View Full Version : Writing is therapeutic

18-04-2015, 12:31 PM
I learnt this technique from another site website.

Whatever problems you have, health or otherwise, whatever bothers you, write it down. And don't be shy with the details.

You will find that there is a lot of negative energy released over time, even instantly. You will feel much better and your mind will be clearer and in time where you experienced the problems that you bottled up, you will find solutions.

Keep it to yourself. No need to share it with anyone.

Hope this helps :smile:

18-04-2015, 01:10 PM
i like to use this method a lot, and i do agree, answers come over time. it can be very delayed, which is why i find it good to keep on focusing on the issues or questions as often as i need in order for it to stay fresh in my mind.

even though it's focusing on problems, if i don't dwell all day on the problems, just get them out in writing, it releases them and gets them out my my subconscious. guidance comes to me better when i really word things as clearly as possible too. so sometimes i do dwell and reread them to prime my "intent" to clearly understand the issue and what needs resolving. they sometimes say a clear intent is important, and the more specific the better, so this helps in that regard. then again, positive wording and finding the silver lining in a cloud, or rainbow that might come from the storm, helps even more.

then again, sometimes i just like to let go of the worries, something i'm learning about more.. it depends on whether it's really something i'm gonna need to deal with or if it may not really be a "problem", in which case letting go and redirecting (to let go i need to grasp onto something else equally fascinating as my worries. ha).

i love writing, even though i'm not good at it anymore. i started, just making myself freewrite every day, or as often as i could. reading helps the writing flow better too, and conversation, forums, .. but i do it for the benefits and insights that come, for myself. not for anyone else to enjoy my boring writing about all my problems. lol