View Full Version : any tricks to stop the thoughts

29-12-2010, 08:58 PM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it

29-12-2010, 09:06 PM
Affirmations, very strong ones, and a lot of grounding. If I were you, I would come up with the strongest expressions that I can create and then start repeating them, believing in them. For grounding something that takes your mind away from anything and everything else, something so demanding that gives space for nothing else. Learning Chinese or Arabic? Writing a book? Planning a guidance card series? You have what it takes! <3

29-12-2010, 10:03 PM
thank you very much!

30-12-2010, 12:43 AM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it

The way is to focus. Not focus on the thoughts, but on your breath.

The most effective way is not to alter your breathing, just breath naturally... and be aware of the sensation of the air moving in and out of your nostrils, only the nostrils.

Focus your concentration on the passing air and feel the subtlest details of that sensation.

The mind will wander... and when you notice it has, don't worry, just bring attention back to the sensation of air in the nostrils.

Merely remain aware of the sensation of air moving in and air moving out.

Miss Hepburn
30-12-2010, 01:07 AM
Great responses so far, yes, I agree.

Sounds simple, but also no caffeine.

You must have something more powerful than your thoughts to meditate on - otherwise why would your thoughts stop?

Your breath is one thing, yes. But, maybe understanding more about the breath so when you sit - you really grasp the holiness and link to God that the breath really is.
There are many books on the Science of the Breath to inspire you -get it inspire?...breath, ha! :smile:
A prayer to your Father before stilling yourself is a must - thus, addressing the intent of why you are sitting; to get closer to Him, perhaps?

I have calmed my nervousness getting my wisdom teeth out - simply by applying basic, nostril breathing techniques - and was I ever freaked driving to the dentist!!

You're going to be just fine.
:wink: Miss Hepburn

30-12-2010, 01:08 AM
thank you guys! lol feel like i'm failing at

30-12-2010, 01:20 AM
Great responses so far, yes, I agree.

Sounds simple, but also no caffeine.

You must have something more powerful than your thoughts to meditate on - otherwise why would your thoughts stop?

Your breath is one thing, yes. But, maybe understanding more about the breath so when you sit - you really grasp the holiness and link to God that the breath really is.
There are many books on the Science of the Breath to inspire you -get it inspire?...breath, ha! :smile:
A prayer to your Father before stilling yourself is a must - thus, addressing the intent of why you are sitting; to get closer to Him, perhaps?

I have calmed my nervousness getting my wisdom teeth out - simply by applying basic, nostril breathing techniques - and was I ever freaked driving to the dentist!!

You're going to be just fine.
:wink: Miss Hepburn

Good ideas!...

I think having a clear intent is great and I'm not even a believer in God, but I think a prayer is excellent too... like 'Go with God'.


30-12-2010, 01:47 AM
thank you guys! lol feel like i'm failing at

It is only remaining aware of that sensation.

Don't desire or even expect any result... that only leads to disappointment. The goal is to remain aware of the moving air sensation... and if mind wanders bring it back... that's easy and you can't fail.


30-12-2010, 01:49 AM
i like to focus on a sine wave sound, i hear it when all other noises are gone. but if you cant maybe some binaural beats or something will help you.

30-12-2010, 04:39 AM
I agree with focusing on breathing - that was the thing that helped me learn. For a while, this was the only way to keep the thoughts out. Eventually, I didn't need to focus on my breathing anymore.

30-12-2010, 05:14 AM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it

The key for me, when my internal chatter won't quit, is to merely look at the thoughts I am having and ask "who is having these thought?" Look deeply enough and you will discover that, in fact, no one is actually having them, they are instead just echoing and bouncing around in your consciousness. If you resist them and fight them, you merely make them more real and add on yet more layers of thought, now about how you have to fight them in the first place. If you just look at them, OTOH, they disappear like morning mist.


30-12-2010, 08:18 AM
my mind was worse than adhd and the thing that helped me to get rid of my thoughts, was visualizing intense sceneries and focusing on creating things in my mind, that's how i began to learn to eventually meditate and think of nothing. And then, throughout the day, i would listen to all the thoughts running through my head. It was amazing how i usually tuned off to them all, i thought i never had thoughts, but that was untrue, i just learned to ignore them, and there were so many, i couldn't even hear them all at once. I just listened to them, without adding any emotion to any thought, becoming aware of the thoughts somehow led to being able to reduce them. Also, i began to counteract my thoughts quite a lot, it helped me focus on my thoughts, so if i had negative thoughts, i would turn them into the opposite.
That just helped me in self awareness. And eventually brainwashed all my thoughts into happy ones.
I also like to use music, just focusing on the rhythm. Or feeling the energies in my body, and focusing on that.
Lately i have been focusing on everything i can hear. I before learned to tune out of all the sounds, but i find, focusing on sounds brings me quite deep into meditation.
I also enjoyed doing an exercise such as visualizing myself at the bottom of the sea, and every thought, floating up in a bubble slowly.

30-12-2010, 08:36 AM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it

Sometimes the thoughts are there because they need your attention...and when you have given them some, then you may meditate.

30-12-2010, 11:41 AM
when i very FIRST started meditation, I had the same thing, couldn't keep the mind quiet. I came up with the idea of a blank chalk board and focus on that and your breathing. That way you can focus on what comes up on the board and be able to slow things down on how they come through. sounds weird but it worked for me! :redface:

once I learned how to do this and slow things down, it was much easier.

Miss Hepburn
30-12-2010, 03:13 PM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try
not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it
I subscribe to a daily quote, this was yesterday's:

"When one fears the thoughts within his mind,
he fears the one who created them.
When you see all things as innocent,
you will see yourself as innocent too."


002 Cents
30-12-2010, 05:08 PM
There are a couple of things. The first is something a Monk said in a recent meditation retreat that really stood out to me. Just this one thing helped me better understand the nature of the mind. That we live in a complex world and our minds become a product of this complex world. Therefore they crave complexity for gratification. It is why we tend to perceive duties such as doing dishes to be boring. They are in fact not boring but they are not complex enough to satisfy a mind that craves complexity.

As for myself, I found that I had the ability to tune out audio thought and when I did this I would just observe the little splurges of activity as it moved through my mind. I did not engage it I did not focus on it enough to find words I just observe the activity while focusing on my breaths.

Like a kid that has been placed in time out, the mind will resist your not engaging it. It may stomp it's feet and carry on for a time. But eventually it will settle down. And your mind may then start searching for other ways to entertain itself. I found that after my mind settled down it started projecting color patterns on the inside of my eyelids. And like the stir of activity in my mind when it was trying to generate thought I just became aware that this is what my mind was doing and observed. I observed but kept my attention on my breaths and as the colors dissipated into darkness time seemed to cease and I found myself getting caught in the moments between my breaths and my heartbeats and there was only peace a deeply gratifying peace.

I hear meditation is different for everyone. But this is what has worked for me. I hope you find what you need to help you find your successful meditation.


31-12-2010, 06:28 AM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it
Well Rosewater... You're certainly not alone. This is the major issue of learning how to meditate.

Several people have told you what they feel is key, and I will say this in addition:

Trying to stop your thoughts doesn't work. It only puts you into struggle within your mind.

Instead, find a meditation practice that takes you into the quiet space that is already underneath your thought activity and all around it.

Here's one you might like: Three Steps into your true nature - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?p=32551#post32551 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fshowthread.php%25253Fp%25253D32 551%252523post32551)


31-12-2010, 02:13 PM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it

This is normal, it is all your attachments(emotions, desires, attachments to worldly matters) that make the noise in your head. As you get rid of the attachments you will be able to become more tranquil.

31-12-2010, 05:59 PM
Depending on how you work, visualization or guided meditations may help.

I know that for myself, visualization is great (I write & draw).. so I often picture myself in my "happy place" and try to put myself there as much as possible. I wiggle my toes in the grass, imagine breezes, play in the stream...

But if you're not so good with visualization, perhaps guided meditations would work. That way, you focus more on what's being said to you and less on your own thoughts.

It depends, though. Not everyone's the same!

31-12-2010, 10:19 PM
This is normal, it is all your attachments(emotions, desires, attachments to worldly matters) that make the noise in your head. As you get rid of the attachments you will be able to become more tranquil.
On the other hand, it's only by becoming aware in the quietness of your true nature that you can truely let go of the attaching patterns in your mind.


31-12-2010, 11:13 PM
thank you everyone, i have been using guided medidations hope i can get the hang of this soon!

01-01-2011, 04:49 AM
i have had it, my mind will not shut up lol.. i try not to focus on them just let htem come and they still keep coming.. i'm not sure what to do.. i really need to medidate but can't seem to do it


Here is one I have used.
Book Shelving to Clear One’s Mind
This is a method that works well for clearing the mind to enter meditations.
1) Sit and relax
2) On a wall visualize building a book shelve
3) Put it together on that wall once done
4) Take the items on one’s mind and put them on the shelves there
5) This can be daily tasks, problems or issues, aches and pains anything that be on the mind at the time
6) Now this is done the mind is at peace this issues are safely from the mind but not cleared from the mind simply stored for a time
7) Go to one’s meditation
8) Now the meditation is done go take back the items there ( note some might not now seem so looming)
9) Take down the book shelf from the wall
10) Relax

Too I make sure I be well grouned and here is the one I use.

Tree Grounding
Sit in a quiet place
Take a seed and plant it in the ground.
Add some water.
Sent out a tiny root from the seed.
This root goes into the ground.
As the root goes out into the ground, they secure you to the ground .
The roots branch out and go deeper into the ground .
Now send out a tiny shoot to the Sun.
As the roots grow downwards and hold fast, the shoot goes up to the Sun’s Light.
You grow a large and strong tree slowly growing branches outwards and upwards to the Sun, and roots grow down and secure into the ground.
You become a full and large tree with a root system firmly grounded.
The strongest winds that come to your tree can not move you, you are grounded to the Earth.


01-01-2011, 02:44 PM
thank you!

01-01-2011, 06:17 PM
Also try taking a few drops of White chestnut Bach flower remedy . To help quiten the chatter and thoughts .

Good luck .. I need to get a bottle myself :)

01-01-2011, 07:58 PM
thank you!

Racer X
01-01-2011, 10:07 PM
Two great works to help clear the chattering mind:

"The Secret Of Letting Go by Guy Finley"
"A Course In Miracles by Foundation For Inner Peace"

My mind would not shut up.......I could not find the off switch. Then I worked with those two books and I found the off switch; then the Miracles really began to flow in!

02-01-2011, 08:41 PM
oh wow i need to look into them..

07-01-2011, 07:01 PM
Focus on your breathing and focus on your body. What sensations are going on in your body while you meditate? Maybe your foot is tingling a little bit or your hands are cold. I think that the key for you is to get away from having your attention on the mind. Simply feel your body and the energy within it this really works for me, I hope it was helpful for you!

08-01-2011, 01:40 PM
oh wow i need to look into them..

"Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” Thich

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” Thich

The Wizard
15-02-2011, 04:12 AM
I always make it to where I just observe my thoughts and "myself in thought" and do not react to anything (the normal thinking/impulse routine)- like water calmly running under a bridge.

All I do is concentrate on something more and more- usually a part of my body or even the entire body. When I start thinking and responding to thoughts and impulses, I simply "notice" and concentrate on my body or breathing again and then I observe/reflect upon myself and the thought.

Just "noticing" the object of concentration again and again serves as very good trigger to detach from all thoughts and thinking activity. Then, I concentrate my awareness and attention on the body again.

After a while, thoughts become passive and go by as I observe them with no emotional responses or judgment. Self-acceptance is another key. I do not attempt to control or judge anything. Becouse I am not what I am observing- I am what's observing it.

Meditation is to let go and observe what the inner eye or third eye reveals... IMO. I just accept and reflect upon all of it. I dissolve my responses to all random impulses, images and thoughts with the increasing attention and awareness on my breathing or some other part of the body.

Random thoughts, impulse and images can pull my mind or self away from concentrating on something. When this happens, all I do is go back to "noticing" my object and concentrating on it, while calmly observing what pulled me away in the first place. Then that observation dissolves to become something else and I just repeat at the whole time my concentration becomes stronger and stronger- until I'm no longer caught up in my own thoughts, but calmly observing everything in front of me in a detatched manner.

I concentrate on something- observe all thoughts-dissolve them with concentration and gentle observation- and then repeat.. IMO. Well, thats at least how I do it. Hope I offered some insight there.

The Wizard
15-02-2011, 04:16 AM
I always make it to where I just observe my thoughts, inner world and "myself in thought" and do not react to anything (the normal thinking/impulse routine)- like water calmly running under a bridge.

All I do is concentrate on something more and more- usually a part of my body or even the entire body. When I start thinking and responding to thoughts and impulses, I simply "notice" and concentrate on my body or breathing again and then I observe/reflect upon myself and the thought.

Just "noticing" the object of concentration again and again serves as very good trigger to detach from all thoughts and thinking activity. Then, I concentrate my awareness and attention on the body again.

After a while, thoughts become passive and go by as I observe them with no emotional responses or judgment. Self-acceptance is another key. I do not attempt to control or judge anything. Becouse I am not what I am observing- I am what's observing it. I meditate to be the observer, not the reactor.

Meditation is to let go and observe what the inner or third eye reveals... IMO. I just accept and reflect upon all of it. I dissolve my responses to all random impulses, images and thoughts with the increasing attention and awareness towards my breathing or some other part of the body.

Random thoughts, impulse and images can pull my mind or self away from concentrating/ reflecting upon something. When this happens, all I do is go back to "noticing" my object and concentrating on it, while calmly observing what pulled me away in the first place- until it disappears. Then that observation dissolves to become something else and I just repeat and at the whole time my level of concentration becomes stronger and stronger- until I'm no longer caught up in my own thoughts, but calmly observing everything in front of me in a detatched manner.

I concentrate on something- observe all thoughts and myself in thought-dissolve all emotional response with concentration and gentle observation- and then repeat.. IMO. Well, thats at least how I do it. Hope I offered some insight there.

15-02-2011, 03:24 PM
I believe if there are thoughts in your mind they are there for reasons. So try to treat them. See why they are there. Follow the lines that led 'em there in your mind. Eventually it will ease you in many ways. I personally almost always have a busy mind. Sometimes it gets too hard to deal honestly, but most of times it's something that I'm totally fine with.

Your particular structure works for you. I persoanlly don't think meditation will solve it all. I rather say to find the answer in yourself with yourself.