View Full Version : Kundalini support

09-01-2011, 10:34 AM
Hi all

I am really getting quite alarmed by what's happening to me. It all seems quite normal in terms of what I've read about Kundalini but it doesn't change how scary it feels. Is anyone else going through this and want to post for support? I know there's another Kundalini thread but that is more for info purposes. I thought it might be good to have a support thread if there are people out there who want to share stories and give/recieve support.

My vibrations appear to have risen because when I close my eyes my ears instantly buzz with intensity and my third eye starts to vibrate, then a vision appears. Earlier I saw a white light and what appeared to be an angel figure, which was nice, but just now I saw what seemed to be a fire (orange and red lights and possibly a figure burning in the centre). All through the night I had moving visions - I wrote about them in the Spiritual Development thread.

Anyway, although I'm sure this is a good and positive thing I feel a little freaked by all these sudden visions and ear buzzing. Would welcome hearing from anyone experiencing or who has experienced anything similar wityh Kundalini.

09-01-2011, 11:05 AM
I want to go to sleep but everytime I close my eyes I get another vision. I saw a figure and then some sort of animal. I'm close to tears please help! Has anyone experienced this? I feel really freaked out.

09-01-2011, 11:22 AM
I want to go to sleep but everytime I close my eyes I get another vision. I saw a figure and then some sort of animal. I'm close to tears please help! Has anyone experienced this? I feel really freaked out.
Hello I used to get that, I actually told them to go away and they did lol. At the time I didn't feel ready to see the visions (I saw animals and people) but now I sort of regret it.

09-01-2011, 01:25 PM
I don't have experience with this because my Kundalini hasn't awakened yet, but have you tried asking for relief from your Guides/angels/higher power?

09-01-2011, 02:43 PM

I think you need to let go of your fear and just allow the process to unfold, trusting the Divine to do what it has to do to purify that part of you.

I'll share a very personal experience of a throat chakra opening I had. For weeks during meditation the energy would get stuck in my throat and I had a choking sensation. I thought I was actually going to choke, and die of choking so I would stop the meditation. But each time I meditated the same thing happened. Finally, I decided, if this is meant to take me higher I will allow it to choke me, God's will be done. As soon as changed my attitude, the energy was able to cross over the threshold of the throat and move into the brow...and that led to one of the most profound spiritual experiences I have ever had in my life. So much energy was now streaming through my throat chakra that anyone could actually see waves of energy moving in my physical throat - it was so intense it was pushing the physical muscles. There was no more choking sensation, just a beautiful soft loving wave of spiritual energy massaging my throat as it gushed upwards towards the brow like a flood after a dam has burst... and after it had done its job, a new consciousness opened up to me.

This is the way it works - first the energy does the clearing, then a new consciousness opens up. So I believe this is really a grace-filled time for you and an exciting opportunity. And your part of the job is to get ego attachment out of the way - "fear" and learn how to surrender to the grace that is trying to manifest in your inner world.

God bless
p.s. about "visions" in general I'm going to PM you

09-01-2011, 03:05 PM
pps. I want to add something about free will too. We have a God-given right to say to Kundalini (which is the power of God manifesting in a human being):

"Please make it stop, I don't want this experience."
"Please slow down. It's too intense."
"I take back what I said, I'm not ready for change."
"I take back what I said, let's go ahead."

So you can control the experience and Kundalini will comply. It might be like turning off a fan, just takes a little while for the blades to stop spinning. Just be warned that if you don't respondcan be supportive too to what's prompting you from within, the same sort of prompts will come to you through people and situations in your life. I know you were looking for "support not info" but to me the right sort of info can be supportive too as it might help to calm you down so you can deal with it from a more objective space....

And to other people reading this thread:

Visions produced by forceful means such as hallocinogenic drugs, or Kundalini experiences that are not spontaneous but forced through breathing techniques (which in rare cases are ok if the person has been training for it for a long time under supervision of a qualified master); or visions due to some psychotic experience due to brain impairment are highly unlikely to be true Kundalini experiences and therefore will not respond the same way.

For an illustration of a genuine "visual" Kundalini experience that leads to self-realization, read Swami Muktananda's classic autobiography Play of Consciousness: http://www.amazon.com/Play-Consciousness-Autobiography-Swami-Muktananda/dp/0911307818 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.spiritua lforums.com%252525252Fvb%252525252Fredir.php%25252 5253Flink%252525253Dhttp%25252525253A%25252525252F %25252525252Fwww.amazon.com%25252525252FPlay-Consciousness-Autobiography-Swami-Muktananda%25252525252Fdp%25252525252F0911307818)

09-01-2011, 03:10 PM
Thanks so much everyone. I've had my son home so not had the chance to give my symptoms proper attention but I'm definitely going to ask them to ease off. I don't want to stop or block what's happening but I just need some space at the moment. Uma yes you're right, and nothing wrong with supportive info..

09-01-2011, 03:17 PM
One observation to reduce the fear factor: we are activated through about all possible colours to make us full rainbows of Light. There was a time when I needed to assimilate black and that experience was a startling one, because I was meditating and all of a sudden this black came at high speed and entered through my third eye. Well, I stopped meditating there and then and asked my guides what just happened. They said that it's okay (goodness, I'm hearing Black Velvet on the radio right now!), black is just another frequency of Light and very useful to have during astral travel.

09-01-2011, 09:53 PM
I get freaked out sometimes by the symptoms. I am overwhelmed by the process and it seems to happen so fast sometimes I can't keep up! When I get overwhelmed, I give myself permission not to acknowledge the visions (or whatever) in the moment. I get so excited by the process I am going through that I want to remember and understand every detail. But sometimes it is just too much to handle without an emotional breakdown.

It seems to help sometimes, to simply be aware that I am experiencing a lot of things that are beyond my current understanding and leave it at that. I need to allow time for rest too, so I can't 'process' everything all the time.

09-01-2011, 11:26 PM
Starbuck! Great thread to start, thankyou, I was hoping the other Kundalini thread would turn into support as well, although it is more information.
I have gone through the intense part of kundalini awakening, still am going through it, if I have any advice to give, try and view it as a loving experience, with an open mind :) I know how terrifying it can be.
Do some relaxation exercises, lay down and calm your body and mind, and try to erase the fear of what you are experiencing.

Breathe through the intense parts, inhale, exhale deeply, take your focus off the intense feelings, relax your body, relax your mind into a state where you can just be unattached and aware from a distance of the intensity that is going on.

Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, talk to yourself in your mind positively when these things are occurring, even talk to the kundalini, for an example of one of my own pep talks “this is a loving feeling and is not dangerous, I am not afraid, and I will allow this as it is in my best interest” sometimes i say to it, "oh my! how intense, but it feels quite interesting." you eventually... get to a time, when all the feelings you experience become normal and then pleasurable.

Breath in, breathe out, just focus on your breathing. What is happening is not terrifying, it is just alien to what you and your body is used to, thus viewing it in a relaxed and distant way, allows you to become more used to it, without the fear.
Be open to whatever comes.

When I first started out it felt like lightening bolts tearing through my body, hammering away painfully, not very delightful, extremely terrifying (since i didn't even know what chakras were, that was the whole reason i found this site), the sensations became more intense if I tried to stop them, or if my body contracted on impulse to stop the flow. I would recommend breathing through, and relaxing all of your muscles, your whole body, relaxing your mind, allowing the vibrations and sensations to go where they have to, and it becomes more calm feeling.
After a while, all of these things become amazing and pleasurable, the most pleasurable thing you would ever feel. It just takes getting used to things in an open mind frame, and conquering your fear!

You may notice lots of things around your ears, immense pressure, pins and needles, vibrations and loud ringing, energies. Do not worry. The sounds can become so intense, you may fear your head will explode and other illogical thoughts you may think will happen, but nothing dangerous can happen to you. Spend some time relaxing, and getting used to such things, and just focus on what is going on in a distant state. Breathe, and erase all fears from mind.

Do some grounding exercises as well. Try and get out into a forest. Do things that ground you to earth. If your kundalini allows you to enter public (for some feeling energies become sporadic) try and distract yourself from the symptoms by keeping busy, going shopping, talking to other people.

I found listening to music helped me. Also, when i delved more into meditation, the physical sensations lessened, and also helped me to become more familiar with the spiritual aspects.

Visions. Yup, some of the things that pop up can be shocking.
These visions cannot hurt you, and they are loving. If you want to take precautions surround yourself in white light, feel trust in Source, feel trust in the universe, protect yourself by smudging yourself and your house with sage, or wearing a protective crystal – or any other ways to protect yourself. That way you can know these visions mean you no harm. It can be freaky at first, but in time, you get used to the alienating feeling, and they all become pleasurable. You will just have to trust me on that, I guess. But it takes you to a step of trying to just observe things, without putting your own emotions onto it all. This ability to see things, becomes so loving and magnificent! Ask your spirit guides to surround you when this happens. Ask to gain a communication with your loving guides, and you will then switch a terrifying experience to be a loving one.

In all, it is dealing with your fear. Most times fear comes from somewhere deep within, most times it is just alien experiences that pop up, and we are not used to them. But then again, look at someone who is completely fearless, they would have no problem experiencing new and odd things. Which is why, fear usually stems from somewhere deeper inside of us, that we should deal with.
Have faith these experiences will turn out for the better, and there is no harm that could come to you.

You could ask for the experiences to be lightened, but in my experience, kundalini goes where it wants to go whether I wanted it to or not, trying to stop it, only made the symptoms worse, and the best thing I did, was master my fear, and go with the flow, and find trust. I am still not done with the process of Kundalini, but I find it exhilarating, amazing, pleasurable, and would hate to see the day it stopped! It’s an amazing process, I find, I am way more open to experiencing new things that I used to be firm on staying put in my place, because of fear of the unknown! I used to be terrified of astral travel, for example. Because of the alien feelings it brought up, the physical feelings seemed painful at first to me, and I did not know what to expect, so it took me long time to just get it over and done with. But when I finally just went through it, it became such an amazing thing.
When you trust in frightening events, it brings you far.
Combat your mind! I hope some of the things i wrote, will be helpful. If not, i am still open to being a support to you, and anyone else going through this, if it just means listening and being there!
Kundalini has become such an amazing, delightful, and even orgasmic experience for me. Not to mention the wide range of spiritual knowledge and talents it brings! What a bonus! It's hard getting through the initial stages, but you can do it!

I myself, went through severe panic attacks at first. I must have went to the doctor thinking i was going to die, every second day. I had to really work on mastering my fear in the ways i described, i'm sure there was more i did to get through, i will try and think of more, and post more when i think of it.
Overtime the symptoms lesson too!

10-01-2011, 12:18 AM
Overtime the symptoms lesson too!

...and not everyone has to go through all these dramatics or at every stage. It can be slow, subtle, hardly noticed and oh so gradual too. Let's not panic now...:cool: It's like giving birth to a child, very individual and followed by peace, calm, a new beginning...

10-01-2011, 12:49 AM
You can certainly slow the kundalini process if it is going too fast for you. Ask your guides/angels/higher power to calm it for you, as someone else suggested, or make the request to your own energy yourself. I did that and it worked just fine; I had some alarming experiences with kundalini at the outset but after the first powerful couple of experiences everything afterward was very slow and gentle, which was the way I wanted it, so that suited me just fine. When I would meditate I would feel the energy rippling up me but it was slow, not explosive like my first experience of it. This slow progress went on for several months, then I consciously decided to stop the work I was doing for a while as it was having emotional effects on me which were making things difficult due to what was going on in my life at the time. Because of this, I have yet to have a full kundalini "awakening" though I plan to begin working with it again soon.

For me it was the emotional aspect of it which was the most challenging. I never had visions, but very powerful physical reactions (such as the choking Uma mentioned; when the energy was working on my heart and throat chakra I would spend a lot of time doubling over and coughing when it hit an obstacle, and I was actually physically sick a few times; brow chakra work was accompanied by a lot of headaches) and huge emotional swings from working through the energetic blocks and traumas which were with me. I discovered that after a major kundalini session I would be very emotionaly vulnerable and the slightest thing could affect me. That was the part which gave me the most trouble.

I'm happy to see this thread here with valuable suggestions. I too began hunting for answers when I had these experiences because I had no knowledge of chakras, the energy body, etc. It's alarming that such a powerful experience is so little known to the world, so much so that many people have no idea what they are experiencing or that it's an extremely positive thing, no matter how scary it might be.

10-01-2011, 01:07 AM
I figured I would ask in this thread since it sort of relates...

Earlier, when the house was quiet, I engaged in a longer "kundalini awakening" meditation that focused on encouraging kundalini to glide upward through each chakra.

But as I began to focus on the upper chakras, I noticed that my body was becoming internally warmer. My heart sped up a bit (it wasn't racing, but I was aware that its beat had quickened), too. It was becoming more difficult to concentrate - probably because my position was uncomfortable. But I got myself to focus until the end.

Afterward - the meditation provides 10 minutes of just chill music - I noticed that my body became rather cool. Now, this whole time, my house didn't get any warmer or cooler. I haven't been internally warm in a while... but I thought it was rather weird. It wasn't unbearable, but it didn't feel "natural" (for lack of better term).

What happened here? I didn't really feel any energy, but I went from internally warm to cool in a mere few minutes. Does this actually mean anything?

10-01-2011, 01:28 AM
I figured I would ask in this thread since it sort of relates...

Earlier, when the house was quiet, I engaged in a longer "kundalini awakening" meditation that focused on encouraging kundalini to glide upward through each chakra.

But as I began to focus on the upper chakras, I noticed that my body was becoming internally warmer. My heart sped up a bit (it wasn't racing, but I was aware that its beat had quickened), too. It was becoming more difficult to concentrate - probably because my position was uncomfortable. But I got myself to focus until the end.

Afterward - the meditation provides 10 minutes of just chill music - I noticed that my body became rather cool. Now, this whole time, my house didn't get any warmer or cooler. I haven't been internally warm in a while... but I thought it was rather weird. It wasn't unbearable, but it didn't feel "natural" (for lack of better term).

What happened here? I didn't really feel any energy, but I went from internally warm to cool in a mere few minutes. Does this actually mean anything?

this always happens to me when i work on my heart chakra, it warms up, even vibrates, can often lead the real heart to speed up a bit, i find it to be rather pleasant though.
energies can often be felt in different temperatures, i usually feel my chakras heat up, or even feel energies from objects as warmth.
when my energies warm up, makes me feel all tingly and warm inside :smile:

10-01-2011, 09:01 AM
I get freaked out sometimes by the symptoms. I am overwhelmed by the process and it seems to happen so fast sometimes I can't keep up! When I get overwhelmed, I give myself permission not to acknowledge the visions (or whatever) in the moment. I get so excited by the process I am going through that I want to remember and understand every detail. But sometimes it is just too much to handle without an emotional breakdown.

It seems to help sometimes, to simply be aware that I am experiencing a lot of things that are beyond my current understanding and leave it at that. I need to allow time for rest too, so I can't 'process' everything all the time.

Thanks for sharing! It does sometimes feel too much to handle especially when you're bombarded with so much. I think it's a wise move to accept you don't know and can't work out everything that's happening and let it go. That is something I'm trying to do :smile:

10-01-2011, 09:02 AM
One observation to reduce the fear factor: we are activated through about all possible colours to make us full rainbows of Light. There was a time when I needed to assimilate black and that experience was a startling one, because I was meditating and all of a sudden this black came at high speed and entered through my third eye. Well, I stopped meditating there and then and asked my guides what just happened. They said that it's okay (goodness, I'm hearing Black Velvet on the radio right now!), black is just another frequency of Light and very useful to have during astral travel.

Thanks for this, it's such a good reminder that what seems to be a negative experience is in fact part of the positive.

10-01-2011, 09:11 AM
Starbuck! Great thread to start, thankyou, I was hoping the other Kundalini thread would turn into support as well, although it is more information.
I have gone through the intense part of kundalini awakening, still am going through it, if I have any advice to give, try and view it as a loving experience, with an open mind :) I know how terrifying it can be.
Do some relaxation exercises, lay down and calm your body and mind, and try to erase the fear of what you are experiencing.

Breathe through the intense parts, inhale, exhale deeply, take your focus off the intense feelings, relax your body, relax your mind into a state where you can just be unattached and aware from a distance of the intensity that is going on.

Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, talk to yourself in your mind positively when these things are occurring, even talk to the kundalini, for an example of one of my own pep talks “this is a loving feeling and is not dangerous, I am not afraid, and I will allow this as it is in my best interest” sometimes i say to it, "oh my! how intense, but it feels quite interesting." you eventually... get to a time, when all the feelings you experience become normal and then pleasurable.

Breath in, breathe out, just focus on your breathing. What is happening is not terrifying, it is just alien to what you and your body is used to, thus viewing it in a relaxed and distant way, allows you to become more used to it, without the fear.
Be open to whatever comes.

When I first started out it felt like lightening bolts tearing through my body, hammering away painfully, not very delightful, extremely terrifying (since i didn't even know what chakras were, that was the whole reason i found this site), the sensations became more intense if I tried to stop them, or if my body contracted on impulse to stop the flow. I would recommend breathing through, and relaxing all of your muscles, your whole body, relaxing your mind, allowing the vibrations and sensations to go where they have to, and it becomes more calm feeling.
After a while, all of these things become amazing and pleasurable, the most pleasurable thing you would ever feel. It just takes getting used to things in an open mind frame, and conquering your fear!

You may notice lots of things around your ears, immense pressure, pins and needles, vibrations and loud ringing, energies. Do not worry. The sounds can become so intense, you may fear your head will explode and other illogical thoughts you may think will happen, but nothing dangerous can happen to you. Spend some time relaxing, and getting used to such things, and just focus on what is going on in a distant state. Breathe, and erase all fears from mind.

Do some grounding exercises as well. Try and get out into a forest. Do things that ground you to earth. If your kundalini allows you to enter public (for some feeling energies become sporadic) try and distract yourself from the symptoms by keeping busy, going shopping, talking to other people.

I found listening to music helped me. Also, when i delved more into meditation, the physical sensations lessened, and also helped me to become more familiar with the spiritual aspects.

Visions. Yup, some of the things that pop up can be shocking.
These visions cannot hurt you, and they are loving. If you want to take precautions surround yourself in white light, feel trust in Source, feel trust in the universe, protect yourself by smudging yourself and your house with sage, or wearing a protective crystal – or any other ways to protect yourself. That way you can know these visions mean you no harm. It can be freaky at first, but in time, you get used to the alienating feeling, and they all become pleasurable. You will just have to trust me on that, I guess. But it takes you to a step of trying to just observe things, without putting your own emotions onto it all. This ability to see things, becomes so loving and magnificent! Ask your spirit guides to surround you when this happens. Ask to gain a communication with your loving guides, and you will then switch a terrifying experience to be a loving one.

In all, it is dealing with your fear. Most times fear comes from somewhere deep within, most times it is just alien experiences that pop up, and we are not used to them. But then again, look at someone who is completely fearless, they would have no problem experiencing new and odd things. Which is why, fear usually stems from somewhere deeper inside of us, that we should deal with.
Have faith these experiences will turn out for the better, and there is no harm that could come to you.

You could ask for the experiences to be lightened, but in my experience, kundalini goes where it wants to go whether I wanted it to or not, trying to stop it, only made the symptoms worse, and the best thing I did, was master my fear, and go with the flow, and find trust. I am still not done with the process of Kundalini, but I find it exhilarating, amazing, pleasurable, and would hate to see the day it stopped! It’s an amazing process, I find, I am way more open to experiencing new things that I used to be firm on staying put in my place, because of fear of the unknown! I used to be terrified of astral travel, for example. Because of the alien feelings it brought up, the physical feelings seemed painful at first to me, and I did not know what to expect, so it took me long time to just get it over and done with. But when I finally just went through it, it became such an amazing thing.
When you trust in frightening events, it brings you far.
Combat your mind! I hope some of the things i wrote, will be helpful. If not, i am still open to being a support to you, and anyone else going through this, if it just means listening and being there!
Kundalini has become such an amazing, delightful, and even orgasmic experience for me. Not to mention the wide range of spiritual knowledge and talents it brings! What a bonus! It's hard getting through the initial stages, but you can do it!

I myself, went through severe panic attacks at first. I must have went to the doctor thinking i was going to die, every second day. I had to really work on mastering my fear in the ways i described, i'm sure there was more i did to get through, i will try and think of more, and post more when i think of it.
Overtime the symptoms lesson too!
Thanks so much for this information and support, it is really helpful! It's nice to hear form someone who has been through the same symptoms. I get all the ear sounds, visions, sense of fear etc. You give some really good advice.

I had a much better night's sleep last night after I did a strong grounding exercise (visualised by my feet chained deep in the Earth), the surrounded myself with protective white light and asked my guides to help out. I also held a black grounding crystal while I meditated. I felt a lot better afterwrads and went to sleep feeling protected and comforted. While the effect of asking no doubt helped, I definitely think my request was heard straightaway! I didn't have any nightmares last night for the first time in about a week - I have been experiencing awful dreams of being hunted and attacked by evil people and spirits :( But last night was fine and I felt refreshed. I didn't get many visions apart from an eye which I keep seeing - not a scary eye, it seems to be a female eye???? Aside from that, no visions.

I meditated this morning and saw lots of lights and dots, which I get a lot now, but again no visions like I got yesterday. My ears are buzzing still but not so loudly.

I will definitely aim to trust in the process and not be alarmed by what I see or hear or feel. It helps to know others have gone through this. I think I need to just keep talking to my guides and the Source and know nothing negative will happen.

Thanks :hug3:

10-01-2011, 09:17 AM
You can certainly slow the kundalini process if it is going too fast for you. Ask your guides/angels/higher power to calm it for you, as someone else suggested, or make the request to your own energy yourself. I did that and it worked just fine; I had some alarming experiences with kundalini at the outset but after the first powerful couple of experiences everything afterward was very slow and gentle, which was the way I wanted it, so that suited me just fine. When I would meditate I would feel the energy rippling up me but it was slow, not explosive like my first experience of it. This slow progress went on for several months, then I consciously decided to stop the work I was doing for a while as it was having emotional effects on me which were making things difficult due to what was going on in my life at the time. Because of this, I have yet to have a full kundalini "awakening" though I plan to begin working with it again soon.

For me it was the emotional aspect of it which was the most challenging. I never had visions, but very powerful physical reactions (such as the choking Uma mentioned; when the energy was working on my heart and throat chakra I would spend a lot of time doubling over and coughing when it hit an obstacle, and I was actually physically sick a few times; brow chakra work was accompanied by a lot of headaches) and huge emotional swings from working through the energetic blocks and traumas which were with me. I discovered that after a major kundalini session I would be very emotionaly vulnerable and the slightest thing could affect me. That was the part which gave me the most trouble.

I'm happy to see this thread here with valuable suggestions. I too began hunting for answers when I had these experiences because I had no knowledge of chakras, the energy body, etc. It's alarming that such a powerful experience is so little known to the world, so much so that many people have no idea what they are experiencing or that it's an extremely positive thing, no matter how scary it might be.

Thanks for sharing Westleigh. I agree with you about there being little information or advice out there apart from perhaps the main Kundalini websites that are posted on the other thread. Nobody I know has heard of Kundalini which is quite incredible considering the life-changing impact it has. I feel very isolated.My local area only has groups for Kundalini yoga but considering they are for all beliefs or none, I can't imagine they would be all that useful for a true Kundalini experience. It is alarming.

It sounds like you had an awful time of it physcially and I hope the effects didn't last too long. I have had some energy surges and felt nauseous yesterday (which might've been fear perhaps), tingling in my crown and third eye, but aside from that I'm getting a lot of psychic phenomena.

10-01-2011, 03:06 PM
I was lying in bed earlier trying to have a sleep, when an image of a sun appeared in my mind. It was a very intense sun with rays. At the same time I was overcome with a feeling of nausea. I can only imagine the energy was going through my solar plexus at the time! It happened so quickly and in conjunction that I only realised the nausea was connected when I saw with my physcial eyes what my mind's eye was seeing.

10-01-2011, 04:02 PM
I've found this interesting to read and thought I'd add my own experience to this, although I do feel like a fake as it's not as dramatic as everyone else's!
I've had a strong sensation of vibration at my core/base of spine for over a year now...there was a lot of heat at the beginning but this has pretty much gone. Also get frequent tingling/crawling sensation at the crown, sometimes I only need to think about this for it to happen... Not so much visual phenomena (dreams a little different) but there are feelings of ecstasy when i meditate every so often .... And, oddly enough given that I am not at all religious, a sense that I am in the presence of God when this happens.
I should touch wood when I say this but it seems to be a gradual, gentle awakening for me.... (maybe because I'm a wimp, who knows!) and my only conviction about the whole thing is that it is completely individual for each person and that I know absolutely nothing really despite all the stuff I've read, it's not in my hands at all......although there is a feeling of immense power there too....
There is a lovely blog on kundalini - it is written by a woman who is a poet - google 'kundalini splendor'...nice to read...
I feel Reiki can help to start this off sometimes, I started feeling this vibration not long after completing a Reiki master course.

10-01-2011, 04:28 PM
I've found this interesting to read and thought I'd add my own experience to this, although I do feel like a fake as it's not as dramatic as everyone else's!
I've had a strong sensation of vibration at my core/base of spine for over a year now...there was a lot of heat at the beginning but this has pretty much gone. Also get frequent tingling/crawling sensation at the crown, sometimes I only need to think about this for it to happen... Not so much visual phenomena (dreams a little different) but there are feelings of ecstasy when i meditate every so often .... And, oddly enough given that I am not at all religious, a sense that I am in the presence of God when this happens.
I should touch wood when I say this but it seems to be a gradual, gentle awakening for me.... (maybe because I'm a wimp, who knows!) and my only conviction about the whole thing is that it is completely individual for each person and that I know absolutely nothing really despite all the stuff I've read, it's not in my hands at all......although there is a feeling of immense power there too....
There is a lovely blog on kundalini - it is written by a woman who is a poet - google 'kundalini splendor'...nice to read...
I feel Reiki can help to start this off sometimes, I started feeling this vibration not long after completing a Reiki master course.
Thanks for sharing Mouse. From the little I've read about Kundalini (I'm sure others will come along with more knowledge/experience) it varies widely in strength and experience. I think it is usually what is right for each person according to their development needs. Your experiences are as valid as everyone else's and the presence of God in your meditations sound wonderful.

It's interesting you mentioning Reiki because I'm attuned to Reiki and have been for 5 years. Soon after my first attunement I experienced a great array of symptoms that are also common with Kundalini awakenings. (I think it's all the same energy anyway, just variations). I didn't have any visions or ear buzzing like I have now, but I experienced the same energy surges, sprinkles and heat and cold in various parts of my body. Since then I have sometimes felt Reiki very intensely other times, so that I am literally being flooded with it. I have had wonderfully spiritual dreams at those times too.

It is entirely possible that it was a sort of mini-awakening for me and now I'm experincing a stronger one. If that's true, your current awakening experience might be gentle because you're due another one at some point. I don't know. Whatever happens to myself and to you, I think is right for where we are.

10-01-2011, 08:03 PM
In my experience, Kundalini awakening made me face aspects about myself that were either forgotten or so deeply hidden that I didn't even realize about myself. Old habits and nervous ticks seemed to come to the surface at times only so I could look at them for what they were and see the root cause of them. (at which time they would go away) Memories and experiences were revisited but from a different perspective than my own. All in all, it has been a serious trip since my initial experience about 1-1/2 years ago.

Although, this experience was recently matched in weirdness while I was reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and my ego was mirroring what I was reading. I saw and experienced my ego from so many angles.
Weird, weird stuff!!

Starbuck, you're definitely not alone in this....just remember that what comes into our lives is always what we can handle...and although it may be difficult in the thick of it, you will look back on this and be so appeciative for everything that happened and for what you learned from it all.

10-01-2011, 08:55 PM
Don't feel like a fake, Mouse! What you described was how it felt for me most of the time. I think it's much better for the experience to be gentle, so you're just lucky. :wink:

In essence the kundalini experience is a massive healing/purging of our energy body (the spiritual awakening comes at or near the end of this process when we are clear enough for the energy to flow unobstructed out of the crown chakra). If we start working with energy, such as beginning reiki work, then some of the same things are achieved - by moving our own energy around and becoming aware of it we are doing healing work on ourselves, so it makes sense that similar symptoms are observed. I learned some simple energy healing techniques such as EFT and the chakra balancing and daily energy routine techniques suggested by Donna Eden (search for her name on Youtube :smile:) alongside my kundalini work and I think they helped enormously, both to level out the symptoms I was experiencing and also encourage the healing process a little more on my own terms. It also helped me to feel and understand my own energy, which has been a great help.

Old issues will definitely resurface for processing, acceptance and release. I had a lot of past emotional traumas which I had bottled up and they all came exploding out. Having said that, the release was phenomenal. I remember after one powerful session clearing my chakras I got up off the bed and almost fell over because I felt like I was floating, such a huge weight had been taken off me. :smile: I felt like I was bobbing about like a balloon all day until I got used to it.

11-01-2011, 03:00 AM
Starbuck and everybody,

You mentioned somewhere that you have a son so it has been bugging me all day long that I mention this - because we need to be able to function normally in our day to day life. It's so important to be able to switch the experiences off when we need to do that....so doing grounding things...like eating a sandwich, going for a walk outdoors, or if you can root chakra exercises (moola bandha - like kegal exercises).

Another aspect of Kundalini for anyone in the final stages (which is quite rare) is that there is a fine line between madness and enlightenment, and it's easy to get disillusioned about who you are (so I'm told - I'm not there yet)...so again, being grounded, rooted, anchored to the physical world is important.

I remember Sri Vasudeva working with a child who was really blissed out with brow chakra experiences and her mom didn't know what to do...and he emphasized grounding so she could function in a normal way on earth. So sometimes shutting off the experiences is necessary.

I've noticed that when big milestone type openings take place, the environment seems to accomodate that, that is you are not stuck in traffic when it happens at the wheel of a car for instance. The Divine creates a supportive and safe atmosphere for such events to take place. For example when I had my throat experience, I was sitting alone in a meditation building in an Ashram.


11-01-2011, 05:54 AM
Starbuck and everybody,

You mentioned somewhere that you have a son so it has been bugging me all day long that I mention this - because we need to be able to function normally in our day to day life. It's so important to be able to switch the experiences off when we need to do that....so doing grounding things...like eating a sandwich, going for a walk outdoors, or if you can root chakra exercises (moola bandha - like kegal exercises).

Another aspect of Kundalini for anyone in the final stages (which is quite rare) is that there is a fine line between madness and enlightenment, and it's easy to get disillusioned about who you are (so I'm told - I'm not there yet)...so again, being grounded, rooted, anchored to the physical world is important.

I remember Sri Vasudeva working with a child who was really blissed out with brow chakra experiences and her mom didn't know what to do...and he emphasized grounding so she could function in a normal way on earth. So sometimes shutting off the experiences is necessary.

I've noticed that when big milestone type openings take place, the environment seems to accomodate that, that is you are not stuck in traffic when it happens at the wheel of a car for instance. The Divine creates a supportive and safe atmosphere for such events to take place. For example when I had my throat experience, I was sitting alone in a meditation building in an Ashram.


Well put Uma...it is very important to stay grounded. Awareness must be on all of the chakras so none of them are neglected. I have been guilty in the past of losing "perspective" at times and was so thankful to have great people in my life to remind me how important all the realms of existence are; and to never forget to laugh at myself.

11-01-2011, 08:39 AM
Thanks for sharing Mouse. From the little I've read about Kundalini (I'm sure others will come along with more knowledge/experience) it varies widely in strength and experience. I think it is usually what is right for each person according to their development needs. Your experiences are as valid as everyone else's and the presence of God in your meditations sound wonderful.

It's interesting you mentioning Reiki because I'm attuned to Reiki and have been for 5 years. Soon after my first attunement I experienced a great array of symptoms that are also common with Kundalini awakenings. (I think it's all the same energy anyway, just variations). I didn't have any visions or ear buzzing like I have now, but I experienced the same energy surges, sprinkles and heat and cold in various parts of my body. Since then I have sometimes felt Reiki very intensely other times, so that I am literally being flooded with it. I have had wonderfully spiritual dreams at those times too.

It is entirely possible that it was a sort of mini-awakening for me and now I'm experincing a stronger one. If that's true, your current awakening experience might be gentle because you're due another one at some point. I don't know. Whatever happens to myself and to you, I think is right for where we are.

Thanks Starbuck. One thing on Reiki....I have read that it was originally a system for individual spiritual development, and not just for healing others. I think some are drawn to it to heal themselves only......so far this has been my path with it. Using it on others just hasn't happened or worked out!

11-01-2011, 08:52 AM
Don't feel like a fake, Mouse! What you described was how it felt for me most of the time. I think it's much better for the experience to be gentle, so you're just lucky. :wink:

In essence the kundalini experience is a massive healing/purging of our energy body (the spiritual awakening comes at or near the end of this process when we are clear enough for the energy to flow unobstructed out of the crown chakra). If we start working with energy, such as beginning reiki work, then some of the same things are achieved - by moving our own energy around and becoming aware of it we are doing healing work on ourselves, so it makes sense that similar symptoms are observed. I learned some simple energy healing techniques such as EFT and the chakra balancing and daily energy routine techniques suggested by Donna Eden (search for her name on Youtube :smile:) alongside my kundalini work and I think they helped enormously, both to level out the symptoms I was experiencing and also encourage the healing process a little more on my own terms. It also helped me to feel and understand my own energy, which has been a great help.

Old issues will definitely resurface for processing, acceptance and release. I had a lot of past emotional traumas which I had bottled up and they all came exploding out. Having said that, the release was phenomenal. I remember after one powerful session clearing my chakras I got up off the bed and almost fell over because I felt like I was floating, such a huge weight had been taken off me. :smile: I felt like I was bobbing about like a balloon all day until I got used to it.

Thank you Westleigh :) - I think I am lucky with this so far (and my hand is resting firmly on a wooden desk as I type this!).... I feel that there is a fair bit to heal and re-balance for me, and I am probably quite ignorant of its substance, so maybe that's why it has to be in stages. What strikes me sometimes is how little we know about this kind of thing, you really do have to experience it to KNOW...there is no other way. Also, at my stage of things it is a lovely thing to have happening..I am very grateful for it. Your experience with releasing things sounds amazing! Will check out the person you mention.

26-01-2011, 08:31 PM
I feel the same things, the whole vibrating third eye feeling like your going to have an out of body experience,visions.

The key is to listen to yourself, only you know how much you can currently handle. Your dealing with powerful energy, you want to put the power of decision in your own hands or keep it there. If you respect your own limits and push beyond them you'll be fine

30-01-2011, 04:06 AM
My vibrations appear to have risen because when I close my eyes my ears instantly buzz with intensity and my third eye starts to vibrate, then a vision appears. Earlier I saw a white light and what appeared to be an angel figure, which was nice, but just now I saw what seemed to be a fire (orange and red lights and possibly a figure burning in the centre). All through the night I had moving visions - I wrote about them in the Spiritual Development thread.

Do you know the figure burning in the middle, or does it remind you of any one?

Is it simliar to your self?

I am not an expert at all at Kundlalini. I only know enough that I have expierienced similar things is all.

But, I meditate in ways that are completly different to most. Found things out by "accident". For example, I travel down and not up in my ascesion.

Who is that figure you mention? Any idea?

30-01-2011, 07:49 AM
No Glen, most of the figures in my visions are very vague or just outlines..