View Full Version : what if I don't have 1

03-08-2014, 07:52 AM
Do you think everyone has I gift or gifts. How do know or find it. Im not sure what's my purpose in life. But I do think everyone has 1. Can you ask your angel's to show you. I did try but maybe im blocked off. I dont know so many questions and no answers

03-08-2014, 08:33 AM
Maybe you are the gift :D :D

Sounds like something my silly old father would say to me lol... but I think he is probably right :D

I have been pondering similar things lately. . . What purpose do I have here other than just to be me? Yes 'being' is quite enough but lately I have been feeling a strong need to discover my 'gifts'... in order to understand how I can best be of service.

interestingly... I am actually discovering my strengths by having a look at some areas I used to perceive as weakness... as it turns out... I am discovering that the clues to my strengths actually lie within my weaknesses... ;)

03-08-2014, 09:02 AM
Since my siblings have had children, I noticed each one is gifted in their own particular way, but because 'spiritually gifted' is so categorically narrow, it excludes the array of gifts for the most part. What I consider to be my gift doesn't fit any of the spiritual criteria I've heard of.

These gifts are too subtle to fit into the crude moulds of generalisations, and everyone is gifted in their own way.

03-08-2014, 09:17 AM
Same here, gem...
I am rather ordinary... I am not pshycic, not an empath... can't see auras and I'm not a reiki master healer lol but I believe my gifts are more subtle but no less beneficial... I am quite practical and that in itself can be all which is needed :D ...

There is a whole array of things we can offer in the way of 'gifts' or strengths.... not limited to just what is poked underneath the umbrella of 'spiritual gifts'.

03-08-2014, 10:29 AM
A lot of ppl these days are struggling to find out what their purpose is in life. I think this is part of the awakening process of mankind. As opposed to just living our lives without thinking about it, basically living to work, we now crave to know why we are here and we become aware that it's not to work jobs we don't really care about.

Everyone has a purpose, but that doesn't mean we all have to be empaths, readers, healers etc. Your purpose can be as simple as bringing joy into other people's lives. And maybe you do this by working at McDonald's, making everyone's day that buys a burger of you. It can (and often is) as simple as that. Many of us think too difficult with this, then start comparing "he is a healer" and "she can read cards" etc. We can't all be healers, we need ppl who excel at other things as well!
Maybe you are a teacher (not literally at a school), you can also be an artist of sorts, bringing joy to people, which is also needed. Maybe you're good at organising and you can help the world with that. If everyone would be 'floating' around, doing meditations and healings, who's going to keep things running?
So try to find it closer to home so to speak. Look at what you often do in day to day life, and at what makes you feel good, energizes you. We tend to overlook it, usually it's right under your nose.

03-08-2014, 10:41 AM
I believe everyone is guided towards their purpose of life so hence you shouldnt worry about it if you do not know what it is currently. If you do not know, maybe you arent meant to know yet.

As far as gifts go, I believe anyone can learn most things with a bit of hard work and a good teacher and a lot of self work. No one is all that more special then you.

03-08-2014, 11:38 AM
Do you think everyone has I gift or gifts. How do know or find it. Im not sure what's my purpose in life. But I do think everyone has 1. Can you ask your angel's to show you. I did try but maybe im blocked off. I dont know so many questions and no answers

This "purpose in life" has always given me trouble. I long since realised it was ultimately spiritual - I'm here ultimately to find myself and end up being what I should have been all along.

But if I have a purpose among people it is just that, to BE among people, to interact (help and be helped) in the many things we have to do to get through this physical life. We have gifts, sure, some on the physical plane, some that cross between the physical and mystical, but in physical terms they are about helping us to do some things more easily while we're here. Their only purpose to me is how other people value our acts.

Ask your angels, sure. But give them time to answer. Concentrate your questions very intensely, slowly (one of your first questions should be "am I making myself clear?" Next, "am I going too fast for you to pick up my thoughts?" Then listen....which means stilling your mind as best you can, letting the answers come. You could be waiting for many minutes before realising that he/she/they are not going to answer today. Persist. Be patient. Work at it every day until answers seem to come. Avoid imagining answers that might be what you want to hear but may not be your angel's answer.


03-08-2014, 12:18 PM
FairyCrystal, I agree with you wholeheartedly... I think your post, contained all the right answers...

We all have special talents (some more than others) although it may take years for an individual to acquire the knowledge of what they or that might be: along with the reason and purpose for such to be the case...

It's taken the best part of a lifetime for me to become aware of that which I am dutifully bound to accomplish each and every day... I do what I can, to the best of my current abilities...

I adopt a simple strategy... The more difficult the challenge: the more pleasurable and rewarding the outcome...


03-08-2014, 12:54 PM
The big problem is the word "Gifts", which is made popular by fantasy or science fiction.
People don't have gifts.
We are simply spiritual beings on different stages on our path of growth where. Some may develop more or easier along certain lines of perception, but that is not a gift. Just like some people have a talent for math, or art...they are not gifts, just skills.
We all have our natural inclinations towards growth...and if you do not feel any special inclination now, just keep studying and practicing whatever you are doing and eventually you will find skills which are suited to you.


03-08-2014, 02:16 PM

We all share I feel in the same makeup that makes us man so in that we all hold the strands of DNA that hold all the gifts and abilities. It is over the many lifetimes that we can have that maybe we get to open those doors to all that there is. It would be a lot to ask for in the one lifetime. It would maybe not be good for us emotionally to have too much.

I came in different and I had to well reverse learn it all to understand what people strive to have that I had naturally. To see that what I can do naturally many seek and study to do. I honestly thought that everyone was as open to it all growing up but it was just one of those "do not talk about it things." like later say as the skeletons in the closet that families have that are well not talked on but very much real and there.

We too have to be ready for doors to open as I have found that once they open they are very hard to get closed again. Many would LOVe to see Spirits but when I talk on how at times they can be seen soon those that so want do not want all the aspects of that gift. We can not I feel choose only the LIGHT I too feel that there has to be that place of balance where we get a bit of it all. Not fun at times.

We can all sense things what blocks that from us at times is that we have such a logical brain and that tries to tell our intuition or 6th sense that its not real and that we are to dismiss it. We are all gifted and we can all give and receive healing, readings ext but maybe that is simply not the path our Soul came in for in this life.

To force things times brings us in what we do not want in a lesson. Its about that place of self acceptance and self LOVe that we need to find. That we are whole as whom we are and that we do not need to compare to others. When we can find that place of self confidence we can take on the world around us and fit in better.

"I see dead people" and for me I can step into that place and say it openly. But too I know well we all can see the same....if we are willing to just let that be with us in acceptance.


03-08-2014, 02:49 PM
The bible states that we all will receive gifts of the spirit. But if you read the whole text you will see that it is much broader than most people believe. The gift of wisdom is also listed as a gift of the spirit. The text actually states that you should hope for the gift of wisdom more than prophecy.

Hoping for gifts that are of the "supernatural" type is not always such a wonderful experience. I'm sure many on this forum that have this type of gift will agree that sometimes it feels like a curse and not a gift. Especially in the world we live in today.

There are many gifts that one can receive. As others have posted in this thread. The gift of teaching, the gift of wisdom, etc. Even the gift of healing does not have to mean the "laying on of hands". Doctors, nurses, counselors, they all have the gift of healing.

In order to find your gifts you must broaden your definition of "gifts". Look within yourself and you will find your gifts. Trust your inner self to recognize them. Above all, trust the divine to reveal them when it is time for you to begin using them.

Forgive me if my post isn't as clear as most. I did not receive the gift of clear communication. :)

Mr Interesting
03-08-2014, 08:01 PM
I've been pondering this myself lately, not so much gifts themselves, as there actual place in our lives, after spending many years kinda using what might be termed a physical gift to realise my spiritual gift and then letting go the physical gift and seeing the consternation this raises in others.

So I suppose gifts themselves are really just natural development given what's natural has the space and the inclination to actually develop.

For me what comes easy, that which almost needs no skill to be a skill, isn't something to fall back on so much as something to get beyond where challenge becomes foremost. That we are always on the edge of what's possible and touching on our own fallibility.

So the real gift, no pun intended, isn't that we have gift's but that we can transform what isn't into one and that doing is always with spirit ahead of us leading us on.

05-08-2014, 12:06 PM
All humans have separate gifts.
Keep looking.
in pure light and truth.

05-08-2014, 01:02 PM
Your gift is who you are. Be yourself.. that it the best gift you can give :)

direct illumination
08-08-2014, 08:21 PM
Hi mon123,

There is a great book that really helped me get to know myself better. It shows your special weaknesess and strong qualities.

It has to do with numerology. I was very sceptical about it at first, but when I read the part where the life path of my number was described I was amazed about how it was right. And none of the other many life paths that are written about in the book looked like my life path. The things that were written where so distinct, so special en explicit that I could not believe I could find something like that in a book. The same was the case when my friends read the pieces that linked to them.

I hope you find your right path. And believe me, if you're on it... you know you're on it :)
The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose by Dan Millman