View Full Version : Learning to lucid dream again...

02-08-2015, 01:38 AM
When I was in grade school I had lucid dreams all the time. I could control them as well.I remember leading Freddy Krueger on long chases laughing the whole time. When he would show up as a nightmare I would do this. I had dreams of black holes and strong purple energies that I was more afraid of than normal "nightmares". As a teenager I dated not 1 but 2 dream walkers(at least that's what they called themselves), they could come into my dreams. After they second on broke my heart I did what I could to block my dreams from anyone who may try to invade them. Since then I haven't been able to lucid dream. I've recently been using triggers during the day in hopes that I will remember to do them in my dreams. I've managed to do it once and then woke up. Does anyone have any ideas for ways to help me?

15-08-2015, 11:57 PM
Your dream walkers are really cool. They are called Dream Characters. I only have one DC and I can't control her.

My dream awareness is talking to people and looking at their mouth. In dreams, people don't open their mouths while speaking.

Hope this helps you.