View Full Version : Question

20-08-2014, 09:08 PM
Hi, there's too much to ask here that question is the broadest title I could thing of!

I am just waking up from a lucid dream. I have been trying to communicate with someone I love very much, and I am slowly learning to do it in dreams. I must have conditioned my mind to create a dream scenario. It was somewhat random, but it was realistic. Not long after, I stood there and told myself to manifest the person I want to speak to (by name). All of a sudden they started running up to me.

We shared an intimate moment for what seemed like just seconds (buildings were blowing up in the dream), and then I began to ask them a question and they started resisting me. They wanted to tell me, but at the same time they were pushing away. The more I would ask the question the further away they would go. In waking life I don't know the answer. Is this a manifestation of that? I'm confused — my intention was telepathic communication between my subconscious and this other persons superconscious. I was hoping through a dream I would get a better answer than rough waking telepathy.


21-08-2014, 10:23 AM
The problem with dreams is that it is often hard to tell if you are contacting a person, or just manifesting your own elements from your own desires.
As such any communication like that would be of little value.

If you did not get an answer, then likely there was no answer in your own psyche, and that could lead one to believe that the experience was simply a personal manifestation of your own desires.

27-08-2014, 02:47 AM
A little background on the type of relationship may help. Are you in a romantic relationship or simply do you wish to be in one? In the whole scheme of things though I think this has more to do with how you are approaching the issue in general anyways. Regardless if you a relationship or you simply want information from this person it seems like the message is to try not to push the issue too much. The more you push the issue needing an answer the more likely you will wind up pushing the person away which it sounds like is the last thing you want. As such I think the lesson is a lesson in learning to allow life to unfold as it will and should. If the question is meant to be answered or you are meant to have an intimate relationship with this person it will happen when the time is right if it is meant to happen at all. Forcing the issue, any issue, will only serve to give you what you don't want. So just remind yourself to allow the relationship to go where it is supposed to go.