View Full Version : Shamanic Ceremony

09-04-2015, 02:19 AM
I'm going to a ceremony this friday with a close friend of mine and a Shaman is going to be doing a mushroom ceremony on her and I will be observing. I'm very excited about it, just wondering if anyone has experienced this or seen one. My friend told me a bit about what he does, it sounds very interesting. To my knowledge a shaman spirit living within his body comes through and he heals the affected person with the use of mushrooms to heal and see what is happening to her body. Anyone hear of this before?

Miss Hepburn
09-04-2015, 04:02 AM
I understand where I live for $150 there is a 'secret' shamanic
session with a South American 'thing' we are not to say here
...it's monitored by this shaman and lasts
a certain amount of hours...can't remember how long, sorry...but many hours...
I remember you are done around 1 am.
It was not for physical healing tho...but, a spiritual experience...oh, I forgot ...
and you probably will throw up a bit.
There is a documentary called 'The Spirit Molecule' regarding it, easily
googled and free online.

10-04-2015, 11:18 PM
Thanks Miss Hepburn I have seen the documentary, it looks very interesting, my father has done it and had quite the experience so I'm told. This shaman is doing a physical but spiritual healing as well. As it is a blockage of some sort that is causing her physical pain I believe. He purges as well I am told if he doesn't release the negativity from her body in enough time from when he receives it thats what happens. Her last session lasted around 5 hours, where she wasnt allowed to move from her position during the session and no one was to open or close the door. I'm curious to see how it will go. Thanks : )

11-04-2015, 12:07 PM
Her last session lasted around 5 hours, where she wasnt allowed to move from her position during the session and no one was to open or close the door.

reminds of "auditing" in Scientology.

11-04-2015, 07:37 PM
Have never heard of it before I am some what familiar with scientology. It sounds interesting though