View Full Version : * 2 suns?! *

06-01-2011, 02:19 PM
Ok just wanted to hear what everyone else thought of this as this is the first time ive heard of it but thought of it as very interesting....:icon_sunny:

Just Google '2 suns' or have a look on Youtube, there was too much to choose from to put in a link

06-01-2011, 04:08 PM
Interesting will do thanks.

06-01-2011, 04:29 PM
If you wish not to read the article just ctrl + f find: suns and see what the leader of the maya is sayin this 2 sun topic

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Itinerant Ambassador of the Indigenous
Pueblos Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala, and President of the National
Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna, and his wife Elizabeth Araujo,
honored us with a short visit and a great message about our current times that we are in.
Don Alejandro gave this talk on March 17th, 2009, in Antigua, Guatemala.
(His words were left just as they were received)

Well my dear brothers and sisters. Welcome to the Maya land in Guatemala. Thank you, Aluna Joy. It is by destiny that we are traveling in the same path. We met with Aluna under this mountain that is covered with a veil of white clouds that is Mount Shasta. And then later on, about 3 years ago, we met in Sedona. We always come across in our paths, because I think that we are traveling the same roads looking for a human understanding that we all are human beings of equal values. A thousand thanks for your presence here. And thanks to this day, in the name of the heart of the heavens, and the heart of the earth. Today is Kan, the day of the great Quetzalcoatl. In other words, it is the day of the Creator. And to see you here, with all the strength of my heart, welcome.

I could ask you "What are you doing in Guatemala?" But then you could ask me the same thing when I over there in the States, "What are you doing here?" Because each one of us, we travel to different parts of the world. But what are we looking for? We are looking for love and understanding among all beings that inhabit the Earth. We are searching for something in our minds for what we can do to defend Mother Earth, because we see that we are leaving a world that is very contaminated now.

So many things are happening now that we are already seeing and many more that are coming. And all this, I have already announced it. I started talking about these things 30 years ago when I began traveling in the name of the National Council of Elders. I started talking about these things 30 years ago, but now is when the scientists are beginning to speak about what they are seeing and what is happening.

What I hear, over and over from everywhere, is about the year 2012. There are messengers that come and speak from their heart, like me, and we don't intimidate people. There are other messengers that speak, but there is the money issue behind (them). It is like many people that used to read and read, so then they write lots of books about this because they know it is a big business. And then they are all are talking from the point of view of what the books say and many times they are putting fear into people. But for us, the Mayans, it is only a change of the Sun . . . a change of a cycle of the Sun. it is not the first time this is going to happen nor will it be the last.

Our ancestors studied time until they were able to control time. And since then, once they have finalized with the count, they starting counting. And since that time, we are finalizing the 5th period of the Sun. So it is not the first that this is going to happen. So you are traveling here in the land of the Mayas, and Mayan prophesy tells us, we are the ones of yesterday, and we are the ones of now, and we will be the ones of tomorrow. That's why we continue living from generation to generation. And just like you are traveling to different parts of the world, you not only come to the land of the Mayans, you can go to the lands of the Incas, or to Egypt, India, or China. There is great knowledge in all of those places. There are works that are thousands and thousands of years old in all of those places. And in those places, it is written the time that we have gone through.

So for us the time that is coming to us, is a time of change. And for us the Mayas, it is joy and happiness. They are saying in 2012 that this will end. So for us, the Mayans, if it were to happen in 2012, oh, how happy it would be. And our Creator, he will leave seeds from different regions for the future. So you, when that time comes, you will be prepared. It is best to live in the countryside. Don't live high up in the sky, in the high rises, because when the electricity doesn't work, you will be stuck up there. All this technology and communication, you know that it depends on electric energy. All that is going to stop. All the means of transportation will stop too. And the money will be worthless. As you travel through North America, you can find places where there are writings that the ancestors left. And in places such as Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde and other places like these, you can go there and see that it is written all the different eras in time. So when this change happens, we have to explore once again, to start like new with new ways of how to make a living. So the life of the natives in any place, they are very close to their agriculture. So this is what is coming, but it is ahead of us.

Racism is going to end. The laws of men will end, because the judges, or the law now, you can buy it . . . you can pay for it. Now people are loaded with a lot of weapons and there is a lot of killing around. You go to jail and you come in front of the judge, and the judge gives his sentence, so many years of jail, because he knew that you had committed many, many sins. But then they say that there is so much fine, and the person pays the fine, so the person can buy his freedom. There is no justice now. It is the money that speaks. But all of this will come to an end. The time will come when the money is worthless. So many will have lots of it, but there is nothing to buy with it.

But the most dangerous things that we see is the rupture of the ozone layers. It is called the ozone layers. More than 30 years ago, I started traveling and I was telling them that the ozone layers are rupturing. Because our ancestors, they had discovered what is up there in the galaxies. They have seen that at a very long distance from the sun there is a layer of ice, but it is very, very thick. Now because this is broken, this ozone layer, that is like a layer of ice. Then the rays of the Sun, they come straight to the Earth. The Mayan Elders, they call it the Crystal Zone, because the strength of the sun crystallizes there because it is cool. So when the Sun's rays reaches us, it is very soothing, the warmth that it gives. But when this is broken, and the hot sun rays come directly to us, it changes. And year after year, the opening gets larger and larger. So the time can come when the Sun rays are so strong, if it reaches fields of oil and petroleum, it can catch fire. So this is what is happening . . . what is coming. But this is happened in sections, in different parts of the world. It is not in the whole Earth. We are thinking that this will happen sooner or later. What is coming up on us, is the illnesses that are coming caused by that. It is all due to the big contamination that we are leaving. And we can say the scientists with their inventions, they contaminated the space. It is not all like that. The scientists, they had their inventions, they explore their minds. But we are buying it. And we all use all of this technology. When we travel, we travel by train, by planes, by cars, and we use computers, telephones . . . we use all of this technology. So we are also contributing. And it is because of this technology that we are here together and talking to each other. So the contamination comes from everyone. So it is like we are causing, and we have to support what is coming too . . . the consequences.

Many people speak about the times that are coming. Some are saying, don't worry we are going to do ceremony, and they call for everyone to bring their crystal skulls, and we are going to do ceremony with the skulls to alleviate what is coming. But it is not going to work. This is something that has to happen. Nobody can stop this. It is a period of the sun that is ending, and it is a cycle that lasts 5,200 years. And we know that we are in the last Katun. There are 13 Katuns and we are living at the end of the last one. So this is the time when we don't know exactly if it is going to be 2012 or if it is going to be later on. Because 2012 is a Gregorian date, sometimes it does not coincide with the Mayan calendar.

There are many reasons why we don't know exactly the timing. It has to do because when the invasion came, a little over 500 years ago, the men and women of wisdom were the first ones to be assassinated. Then Bishop Diego de Landa, during the invasion, gathered all the books where all the information was and they set them on fire. So they burned all the information. On the other hand, the calendar that was at that time in effect, they have gone through so many modifications. Like in this Mayan council, they left out days, they didn't count just to catch up with time. Then with the Gregorian Calendar, all the months are so irregular in length, like the months of 28 days, 30 days, 29 days, 31 days. So this is why it doesn't (align). But one thing is for sure, it is certain that you all will know when this happens, because it is going to be a long period of darkness. It is a change of sun; it is another sun that is coming. So like now, we see the north, and in the other time, it will a different direction. So it is a change. But all the beings on Earth, like people, animals, plants, there is always seed left behind for the next generations. So this is my message of today for you my brothers and sisters. I talk to you with all love and respect. But I'm not like a political leader that just come to speak, speak, talk, talk, talk and take off. Or like a preacher that takes his book, and he reads to you whatever he has to read, and then he says "Hallelujah", and "Goodbye". I'm a human being that came to have an interchange with you . . . to speak and dialogue with you. What I spoke, it was like greetings to you, just to take that worry off your mind for those that are concerned about it. But now is your turn, if there is something you want to ask.

Question: My question is about extra-terrestrials and what the Mayan think about them.
Don A: The members of the council of elders, we have come to realize that there are 3 different types of extra-terrestrials. 1) There are our ancestors, and they come from the constellations of stars, because there is life up there. They come to land on pyramids or volcanoes or the bottom of lakes, and these are our ancestors. 2) There is another type that they are beings from other planets. They come here to Earth. Just like from here they go the moon, or they go to investigate other planets. It is the same. They come here too, and maybe they are even more advanced than us. They could come from Jupiter, but most likely they come from the Pleiades. 3) The 3rd kind are from here, from our own land, from different countries. They are more like spies. They could be from Russia, from the United States, and different countries. The Elders of the Council when they want to find things, they go into session. But the way that they do it, each one takes a place separate from each other. And then each one of them in their own space, go into meditation . . . deep, deep meditation, and then they receive all of this knowledge. Then they come together, and they all say what they have seen. Then if everybody sees the same thing, then they say that this is what it is. Thank you.

Question: Can you say more about the 2nd sun? Is that supposed to be Jupiter or something else?
Don A: It is another sun that is right now, they have seen it but it is still far away. Maybe it is getting closer to Earth, but it is another Sun. But according to our ancestors, the most beautiful Sun that has been on Earth has been the 5th one. Because there are other Suns that have come before that bring some light, but there is not the warmth like this one.

Elizabeth's cell phone rings and we laugh… She said… They (people at his office in Guatemala city) were looking for him before because he had a very important meeting with the government. But he said I cannot be there until 11AM. So he has to leave by 10AM. Elizabeth continues…. He was 80 years old 2 weeks ago, and works 12 hours per day, and weekends too. During weekends he has to travel to different communities around the country. And when he gets home, it's the phone ringing.

Don Alejandro continues…. These things were not in my program at this age, but this new government they took me as part of its cabinet. And sometimes I'm a little ashamed to say, because the position that I am holding now… I never went to school; not even for a day. I don't have any formal education. But I can only with certainty that I am following the steps of my ancestors. So this new President that we have now, about 15 years ago, started studying with me (Don Alejandro). And then I said to him looking at his astrology, your mission is that you will become a governor. So now that he became President, he asked me to become part of his cabinet. It's a job that has no time. Sometimes I am ready to come home, and then somebody comes in, or a group of people, or an organization. So all the time they are calling me here and taking me everywhere. It's like Friday I have to go Kiche by Chichicastenango with the President and all the local authorities. Then on Sunday, I have to be with the Maya Camhobales, by UaxUaxtenango close to the border by Mexico. Then I return on Monday and I go directly back to work.

So on April 20th, I have to be in Sacramento. From there to Arizona, and then from there to Canada. Then back to work to catch up. So this time, I have to cancel a lot of things that were in my plans, such as travels. Now it has been my term to go by myself to Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia and India. I am very busy.

Besides all of this, I am working with Steve Copeland from California. This is the work that they are doing with the documentary film with the message to say whatever I can say to the world through the screen. To do a film, it takes a lot of money. The director, is a very young man, but is very knowledgeable, very wise and honorable. He has been struggling to finish it. He has been working on it for at least 2 years, and the material is enough for maybe 3 films. Steve Copeland started traveling with me 6 years ago. So he has been here with us, and he knows all the members of the council, and he has gone to Bolivia to meet the Elders over there. And he went to Siberia with us too. So it is not so easy to do this type of work when there is a lack of money. Because when you do a work like this, you can reach many, many people across the

06-01-2011, 05:17 PM
there is also a solar system out there with four suns!!!!

06-01-2011, 08:21 PM
there is also a solar system out there with four suns!!!!

i wish i could see that in action!

07-01-2011, 01:52 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs020.snc6/167036_116822635057713_100001899326532_129243_4086 896_n.jpg (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=75149&id=100001899326532)

me too, my daughter had a near death experience and was taken to a place that had four suns. so we looked up to see if there is any documetation on it, and long behold and the time she went through this, scientist discovered that there is a place with 4 freakin suns! imagine that!

07-01-2011, 03:54 AM
whoa that is so cool, you rock! thanks for showing me that pic!

Apakhana Akshobhya
24-01-2011, 01:24 AM
Solar systems can have multiple suns.

Believe it or not if planet Jupiter, the gas giant, had more mass at the right time, it would have ignited and we would have 2 suns in our sky today! That would be cool.

The sequel to 2001: A Space Odessy promoted the same idea I had before I even heard of it, that if Jupiter ignited it could very well place some of it's moons in a habitable zone for heating up and developing life over time.

As our own star gets older, and as to not exhaust it's nuclear fuel, it will change it's fusion reaction and it will get much bigger - swallowing Mercury, venus, even the Earth! Maybe, if the habitable zone changes just right, life will develop on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn?

Lol. Have to wait billions of years though to find out :icon_frown: ...

15-02-2011, 06:44 PM
Question: Can you say more about the 2nd sun? Is that supposed to be Jupiter or something else?
Don A: It is another sun that is right now, they have seen it but it is still far away. Maybe it is getting closer to Earth, but it is another Sun. But according to our ancestors, the most beautiful Sun that has been on Earth has been the 5th one. Because there are other Suns that have come before that bring some light, but there is not the warmth like this one.

What? The Fifth one? I don't pay attention to people like this, because he said something fairly outrageous, and backs it up with "But according to our ancestors..." without giving me a sources to investigate myself. Some of our ancestors also thought the sun wouldn't rise unless we performed human sacrifices to appease the sun god. Our ancestors weren't any wiser than we are now.

Now on two suns, it's theorized that a dim red drawf star does orbit around our sun in a highly elliptical orbit (maybe even going so far out as the Oort cloud. The theory was purposed to explain mass extinctions. So far though, no tangible evidence has been found, so it's interesting to think about, but no-one should take too seriously

15-02-2011, 08:59 PM
Interesting post as it reminded me of a dream i had years ago where i was told that this is the dawn of the double sun and then was lifted up by the rays of one.. thanks for the reminder, whether or not it means anything, still neat to be reminded.:smile:

Apakhana Akshobhya
02-03-2011, 09:48 PM
What? The Fifth one? I don't pay attention to people like this, because he said something fairly outrageous, and backs it up with "But according to our ancestors..."

Lol. Exactly.

"Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj" is a man trying to start his own cult by using the material of Samael Aun Weor who preceeded in South America way before him. Please, anyone, do not abandon knowledge for fantastic ideas and fall victim to this idiot.

And, the thing about any object in the Oort Cloud is that no matter what it is, this distance is WAY too far from Earth to have any impact whatsoever on us and our little lives here.

03-03-2011, 11:19 PM
What? The Fifth one? I don't pay attention to people like this, because he said something fairly outrageous, and backs it up with "But according to our ancestors..." without giving me a sources to investigate myself. Some of our ancestors also thought the sun wouldn't rise unless we performed human sacrifices to appease the sun god. Our ancestors weren't any wiser than we are now.

Now on two suns, it's theorized that a dim red drawf star does orbit around our sun in a highly elliptical orbit (maybe even going so far out as the Oort cloud. The theory was purposed to explain mass extinctions. So far though, no tangible evidence has been found, so it's interesting to think about, but no-one should take too seriously

this is what Don Alejandro told us over a live internet broadcast whether you believe it or not i am indifferent i am only sharing...

first the knowledge of the ancestors is knowledge recorded in songs, rugs, rocks, orally, anything that would work like that to transmit knowledge over extremely large periods of time.

what he said was that over 26,000 years ago beings came down from the stars (which he says don't only come to us because of our knowledge, these beings came down to us then went back up, then came down to egypt, up then to india, up then to china, probably cambodia because of the extroadinary temples) and helped the maya build pyramids and temples in the middle of lakes and mountains so that they could study time to the point where they could control time. so they studied and studied and finally they had mastered time. since they have mastered time we have been through 4 5200 year periods and are right at the cusp of ending the 5th period, or 5th sun. we asked him how will we know that the cycle has ended? he told us that we will know because the mayan astronomers see that we are about to enter the earths central magnetic axis which is above the earth and makes all of the stars "move" he said once we enter it the sun will not shine for 3 days up to a month or more and that all electricity will fail during that time, he said to go look throughout the world for this information because they are not the only ones who know of this. what he told us was not to worry about it because "we are the ones of yesterday, we are the ones of today, and we will be the ones of tomorrow" it will be a period to redefine ourselves, he said this this will happen within 10, 20, maybe even 40 yrs but he knows we are extremely close. i personally asked him about a pole shift idea because i had heard through drunvalo melchizedek that he told the people of arizone about a pole shift prophecy and i wanted to double check, first thing he said was "Si" as in yes i did tell them that, what i meant was that when the sun comes back north will not be north anymore and that's all he said. he said every 5200 years we come to this point where the sun does not come up for this short period of time and he exclaimed many times, look, we have been through this atl east 4 times since we have been counting, and look! we are still here!

this guy has more knowledge about time then all of our scientists put together.

check this simple thing out, he told us that the year has 360 days, not 365, there are 360 days in the year and the 5 day period is like a transition period or a period of waiting, you know what i mean? 360 days of a cycle then 5 days of rest of the cycle before it starts back up again.

04-03-2011, 12:14 AM
Some believe we exist in a binary star system and that our sun has a "brown dwarf" partner in eliptical orbit with it....

Some have called this planet Nibiru/Wormwood/The Destroyer...

The last name is because it is postulated to be on a 3600 year orbit relative to our planet, and every time it swings close by, big changes happen on the planet.

Not trying to profess what "science" hasn't proven yet, just throwing it out there.

04-03-2011, 02:00 AM
Lol. Exactly.

"Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj" is a man trying to start his own cult by using the material of Samael Aun Weor who preceeded in South America way before him. Please, anyone, do not abandon knowledge for fantastic ideas and fall victim to this idiot.

And, the thing about any object in the Oort Cloud is that no matter what it is, this distance is WAY too far from Earth to have any impact whatsoever on us and our little lives here.

man you are so ignorant it's blinding

there are 440 mayan tribes in mexico, belize, honduras, and mexico. those 440 tribes all elect an elder, those 440 elders elect one president to represent the maya. don alejandro was chosen because he is very knowledgeable of mayan history, knowledge, and wisdom. u know nothing of the matter, people don't fall victim to this person who knows nothing of don alejandro. i assume most of you are smart enough to do your own research first before making any conclusions like this person. i believe samuel aun woer got his knowledge of indigenous wisdom either independently or either from the indigenous not the other way around. what do you know about the indigenous? nothing! i met with the Kogi in which they have never been conquered and have been the same for thousands of years, there knowledge and wisdom reflects mayan knowledge and wisdom heavily but is extremely superior and they guard there way of life with everything they have, the maya have been contaminated for sure except for some that are guarded in high mountains but the kogi have no contamination whatsoever go to the link in my sig and learn. you think samuel taught them too? what do you know man.. think before you speak

any impact whatsoever with that oort cloud?, no matter how minute? are you living a life of separation with all that exists?

i'm so sorry i had to deliver that buddy but you were gutless

04-03-2011, 03:12 AM
There is going to be a "second sun" when the star Betelguise explodes. While it wont be liek how most of the articles state ( there is an article out now explaining such) there will be something remeniscent of 2 suns.

05-03-2011, 06:04 AM
Youtube is not a very good source for information.