View Full Version : The Universe is Virtual - idea

16-02-2015, 04:52 PM
I forgot, I am not supposed to copy and paste and it's just too much to try to type out (after having created this document on my computer). So maybe I'll just skip posting this idea. Or maybe I'll just mention a few little things.

How do the abstract things interact with physical things? How are they connected? Love is the abstract thing. It's an idea. But the actions of love are carried out by the people physically. The question is: what makes people act out the idea of love? Something inside of them tells them to act out this abstract idea. But what is it? How can physical people HEAR the abstract talking to them?

When a person meets another person they FEEL an attraction. What is an attraction? Your mind receives visual data and interprets it. It calculates the result: this pattern is desirable. And then the mind triggers the body to produce a bunch of chemical reactions (physical sensations in your body) which is perceived as attraction.

So the mind is a mechanism which was pre-programmed with the ability to analyze and process data. It's called computing. We created computers and machines which are capable of some primitive computing (compared to the mind).

Think of a computer program, like a game. It's the code (the program/the instructions) which draws physical objects. So physical objects consist of a bunch of code/instructions. And then these instructions also tell the objects how to interact with each other. In a game, a person can sit on a chair and not fall through it because it's programmed to perceive the chair as solid. The computer program has instructed a person to not fall through.

Think of our world. Why don't we fall through the chair? Afterall we are a bunch of atoms interacting with each other (the chair and us).

I think it's because we are programmed with the commands somehow to not fall through the chair, to consider it as something "solid".

Think of a phantom leg syndrome. Some people still feel pain in the leg which doesn't exist anymore (since it was cut off).

Some people don't feel pain when they cut themselves. So that means that whether you feel pain or not depends on whether you were programmed to feel pain in such situation or not.

Some people perceive pain as pleasurable and relaxing. That's weird since most other people perceive pain as something unpleasant.

Some people are attracted to only people in their age range. It's like something inside of them stops them from being attracted to "too young or too old" ones. But not all. There are some who are attracted to "too young" and "too old" and family and even non-humans. So the question is: what should you be attracted to? It just depends on how you were programmed. There is no reality apart from that.

Why do people feel attraction to lumps of fat? (boobies) There is no reason. Except that they were programmed to be. And so, because it's programming, anyone could be programmed to be attracted to anything else. And it does happen. Some are attracted to feet, some to hands and so on...

Some people feel paranoid for no good reason because their mind was programmed to see things which are not really there.

So the idea is that the reason abstract things like ideas can interact with physical things like people is because the physical things are really abstract in the first place. They are patterns. And patterns are ideas first. For example, a person is a combination of certain molecules and how they will stand in relation to one another. It's like first there is an idea of a person (a pattern) and then the person is manifested based on that idea. Like there is a recipe before the recipe can be manisted as soup.

In the Bible it says: God is a word and the word became flesh. It's kind of the same idea. God is an idea, which was manifested as something physical. But the "physical" exists only because we were programmed to perceive it as 3 dimensional. We are a bunch of programs, who exist in a program and we see all these 3 dimensional objects all around us because we were programmed to perceive them as such.

17-02-2015, 04:37 AM
Yes, many have made the same inference. Poe wrote, "all we see or seem is just a dream within a dream."

17-02-2015, 05:44 PM
You might find this of interest (one of my early posts in this forum)


Also took it further into my theory of everything ;)

