View Full Version : Inner Goddess of Justice Affirmations

15-12-2010, 02:43 PM
Of numbers, even doth be feminine. 2,4,6,8 these we do appreciate, and 0. Of those numbers 8 is the most powerful, and she is Justice. 8 is the standing form of infinity.

The highest vibration of justice can only be felt when there is absolute clarity of truth. She has shared with me wisdom that is most profound:

The original duality of man and woman manifesting the second duality of love and conflict. Love is a force that has been understood throughout the ages, but conflict has been purposely ignored so that it take us by surprise. When we think of heaven we think of love and paradise, and fool ourselves into believing our inherent restless energy will be satisfied with that perception alone. A more accurate perception of heaven might be an outward paradise, where we get to read books, play video games, and engage ourselves with other forms of conflict.

It's the impulse to create, and the other impulse to create. The impulse to destroy does not exist, it is purely a fictitious creation of our demented rational minds. With rational mind we only see what is behind us, what has been proven before our eyes. It is an entirely backwards process.

With faith we create what is before us. We create our gods in much the same way as they create us, and what seems to be the powerlessness of man is in fact a mysterious circle. Faith is an entirely forward process that does not care about what came before, but only about what is and what is to come. Balance of both and of all in proper perspective accomplishes wonders. If you will sanction the negative in this way, in the form of conflict, you will realize the love between the polarities.

It is through putting ourselves into uncomfortable situations that we grow. If life evolved out of water and out of space, it did not do so by being too squeemish to brave the world of earth and air. A relationship where one or both partners are avoiding conflict is doomed to fail. But when you plut the + of male, female, conflict, and love, between two people the result is always addition, just as duality without love and conflict is always subtraction. Multiplication is the child that is to come. There is strength in numbers, even when numbers stand alone.

Also, Quantum Tantra is apparantly very controversial. Why is there such an effort to outlaw what is the true nature of us and our universe? It is just another form of the evil "establishment" trying to bring us down. I have come to you as god, goddess, and rebel angel all in one harmonious package. I hope you souls will rejoice before nailing me to that cross and granting me the destiny of Jesus. lol