View Full Version : David Paulides & the 'Missing 411' Mystery

26-03-2015, 11:04 PM
Full disclosure, I have not read his books although I have listened to 3 or 4 interviews of his on Coast to Coast am (almost all w/ George Knapp thankfully) and listened to other interviews with him elsewhere. That he is former law enforcement add to his credibility for me, at least at first glance in terms of his credentials and qualifications towards proper investigation.

This to me, as a guy who's curiosity is peaked at times by the scary, strange and mysterious; is one of the freakiest (ongoing) mysteries out there.

A short synopsis of what this is about is that there is a statistically significant number of people disappearing from national parks & out in nature under strange circumstances, not explainable by means of falling into rivers or creeks, animal attacks or other more common types of criminal abduction.

It is of particular interest to me b/c some of the cases he speaks of are right in my backyard.

So if anyone has read his books and has any opinion, feedback or impressions of what they thought of them, good or bad, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Here's an hour's worth of an excerpt from a recent c2c interview where Mr. Paulides recounts some of the cases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbUsEBO6C2M (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.spiritua lforums.com%252525252Fvb%252525252Fredir.php%25252 5253Flink%252525253Dhttps%25252525253A%25252525252 F%25252525252Fwww.youtube.com%25252525252Fwatch%25 252525253Fv%25252525253DGbUsEBO6C2M)

I've also heard other people say that when you go to certain places deep in the woods that you should not wear bright colored clothing, but rather darker, earthier colors. According to some anyways, make of that what you will, if anything, but thought I'd throw it out there while I'm here and relatively on topic.

26-03-2015, 11:40 PM
Here is a good resource I've found from ATS forums where Mr. Paulides himself fields questions from some of the members there in a thread devoted to such. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread972658/pg1 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abovetopsecret.com %2Fforum%2Fthread972658%2Fpg1)

Here's another, full interview on c2c with him, from 2013. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdwmvH5ioAE

The Taoist
04-02-2016, 04:58 PM
Hello' dedrum:

When I first observed this article / video, I felt it to be a mixture of several things, not ONE primary reason for these missing individuals. Later, in a trance session, I was offered validation of those insights from Divine Spirit.

Now, as an investigator that used to track down and locate missing people, I would suggest that, in this case, there is more than one reason that people are disappearing from remote areas.

The primary reasons are......Sasquatch ( not the human like ones but the more primitive ones with the elongated arms and ape like face ) abductions, next, would be Grey alien abductions, next, secret operations involved where hikers get too close to these underground facilities and need to be captured, next, individuals simply get lost or fall into a ravine or canyon, unable to get out or call for help, next, demented individuals who abduct kids or females using them to fulfill their ego dramas.

This is what has been validated by Spirit.

In Light & Joy Taoist

18-05-2016, 09:04 PM
Hi Taoist, thanks for that.

I do have a couple questions; first, you say you've investigated missing persons before, I'm curious, were you/are you employed in law enforcement? If not, in what capacity did you track, investigate missing persons and what was/is your success rate? What is typical in missing person's cases, as far as the recovery of a body, or (even better) the discovery of the person alive vs. never figuring out what happened? The case remaining open and unsolved?

2nd question is less important obvs. but I'm always curious about why people online do this, why did you misspell my name? Was it intentional, if so why? & why misspelled in that particular way?

***Viewer discretion advised***; the following information in this presentation is disturbing and may be upsetting to one's state of mind. I understand completely if you'd rather not hear or see anything about this, there is a reason i tend to avoid the news a lot of times myself, it's depressing. I figure there's a reason also why this thread has only 1 reply (not incl. mine).

That said..

I've come back to this thread b/c i came upon a video montage of Mr. Paulides going to locations of missing people and explaining each case at their respective locations. He shows where they arrived, where they went, where they were last seen, where they were (in some cases) eventually found (dead, unfortunately). I've listened to a number of his interviews, but it's interesting to get a look at exactly where some of these disappearances take place, puts it in a more real-world context, and to his credit he shows photos of the disappeared in the beginning of the vid and also in the segments of individual cases.

Mr. Paulides is a retired former police officer himself, so I do feel compelled to give him some credit investigation/research-wise, although on the other hand he's also involved in bigfoot research, which aught, i feel, be taken into account as well. There may be prosaic explanations in some of these cases, and he is either misrepresenting or misinterpreting the data/details. However if that is the case, that he is, for example interested in selling more books primarily; when and where has this been contended and by whom? That is an honest question b/c i myself wonder how legitimate this all is. If it isn't, better to know so the guy is exposed and forced to stop scaring people out of their wits for a little dough over cases that are not unusual but normal disappearances of getting lost in the woods, injuries sustained therein, or animal/human predators.

On the other hand, if there is something to this, would it not be something people aught to be aware of? In order to take whichever precautions might help when going to national parks, or out camping nearby or in one of these "clusters" as he calls them, or come to an understanding of what is happening (if anything is, or if understanding is possible.) Some might even suggest it inadvisable to ask such questions or delve into fr. a LOA pov; but if people are dying/dead and missing, is not the truth, esp. considering this, not worth searching for?

I'll let you be the judge of both whether there is something to this or whether you even wish to look into it at all.

With no further ado, here it is. Vid. upl. February 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60vyOeV_fbc

21-05-2016, 06:36 PM
Hi Deusdrum,

I've been following this story too. First caught it on C2C like you did. (Also thankfully with George Knapp). He does present a good mystery doesn't he? I think it's interesting he never has gone into what his opinion or leanings are on the cause of these disappearances.

Unseelie Queen
22-05-2016, 06:49 PM
YESSSSS this is among my very favorite topics!!!! (OK, I'll calm down now.)

Many of David Paulide's stories remind me of others' stories of "reality glitches", involving events which made it seem as though the fabric of reality/time, itself somehow warped, if only briefly-- combined with what you'd imagine various non-human-friendly forest and elemental spirits might do. Illusions and such, to make one become lost.. I repeatedly read about, for instance, bodies (or alive but very young children) ending up in places that are physically impossible to reach from point A. to B. without, say, flying in a helicopter. Things like that.

There is an excellent multi-part thread on Reddit, allegedly authored by a search and rescue officer, who tells of extremely similar (and extremely eerie) experiences: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iex1h/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/
(and there's pages and pages of comments sharing similar experiences, too)

22-05-2016, 08:02 PM
Unseelie queen, I never considered the glitch theory. Some of these stories do sound like that.

Thanks for the link. That third one broke my heart.

Unseelie Queen
24-05-2016, 02:49 PM
A lot of the stories are jarring and/or extremely sad (the ones involving children particularly), but it is well-worth reading the entire series as well as the comments. There's at least four threads. Many of the commenters expand on the whole "reality glitch" side of it.

24-05-2016, 04:47 PM
Hey guys, welcome. :) Unseelie Queen - thank you for the link, def. check that out soon here, i may have seen a few of them b/c i do a fair amount of googling on this and recall coming upon reddit in my online journeys pursuing this topic.

In a couple of the most recent Knapp/c2c interviews he gets into urban disappearances, the last interview they even played alleged strange sounds caught on a guy's smart phone, chilling if true. Don't think the young man in question was found or seen again either, that or he was found deceased, floating in water much later.

Here's an interesting recent interview w/ him fr. 'Into the Fray' website/podcast? (I think?) that i found good b/c he speculates on areas I've not heard him do so before in other interviews, she does a good interview w/ him i thought. https://intothefrayradio.com/Episodes/itf-04-david-paulides/

I am open to the glitch theory, also the more sinister of elementals/ fae, nature spirit realm/ paranormal/other wordly-dimension angle as well, it seems the only logical one if these patterns are so seemingly illogical which im not convinced entirely there is not some confirmation bias/projection going on yet, however Paulides sounds fairly sincere to me and as he's a former cop I'd trust his investigative ability far more than a researcher w/out such background and training.

Life.love.regret - He often says that he has no idea what it could be, which makes sense to me, in that the stories don't make sense to me either other than the bizarre pattern and profile of some of the little details and circumstances involved in the disappearances. Think it's good to keep open minded to multiple dif. theory potentials than formulate anything too speculative if nothing seems to fit. Although i take your point, and tbh he does at times seem a little almost overly reticent about sharing his own ideas or opinions, maybe to avoid being pinned downed to any one theory by others. The bigfoot connection to him may factor into that.

Have either of you guys, or anyone else out there read any of his books? Be curious to hear what impressions people might have on it, gleaned from it.

wow that;s some bad english and run on sentences on my part, apologies been up awhile. Hopefully it's comprehensible lol

Unseelie Queen
24-05-2016, 09:08 PM
I have not read the entirety of his books (only excerpts found online, unfortunately).

I tend to think that the cause behind the disappearances is due to a number of things combined-- and then compounded by the energy of the land itself. (Are there energy vortexes of some kind, or areas of intense electromagnetic strangeness, maybe? Something that contributes to the "reality glitches"?)

I have listened to some of his older radio interviews, and some of his stories have interesting parallels to very old, old tales of evil (or human-unfriendly, rather) forest beings.. And indeed, Paulides does sound fairly sincere. Intuitively I feel he is genuine. It almost sounds as though some other dimension is bleeding out into the physical in certain areas, which ordinarily wouldn't be noticed if there weren't hikers traipsing through all the time.

Thanks for the podcast link; listening now.

I stumbled across this theory just now, one which I've considered previously: https://www.reddit.com/r/Missing411/comments/3xvgxn/the_faerie_theory/

Michael Elazarus
03-06-2016, 03:24 AM
I've read most of one of his books, I believe the western united states. It's mostly just all specific cases, my brother has it at the moment. I've listened to probably 80% of all his radio shows, and the one video he put out in... march of this year? Or earlier. My stance is a lot of what he may be talking about is true, but maybe he presents it in a way to make lots of money through it. But he does sound very sincere, very professional. Even if it is maybe embellished in some kind of way, it really is an issue the park services are not addressing yet.

Now what could be going on? I'm not sure, I don't think David himself has strong concrete beliefs either, unless there is a new show he's been on that he's changed his tune. Hominids are possible for SOME. Glitches/Vortexes are even more possible as well as The Fae. Some might be animals or accidents. Or other humans, whatever agendas (serial killers, cults?) or black ops affiliation we may or may not have.

Aliens? Not sure. I think there is a good possibility, just through my research over the years, that Greys may or may not be a creation of higher ups, whether mental, spiritual, or physical manifestation just to mislead, or to gauge reactions and responses for whatever purpose.

But then there is what I call The Game Masters. The ones who control this place we live, or those that can manipulate time and space to be here, but are not affiliated with those in charge of this game we call life. Maybe they just manifest as SOMETHING to see how we react? So Aliens IS possible. He who gives life, can take it away in a blink.

Unseelie Queen
27-06-2016, 10:03 PM
I need to re-listen to all his radio interviews. I do recall that he's avoided stating exactly what his theory is (which may be wise of him, perhaps, considering some of his more impressionable fans)

"Aliens IS possible". I want to frame that. :laughing11:
It IS always deeply unnerving to me when he speaks of how the police force and governmental officials are so uncooperative and shady; I remember him mentioning how, when he'd request certain information from them, they'd charge him an enormous amount of money, whereas if someone else requested it they didn't. (A fan offered to send him the information, instead.)

And I would happily personally investigate these matters myself if/when I ever get to do my national parks roadtrip! (Hopefully I will not be found inexplicably frozen and eyeless in a hollow tree... Which really is not the strangest thing I've heard of happening!)

15-07-2016, 05:53 AM
Here is a link to Quora that contains some interesting speculations, blog posts, supposed news article etc. adding analysis of Paulides, his background and possible evidence as to the nature of his character, both pro and con.

Paulides obviously front and center to the Canam/missing 411 mystery (alleged) so I think a determination of the man's character would be important, or anything that can help approximate this, though of course the following is a far stretch from anything conclusive at all. Missing people are a serious matter, and if it's as he presents it, then that's something people should be aware of imo.


Here also, at a recent event in Toronto, a 2 hr. presentation from Paulides on the subject, hosted by sometimes guest host of coast to coast am, Richard Syrett. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhz1FMtMJJs

And an hour+ interview from Higherside Chats podcast w/ Paulides fr. 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36v0ZAxahmk

Unseelie Queen
16-07-2016, 02:24 AM
Yessss excellent, thank you Deusdreum! c:

12-08-2016, 05:50 PM
Bit of an update; more videos of cases by Paulides from his yt. channel. He actually goes to the locations again while descr. cases. I haven't watched them yet myself, but they came up on my feed or whatever you call it. All from Australia, 8, 12 & 10 minutes respectively.




He was also on coast to coast am about a week ago, talking about cases involving hunters which was pretty interesting. Also said they entered the documentary him and his son have made to some film festivals, and it will be a matter of time whether it's shown in one or more, if any of them. Plus some new info. which sounded really incredible.. and credible based on one of the witnesses.

You can find the interview on youtube if you know where to look (& how to search). It's with Knapp, so far as c2c episodes go, it's pure gold. Always compelling interview when those two combine for a show, imo.

12-08-2016, 05:57 PM
My stance is a lot of what he may be talking about is true, but maybe he presents it in a way to make lots of money through it. But he does sound very sincere, very professional. Even if it is maybe embellished in some kind of way, it really is an issue the park services are not addressing yet.

Michael - yeah, this is essentially where I stand so far as well, although haven't read any of his books yet, just a ton of interviews (all of them basically). He does have a brusque manner with people sometimes, like audience or listener questions; but perhaps it's his temperament, plus at least one relative of a victim (a father and others of repute have spoken in favor of his integrity, so that is a big 1 imo. I do though consider the fact he was a bigfoot researcher beforehand may slant either his motives or perspective somewhat, something to keep in mind in any case.

Cause if it's supernatural or whatever, pretty freaky stuff. Natives have had legends of monsters in the forest or nature for forever, so nothing would surprise me. Some think it's ufo abductions. I think all paranormal/supernatural phenomena may tie all in together in some way, like some researchers have theorized and imo made a pretty good argument & case for it in doing so.

Also, Unseelie Queen - you're very welcome. :)

03-01-2017, 09:37 PM
YESSSSS this is among my very favorite topics!!!! (OK, I'll calm down now.)

There is an excellent multi-part thread on Reddit, allegedly authored by a search and rescue officer, who tells of extremely similar (and extremely eerie) experiences: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iex1h/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/
(and there's pages and pages of comments sharing similar experiences, too)

Whoooa - just found and read that link... wow! Thank you!