View Full Version : My Poem-thingy "They walk with us"

05-12-2010, 01:30 AM
Hey, all you poets! I was wondering where I would be able to post this thing that I wrote, and I'm glad that I found this discussion topic.

A little bit about my piece, "They Walk With Us." I decided to write this after participating in a quantum meditation that lasted for 11 days. The purpose of the meditation was to change the vibrations on the planet.

For those of you who believe that 2012 is the beginning of a shifting point, there may be more meaning in this for you. For anyone else, this is just a way that I was able to hold onto and express what I was witnessing in my meditations.

If you have comments about it, I would appreciate them remaining friendly, as we are all creative people here.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. If you like this piece, I have other things that I write.

Looking forward to responses!:D


They Walk With Us


The Transmission Dialogues

-- This paper was conceived after participating in the New Reality Transmission, which began on November 11, 2010. It lasted for 11 days and of my visions I was inspired to write --

The night began with one question: what is reality?

Who makes it? Who perpetuates it? Is there a way to change it?

The question or questions, were asked, and the only answer was in meditation.

In visualization, because this is where reality sleeps – where our waking hours are

Fabricated, and made to occur again and again to our specifications.

The only problem is we’re not aware that we specify our reality.

It happens to us, simply. Sometimes it is simply beautiful for all that,

And other times, it is simply horrible.

But on that night, it couldn’t be that simple anymore. It couldn’t be that easy to

Let go. To allow to happen what had been designed by us, through us, because of

Us – because of what we had been thinking, and because of what we had thought.

On that night, we sought the future in ourselves – inside of us the ever-expanding

Possibility. On that night, beginning at 11 PM, we gave birth to the idea that

We are reality generators, progenitors, and ultimately keepers.

And we gave birth to the idea that if we could change the world by changing our

Mind, then we had a duty to do.

To change one’s mind seems a simple thing, but if it were so simple, we wouldn’t

Find it so difficult to do. We wouldn’t go to battle

Over changing our minds, we wouldn’t shed blood.

We wouldn’t be in chaos, darkness, because we would be open to the new idea.

The new thought.

The new reality.

Not all of us were open to the transmission we could give to ourselves,

To others, to the unborn,

To our future, which had to be our present and nothing more, and

Not all of us were open. Not all of us believed we could send a radio signal

Of love-energy to ourselves, to our planet. But some of us believed.

Some of us wept out of joy at the chance to transmit this message.

And I know because I was one. I was one among the many who were there

To transmit and transcend this reality with the new one.

And we did this not to prove anything.

Not to show the way you and many others lost the path, and not to lord over you.

No, we did this for you. All of you. We did this for humanity, and for our

souls that are here. We did this to end the cycle of suffering.

The journey has been long. It has been dark and painful at times, struggling

Under its own weight. Under the weight of the collective lives lived, and of the

Destination never quite reached.

It has been long, my friends. Very, very long.

We have come back again and again,

For this moment. We have jumped in and out of bodies, trying to get it just right.

For a way back we have come back. We have come back to recover us all,

To remember us all, and to find what was lost.

We are at the time of remembering now.

Though you did not remember why, you have been fighting for something.

And it is remembering that you have been fighting for – struggling for – for so much


We sent out this message, because we had been waiting to give it. Waiting as we all have

Waited. There was no place to transmit before. There was no opening before.

Until that night. It all changed that night. And I know this, because I was there.

I was one of the many who participated, and that moment is like no single

Moment I have lived before.

If your moments have not seemed so defining, please be patient.

They will define, and very soon. For it is a collection of defining moments

Which makes the future I experienced for 11 nights,

In conscious, quantum

Deliberation. My


Began as a collective process, and ended as a collected but singular experience.

As I have said,

Mine was one experience out of many, but what I say you will know, because you

Knew before. And you know it now. Even as you are reading this, you know what I

Say. And you know what I say, because you yourself have it locked in your heart,

And only when you peer inside, will you see.

What you make of what you see, will be your reality. Your reality projecting outward, and coming back to

You. To that, I cannot speak. But I can speak to myself and my visions, and tell you

What I experienced was not my own personal heaven, but the place I saw for

All of us. You have a place there, and all you need to do is claim it.

All you need to do is live it, as if it is now,

And it will be.

But for now, it is time for you to see as I see, and there may be truth for both of us

In the end.

1. The illuminating fire is in the cosmos, being projected by our star. And as the world moves up, before we even sense its first stirrings, we are navigated by this fire.

It raises us from the ground, and we float to meet it. It is the fire of the collective knowledge, the collective self,

And the united consciousness. We step toward it, gliding on feet that respond to warmth and flame.

As each is touched by this light – by this fire – they awaken. Only then do they see the planet moving. She is moving upward, becoming thin. Light and fast, as agitated particles do. She is one

Giant atom, and the fire coming to wake us up only agitates her more. Gets her moving faster, and faster. As we each remember, we grow wings. Beautiful, dazzling, wings of light. Wings of light and power, of truth, of identity.

There is a string connecting us all. A fountain of light. It has always connected to us, but the denseness obscured it before. Now it is unobscured. And now, so too, is our connection. That cord of light is real now, no longer an obscure reference by some obscure metaphysician. It exists in a form, as form, and as the true part of ourselves. It is the first part to be born out of the haze. It is the first to be recognized by us, as we let the energies of an older existence permeate us.

In this place, I am just as connected as you, and you me. Each has the same source of wisdom funneling to them, into the Crown. The crown of higher consciousness becomes to us like our hands and feet of this dimension, in our new one. As we pass each other on the street, or on this Earth, we see that in one another. We see and feel the connection in each other, and we know why we were apart of this. We remember, and we smile. It was a difficult journey, and a hard transition won, but we did it.

2. On a place with no trees, no earth, and no water, an Angel dances. An angel dances to music I cannot hear, and where the craggy outcrops and nebula are his/her only audience. The Angel moves to the music still, and it is as if she/he is calling us out. Calling us awake, by starting the melodies hidden deep within. There is no breath here, but the air is sweet. It is pure and calm, even when decorated by the cosmos.

3. Houses are simple here, huts and shelters made to harmonize with the earth. They are made into her rather than on top of her. They are painted into her environments, rather than set apart. The houses arrange themselves in clusters, because that is unity. Because our souls naturally cluster together. There are always groups, and never one alone. Growing plants are everywhere, and they are colorful. The dirt is hearty and warm, and when I place it between my fingers, it stains me with its presence. Gardens are part of everyone’s home now, even mine. There is no technology now, and its remnants are like the skeletons of Greek architecture. It means something to someone or something that no longer exists. Some watch it for the messages we have already heard, but most have moved on. Most have made family out of everyone, and human interaction is now just the exchange of ideas, and the equal desire to help. We exchange our light now, not emotions.

4. Colors are beautiful here, unlike anything seen before. They are unreal and beautiful. Like the startling hues of hidden rocks and hidden creatures, our world is now colored with them. It would be an understatement and untruth to say they are neon, or anything as extreme. But they are extreme, wondrously so. Not even the most vivid of dreams can begin to paint the colors found here; not even the most creative dreamer can express what it sees here. It’s like painting – like an art piece – and like something more. Like life itself has finally let out all of its creativity and all of its potential, and with that all of its light. All of its power of creation, and what can be. And what can be, finally it is. It isn’t strange to breathe the air, taste of the food, and drink the water – it is not harmful to us anymore, nor do we need as much. You see, we are already fed by what is around us, and we are already part of what sustains us. No longer are we so separate that we need to stuff ourselves with life just to be alive. We are more alive than we have ever been, and our meals are small. Our wants are few, and our needs are always met. We are satisfied. There is no more searching, or striving to be done here. It has already been done, and we have already passed over the threshold. We have returned home, and now we may walk in our rightful place.

5. Animals and plants converse with us. They tell us their stories, now. It has been a long time since we have heard them, but soon we remember. Soon we add our own stories to their stories, and we tell them where we have been. Where we have climbed from, and what we had to give up, and how we have transformed. The transformation is the greatest part, but this the animals already know. The plants know, and as I and we connect with them all, we realize and know that what we have known, and all that we have been is everything. Is the source of what we are, and we feel it connecting through the soil, and vibrating from the leaves. We feel it in the eye of the Wolf as he regains his place as teacher, and we feel it in the horse moving across the land, as he becomes our friend once more. Our true friend, who was never meant to carry our burdens, but to show us how to carry ourselves with the beat and the voice of the earth.

6. In this place, They walk with us. They who transcended before us, now walk with us. They are part of our community, part of our culture, and of our hearts. They are all ours. We are all them, and there is no division here. There is no fighting here, and there is only loving to be done here. For only love They give us – They who walk with us. They are recognized by everyone, and loved by everyone. Thought forgotten by time, by death, by age, by belief, and by separation – now all of that is remembered. And we remember that They have taught us, and that They are eternal and we rejoice in that knowing – in knowing we are now with them always, now that illusions no longer exist. They walk with us through our towns and cities, giving us blessings and friendship. Their guidance is now ours to hold and to share, and we no longer feel alone.

And the people who die become one with They Who Walk With Us.

And the people who are born come from They Who Walk With Us.

Nothing is ever gone or destroyed, and nothing that is imagined it isn’t created, and nothing that is created doesn’t exist. Everything exists always, as it creates itself always. As it experiences itself always. And we know this now, so there is no experience of death. There is no experience of loss, because the frequencies have joined now. The frequencies are one, allowing us to perceive our hand, our mind, our heart as we create our reality.

7. Through a tiny pocket in myself – a tiny opening in my being – I see a collection of universes. A collection of possibilities waiting to be experienced and realized, if only I would jump through. There are many things I could choose for myself, and many realities I could select. They have all been valuable to me at one time or another, for various reasons. I have traveled through many different universes and many different lifetimes, and many different vibrations of these lifetimes, and they have taught me something I needed to know. Something I had forgotten, that when separate from me, made me less complete. Less whole, and less able to make the final journey. I have been picking up the pieces in preparation for this journey. The pieces I have collected come from my many consciousnesses, my many desires, and my many forms. But now I am ready to move beyond those journeyings, these quests. Now that I know how to create and go to the universe of my choosing, I choose to go there and not here.

I transmitted the message, and now I transmit myself. That is all you’re doing really, anyway. Transmitting yourself to a future time, where all that you have seen and experienced is yours to keep. It is not a dream that you wake from, but that you focus on until you bring it from yourself and into your waking life. And when it wakes up into your universe, the universe wakes up with it. Eyes open in surprise, and we let out a collective gasp of recognition.

We remember now. We were on this ride together, never apart. Never against. It was always to see if we would wake up, and as I look into your eyes now, I am happy to say you’ve succeeded. We all have.

Welcome home.