View Full Version : My Crow Connection

03-03-2015, 03:57 AM
As many comment on the image I have displayed I thought I would open up a topic on how this came to be and what the Crow means to me. In this I hope that others share in their animal connections and how they came to play out for you to make notice of them being there.

The crow is a bird that has always been with me. I really came to make note of them on a trip to England in 2012. I was very much on a spiritual journey and when I would visit church yards and graves the crows would fly in. They would land near to where I was but were very skittish and hard to get a picture of. The one in my image is one that was so fixated on what seemed to be listening to the grave that I was able to get a shot off.

On a recent trip in December/January to England again the crow was very much present. They were there for warnings at times. While I note that they sell stuffed crows at Stonehenge I had experience with them where they seemed to come in and pose for me. This time I had a good zoom camera that was silent. I had an instance at The Tor where I was so scared to come down the path that a crow landed in the tree on the path and that focal point of it being there helped me down. Like it knew I needed the help that I was scared but needed to know I would be OK.

Another instance was at Farleigh Hungerford where there is foot path that goes down quite a grade and a crow flew and landed on the sign just a huge gust of wind came from nowhere that seemed to say no to be doing that path.

I have learned to hear the warnings as I do not have a good sense of balance from inner ear damage and that there are limit to what is common sense to attempt.

The connection I have with the crow is that on the level of an Animal Familiar which is defined by Webster’s dictionary as closely acquainted; an intimate association or companion; a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person. We often only think of a “witch” but this is not always a correct response. We may have a familiar and not realize it, or maybe do not believe in them. There are time when we seem to have a communication or understanding with this animal and do not make the connection to that being a familiar.

* Thief, trickery, boldness, skill, cunning, single mindedness, bringer of knowledge
* Prophecy.
* Learn from the past but don’t hold onto it
* Shape Shifting

The name for the crow in England is “rooks” they are primarily a black bird but on rare occasions they are born white.

The crow is mischievous and full of pranks, they will attack the nests of other birds and rob the eggs, and they are also very loud in their warning calls surrounding their territory.

In North America the crow is said to be the keeper of all sacred law, the one that knew the deep mysteries of all creation. Seeing a crow in certain situations is an omen of changes to come. The crow is said to be the gate keeper that leads one to the gates of the supernatural.


The English rhyme “one means anger; two is mirth; three a wedding; four a birth; five is heaven; six is hell; seven is the devil himself.”

“If a crow calls three times over a house; someone will die.

Swami Chihuahuananda
03-03-2015, 04:57 AM

In North America the crow is said to be the keeper of all sacred law, the one that knew the deep mysteries of all creation. Seeing a crow in certain situations is an omen of changes to come. The crow is said to be the gate keeper that leads one to the gates of the supernatural.

Mrs. Chi is 1/2 Modoc (a tribe in the NW USA) so we have this understanding of crow/raven . It's fairly important to her; she has done some paintings with Crow , about death , transformation, and all that cool stuff :smile:
They hang around the trees where we live by the Rio.

03-03-2015, 12:44 PM
Crows have been with me since I was a young teenager (many moons ago). I first took notice of them when I went for a walk around my town. I often did that when I needed to clear my head of troubles. One crow followed me the entire time. He would fly from tree to tree and wait for me to catch up and then fly to the next tree and wait.

I often have them looking in my windows or the windows of people I'm visiting. If I'm outside, they are close by. I don't have a name for what they are to me, I just know they are always there and there is a deep understanding with them. That's the best I can describe it.

My spirit animal (one I see frequently in dreams) is a black wolf. He is extremely wise and almost regal like. He visits me quite often. He is one that oozes strength, power, and respect. He has only ever given me one piece of information, although he's in my dreams quite frequently, and that was the number 15 which I still haven't figured out. Life is full of interesting mysteries!

03-03-2015, 01:49 PM
Hi Lynn, the synchronicity in my life never seizes to amaze me...I started to write a piece on crows about three weeks ago after one afternoon witnessing the sky fill with them flying in one direction, it was quite spectacular. Apparently they do this daily, it's called roosting. I was amazed that I'd never seen it before.
Anyway, I have several things I am working on and the crow piece is a work in progress. Last night, I came on the site and saw knight's thread about the crows that bring little gifts to the girl that feeds them, and thought about my essay, and this morning, I see your thread...

I can relate to your connection with crows very much. Overall, I find a mutual connection with the animal kingdom, and many times have been guided and even comforted by animals acting in unusual ways. For a while, when I was around ten years old I have to go on a daily walk in the night to bring dinner to my father, the entire trip was rather spooky, never anyone about for a good mile, one day I started to notice a crow was following me, and had been for days, it made me feel peaceful to see it and hear its caws. When I told my father about it he related the evil connotation about crows, which surprised me because that was not the energy it gave off to me.

03-03-2015, 02:01 PM
I really came to make note of them on a trip to England in 2012. I was very much on a spiritual journey and when I would visit church yards and graves the crows would fly in.

On a recent trip in December/January to England again the crow was very much present.
When you are in England, is there a specific unique geographical location that you are spiritually drawn towards and you do not know why ?

Thunder Bow
03-03-2015, 05:01 PM
Ga'gii eats road kill here on the Navajo Reservation.

03-03-2015, 05:42 PM

This is the crow family of England. I live near farmland, so there are numerous rookeries and my bird table often has jackdaws swinging from the nuts instead of bluetits lol. But I do love them.

thanks for sharing, it was lovely to hear.

05-03-2015, 02:15 PM
That's an inspiring relationship you have with the crow Lynn. I particularly like the way they have offered you guidance with your immediate physical path. Brilliant!

Crows are an animal guide that always escapes my mind when the time comes to look for their guidance. Many animals cross my path & seem to have a message for me, but I'm just not sure about the crow, even though they manage to draw my attention. The only reason I can see for this is that it serves as a reminder of the crow being a mysterious creature.

On a personal level I've come to see crows as guardians or watchers.

05-05-2015, 02:39 AM
As with all spirit animals/totems we take from them what resonates most true. Crow is a powerful guide that will CAW at you until you are ready to wake up and listen. I have an amazing relationship with crow and havent stopped learning since crow has joined me on my path. It makes me damn happy to see posts like this. Cheers, love, and joy.

05-05-2015, 02:54 AM
I like Crows very much. They are very misunderstood, and some 'country people' dislike them and persecute them. I'm a country person too but don't follow the traditions of many of my neighbours -and so am disliked by many of the people here. I deliberately hunt out those cruel traps which are put down -they are called "Larsen traps". They are baited with crows -to attract others, so that someone can come along at the end of the day and kill them. It is the most cruel thing to do to those birds. They are often bloodied and terrified from trying to escape for hours. I set them free. Many a crow has flown free because I've done that. Once a crow flew out, then circled me a couple of times. It really felt like a heartfelt 'thanks'....then it was gone.
I break the traps and render them useless wherever I find them.

The crow is a highly intelligent bird with strong feelings.

05-05-2015, 08:32 AM
My dear late mother had a friendly crow. The friendship lasted for years.
She moved house twice (same town) but it always found her.

Wonderful birds! Whenever I see one I always think of my mother and her crow friend.

05-05-2015, 12:13 PM
Thanks for sharing your story, Lynn. Every person's experience with their totem or spirit animal is unique to them and interesting as well. The crow and raven are indeed special birds. :)