View Full Version : Newbie in search of help with a tarot spread & clarity =0)

30-07-2014, 06:14 AM
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie here and I am in search of help with my tarot spread. I use a rider waite deck and no card positions in this case.

So I have a cousin who is in a new relationship with this guy she seems to adore. She spends A LOT of time with him, so much so other family and friends don't really get to see her much. That is normal and expected in new relationships for the most part, however she is always hinting about how she wants to go places with me, and I always invite her and sometimes both of them to go, but there is always an excuse as to why she or they can't come. That is even if she gives me a reason at all. Sometimes I'll ask, she will say she will see about it, and then I never hear from her again.So when I do go without here, she almost acts as if I am leaving her behind on purpose. One time her aunt invited her to a banquet. I was going so she wanted to come, but her boyfriend said no and that they could use the money for something else. He has only been in her life about 6 months at this point...

Anyway, we recently went out to celebrate her bday and all was well and fun until the end of the night. She insulted me in a underhanded way out of the clear blue. I'm like geez where did that come from. I asked, where did the insult come from and I got...

Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, Queen of Swords

The two Queens are personality cards that I always get when reading for her and I. She is pents and I am swords. There is a 3 of swords between us representing a hurtful separation. I'm like what separation?! We actually live 2 streets from each other! Then I thought about the 3 swords in the card, one being her, the other being me and the one in the middle splitting the heart into two is her new guy.

She makes it seem as if I am the one who is separating her from my life which is the exact opposite of my actions, but they are indeed his actions. Do you think he is coming between us and she feels it and chose to lash out at me?

Thank you so much in advance =0)

Jenny Crow
01-08-2014, 03:39 AM
Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, Queen of Swords

The two Queens are personality cards that I always get when reading for her and I. She is pents and I am swords. There is a 3 of swords between us representing a hurtful separation. I'm like what separation?! We actually live 2 streets from each other! Then I thought about the 3 swords in the card, one being her, the other being me and the one in the middle splitting the heart into two is her new guy.

She makes it seem as if I am the one who is separating her from my life which is the exact opposite of my actions, but they are indeed his actions. Do you think he is coming between us and she feels it and chose to lash out at me?

Thank you so much in advance =0)

I think your interpretation is pretty accurate. I've found that the 3S doesn't always mean separation but it does indicate some kind of heartache or disappointment in a relationship.

Jenny Crow

01-08-2014, 12:59 PM
Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, Queen of Swords

The two Queens are personality cards that I always get when reading for her and I. She is pents and I am swords. There is a 3 of swords between us representing a hurtful separation. I'm like what separation?! We actually live 2 streets from each other! Then I thought about the 3 swords in the card, one being her, the other being me and the one in the middle splitting the heart into two is her new guy.

She makes it seem as if I am the one who is separating her from my life which is the exact opposite of my actions, but they are indeed his actions. Do you think he is coming between us and she feels it and chose to lash out at me?

As Jenny Crow said, you seem to have the interpretation in hand.

Although I couldn't help thinking, why was the middle card the 3 of Swords and not the 3 of Pentacles. Why was there an imbalance towards the Queen of Swords ?
Maybe I'm being too logical. However, I drew three cards to help me understand.

The Moon * 3 of Swords (reversed) * The Tower

Which hasn't helped any - I now understand less.


03-08-2014, 05:45 AM
Hi! Thank you both so much for responding!

Jenny Crow, she went away for a while and we kept in contact. We always had the understanding that once she got back we were going to go a lot of places together. At that time the guy wasn't in the picture and I wasn't a bio-chem major in college. I am very busy with my studies, but the times I do get to go out I invite her. In fact most of my plans are in advance such as comedy shows and concerts. I let her know and remind her months in advance,but still I get nothing. She does give me the impression that I am the one at fault even though I have made more efforts than she to spend time with her.

That brings me to your question thisle, why is it the 3 of swords and not the 3 of pents. That's an awesome question btw and I wondered the same, and I feel as though it appeared that way because she feels the relationship is suffering because of me. Someone told me maybe she feels I am not putting in enough effort and that is possibly true in the sense that she possibly feels that way. However it makes no logical sense seeing as though I am the one inviting her to places and she is the one making literal excuses. I'm not the only one either hence the thing with her aunts banquet. She has never been good at accepting responsibility for relationship/emotional screw-ups. She always blames someone else. I think she intuitively feels him isolating her, but instead of recognizing it for what it is, she is finding a way to blame me.

Your tarot spread was more dead on than you know! I have gotten the Moon constantly when reading about their relationship. Thank you for reading on this because it confirms what I've been thinking. You see this guy seems very perfect on the outside looking in. He is very business minded and family oriented and protective. He takes care of her and her family very well and she has never experienced that before. I think the Moon is saying that things aren't as they seem. I also know that he can be over protective and very critical. On her bday she mentioned saying to him that he 'takes away her right to choose'. I also think the tower and the reversed 3 of swords says that the things the moon has been hiding are about to come out in a major way.

03-08-2014, 09:32 PM
You should be aware that I too am a newbie with the cards.
I have had a keen interest with Tarot for many years, but only recently did I get a pack of my own cards.
I always begin with what strikes me first. I suppose that's what you would call intuition. Then I'll fall back on the books and a few tarot websites for the traditional meaning of the cards, which of course helps to gain a deeper insight.

Returning to your three cards, the 3 of Swords may mean that all three of you will at varying times share the middle position.

Swords can be reflective.
Their surfaces show us bits and pieces of ourselves, which sometimes can get confusing - almost like being in a room full of mirrors.
Imagine then how complicated the 10 of Swords would be in this respect!

In other words, being able to see things from all three viewpoints will show you how to resolve the situation, intelligently, I'm sure.
