View Full Version : The battle has begun, GFL Channeling

29-12-2010, 03:11 PM

What is going on is more than you can fathom and more than you can understand the new world starts now. Now not tomorrow, not next week, now.
We are here and the lights are all green.
We are advancing and we are doing it now.
There is no more waiting no more holding back.
So this message is that the final battle begins now.
The race is run, the battle is ensuing, the new world is now.
Most will remain oblivious, but to those who know the signs and signals, who are connected in these manners, they will see the new now.
It will be decided by the new year, but the light is going to win this time.
Never has the light been more prepared, never has the light had so many forces from so many corners.


18-01-2011, 09:45 PM
You may be under the premise that battle is good or that there is light and dark forces. There is only light and it is not a force, it is a power.
The Universe gives you back what you think. If you look for a battle, or your main concern is with winning and not what feels right then you may not get what you desire. I base this on The Law of Attraction.

18-01-2011, 09:53 PM
Light and Dark are two sides of the same coin. In other words, a coin would not fight itself, otherwise it would not be a coin; so goes for everything.

But what I'm wondering is, is the battle one of the light/dark, or just polarities of the human mind?

18-01-2011, 10:55 PM
Oh lordy lord lord.

harley's mum
19-01-2011, 12:22 AM
Light and Dark are two sides of the same coin. In other words, a coin would not fight itself, otherwise it would not be a coin; so goes for everything.

But what I'm wondering is, is the battle one of the light/dark, or just polarities of the human mind?

as an example when you see the ying yang symbol well notice in the white side there is a dot of black and in the black side there is a dot of white but the two halves together spinning is the point and to remember there is a little of the dark nature even those who profess to be illuminated and there is a little of the light nature even in those we percieve to be of the dark side... sorry but it is tricky to explain any other words ...?...:cool:
it just is what it is ...
oh one other thought re battles have you heard of Krishna have you read the Gita now there's a battle...:wink:

oh and btw to Verunia love the avatar love the horse and love the sea..

19-01-2011, 12:46 AM
when you say its a battle, thats all you give it the power to be. And if it truely was light why would it go looking for a fight, unless is a wolf in sheeps clothing.....

25-02-2011, 01:14 PM
for one there is a great battle, the Native Americans have known about it for centuries. its amongst the conscious realms of life. within these realms are ways. and the way of are current realm, at a neutral standpoint is negativity, it is much easier to be angry then happy. the light is supposed to take hold of this realm and convert it to light. allowing the love to flow more freely. as it is right know this realm is ruled by negative emotion and thoughts. that most avg person exist in.

the world you think you know about love and light is a lot of work. a lot. your blinded for a reason that you cant do anything about it. life exsist the way it does and untill the right equations are meet life will continue to exsist in this negative pole of the mind. light its self is fighting to convert this pole to more light.

so yes there is a battle, look at it this way. it is thought that mental instability comes from most spiritual presence form bipolar to depression to schizo disorders. if this battle ensues the way its supposed to and the light wins the world will become a place of minimal mental instability's. i see this battle every day for the past year and a half. its happening. this thing that controls the conscious mind while in neutral isnt god. it isnt healthy. it is a ruler of demonic value towards life. he is why people rap pillage and plunder. to fight this consciousness is one move better then to train the whole world.

and most people will never see it. never know about it. never understand it. but life isn't all gold yet, we are still very young compared to most. and we have are struggles as beings that we must traverse. god is there but he cant just snap his finger and let it be. are god fights very hard for us. very hard. iv seen him fight. i know what their up agents. this thing tries taking my life every day. but something stands by me holding me on my two feet. now i dont know who this somebody is. but i can feel him. he is there. he is a being that just wants to help his name is of no importance.

and truthful you can help him. you dont have to study the bible or attend church. he isnt a man of denomination. neither was jesus. they were men of there hearts and love. this is what he ask of you. if you want to help them give your self to there will speak to them aloud and offer your being for the fight of this battle. extend your hand and simply say dad i offer my self to you for are well being. they can use all the help they can get. but they will never just take it. you have to offer your self to them. and nothing in your life will change. it is a fight of values and equations. right + left equal a postive value to coincide in the matrix of life to diminishes a negative value. sounds space aged but its true. karma cant fully develop yet becouse of this negitve fourmula allways countering every individuals moves.

I am being taught to view the world as a very large equations through the (as i put it) the sky her self. she is showing me that everything, everything on top of everything has a hidden value to it. that consciousness us this to exsist. what there up agents is designed as a AI programed to survive is to annihilation of the world. my life consist of values on top of value to try and give me space agents this demonic thing. and he is my thought. he stops thought. tries to create thought. trys to convince me im a rapist. that i want to have sex with family members. this thing is part of us. and only through the Faith of jesus can we truly survive with out it. but what about the rest of the world. they belong to god too.

im an observer of this hiden fight, and you dont have to beleave it. you dont have to see it, your even care. but it is happening and its happening for your kids. and grand kids. this thing rides in on every action design through life, this value diminish the value of light with every action or reaction in the world as we struggle to survive. it creates matrix of information around your life to repel the light. this is why your edgy. or angry. why your blinded to others feelings. this thing is the reason. and its real. but you can fight it

become aware of your self. watch your self. understand your self, this thing strives where thought process is just a reaction. it knows of this day and in knowing so it never revealed its self to the world, to the point to despise any lesson to help us understand this. it is all knowing as is god is. it sees everything. it can counter gods moves. iv seen it. i watched it work. you can not fight it. it is everywhere. i tried. i had to finally realized i was a slave to it. and pray god kicks its ***.

just one night before bed think about it for a sec, and try and understand what it is your offering by allowing god, the universe to work through you for this. for anything. become a conduit you wont even notice it. but the ones that can communicate to the spirits. might see what is truly going on.
just becouse your a faithfull fallower or a full harted beleaver dosnt mean you will be used. you have to give them premision. and chances are if you end up giving them permision your a being of light. your a weapon sent by the stars to open up amongst this realm of life to surpress it enough so god can do what he has to. the world is just waitng for you to wake up. do i dare go so far as to say listian to them scream for help. it is stated that jesus will end up fighting for the next 1000 years over this. lets try to end it now. know where you come from. feel it in your heart. your a being of light of god. of wisdom. your not required of anything but to know your home in your heart. your home with god. regardless of your actions. you belong with him and your hearts know this. your mind and all its counciousness hid this from you through thought and mental manipulaion. but it is designed this way though a being of negitive influnces.

25-02-2011, 01:21 PM

Your "vernacular" is different than mine, but I feel ya...

You probably know this, but you are not alone. There are many others out there on the same "mission".



25-02-2011, 01:26 PM

can you explain the GFL to me. im curious as to who it is and if you get anymore information on this battle. can you please share it. im involved in it i think. something is going on with me. and right before it happend to me a lot of weird things started happening around me. my world woke up. and oddly enough i was approached by a guy and he told the the battle has began. i had no idea what he was talking about. but something is going on with me. and i want to find out. i see something great i beleave. and i would like to find out.

thank your for your post, it awakened me to my experince a little more.

just in case your wondering where i got my information. you wont beleave me. but right befor this happend the sun came to me and asked me, are you sure you want to go through with this. ( had no idea) but i said yes. he said a prayer for me, then the earth spoke to me. also said a prayer for me. then it seemed the heavens opened up agents my tragedy. watching and knowing why i can speak to them but received no help. i forcefully became apart of a battle over something. this thing is trying to littlery kill me. i can see it. it hates me. it hates god. and i fought very heard to get away from it. when i woke up from physical consciousness to the state that i sit in now. the first thing i wondered was why does evil have the first step in everything here. i asked them this, they preceded to show me. and its not good. i never would have guessed.

25-02-2011, 01:40 PM

The "GFL" is the Galactic Federation of Light... You can do some research on your own if you wish, but their "task" is pretty much what you described in your post.

There are people here, on Earth in human form, who came for the "battle" to hold a vibration and to transmute this "evil" into "love".

Many are awakening these days, and some, quite rapidly.

They are refered to as "Starseeds", "Star people", "volunteers", "Lightworkers", "earth angels"... etc... Alas, all are just labels.

"Indigo children" are playing an integral part in the transformation as well.

I am sure Snapdragon will be able to en"light"en you, haha!

Many groups of "benevolent" ETs are in the Federation...


To name a few...

Of course, the more "pragmatic" of people may not buy into this "reality" but for those who have been "tapped" to fight this battle, it is a very REAL thing.

I will say it again, you are not alone! :-)

Mathew James
25-02-2011, 01:58 PM
Many groups of "benevolent" ETs are in the Federation...


What type of battle to you see coming. If the star armies are coming to help it must be a spiritual one. Do you see the battle as a physical fight or a spiritual rebirth of some form.

25-02-2011, 02:18 PM
There are lots of perspectives on it...

All I know is what I feel. I have felt this for a long time, and only recently was able to make conscious sense of it.

Visions, vivid "dreams", synchronicities... I have not been able to avoid it. It has literally found me.

Not to mention the constant morse code that I have been hearing in my head for quite a while.

Some have said the "battle" takes place in the higher dimensions, but the "dark" efforts are futile.

This, for some, is a stretch for the conscious mind. Of course, to me, our system is set up to keep people nice and numb.

For me, the "battle" is going on right here on "terra firma". The old system is collapsing. The fissures in Government, State, and Religion, will all become large beyond sustainablility.

I am not attacking "religion", more the idea that has been established during this age that one man's religion is possibly "better" than another. I believe all of us to be from the one "Godhead", "Creator", etc... All of us are a beautiful and equal part of the whole.

Some believe the "rapture" is simply a massive evacuation before the passing of Nibiru, or a pole shift, or some other cataclysmic end.

I cannot foretel the future, it is merely an infinite list of "probabilities".

Amidst all the "chaos" that is happening right now, I continue to hold a stable and loving vibration. Helping those who cross my path to possible realize their own infinite ability.

I do not stand on a soap box and preach to people. I just merely speak my truth. But, every "individual" that realizes their own true potential is another powerful energy force using their ability for (hopefully) loving intentions!

I have not bee a part of these "battles", thus I cannot give a clear definition of what they are.

It is up to the "perceiver" (individual) to asses what is "real" to them and what isn't.

25-02-2011, 05:47 PM

may i ask what type of things you feel about this or understand. I am going to do some research on this. I haven't heard of any of this. like i said the most i ever got was in 09 right before a schito episode man told me that a great battle was starting. it seemed to ensue an involvement of my self. but paid no attention.

i lost my mind and when i came out of it i was talking to the directions. the sun. the earth. the creator, God, Jesus, balance, even the dragon counciouness, anything with a spirit i was woken up to. through the past year and a half they have taught me what i understand through themselves and only them self. they dont want me looking up things. they want me to learn it through them. so i hoped on this forum to find some peace with what i was going through.

they explane i have been secluded from religion and spiritually most of my life so that when they came to me i could learn from them. ( they told me i love being tought from them and allways look forward to being tought from them) what they teach me isnt your normal spiritual information. they show me there world. and how it exsist. what i know is what i put in that last post and i look for confirmation that what im seeing is real.

iv seen there world through death. which means i had to experince death to understand what was going to happen to me. not to mention when i died i didn't go to heaven or hell. there not sure where i went. it was beautiful though. they say i didnt show up any where. but there is a women with me that knows but shes not with anything i know. she came with me.

Mathew james,
from what i have seen and i have meet the enemy personally. it is a life, a all knowing life designed for destruction. its purpose is to harness man kind as a living toy for its self. so its a real battle but on the spiritual plane. it is actually on the most basic plane of consciousness. he gets his thrills from watching the fall of man through his own force of destruction. and its set up that praying and spiritual tools of tradition will not help.

if he uses the matrix of life to throw a 52 causing three families to die. God has to counter the 52 with a 308 knowing that this can dissolve any attempt from god to save them. as it is right know life is the remainders of all the battles used to save humanity. so its a very complex battle. god has to know what the remainder will be and where it will land. he needs to know what will be used to fight. and what will be used to defend. if the remainder will cause a negative effect or positive effect and for what side. if its a negative effect agents any life god has to counter that with his next set or previous set of numbers while the dark just throws out anything, knowing that his will at least land within life as a action that must be countered. basically each step the negative takes is always the first step, where gods been countering with this enormous formula that just hasn't quit. they both understand it this way and both are all knowing. so its a constant chess game. and there trying to stop this chess game and create a garden as understood from this one being they call father. even God calls this one father. he is here some where. in the flesh. i hope this help you under stand.

this is what they asked of me when they got to me. if they could use my life as a individual formula to counter the effects of this negative element. and its working cause this thing has expressed deep hatred for me. and wants me to die. i keep telling him i dont know how iv tired.

25-02-2011, 06:05 PM
If we consider Good and Evil as a part of the whole, Like Positive and Negative in a particle, or Light and Dark to Form a day.

It becomes apparent that these aspects are essential to the constitution of the whole.

In Winter , Dark lengthens and prevails but nnever achieves Mastery. In the Summer Light has dominion but not total mastery.

I am a Good Guy thats done one or two bad things, I assume Bad Guys have done one or to good things.

In this Battle of Good verses Evil, There can be no victor, because they rely on an equal and opposing principle. No one would even know what Good is were it not for the existence of Bad.

With this in mind, And the terms being used i.e. Battle.

I think you might find upheaval a more appropriate term. Both Good and Bad does its saber rattling from time to time.

Granted there are many civil uprisings occurring now, some extreme weather, volatile earth movements and a number of other symptoms of change. I wonder if the population in 1941 as the world lurched into global conflict had similar stories to tell .

Human existence is getting good old shake up now and if anything, it will be interesting to see how all the pieces land. I personally expect there to be a lot less of us. But thats evolution for you.

Let us not speak of battle, Find your Peace in whatever fashion suits you best.

Best Wishes Neville

Internal Queries
25-02-2011, 06:36 PM
well, i don't know if what is occurring in my head has anything to do with ETs (though there have been vague implications) but after decades of being able to block out and shut down pesky psy proclivities i've been reactivated and there's no shutting down it or blocking it out. believe me. i've tried.

25-02-2011, 06:47 PM
I agree with your observations Neville, and I would like to posit a few thoughts about your musings about the people in 1941...

They had no internet, and thus were subject to what they were TOLD by a seemingly corrupt government if you believe that FDR knew of Pearl Harbor before the actual attack.

Well before that attack, the Federal Reserve got their way in 1913 by having that act passed in the darkness of night over the holiday season in 1913. The banks have long created "boom" and "bust" cycles in the economy, and have long been a member of the "dark" team in my opinion. Not to say I hate them, because were it not for this catalyst, my "awakening" would not have been so vivid.

Many thought getting involved in a war would pull this country out of the depression. A depression that was caused by the banking system in the first place. People will say, "Well, unemployment went down dramatically." That will happen when you send millions of men, angry after an apparent "sneak attack" into battle and then hire their wives.

At that time we had a tremendous manufacturing base and could produce planes, bombs etc... That put many women to work. In addition, the government was able to talk people into buying "War Bonds" to pay for their imperialistic desires. The income tax rate was ~3%, the government had little to no debt.

Fast forward to now...

-The public is much more skeptical of the government, thanks to the internet, and their own, though subtle for some, awakenings.

-Government debt is out of control, and the military seems to fight "wars" to keep money coming into the Military Industrial Complex. Not to "win" and go home.

-The vast majority of those signing up for the military now are the ones who seemingly have nowhere else to go. They have been failed by an education system that has been rigged to keep the masses ignorant. An education system that does not teach people how to think, but what to believe.

-In general, economies world wide are teetering on the edge of collapse. One will not hear Katie Couric mention it in the news, because the news is owned by the same people who have been running this country for decades.

None of this stuff will probably suprise anyone.

I say, with devout clarity of mind, that the time most definitely HAS come!

The beauty of all of this, and it is truly a beautiful thing is that amidst the "chaos" of this "reality" there are seemingly these "uphevals" coming, and right on time, with what a lot of prophecy has said.

Such a beauty in the "divine plan" if you will...

There are many who have realized through their own experience that there is no "death" and that it is a blessing of sorts to be here, at this very moment in "time". So exciting!

Regardless of any divine personification I put on these events, things will happen as they will. True self discovery will make one immune to the "ups and downs" of the frantic pace our world has taken to now.

One other thing that I truly believe, this race will not make it past this "upheaval" without some sort of "divine act" to really shake people out of their "indivdual" realities. The "dark team" seems very entrenched and hell-bent on holding their ground. They have billions on this planet still playing by their rules, living in fear of the "unknown".

Sucha beautiful "drama" that is playing out right now.

I send love to all who read this.

There are probably many different opinions, which in itself is a beautiful thing as well!


25-02-2011, 06:49 PM
Internal Queries (I.Q.),

What sort of things are you talking about, if you would like to share?

Internal Queries
25-02-2011, 07:05 PM
Internal Queries (I.Q.),

What sort of things are you talking about, if you would like to share?

well, i have described my mental abberations on other threads. in fact, the sudden appearence of voices in my head back in January was what prompted me to come to this forum. i'm left with 2 choices. either i'm schizophrenic (though aside from my imaginary friends i exhibit no other symptoms of schizophrenia) or something huge is happening and i'm particpating. during meditation (and sometimes just out the blue) i find myself in communication with 2 (and now sometimes 3 other distinct personalities. all male.) and we share visions and work on vibrational modifications using our own psyches as models. the work is intense and seems very real indeed but i remain skeptical since only crazy people hear voices in their heads and what i'm expected to believe is so ... not normal.

25-02-2011, 07:18 PM
Thank you for sharing.

I don't think 3D science can explain a "spiritual" situation very well.

I think you are doing important work.


Mathew James
25-02-2011, 10:03 PM
he gets his thrills from watching the fall of man through his own force of destruction. and its set up that praying and spiritual tools of tradition will not help.

basically each step the negative takes is always the first step, where gods been countering with this enormous formula that just hasn't quit.

Thanks spiritualysurrounded, sounds like you have alot on your hands. What you said about the tools of tradition will not help, makes a lot of sense to me. The way things are being done is how they have always been done. imo they are not working and something else needs to be done, but who knows what?

The part about each step the negative takes is like being the first step, is also very interesting. Maybe there is never an end just another event. There can always be many events and the next event could be another major one. How long will humanity exist before the spirits in the stars reveal themself.

Internal Queries
26-02-2011, 06:03 AM
Thank you for sharing.

I don't think 3D science can explain a "spiritual" situation very well.

I think you are doing important work.


well, i hope you're right. i mean, my imaginary friends and i are working our imaginary butts off in there so it'd sure be preferrable that all the stuff going on my head (our heads?) has a purpose of some sort and not just the colorful and complicated excentricities of an overheated imagination.

26-02-2011, 09:59 AM
Of course, the more "pragmatic" of people may not buy into this "reality" but for those who have been "tapped" to fight this battle, it is a very REAL thing.

I will say it again, you are not alone! :-)Oh yes, we're pragmatic and not ''tapped'' in it because we don't believe in it.. pfffft.

On a more serious note.. people who come up with these ideas have read about it in books and internet, seen it in movies and stuff, hence they experience it in dreams or meditation. Outer influences provide us with the raw material out of which we fashion our experiences. Some few thousand years ago people ''experienced'' desert gods, bear deities, and pharaohs and kings being the incarnation of god. Today it's the aliens.

This is why channelling is not to be trusted, people are likely talking to their own creations.

This is why.. in 30/40 years, people will claim they had past lives on Pandora or have 'connections' with the Na'vi.

26-02-2011, 01:01 PM
hahaha! Chrysaetos, you crack me up!

Thanks for your comments!

Internal Queries
26-02-2011, 01:58 PM
i'm about as pragmatic as they come. i couldn't be more mundane. i practiced mundanity for decades because i find all this psy stuff claustrophic and inconvenient. i'd like to be "normal" but here i am with voices in head and doing intricate work on a project of which know very little. they're nice guys, really but i didn't ask for their company or the mental employment.

26-02-2011, 02:33 PM
Hello Ladofthelight,

Your remarks regarding the Global conflict of 1939/1945, especially the absence of an internet was perhaps more of a fertile ground in the respect of growing negative emotions, Fear, Apprehension,Anxiety, Suspicion, Anger etc. These were indeed emotions that are condusive to battle and conflict.

We have so many advantages now that keep us better informed, Most certainly change is afoot, but by being better able to keep abreast of these things we hopefully stand a better chance of avoiding conflict.

Not to forget the collective hindsight of all species who will have gathered the high price paid for conflict by all concerned.

Seeing a storm coming helps us to take the appropriate precautions

Hello Mathew James,

I am pleased to meet you.

How long will humanity exist before the spirits in the stars reveal themself.

The Ancient Eygptians had knowledge of these Spirits and bog standard Pagans like me are aware of our own Star, The Sun. The Sun was often deity in many cultures incidentally and now science is catching up.

When the Sun emits/erupts as it does , If the flare is aligned to the earths geomagntic sheath (magnetosphere) certain disturbances take place on Earth. The big one in recent memory was 2003 , when much of the US had power outages.

It goes without saying that Magnetism has an effect on electricity, Our Nervous system is governed by micro electrical impulses. Subsequently, During Solar storms, we too feel out of sorts, because our internal wiring is interfered with.

It helps to understand what is happening to us all. Especially as the world continues to change and humans as a species are also in an evolution process.

Best Wishes Neville

26-02-2011, 03:10 PM
This is proving to be a very enjoyable conversation. Thanks to all who are partaking.



I see the internet as being somewhat of an electronic "Akashic Records".

Thank you for your insight.


As you know, there are many perceptions out there for work we fel compelled to do.

I say again, for what it is worth, I think you are doing a great thing.


Mathew James
26-02-2011, 03:48 PM
The Ancient Eygptians had knowledge of these Spirits and bog standard Pagans like me are aware of our own Star, The Sun.

It goes without saying that Magnetism has an effect on electricity, Our Nervous system is governed by micro electrical impulses. Subsequently, During Solar storms, we too feel out of sorts, because our internal wiring is interfered with.

In some ways, the information that the ancient Eygptians had or what they knew is becoming important again. It appears that this ancient information may be making its way back into society some how. There seams to be some ancient secrets that are becoming important again and some people are getting parts of them revealled to them.

The effects that the moon and water have on the human body through gravity is well known, but the effects of magnetism from the sun may even be stronger than the gravity effect of the moon.

26-02-2011, 04:33 PM

you say you have voices, and they started recently, Im dealing with the same thing and they too ask of me my involvement. I was wondering what kind of things they have you doing. if you want to pm me i would be greatly interested, as with you i feel i am working my but off with them. but i am dealing with a destructive force and they have seem to put me on the front line. i have been diagnosed with schitoefetive disorder but beside the voices im fine. i actually talk to all of them it seems. i have spoken to some of the GFL god, jesus, Isis, some of the arch angles. even a women they claim is my wife. that comes with me every where i go. she is amazing though.

every one else,

there does seem to be some type of balance happening. where they have to throw a little more weight on the justice side of the scale. and i truly think that traditional tools are out of the question. this is about every action equaling a visible value to a hidden value. all the way down a butterfly's wings. i know creation is battling something here. im not sure but i could be seeing two fights in my existing. there is one of the heavens and one through nature. something big is going on. or iv have completely lost my mind. and the funny thing is. the one that started my destruction through schizo episodes says im delusional. and im hearing him that hes not real.
but like iv been told if im having sexual experiences with them then there more then voices.

Internal Queries
26-02-2011, 04:41 PM

you say you have voices, and they started recently, Im dealing with the same thing and they too ask of me my involvement. I was wondering what kind of things they have you doing. if you want to pm me i would be greatly interested, as with you i feel i am working my but off with them. but i am dealing with a destructive force and they have seem to put me on the front line. i have been diagnosed with schitoefetive disorder but beside the voices im fine. i actually talk to all of them it seems. i have spoken to some of the GFL god, jesus, Isis, some of the arch angles. even a women they claim is my wife. that comes with me every where i go. she is amazing though.

i'll PM you asap.

26-02-2011, 04:44 PM
Thanks spiritualysurrounded, sounds like you have alot on your hands. What you said about the tools of tradition will not help, makes a lot of sense to me. The way things are being done is how they have always been done. imo they are not working and something else needs to be done, but who knows what?

The part about each step the negative takes is like being the first step, is also very interesting. Maybe there is never an end just another event. There can always be many events and the next event could be another major one. How long will humanity exist before the spirits in the stars reveal themself.


if your serious i can tell you what i have been shown to do. basicly they are trying to show me how to be conscious to my being. that are thoughts do not come from internal creation but a third party. and they goal is to make us god like and create are own. this is the idea of being one with god. pay attention to your being as a whole practice watching your self in third party.

as for a tool agents this negative impact towards humanity. i idea they bring to me is a idea of creating a value within your own actions, this has to come from your heart though. with out preaching. your heart is covered up by mental manipulation through disguise. its source is this negative dimension.
you need to offer your self to this countering formula of light. they cant and will not take any one. they have to accept to offer from the soul. this will bring your actions through your day to equal a value that counters the destructive value designed through this negative dimension of life. basicly tell the light you belong to her and to use your being as they may. this will not make you any more or any less you will remain the same, it will allow you to see deeper with in your self if you wish to pursue this. but is not required.

26-02-2011, 05:00 PM

What is going on is more than you can fathom and more than you can understand the new world starts now. Now not tomorrow, not next week, now.
We are here and the lights are all green.
We are advancing and we are doing it now.
There is no more waiting no more holding back.
So this message is that the final battle begins now.
The race is run, the battle is ensuing, the new world is now.
Most will remain oblivious, but to those who know the signs and signals, who are connected in these manners, they will see the new now.
It will be decided by the new year, but the light is going to win this time.
Never has the light been more prepared, never has the light had so many forces from so many corners.


What the Zog are you talking about?

Not sure whether to finish eating my shepherds pie, or slip in to battle dress immediately!


Mathew James
26-02-2011, 10:53 PM
you need to offer your self to this countering formula of light...basicly tell the light you belong to her and to use your being as they may. this will not make you any more or any less you will remain the same,...

Not sure if you want to define the light anymore, but my mind is telling me it has to do with the stars and the sun, in both a physical and spiritual way. It could just be spiritual, but for me the light emitting from the stars/sun has something to do with the light formula or a spirtual awareness of some form.

Internal Queries
27-02-2011, 05:19 AM
Not sure if you want to define the light anymore, but my mind is telling me it has to do with the stars and the sun, in both a physical and spiritual way. It could just be spiritual, but for me the light emitting from the stars/sun has something to do with the light formula or a spirtual awareness of some form.

as the old saying goes "as above, so below". :wink:

27-02-2011, 05:20 AM
so...um...what battle has begun???

27-02-2011, 06:13 AM
how much is it to join the GFL?

27-02-2011, 06:19 AM
What the Zog are you talking about?

Not sure whether to finish eating my shepherds pie, or slip in to battle dress immediately!

go for the sheperd's pie~!

27-02-2011, 07:43 AM
there's no need to go overboard.

27-02-2011, 08:36 AM
Quote: “So this message is that the final battle begins now.
The race is run, the battle is ensuing, the new world is now.”

The "battle" can also be looked at as simply as a challenge or personal/collective learning experience.

Viewing our journey as a "battle" tends to craft our reality as voluntarily keeping self heavily in duality. What we are battling against is our own fears & limitations. In dealing w/ these we benefit from removing the connotations embodied w/ "battle" such as enemy & victor. Understanding why fear results & exploring these areas is beneficial for us.

Why does fear really occur? We can sincerely address our fears, but often these fears still persist, puzzling us. Fear results from our doubting that we will be able to deal w/ life’s situations. This doubt stems from not trusting our self. When we TRUST self & KNOW that we will handle whatever arises in our life’s journey we don’t have these doubts & the resulting fears. We’ve had many bogus messages from many sources that tell us not to TRUST self. We can. We don’t have to be perfected to realize we are perfect beings on a learning journey.

The process of expanding our consciousness has been going on for quite some time. Decades, Centuries. It is just our awareness of it that perceives it as occurring heavily right now. Many in the past (probably us in other incarnations) have done the same vital work that we are doing now.

The “new world” is NOW. One of the least productive things we can do is to wait for this new reality. All messages that urge us to wait are problematic. By moving past fear & uncertainty & into TRUST we built this “new world” under our every footstep.

27-02-2011, 08:39 AM
as the old saying goes "as above, so below". :wink:

Have always loved that one.

What is just being appreciated more & more as we realize our connectivity w/ the universe is the second half of it:

▲ As Below, So Above ▲
The full energy loop!

27-02-2011, 11:04 AM
Not sure if you want to define the light anymore, but my mind is telling me it has to do with the stars and the sun, in both a physical and spiritual way. It could just be spiritual, but for me the light emitting from the stars/sun has something to do with the light formula or a spirtual awareness of some form.

I dont know how else to explane it. i mean light as just the positive force.

and this is just stuff that i see. i have no one telling me this stuff. they show it to me and i never get conformation. i know they have expressed that my actions equal values. that a butterfly wings beat equals values. hidden, sacred, and other ways. same things with are actions.

i dont know. sorry. ill pull back for a while. i see what i do. iv been in the dark for the past 5 years. and im finaly finding something this could relate with. just excited for some type of answer. and my biggest question is who is this thing i can not get away from. he is in every action of mine. he overpowers the Gods action. i understand that they could be messing with me. like i said i dont know.. sorry

Internal Queries
27-02-2011, 01:59 PM
(assuming for a moment that the work i do with my imaginary friends is real)

when we (my imaginary friends and i) are emotionally stimulated to react to shared inner scenarios we work from the premise that whatever is conjured up in "there" is coming from us, from our subconscious. when "demons" or "ferel entites" arise we take it for granted that it's an aspect of one of us or symbolic of the collective. interestingly enough such "demonic" personality aspects always seem to be guardians, barky dogs designed to ward off conscious awareness of vulnerabilities, painful memories or even buried treasures. "ferel entities" appear to be ancient throw backs to primitive states of consciousness, survival oriented savages constantly in flight/fight mode. "demons" are personal constructs. "ferels" come out of the collective unconscious.

Mathew James
27-02-2011, 02:13 PM
Thanks spiritualsurrounded, my feelings are that you will get a confirmation one day.

27-02-2011, 02:29 PM
hahaha! Chrysaetos, you crack me up!
Thanks for your comments!The pleasure is mine, you're welcome.
But I am serious though, there's a good chance people will claim to have connections with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and past lives on Pandora. Give it some time..
"demons" are personal constructs. "ferels" come out of the collective unconscious.What if the ''angels'' are personal constructs as well?

Internal Queries
27-02-2011, 03:03 PM
The pleasure is mine, you're welcome.
But I am serious though, there's a good chance people will claim to have connections with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and past lives on Pandora. Give it some time..
What if the ''angels'' are personal constructs as well?

well, we (my imaginary friends and i) assume they are. we can be so beautiful sometimes.

27-02-2011, 08:42 PM
And so what if people say they have a connection of Obi Wan Kenobi...?

What is "real" for one person, does not have to be for another.

The people posting on this thread have experienced very REAL occurences, seemingly all of them, myself included, without consciously seeking any of it.

What would you do if you were oddly or should I say "coincidentally" led down a path that left you questioning every single thing about your waking reality?

You may think others who have communication with "spirit" need to visit a psyche ward, but what if it started happening to you? Maybe it already does, and you call it something different?

I am not really speaking specifically, just generally stating that your perception will never be the same as anyone elses. Thus, would I rule out the possibility of someone saying they come from "Pandora", nope.

This is not to say I believe everything I hear. Personal experience does go a long way in accepting something as part of my reality. Discernment is key.

I know you have mentioned the "charlatains" who have taken advantage of others with all the 2012 "hysteria". But I cannot control what other people wish to get emotionally involved in. That defeats the purpose of individuals living their OWN lives. I most certainly would never tell someone that their beliefs are incorrect and unprovable. Who am I to say?

Who are you to say?

I'm not looking to get into a huge debate about this, since we have in the past. It is quite clear to me that we have quite a difference of opinion, but I appreciate that, because it helps me mold my own view of all "this" even more.

My only hope for other people is that they figure out who they personally are and what their own "truth" is. That is it. If someone wants to believe they are Superman's 2nd cousin, fine with me.

28-02-2011, 05:15 AM

What is going on is more than you can fathom and more than you can understand the new world starts now. Now not tomorrow, not next week, now.
We are here and the lights are all green.
We are advancing and we are doing it now.
There is no more waiting no more holding back.
So this message is that the final battle begins now.
The race is run, the battle is ensuing, the new world is now.
Most will remain oblivious, but to those who know the signs and signals, who are connected in these manners, they will see the new now.
It will be decided by the new year, but the light is going to win this time.
Never has the light been more prepared, never has the light had so many forces from so many corners.


The battle begins when you become aware of it and it is won when you stop fighting. This revolution will happen when people just stop playing the game. It has been happening for years and is gaining momentum. Stop buying corporate, stop using money, stop accepting the authority of the system. When the world cries out "NO MORE!!!" in a unified voice the power structure will be revealed for the illusion that it is. Darkness wins by making you believe the lie. All it really takes is for us all to stop believing.

Opposition is not the way. When one creates the idea of an enemy one becomes dependent on that enemy for completion. A warrior is not complete without his battle.

28-02-2011, 05:39 AM
[quote=athribiristan] Darkness wins by making you believe the lie. All it really takes is for us all to stop believing.

Homer Simpson once told Marge:

"It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."

Mathew James
28-02-2011, 03:14 PM
One to sell the lies, and one to buy into the lies.

Selling and buying lies, what an industry most/all religion has become.

12-04-2011, 07:51 PM
What a discussion!!!
Mattie! Nice to see you.
So many different questions being brought up!
For anyone who is interested in my view of the situation, here we go....
We are a uniquely polarized planet, with dark and light dark is simply those beings whom have chosen to turn thier backs on light
The light being called many things but basically is divine love, energy of the highest frequency
Angels, aliens etc. that i communicate with are beings of light who exist at a higher frequency than we do right now
i communicate with them by raising my own frequency and meeting them somewhere in the middle
the gfl are a group of light beings from many planets and dimensions
on earth we have a mas consiousness, we are currently raising levels of light (vibration and energy) of the mass consiousness as well as of the eartth itself in order to ascend to a higher dimension
this is why so many beings of light are interested in what is going on here right now, for it is a very unique situation
I am a messenger for the higher realms and for the gfl
everything is a matter of vibration higher=lighter, lower=darker
it is more physics than tradional definitions of good and evil
we must increase the vibration of earth by bringing in higher energies, transmuting the lower energies and bringing light to darkness




12-04-2011, 09:58 PM
sounds like "fun"

12-04-2011, 11:44 PM

can you ask them questions,

if you can will you ask them a question for me.

i am involved with somethings that seems very unusual. and very hard to believe. but i am. i was wondering if you could kinda confirm this for me. basically the fight is real. but its not between black and light. well not by definition. it is between multipal sources god sources. fighting for the same society. that basically the spiritual matrix we exists in is a labitory matrix and the battle is to turn the public from a false identity of information to the pure medium ship of love, causing are continuousness that is awair of multipal sources out side of love to acheave a narrowed band of one source designed by love.

so basically is the battle, Love taking over the field. is the true god of love coming to claim his thrown.

because im being shown how the matrix that is, is designed by something to subdue are subcouncious mind into not wanting any more then what we are given. the battle is the God of Jesus is the god of the center of life. he is destroying the matrix to create a true medium ship of love. which after the battle this is the next step. to design the medium ship of love for are counciousness to exists in.