thoughts comes much easier. And as we become aware of things, we can understand how we came to those feelings or how we came to those situations..and well...avoid them..or walk away from them feeling a little less angry, or a little less hurt.

I think in the end, you just got to trust where life takes you. We might have plans for ourselves, but sometimes God has something better in store. Most of all just be yourself. Try not to worry about how family will take you or how your friends might take you. If you can't be yourself, who can you be?

Take it easy Natasha.

in progress
15-01-2011, 09:10 AM
Think of yourself as someone who started remembering a little earlier so you could help others if needed when they start doing the same.

15-01-2011, 09:22 AM
Too true. I think when the bad times come I now see it for what it is and how I got there. It has allowed me to deal with it better but also it means I perhaps havent been letting myself feel what I need to feel. Seeing the bigger picture doesnt mean you shouldnt allow yourself to feel the emotions which should come out.

Crikey, that was a realisation there. I didnt even know I was doing that! I think thats the problem I've been having whch has been causing the distress.

"Think of yourself as someone who started remembering a little earlier so you could help others if needed when they start doing the same"

Thats a fantastic way of looking at it. Thank you and I will.