View Full Version : Can spirit send you songs?

27-07-2014, 04:13 AM
I mean I woke up from a very strange dream..and one song came to my mind..

Why is that?

take care my friends
hugs :smile:

Emerald Imber
27-07-2014, 04:28 AM

That is how my spirit guide communicates to me. It took me a while to figure it out but songs would resonate with me on a deep level - the words, the meanings.

That's exactly how he does it too. A song will randomly pop into my head. So, try to think about what the song means or what the words are saying. See if you cant find a message in all of it, yeah? :D

Hope I helped!

27-07-2014, 04:42 AM
Yes it can, I always hear certain songs in my head when messages are trying to reach me. Sometimes it can be annoying though. As they get stuck in my head very easily.

27-07-2014, 04:46 AM
Ok. Thanks. :hug:

I woke up and heard a strange song I havent been listen for a long time. My gut instinct said that maybe it was not be or my subconscious mind, that it was sent to me..and dream what I saw was also strange.

Thunder Bow
11-08-2014, 06:08 PM
Songs are connected to our emotions, thus they are common in dreams. Can tell us what your dream was?

11-08-2014, 08:39 PM

Songs is for me a common form or communications where I will hear it and pass that along to the one getting a reading. It holds a memory or connection that says its me I am OK. Or there at times is a message for us in the lyrics.

There is one song that for my plays when I need to deeper understand something or when I am thinking those negative thoughts that are so counter productive to whom I am. It shakes me out of that state and say OK we are not going there again.....you know better.

It was the song playing when I was 16 and going to take my life, and it still plays quite often on the music TV Channel. When I take note of it sure enough I am not in a place in the mind I should well be in. Wake up call at times.


The Back Seat
14-08-2014, 05:44 PM
I wake up with different songs in my head all the time since my spiritual awakening. They are always songs I have heard before.

Songs are a great way of connecting to your higher self. Sometime when I am listening to a song, I focus 100% on what the artist is saying in the lyrics (this is one of my favorite forms of external meditation). Most of the time a musician is trying to portray some kind of emotion or story in the song. By listening and trying to understand what they are singing about, you can literally become engulfed in story and share the emotions that the artist is trying send you. Sometimes if feels like my soul has left my body and I am somewhere else experiencing the story and all the emotions that come with it. Assuming the story is positive, I always return feeling a new sense of peace

19-08-2014, 03:07 PM
The simplest answer I can give you is yes. They do at times. The lyrics tell you something they want to share with you :)

04-10-2014, 11:32 AM
Yes. That's how they communicate to me. One song just pops in my head out of nowhere.

13-10-2014, 07:52 PM
I remember one time as a young girl, about twelve, literally crying my eyes out. I felt hopeless, lost, alone. I begged god for a sign that everything was going to be ok..I was in a car with the radio running. Not even 15 seconds later the song that goes "cuz every little thing, 'gon be alright". To me, that was a sure sign and completely turned my mood around. I believe they send you the signs you ask for or need :-)