View Full Version : Gaia meditation

05-01-2011, 10:48 PM
HI, I thought of a meditation today and decided to try it, so I wanted to share it and know some opinions about my experience.

I sat on my sofa, legs crossed, eyes closed, and started to repeat the word Gaia as a mantra. I visualised animal spirits on all 4 sides of me, asking for their help and protection. Wolf in the front, crocodile in the back, Owl at my left and leopard at my right side.

Suddenly mages started forming in my mind - I saw a crucified man with a giant moon in the background surrounding him, and next to him a cloaked figure, head hidden behind a hood, waving a staff at the crucified man.

Can anyone relate or make something of it? Thank you.

Blessings of Gaia


06-01-2011, 12:43 AM
Haven't a clue... really cool though! Once I was lying in bed meditating and decided to go to the center of the earth to Gaia... I saw a red dragon curled up!