View Full Version : Which is your favorite pet?

28-03-2015, 06:15 AM
Which is your favorite pet?
Please feel free to explain why, etc., and upload an image if you wish.

My favourite pet was a red Kelpie dog named Luke.
Whenever I see a gentle loving dog I think of Luke and how much he has meant to me.
Luke was a very intelligent dog who seemed to understand every word I spoke to him about. Whenever I sat on the front steps he would sit and lean up against me :hug: , and we both would watch the world go by.

I miss his spiritual energy very much.


29-03-2015, 11:06 PM
Oh...Luke is such a lovely dog. Thank you for posting his picture.

That's a dog who won't take his eyes off you. Spiritually as well....
He's not too far away. Right inside the love you have for him and he has still, for you.

My girl Misty (She had 9 days to live when this picture was taken.)
http://http://s6.postimg.org/h6m4xatwh/mistysblog2.jpg (http://postimage.org/) photo uploading (http://postimage.org/)

29-03-2015, 11:51 PM
Thanks Tobi, and thank you for sharing you favourite pet Misty. She looks like a real loving soul.
She reminds me of a dog named Carra, part Rhodesian Ridgeback. She looked just like Misty but with a Ridgeback hairdo along her spine.

Misty looks quite young. If so, her passing may have been unprepared for you.

I once heard someone say 'we can no longer forget the pain as we can forget the love'. This has helped me to feel okay about missing Luke.

30-03-2015, 12:00 AM
Misty was a mixed breed street dog, so she might have had some Rhodesian Ridgeback in there....(?) No idea.
She was one month short of 15 when she passed away. And yes, she was like a 4 year old, in a very strange way for a 15 year old dog. Energetic and strong, until she got Hemangiosarcoma. She was already 'dying' of Hemangiosarcoma in this picture but had just enjoyed a walk in a pine forest, and had a good dinner.

Your dear Luke will definitely be there for you. Listen to the love in your heart because we find them there, and it's real -the ones who loved us in this world don't ever stop loving us just because they have gone to the 'inner dimension'.

30-03-2015, 12:08 AM
Thanks Tobi, that is a lovely message you sent me.
Now that you have mentioned it, I do feel Luke as if he were still with me, and I with him.
Misty looks great for 15. Your love for her must have shined through.

30-03-2015, 12:54 AM
I really like Luke's halo!

Misty had a halo too....hers fell to the ground slightly in this picture....lol! She must have been thinking about food at the time!
"...Ooops! Dropped my halo....what next??"

http://s6.postimg.org/98rpvngm9/Misty_Jet.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
upload pics (http://postimage.org/)

30-03-2015, 02:19 AM
Very funny.
Her friend now knows she is no so innocent after all. Misty is looking for you to fix it, ha ha.

11-03-2016, 06:32 PM
@ Visitor - Aww...what a handsome guy... :smile:

I don't have a favorite pet because I loved all of my pets equally...

If the question is "what are your favorite animals to have as pets" I'd have to say cats and dogs, although at the moment I'm only able to have cats...unless the dog is cat-friendly that would be the only way things could work because of my outside kitty...

When I was a kid I wanted a German Shepard but my parents wouldn't let me have one because they would grow to be "too big"...so sad... :icon_frown:

I also entertained the thought of having a wolf-dog, however they can be very high maintenance because of their mix content...I do like dogs that look kinda wolf-y...

I also like Corgis...I think they are adorable for small dogs...

My Grandma had a solid black labrador/chow mix. Even his tongue was black. :smile:. I pretty much "adopted" him and would always go on adventures with him when I'd visit my Grandma when she still ran her peach farm. He was such a good boy and he protected me and saved me from danger a few times. Sometimes I think he was my guardian angel...

I remember a few times he saved me from venomous snakes I was completely unaware of and nearly stepped on until he started yapping and attacked them before I stepped on one...and another time I was taking him for a walk out in a pasture and he suddenly lunged forward which made me jump completely over a copperhead I nearly stepped on. Another time I was walking down this narrow lane and was nearly trampled by a bull I had no idea was in the lane...I didn't have time to climb over the fence it had happened so fast, but he herded the bull as far away from me as possible...that experience was pretty terrifying...

Makes me wonder how the heck I ever survived my childhood considering all the shenanigans I would get into either on my own accord or with my cousins...


Another pet I'd be interested in keeping is a chinchilla. OMG! They are so adorable! I've done extensive research on keeping them as pets and wouldn't mind trying my hand at keeping one...

12-03-2016, 09:05 PM
So adorable omg!! In general cats but I also love tarantulas and birds ... Never had the change to have a tarantula yet >.>

02-04-2016, 08:18 AM
I prefer dogs. We've got a blue /grey whippet (10 years old ) & have recently acquired a greyhound (black ***** 18 months ). She was supposed to be a racing dog but showed no interest or ability. That's the racing game, one man's bad luck is another man's good luck.

03-04-2016, 08:39 PM
Beautiful animals. I don't have any pets. I owned a couple of cats for short periods of time. I was raised in a household with no pets either. My parents were anti pets. However, when I moved away from home for the second time in my mid twenties, my parents were so sad I was leaving they bought a new dog LOL. :rolleyes:
They love him to death, they should'n't have waited this long :)

I'll be temporally bunking with this guy soon. He's an all white Jack Russel Terrier. He's close to 10 years old now. He was about 6 here.
